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<br /> L. Notwttheutnding eny aF the lqtaguage contained in thia Dee�1 of'�ruet to qi�contrsry,tlie terms of thie sectiun s1ta11 ���
<br /> survlve any farxlosure or �oi�.�f•tbix 1�ecd o€Trust regazdlese of eny paseage oY Htle to Lender or any —
<br /> dicpo�ition by L.ender of an or�oP the Propeny.�Any claln�s and defenses to th�cantrary a►�hereby welved.
<br /> �fi:`.orfr�l,.'�:,....:,, ^u�ygi
<br /> Z0.COPiDEMNATION. Greu�tor w111 gNVe'L.ender prompt•n9tioe of�ny �ctlon, real or thre�eenai, by private or public
<br /> oneltles to purch�se or take any or al!of the Property, including any e�t�cnta� thmugh con�m�nation, �nlnrnt dom�ia,
<br /> or w�y o�iee i;�;w. G,�ucu►fu��e►•pgc�a W iiatify I.c�►d.r of a�►y pmee�Alu�s inst3tute� fnr thr, estPbfiehm'nt of any ,_
<br /> eewor,water, r.�nservatlon. dItch, d»inage, or other disuict rel�ti�g to or binding upon the Property or any p�rt of it.
<br /> Grant�r authorizea Leader to intervene in Cirantor'e nune In any of the above desGrlbed ections o-r claima and to coUoct
<br /> attd reoeive al1:Rutna reaulting fmm th��ction or cl�im. Granwr r�seigns to l,ender the procceda of Any award or cleim for
<br /> danuges wa�ctcd with � condemnstlan or other t�ciag of all or anK part of the Pcoperty. Such Qrocoods sLall bc
<br /> consldored paymente sad will be.apglial Aa pm_vldod_in_ �Deed of Trust. Thls assigament of procade ie eubject to the
<br /> tera�a of any prlor securl M'.'-°.,�' °•.
<br /> � K�:st�:�:::�d --
<br /> �1.INSURANCE.Gr�ntor tc��+�i�i�tl� ows:
<br /> A. Qra�atar��ahhall keep e mvements now exTe�Tug or hereaRer built on the Property insured agaiiut loss by fire,
<br /> hazenie,ixkludal withln the term "cxtendal covenge" and any other hazarde, includi�g floede or Aooding. for
<br /> whic�h l.�uder rcquires insurancc.'Tbia insurancc shall be maintained ia the amounts aad for thc perlode that I.ender
<br /> requit+es. The ins►uance carrler praviding the insurance shall be chosen by Grantor subjoct to Lender's approval.
<br /> • which shaU aot be unreasonably withheld. If Granto�fails to u�aiutain the coverage descrlbed above, Lender miy.
<br /> at i.�ir•r's option,obsain coverage to protect Lender's rlghts in tho Prop�xty accordlnB to the tema.a of this Dad of
<br /> Tiust.
<br /> ' All intsurnnce policies and reaewals shall be acceptable to Lecder amd ehall include a st�wdutd "mortgage clacuae"
<br /> � and, where applical�le. "lendar loss payeo clause." Grantor ahall imepediately aotify Leader of cancellation or
<br /> ternttnation of tt,e �nsurance. I.ender ah�U havc the dght to hold the policiea and renewais• Jf I.ayder roa�ir��
<br /> Greutni shall promptly give to Lcnder all�ecei�ta of paid pnmiumv und ren�wal nad�:es•vPon losa,Grantor ehall
<br /> �ivq�soitq�t notice to thc insurusce carticr and l.ender. L,eadcr may maice proof of losa if not made promptly by
<br /> QI�D'r.
<br /> Uniti=s Lauler xnd Grantor othcrwise a$�e in writing�insurance Pmcaxls shnll be applied w restoration or repair
<br /> of tho Propeity d�maged if ths restoratlon or repair Is econatnically feanib9e anc�I.e�ufer's securlty is not leaecaed.
<br /> If thb nstoration or repair ie not ecouomlcaUy fe�sible or Lender's ea:urlty would be le�taed, the inturance.
<br /> . prirvi�.c�is sui�uc ui,�,tiai��u,e�.r��ct;�,..::��sar ar�:ih�slus.;,e t�,.l1 aQv rt�xn nti9t1 tn GrenWf.!f Cir�ot�a.
<br /> , abanuo.ne.the Pcoperty. ar does nbt�nawcr within 30 daye a notia from I.euder that`the insuraxe curier har'
<br /> ,� offi�:raQ 14 aettle a cl�im�thm l.aixler nu►y collect the insuznnu°pmcoedi.Laxler may use the prnceala to rtpair or
<br /> t; '. , reswre�the Fropecty o�to pay tha Secored Uebt whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begta whea the
<br /> � . notiae i�givea.
<br /> :�� .
<br /> . Unl�ss I.ender�nd Grantor otherwtsc agree in wrlting,anY+�pPlicatloa of ptv�coocie W princip�l slWl'nat extad or .
<br /> f i • . � paatpono th�d�e date of sc]x�ulai pa,yments or c.tuage t1�e�nt of the paymeata.If tht is��bY
<br /> �, , Lcndcr, Grauwr's right to any 9nsur�nce poitciFs and proceed�nsulting fl�nmd�n�ge to����ro�pertY befon the
<br /> a�qu[sidon shall p�ss to Lender to the extmt of tre Secucrd Aebt im�d i a t c ly b e fore t�e acquiaition.
<br /> - B. Gxantor agrees to mafuain wmpreheasive gep�islliabUity lnsuraace nyning I�d�r a�mm sdditionai inau��d ia m
<br /> � � anwunt acceptaUle to Ixnder,inauring ega3�ut�laims aris�ng from aay accident or oa;unoence in or oa the Propaty
<br /> �' C. Grantor egceea w mainta(n renW loss or Misin�ae intesuption�urAnce.oa required by Leadcr,in aa amount a�-u�l
<br /> •�.��' to at kAat oovaage of ox yenr's debt�ervir,e. aad ralu�red escmw�ccount depcsita(if agceed to ee.psnddy ia
<br />- � writiiig?,oader A furm of�wlicy accep�table to I.tader.
<br /> �* 2Z.1�1�FSCRC�V l�'OR TAXES AND INSUIGNCE. Unl�as otherwise providod in a sepu�ate agrama►t. Grantor will not
<br /> •be cequlra!tm��y to I.eackr funds for n�es and insurance in e�cmv�. .
<br /> �3.FlNANCYAI. REPOA'TS AND ADDl'[Y�ONAL D6�UIVIENTS.•��raator will provide to L�odcr upon ra�uest. �qy
<br /> ffn�ncial suuanent or infarmation I.ender may dam naxseary. Gnontor warranta ttu�t all Sn�ncid atat�r�ts md
<br /> ixafom�tion Gru►wr pmvide�W I.endrr ue or wUl be accurau,comect,uxl c.orop�ete.(3isntor agrees to aign,dd►var�imd
<br /> . fele as I.axfer may r�onabiy req�est any additional documarta or ardficationa th�t Y,euder may consider neoaa�rY W
<br /> perFect.continue,and preaervc Grxntor's obligallons u6der this Dced of Tivst and Leader's lien statw on the Property. 1f
<br /> �� Gr�mWr faalt;to do so. Lender may aign,deliver. and ffie�uch documents or certific�te�ia Gru�tor's nam�aad GraaWr
<br /> ,�� here�y irmvcx�biy ap�ointe I.ender or�.ea8er's agetit as ittotney in f�ct to do the shinge noctssazy to oomply with thia
<br /> � �uctton.
<br /> :; �t�i�Dced of�'Y"[ust are joint and indivWual. If GrurWr signs this Dad of Trust but doea unt s� tbe�ividcsnce o�Debt,
<br /> �,r�.. Grentor.ddi�so only to mortgage Gr�ntor's intereat in the Property to secure p�ymeat of the� D�ebt�nd Gr�ntor
<br /> 7`•� das not agrce to 8e personalty li�ie dm�he Sa:ura!Lkbt.Grwtor agccrs that Lender and my party to d�ia Dad ai'!'su�t
<br />,�,.
<br />- na�y extcmd, modify or ma]ce any c�a in the terms of this Deod of'IYust or the Evtdeace of I3ebt witbout Grantor's
<br /> smnuat.S�uh a chenge will aot release Gr�ator fro�!tht tecros of thie Dced of Trcust.Tfle datiea and beaefits o�shie Doed
<br /> of 7Yust eh�lt bind und lx�efit thc successors and assig�s of Grantor and Lender.
<br /> If this IIrxd of Trust sec�;.�s a guaraat�tbeiween Lender an�d Grau3or and doa not directly aecure the obligation which is
<br /> guuantlr.�d,Grantox agnxs to waive any�ights th�t may prcvent Londcr from bringing any action ar claim againat Gru�tor
<br /> or any�puty indebted undor the nbligation including,but not limited to,anti-deficiency or ane-action laws.
<br /> 25.APl'I.LCABLE LAW; SEYERABId.ITY; riVTERP'A,�TATiON. T63e Ueed of Trust ie governcd by thc lnws of the
<br /> jurisdictiott in which Lendec is loc�ted,except to the e�tent otherwise ra�uind by the laws of the juristliction where the
<br /> Propqty is locatal. 71iie Deal of Trnet is complet� md tully integratal. 'Ihie Deed of'1`rust raay not 6�e �mended or
<br /> modifiod by onl agrsement. My cuctioa ar claux!n tLi� Deod of 7Yust. attachmrau, or any agreewent relual to the
<br /> Sccura! Debt th�t conflicte with applicable lxw wUl not be effective,uWess that law �xprasly or impliaily pecmite thc
<br /> v�riationa by written agrament. If any aection or clause of this Dad of Tivst ca�moi be enforcad according to ita t�ems�,
<br /> thu aection or rlause will be severed and wlll not effect the rnforaabUiry of the rom�inder ►�f thie Dood of 1'mst.
<br /> Wherxver usod,the eingulu shall includc the plural aad the plurat the singular.'I'he captions and I�cadinge of the sections
<br /> of Wis Dc�d af Trust ar�for convenicnce only ond are not to be used to intetpret or dcflne the termy of this Deed of'I�ust.
<br /> Time is af the essence in thls Dad of Tmst.
<br /> � • psp.aofe
<br /> ti�� o ,
<br /> O�19J�mkr�6yn«n�.lna.,C�.CIaM,MN(1�EOO�J91d��11 Fam AafCO•DTa1E 4/OfD3
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