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<br /> j Borrower mey cure such a detault end relnstete, as provided In paragraph 10, by causing the acfion or proceeding to bo (��-.:�-�.
<br /> - -- ---� �!.missed edlh o ruling Ihnt,in Lender's good iaith determinntion, precludes(or(elWre of the pnrrower's Interest In the PropertV or l__
<br /> i ' oth�r m�torial Impalrmcnl 01 Iha Ilen creatod by thls Securlty Instrument or Lender's security Ir�terast. Borrower shnll also bo In
<br /> 1 dc!aull II Qoirower,durinq tho loun upplicatlon procesa, Uuvo materlally false or Inaccurato Informatlon or st�temonts to LCndor(or
<br /> � Inlled to prorlde I.ender with ony mnterinl Intormetlon) in connectlon with tho loan evldenced by tho Noto, Including, but not
<br /> � Ilmited to, representatbn� ooncernlnfl Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal rosldence. It this Socunty
<br /> Instrumen4 le on a leasehotd, 8onower ehall ct,mpiy with e!I the provistona of iho lease. II Borrower acquires (ee t(tla tu th�
<br /> f'roperry, tho Inasohold end tho foo titlo ohall not morgo unloas Lender agrees to the merger In writing. �
<br /> �"'' 7, PlotiCtlon of LindYr's Rlght6 Itl tho PropY►t;l. If Barrower tnils to pedorm the covenants and ugreements 1
<br /> � contnined In thls Securiry tnsirument, or Ihero Is � lepnl procooding that may sipnificantly aflnct Lendec's rlghts In th� Property u
<br /> (such as a procoeding m tsankruptcy, probato,for condemnation or torteituro or to enforce laws ar rec�ulations), t►�en Lender inay F--�
<br /> � � _�r�� do and pay lor whalover Is neaessary to protoct tha vniuo 01 the Property and Lender's rlghts in iho Property. Lender's actlons Q
<br /> �.' i�={ may include pnying any swms securod by a Ilen wh:ch has prlarity over thls Secudty Instrument, eppearing in court, paylnp �
<br /> ��� reasoneble ettomeys' iees and entering on tho Proporiy to mnko repalrs. Although lender may take actlon under this pnragraph �
<br /> 7,Lender does �ot have iv do so.
<br /> . � My amounts dlsbursed by Lender under paragruph ? shell bocome additional debt ol Bortower secured by this Security � _
<br /> Instrumant.Unless Boaower and Lender agree to othPr terms o} payme.nL these amounts shall bear Interost from the data of •
<br /> dlcbursemenl at the Nole rate end shall be payabfe,with Interest, upon nmice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment. ,; '
<br /> 8. Mortgago Inataranes. (f Lender requlred mortgage insurance as a conditlon o1 making the loan secured by this `==
<br /> ' Secu�iry Inswment,Bertower shall pay tha premlums requlred to malntatn the mortgago insurance in effect. 11,for eny reason,the ,i,?:
<br /> i�, niortgage in�urence covttage requlred by Lender Ispses or ceases to be In eftect. BoRawer shall pay thn premlums requlrod to
<br /> '� obtaln coverage substanUafty equlvelent to ihe mortgage Insurence prevlously in oftect, at a cost substantialty oquhralent to the '�
<br /> �3;�,
<br /> ,. � cost to Bortower ot the mortgage fnsurance prevlously In e(lecl, from en altemate martgage :nsurer approved by Lender. I} o��:-
<br /> � substentially equlvelent mortgage Insurence coverage Is not available, Bortower shall pay to Lender each month e sum equal to �i�';
<br /> ono-twelfth ol the yenrly morlgage Insurenca premium being paid by Borrower when the tnsurance coverege lapsad or ceased to ,,;:
<br /> bo In eflect. Lender w�accept, use and retain these payments es e loss reservo In lieu of mortgage Insurance. Loss roserve �.�°
<br /> ,. � payments may no longer be requlred, at the option of Lender, if mortgage Insurance coverege (in the amount and lor the pedod �_
<br /> �' th¢t Lender requlres) pra�ided my an insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes eveilable and Is obtalned. Bortower shall pay _
<br />- ",�, � the premlums required to maintain mortgage Insurenca in eNect, or ro provlde a loss reserve, until the requlrement for mortgage —
<br /> ` ' Insurance ends �n accordance with any wdtten agreement between Bortawer end Lender or applicable law. _.
<br /> 9. Inspectlon. lender ar its egent may make reasonable entdes upon end Inspections of the Property. Lender shall give ---
<br /> ' ' r .� BOROWEY noUce et tha Ume ol or pdor to an Inspection spealtying reasonable cause for the Inspectlon. �
<br /> , 10. CondemnatlOtl.The procesds ot uny award or cisim tor damages, direct or consequentlal, In connoctlon with eny �'�-
<br /> candemnaUon or otlier tek[ng of eny part af the Property, or for convPyance in Ileu of condomnation, are hereby asslgned end
<br /> =, ,;• shali be p�ld to Lender.
<br /> ' �,i In the event of e toial taking of the Property, the proceeds shali be epplled to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> __ .�tr�� �, ,� Instrument,whether or not then due. with eny excess pald to Bonower. in the eveni of a partfal taking ot the Property In which _
<br /> �. � �-����.° i ' -` b�or�iha ia� i�a u�2a r r.:..^t:s !l:er. !h��ma::n: �!!hs ssms s�ssed
<br /> ,; �;' ir�ia�� st.a K �alu6.. tap�siy rrtradai��� 3 � � S .
<br /> ;�,,";,'4y.: ,y�r by thfs Security Inatrumenl Immedlatety before the taking, unless BoROwer and Lender otherwise agree In writing, the aums
<br /> _i�*,'`' ..� , seoured by Ihis Seturiry Inswment shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds rc�ultip�ed by the tollowing hactlon: (e)the
<br /> �`��� ' totel emount of ihe sums secured immacliately before the taking, dfvided by (b) the talr mnrket value of the Property immedlatoty
<br />-,::.::�,•,. .:�^,•;.' ;
<br /> ---= '��;� be}ore the taking. My Dalarce shall be pald to Bortawer.In the event of a partlal tak(ng of the Property In whlch tho (alr market -
<br />�'�r,i�`;,;:.'�,' value of the Property imn��liately betore the teking is less than tho emount of ihe sums secured Immediateiy betoro tho taking,
<br /> � ' ��3�%,;,a:�' unle3s Bortower and lenc3er olhenvise agree In writing or unless epplicable law oth-erwlse provldes, the procee�s shall bo
<br /> "°"':'`::�w�=im. appiled to No sums secured oy this Secudty InsWment whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> -;_�:,��� If the Roper.y Is ebandoned by Dortower, or H, after noticn by Lender to 8orrower that the condemnor ofters to make an
<br /> -_ ,_-„� :y�; ewr.rd or settia a daim fo�damages, Borrower falls to respond to Lender wifhin 30 days after the date the notico Is gNen,
<br /> .,nr,��r�i�� lender Is euthorized ta collect and apply thv proceeds, at (ts option, either to resturatlon or �epnir ot the Propeity or to the
<br /> =::��;�it���e.�:��hai�y sums secured by thls Secu�Iy Instrument,whether or not then due. .
<br /> �«;.±� Unless Lender and 8orrawer othenvlse agree in writing, any applicatlon of proceeds to pdncipat shafl not extond or
<br /> -- - postpone the due data of the manthly payments referred to fn paragrephs 1 end 2 or change the emount of such pnyments.
<br /> ---=�--��*��1�� 11. Borrower Not Released; �orbearance By Lender Not a Wafver.Extenslon oi the time tar puyment or
<br /> �--"-"!�°"°�'�; modiflcatlon of amoiUz�lbn of the sums secured by this Securily InsUument granted by Lender to any succesoor in interest of
<br /> --:______ Borcower shail �ot operate to release the Ilability ot the originel Borrower cr Borrower's successors in Interest. Lender ahall not
<br />_;�;� be requ(red to commence proceedings agalnst any �uecessor In Interest or retuse to extend timo for payment or otherwise �
<br /> modiiy emoAizatlon of the sums secured by this Securily lnstrument by reason o}eny dPmand made by the origfnai Dortower or
<br /> Borrower's suocessors e� 3nte*est. Any }orbearanca by Lender In exerclsing eny right or remody shail not bo e wa(ver ot or
<br /> ---- prectude the F+xerclse ai any dght or remedy.
<br /> -=- 12. Successora and Assigns Bound; Jolnt and Sov�ral Llabllity; Co-slgners. The covenanta and
<br /> - �yreements o1 thls Securmj Instrument shell bind and baneflt the successor�and nsslgns ot Lender and Borrower, subject ta tho —
<br /> .�,�,,,.,.�,-�� provislons of paregre{sh 17_ BoROwer's covenants anca ac�raements ahall be Jolnt and s�veral. Any Bortower who co-signs this
<br /> ----- Security InsWment but does nnt execute iho Note: (n) is�o•slpning this Security Ins9n+me,it only to mortgaga, grent and convey
<br /> �" that Borrower's interest In the Property under?he tertns oi this Secudty Instrument; @) Is not personaily obligated to pny the
<br /> -"-:____LL�� c�- sums aeeured by ihis 9ecudty Instrument; and (c) agrees that Lender and eny other Bonower may agree to exlend, modily,
<br /> �-:+i:�si� forbear or make any accoramodatlons riilh regard to the terms oi thls Securiry Instrument or the Note�vithout thet BorrowePs
<br /> :.;�t.�a���� " consent.
<br /> ;'=',:�;1,���� 13. LOan Chatgo�. If the loan secured by this Secudty Instrument ts subJect to a law which sets maximum loan =
<br /> °;,",��r;4:'�`�: charges, c�nd that law Is finaly Interprated so that the interest or other lonn churges Collected or to bo colloc4ed In connoction =-
<br /> " with the loan exceed the permitted Ilmits, then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the emount necessnry to reduco �
<br /> - ;_.d��'` tho charge to the pemtitted limit; and (b) eny sums elready collected from Borrower whlch exceeded perenitted Ihnits wilt be �
<br /> � " � retunded lo Dorcower. lender may choose to make this retund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a �
<br /> direct payment to BosrowQr. If a refund reduces principal, the reductlon will be trEai�d as a partlal prepayment without any ��
<br /> , � prepayment charge undu tDie Note. IBII'+�
<br /> YS'i::-•.
<br /> 14. 2dOt'C@9.Any nmUce to Bortower prov(ded for in this Secudty Instrument shaU be given by delhredng ft ar by mailing(t ��_�'
<br /> by first ck7as rna11 unless epplicable ttiw requires use of enoth�r method. The notice shall be dlrected to the Property Address �'
<br /> �;,y�Y�i or any otPer address Borrower designates by �otice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by (irst class mail ta
<br /> _--- •---'-'- -��--- -•-•-��---'- -- --�-- _�
<br /> �.
<br /> -.-. - _— �a�ve�a aw�a�a oia�ov��e,�u a� BTi� v„m� dv'did5b �ei�urr ursiynaic-s oy nuiicn io ovtrower. i�ny noiico prorioed ior in mis -t;,=-
<br /> , • Y �' Secudry Inswment ah:a0 be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given es provided In 4h(s paregraph. •',�f``
<br /> 1b. Doverning Law; Svve�abUity. This Secudry Instrument shall be govemed by tederel law and tho Inw of the !�,::`
<br /> Jurisdictlon b� which the Property is located. In the event that any provlslon or clause of this Security Instrument or th� Note
<br /> • conflicte wilh epplicable law,such conflict shsll not aNect other provisions of this Security Inshvment or tho Note which can be
<br /> given eH¢ct without the conlGcting provision. To this end tho provfslons of this Security instrument end the Note nre declered to
<br /> bo severable.
<br /> 16. 80��OWet's CApy. Bortower shall be given one contormed copy ot the Note and of Ihls Security Ins[rument.
<br /> ' F131G.LMG {3/9G) uay. ,i�t 5
<br /> 96 l48
<br />