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<br /> ..v:L�Pf'AS. .. . .. . _ ' . . �.�` ..L..:.._�,..�1:��
<br /> 1T. Trans4ar of the Property or a BeneficlAl Interest in Borrowar. i� an or any part o1 the P►operty or % ?��r_r:;�r�'
<br /> any intcrest fn It is sold er trensler►ed (or it n hAneficlal hiterost In Dorrower Is sold or trnnsierred and BoiTOwer is not a naturnl �
<br /> person) wiihout Lender's prar wntten c�nsem. Lende� mny.�d da uNtiui�,r�:{u!r� in�ntadlato paymant In tull ot �II eum� secu«�A 1iy - . �
<br /> � ' lhlc S�cunty Insirumcnl Nowevcr, this opUon shall not bn oxarasr.d t�y Lendc+r tl exorcise is prohlbiiad by Icdurnl h�w ns ul ihn
<br /> dote ol this Seeurity Instrumeni.
<br /> II Lender exerclsas thls opilon. Lender shall gwe Borrower nnllco 01 acceleratlon. The noticu shall piavido c� penotl nl not , _.
<br /> less ►han 30 days (►am tho dalo lho notica Is delivered or mailod wdlun whlch fiorrower must pny all sums socurad hy Ildfl
<br /> ,� Socudry Instrument. II Borrower lulis to pny thoso sums prlor to tho oxplrntian ol lhl& punod. Lender mny �mnka nny romediu��
<br /> permilted by thts Sucurily Instrument without turther notica or dcmand on Borcov�er. �
<br /> 1t3. Borrowor's Rlgflt t0 Relnetate. H Borrower meats ccrtaln conditlons. Borrowcr shall havo tho rigM lo havo � �
<br /> �: • enforcement o1 this Secunry I�slrumenl discontinued nt nny timo prior tc lho earlier ot: (a) 5 duy� (or suCh other penod na ��
<br /> i .
<br /> epplicnbla lew may specfty lor relnstatement) 6efore sale ol tha Proporty pursuAnl to any power ol salo coninlned In this Socurity �
<br /> ,,..:w+� InsVumenh or (b)entry oi e Judgmont enlorclnfl thls Securfty Instrument. 7hosa candillons are thet Bortower: (a) pnys Lend2r ell (�
<br /> ...�.�n+N► 4 sums which then would be due under thls Security Instrument and the Noto as ii no neceleration had occurrnd; (b) cures¢ny � ,'�
<br /> dofeult ot nny other covenent or agreements; (c) pays all oxpensos incurred in ontorcinp thls Security Instniment, including, bul �j,� '
<br /> not Iimlted to, reasonable atto�neys' fees: end (d) takes such ectlon ae Londer mny roasonably royuire to nssure that tho Ilen o1 yn
<br /> . this Security Instrument, lcnder's rights In the Property and Barrower's obiic�etion to pay tho �ums socurod by this Security�a � ' �
<br /> ' insVUment shall continuo unchan ad. U on relnstetement b BoROwer, thls Secud Instrument and tho obii ations securod ' •- ��_�_^_��li,!+,
<br /> , g p Y �Y 4 ;,�.,�ti���•��.� �F}.:
<br /> � hcYeby ahall remain fu0y eflective es if no acceleretton hed occuRed. However,this dght to relnstate shall not npply in the casc� , �„_ . .�'��
<br /> ° 01 ncceleration under pa�agraFsh 17. T+'` "'��
<br /> . ,.-
<br /> ' 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servlcer. The Note or a n partinl Interest In ene Noto (togother with thfs ; ': ,�. '��_-.�_
<br /> � , Ay_�i�?—___�___-.
<br /> �d Se4urity InstrumQnt) may be sold one or more times without prfor notice to Borrower. A sele may result in o changa In thp entily �: . .--_
<br /> w
<br /> (known as the 'Loan Servicer")that collacts monthly payments due under the Note and thls Security Instrument. There elso may ���`='�
<br /> .:��`i.
<br /> ba ono or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale oi the Noto. it there is a change o1 the Losn Servicer. _. �,. __ _____ ___
<br /> � + . ��
<br /> Bortower wtil be given wrilten notice ot the chenge In accordance with pamgreph 14 above and appficuble Iaw. The notica will _
<br /> statv the nama and address of the new Loan Servlcer and the eddress to which payments should be made. The notice will also `'�=-
<br /> ?= conta(n any olher informatbn required by applicabie law. '�''�'�;
<br /> � ,� 20. Hazardaus SubStBnoes. Bonower shall not cxuse or pertnit 4he presence, use, disposel, storage, or release of _?'°'—`-'"=�
<br /> any Hnznrdou5 Substences an or In the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow onyone else to do, anything aftecting the �•�•r,:-.
<br /> ,! x-•--
<br /> �� PropeAy that is in violation e�t nny Environmental Law. The preceding rivo sentences sha!i not eppty to the presence. use, or '�" � '
<br /> ny
<br />_ storago on tho Property ol senell quantitias of Hazardous Substances that are generelly recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> residenUnl uses and to maNtenance ot tho P�roperiy. --__
<br /> 8orcower shAll prompUy give Lender written notice oi any investigation, cta(m, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ; , govammental or regulatory agency or private party Involving tho Property and any Hazardous Substence or Enviranmental Lav� of
<br /> whiCh Bortower has ectual knowledge. If Bortower leams, or la notified by nny govemmental or regulatory authority, that any
<br /> ;:.;r.�:a: a: olh� s°^.^.eL+i�9o!± ef A�y Hr,�nrdous Substance aftectinq Property fs necessary. Borrower shall promptiy take all ___
<br /> � � � " necessary remedlaS acilons In accordanco wiih Environmental Lew.
<br /> ' , As used In this paragraph 20, 'Hazardoua Substances" are those substences defined as toxic or hezardous substances by
<br />- Envlronmentsl tflw end the lollowing substanees: gasollne, kerose�o, o'ther flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> S
<br />-- . , . , posticldos and tierbicidas,roletile solventa, materfals contalning asbestos or iomialdehyde, end redioactive materiols. As used In
<br /> i paragraph 20, 'Environment�t7 Law" means tederal laws end laws of the jurisdiction wher�the Property Is located thet relate to
<br />=_ , , hoalth, sefety or environmentrtl protection. •
<br /> `' `' �" 's• NON�IINIFOAM COVENANTS. Borrower AmsE Lender turther covenant and agree as follows:
<br />- ' ''�` 21. Aaceleration; Remedlas. Lender shall c�ive �o3u�e to Borrower prlor to acceleration
<br /> �- ... } folluwing Borrowe�'s breach of any covenant or agraement tn this Security Inst�ument (but not
<br /> �� • '� prlor to accelorat➢on under �are�rnph 17 unless appttcable law provides otherwise). The notice �
<br /> �-*.,;.,. -
<br />�_. ,��,.�.. shall specHy: (a) ths default; (b) the actlon �equired to cure the default; (c) a date, not less than .�
<br />=,;,:"-'�^�, 30 dr�ys fro� tne date the notiae Is giv9n to Borrower. by whtch the defautt must be cured; end
<br />_�:�;�;^',;►A- � (d) that fatlwre to cure the dafault on or before the �aY�B specified in 4ho notice msy result In
<br />,�=r��o?w+ ar.c�loratlon o! tha sums seou�od by thts Ser,urlty Instrumant and sale of the Property. Ths notiae
<br />-�' �`�'- shnll turther IMorrn B�trower of the right to retnstate after acceleration and the rlght so bring a —=-
<br /> :��,:;Y;:,, .
<br />�:�f�;.+�;� court actlon to asso�rt the non-existance of a default or any p4hDr defense of Borrower to _
<br /> - =-<<; aaceleratior� and saie_ If tho dofuult ie not cured on or taefore the dete speeif�ed in the natice, �
<br /> `'�'�'��=;.y. Londer at its option rnay requlro irnmediate payment i�o fiull of all sums secuao�l by this 3ecurity
<br />_,-.�=-�:�
<br /> „�,,,;� Instrumon4 wlthout fu�ther domand and may tnvoke the power of sale and any other remedies
<br /> � permltted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to collect ail expenses incurr�d in pureuing ___
<br />�*""' •'"'� the remedles provided In thla paragraph 29� Including, but not Ilm(ted to� reasonable att�rneys' - -
<br /> r�`�''�t� fees and costs of tltla evidonce.
<br /> .,- .:��.d•r.
<br /> - - ��. t�=_ . If the power of sale Is invoked. Trustee shall recmrd a notice of default In each caunty in --- —
<br /> =� ,�� . whlah any part of the Proporty Is located and sha�ll mai! copies of such notico in the manner �-�-
<br /> � � �' prescribed by applics�ble law to Borrower and to the olhor persons prescribed by applicable law. �--���;::
<br /> - Aiter the time re utrmx� b a Ilcable law, Yn,ustee shall we ublic notice of sele to the ersons —''��"
<br /> �I 9 PP 9� P p !``���.
<br /> and In the manner prescribod [�� applicat►le law. Trustee, w(thout demand on Borrower, shall sell '�,
<br /> � the Prapea�t�t at public auction 4� ��e highesY bidder at th� ttone and place ar�al under the terms -
<br /> �� � designateol In tha no2lce of sa3a oa� one or more parcela and !n any order �'va�stee dstermMes. „_��,. . �
<br /> �`
<br /> - ; Trustea may postpone salo of all or a�y �arccel of the Property by public ane�ouncement at the �.,,:�,`�'!� �.
<br />° tirne an� place of any provlously schedulo�l sale. Lende� or its designoe may purata��e the �� •�i;��:.:,�,�,X.ga�:;
<br /> Property as any sale. "}Tk� ^ �Y-
<br /> �,.- i , _:�;�.�„�.,:�,
<br /> ,�%- ` ' Upor� vocetqt ot paymont of the price bid, Trustee shall doliver to the ps�rchaser Trustee s . '�.
<br /> _-_1 doo,i .•nnvcvinn thu Pronorlv_ The recitals (n the T�ustee's deed shall be nritra� facie evlde�ce of -=i'�•=_---�--'��.--"=
<br /> -__ ---.- ---- ------.-- o - . .
<br /> , tho truth of the staR�mento made therein. Trustee shall epply the proceeds of the sale in the � • � �
<br /> � following order: (ay to all costs and expenses of exerCiofng tho power ot sale, and the sale, �
<br /> including the payroent of tho Trustee's fees actunlly incurred. not to exceed three
<br /> 9'0 of tho prin�lpal amount of the � .
<br /> , note at the time of tl�e docl�ration of default, and rdasonable attorney's fees as permitted by law; •
<br /> - (b) to all aums securod by this Security Instrument; and (c{ uny excess to the person or persons �
<br /> - legally entitled to It.
<br /> _ �,nb i n,u�e 3ei o•,m.a �,; -
<br /> �
<br /> ,� y�G�a5
<br />