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20ii�222� <br />Loan Numbsr: 1114b <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVELQPMENT RIDER <br />THIS PLANNED IJNIT DEVELOPMENT RIDER is made this 1$th day of March, 2011, and is <br />incorporat�d intQ and shall be de�med to amend and supplemer�t th� Mort��.ge, I?ead of Trust, ar Security <br />Desd �tt�e "Security Instrutnent") of th� saa�ne date, giv�r► by the undersi�ned (the "Borr�wer") to secure <br />BorrQwer's Note tn Nebrask� N�tional �ank (the °Lend�r°) e►f the same date and �ov�ring the Property <br />described in the Security Instrument and located at: <br />301 E Plum S�' <br />Doniphan, N�BRASKA 68832 <br />(Property Address) <br />The Property i�ncludes, but is not limited to, a Aarcel of land improved with a dwelling, together with other <br />such parcels and c�rtain eomrnon ar�as and facilities, �s d�scribed in <br />Covenants, Canditions and Restrictxona of Record <br />(the "Declaration"). Th� Property is a part af � planned unit developrnent known �s <br />HofPman Subdivision Home Ownsrs Asaociation, Inc. <br />(Nam� of Planned Unit Development) <br />(the "PUD"). The Property also includes Borrower's interest in the homeawners association or equivalent <br />et�tity owning or mana�ing� the c�mmor� ar�as and fa�ciliti�� of th� RUD (th� "Owners Asso�i�tion") �nd th� <br />uses, benefits and proceeds of Borrower's interest. <br />PUD GOVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in th� Security Instrument, <br />Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follaws: <br />A. �UD Obligations. Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations under the PUD's <br />Constitu�nt Documents. Th� "Co�stituent Documents" are the (i) Declaratian; {ii) articles of incorporation, <br />trust instrutn�nt or any squ�valent document whieh creates tl�e Qwnera Association; artd (iii) any by-laws or <br />other rules or re�ulations of the Owners Association, Bo�r�w�r sha11 promptly pay, wh�n due, all dues and <br />assessments imposed pursuant to the �onstituent Docurn�nts. <br />MULTISTATE PUD RID�R - Singie Family — <br />Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 31501/01 <br />Page 1 of 3 ���, � <br />Initials i.JDO <br />