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2011�22� <br />B. Property Insurance. So long as the Owners Association maintains, with a generally accepted <br />insurance carrier, a"master" or "blanket" policy insurin� the Property which is satisfactQry to Lender and <br />which pr�vides insura�ce coverage in the amounts (including deduetible Ievels), for th� periods, and against <br />loss by fire, hazards included within ths term "�xt�nded covera�ge," and any other h��rds, includang, but not <br />lirnited to, earthquakes �nd floods, for which L�nder ret�uir�s insuranae, then: (i� Lender waiv�s the provision <br />in Section 3 f4r the Periodlc Payment to Lender of the yearly premium irastallrn�nts Pnr property insurance on <br />tJlE YYO]�Cl'� and (ii) Borraw�r's obli�atian und�r ��etion 5 to maintain property insurance coverage on the <br />Property i� dEemed satis�ied to the extent that th� r�quired eoverag� is pravided by the C?wncrs Association <br />policy. <br />What Lender requir�s as a candition of this waiver can chan�e during the terrn of the loan, <br />Borrower shall give Lender prompt notice of any lapse in required property in�urance coverag� <br />provided by the rnaster e�r blanket poli�y, <br />In the event of a distributiQn of property insurance proceeds in lieu of restaration or repair following a <br />loss to the Property, ar to aomme�n �reas and facilitios vf the PUD, any prc�eeeds payabie to Bo�rower are <br />hereby assigned and shall be paid ta I,ender. Lend�r shall apply the proceeds to the suins secured by th� <br />Security Instrurnent, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. <br />C. Public Liability Insurance. Borrower shall take such actions as may be reasonable to insure that <br />the Own�rs Association maintains a public li�bility insuranee policy acceptable in form, amount, and �xtent <br />of coverage to I,ender. <br />D. Condemnation. Tl�e proceeds of any award ar clairn far damages, dircct ar consequential, payable <br />t� B�rrower in connection with any condemnatio�n ar othcr t�lcing of all or any p�rt of th� Property or the <br />common areas and facilities of the PUI), or far any conveyance in lieu o�condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to L�nder. Such proceeds shall be applied by Lender to the sums secured by the Security <br />Tnstrurnent as provided in Section 11. <br />E. Lender's Prior Cotasent. BorrQwer shall not, except �fter noticE to I.ender and with Lender's <br />priar written cnns�nt, �lthc� p�rt�#ic�r� or subdivid� th� Property car eonsent tca: �i) th� ab�ndonment e�r <br />termination of the PUD, except for �bandonm�nt or tenminatian requirad by law in th� ease Qf' substantial <br />destruction by fire or other casu�lty or in the case of a takin$ bx cQndsm»�tior� or eminent dom�in; (ii) any <br />amendment to any prcavision of ths "CQnstituent [�ocut�ents" if th� provision is fgr th� express ben�fit of <br />Lender; (iii) termination of prafessional managerr►ent and assumption of self-management of ths Owners <br />Assaciation; or (iv) any action which wou�d have the effect of rendering the publie liability insurance <br />cov�rage maintain�d by the Owners Assaciatron unaeceptable to Lender. <br />MUL.TISTATE PUD RIDER - Single Family — <br />Fannfe Mae/Freddie Mac UNI�OFtM INSTRUM�NT For�n 3180 1/01 <br />P�ge 2 of 3 (� "� � <br />Initials i�� � <br />