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<br /> < < lis�si�iNl s��wt d�4t MM�sl:I�e tt�e�[dk.�d�rM1o�at refarit,s�i e+ea�o■�iie st�ocve7a'hes at pi�r� �
<br /> - M�;l�}i��w�s s�14�eei h tlis 5�arit!L�Ori�e�aM tc�,�y e:ans la t�e perso�.or persNr tt�Ng eMlllei <
<br /> � �!� UP�P�Y��ot all su�sCcu�ed by this Secu�ity Iesa�trient.Lendtr shail�eques['�it�siee to` '.
<br /> iecaavey the i'tapaty�od`sbal!s+unndet tdi,s Sbcurity I�atntroatit and alTnotes evidenciag debt secwed�by,tlus Securny.
<br /> . Ins�-to'IIms6ee. 'Itustee shall ieconvey the Ptvperty wit6wt wacr�nty aad witbout chargt to tt�e pets4e or persons
<br /> kgally eotitkd to it Sucb person ar petsons st�all pay any tecarduim costs :. :
<br /> _ . __2�S�MIi1�te.7irrfeG. i�der.s�t.itsuptiar,may:f�m time m timc rema�re 7ivst�e agd_appdipt a s��cr.�trustx t�
<br /> , arry'fiu�x#I�pointed betieunder by an instr�aneac mcorded in thG counry°ui wl�ich this Set,�uriry Instrument is�. .
<br /> Wi�tcanvey�oe of the P�operty,tbe saccesso�i�trustee shaU suaeed to all the titk:power an�!duties confemed upon
<br /> ` T�useee La�ein aad by applicable Iaw.
<br /> ZI. lttq�t for Nati�es Bamwer raquests thu copies of ttie notices of default and salc 6e sent to Borrower's ad��ess
<br /> � wLich is the Ptopaty Add�es.�. = � �
<br /> ' ZS. Riiees t�tl�s Sec�k�La� If un�a mone riders are execuud hy Boaower��od recordod togetitec with
<br /> tbis SectcritY Instrument;the coven�nts'.and agreema�ts of each such rider sda116e incwpontea iAto and shall amead and
<br /> ' suppiem�+lE tl�e rnven�Ns and ag�cema�ts of this Se�riry lamumept as�(tM r+der(s)wepe a put of this Securiry Insmanrn� ` ,
<br /> [Check applic�bk uox(es)I , .
<br /> �Adjustable Race Riaer �c.oixiaminium:tt�du , �1-4 r�mity tuder
<br /> --_ ,�CiiadustedAtymeatBid�r,..:.� �Plaiu�od�Jnit:Il�velopmeqtRider �BiwceYlyAaymentRider
<br /> — �Bailoon Rider _' �'Rate Improvement Riaet . _ �Secand Home Rider _
<br /> � Q.O�het(s)[��] 'c _ � • _ _ .. :
<br /> .. BY SI(iNING BELQW,Butzos+�r�a,ceepts aa�agcees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrume�c..
<br /> aad la.any rid�(s)executed by Ba�ru.�aad s�aat�d with i�- . .
<br />,�' �t�s,�: � � • ' . .
<br /> . !-, •
<br />,-�z �f . 9TSt 8T -g���
<br /> soc3al xum - -
<br /> . (Seal)
<br /> K en S Berstler -�r
<br /> T=: , Saciat Secwity Number 508-68-1368
<br /> r '-
<br /> � STA1'�OF NEBRASKA, H111 County ss: -
<br />._ � On this 5th day o� June, 1992 .before me,tl�e undersigned,a Notar�c PubGc `
<br /> -` daty rommissioned and qualified for said councy.personally came larry a. Brestler and Karen S. Brestler -
<br /> t:�:: eaeh irt his and her aw� right end es spouse of eaeh other .co me known co be the =
<br />� �•� identical persons(s)whose narn�s)aze subscn'bed to the Toregoing insaram�i artd acknowfe�ged the execution thereof to � =
<br />,;y• •7 =
<br /> be their coluntary act and deed. ' � . -
<br />. '_ � , �tncss my hand a ' nd, Nebrs�.-� in said caunty,thc -
<br /> , , ' date aforesaid. �f�EANI 10TA�Y•SI�tf N�s �- ���
<br /> My Commission eapires � ��f.00NMEN =
<br /> My L��.FJfD�YL 4. Ndary Public -
<br /> TO?RE.tSTP.B:
<br /> The undetsigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of 7�ust. SaiA nose ar notes,together with all -
<br /> other indebtedness seCUred by thls Deed of'Ihis�have been paid in fuN. You arc hereby d'uected to cancei said note or notes
<br /> • � and Ihis Doed oP 7ltusb which arc delivered hereby.and to reconvcy.withaut wammty,atl�he estate now hetd by you undcr =
<br /> this Deed of 7iust to the petsan or persons tegally entitled thereto. ;
<br /> i
<br /> --.. _--- _ - - - �8t0: _. - - - - . _.
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