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<br /> ' :�'..t ' , = - ,� r_- - - , . - _
<br /> :�. - ;t; _ : ° _
<br /> '` � .� - - — . _ . .. _ - ,. �,_--°._._.,.__�..�___-__— - - - -
<br /> ��, . _ . . . , ,.
<br /> �- �` si , i •. , s.� _ ; c , .. . � . � , . . a.� ` <<` .
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<br /> � - . {� , j�!(�`lik'Q�$iE�OQCISY pY(SIWIR t0 iDy pqMtl�O�S�!CC�IA 1� � '
<br /> �pplica�le law aMY spec�y � 11wsc coeditiata trQ tMt Bamw+tr: t+� '
<br /> ,Sa.�ity[�or-(b)a�aY��l�P���"i dw Sec�ritY In�meer-
<br /> � `� . phrs La�dte ait swes tirYicb tben woWd bF due u�rder�5� Insttumefu�nd tde tVote as if eo�ccek�iat'h�d
<br /> i ' �oa�:(b)c�a ioy default of any a�hes coren�Ms or�peeasents:(c)p�Ys ali eapemes e�rurrcd in eefarcin6 this Sectui�y
<br /> ' � In�+�t.inct�.bw not i�i�ed to.nea�on�bie abcrney��(ots;ind dd)t�kes such�ction a9 l.er�der msy reasoo�big
<br /> � �tquiie to aiwre tmt�he lien ot thts Securicy MsM�aeot�i�es3si�ts ia thc Ri�pnty�nd BaROwetb abligation to pag the
<br /> aam saaued dq Nds Soeurity Insaument siWl ca�inue udclunged. Upon rciaauemeat by Borrower. ttis Security
<br /> j11fQYmlM��.UIC ObIl��Oiis SECY!!d IICiCDy S�IiII i�Cl�itft fYlljt l�QChYC iS IS 11O i1�Ct�1j011 II�OCC!lflL�. NOWCYtf�this
<br /> ti�ht m�o�{afe�fll eot�pply in the case of�coekration tuWec pnEraph i'7. .
<br /> � 1! Sde�f 1W�e:�h�M�`ot LoYt Sertioe' The Nate ar a pattiat ietemst in the Note(tog+et6er widi t�i�Sec�ritq
<br /> ` � tru�,m�t)�aay ee sota aee ar more ttrt�es�iuwuc prior t�x ro Barower. a s�le may ress,te in a cNu,ge ia t�,e entit�►
<br /> linnwa as t6e"Eran Smices")shat cdkcts�aontWy payrnrnts du�under dre Nae and Uiis Secncity laswrtreN. '1l�c�tso '
<br /> : a�y 6e one or mae ch�n8es of ine Lo+o Set�icer�mrel�ted to a sak of the Note. If tirere is�ch�nge af the Loan Servicer.
<br /> � Bormwer wilt 6e alveo writieA natice d ti�t clw�e in ac�o�d�oe wi�h p�ragr�ph 14�bove and applieaMe law: Ii�e�iatice
<br /> ; wIU state tbe rwne�nd addcess of t6c ne�r Lwn Seivica aM the�ess to wAich p�yments s1auW be maie. Tde notice wiit
<br /> f �tso oarain�ny odKr iwforn�rian raquirod byr aPWiabie Iaw. � .
<br /> �. Hts��ws S�oes�. Han�ver slall ao1 cause or pemiit th�pesence.use.disposal.ston�gc.or telezse of aay
<br /> � Ha�andaus Sub�aoes ue ac in thc Prape�ty. Bamwer sball not do nor aitaw anyone else to do.5nydting affxting tLe
<br /> � Propecty dut is ia violstiai of a►sy Baviroamental I.aw. '[be proceding two senteisces sIr�IB nnt appty to the prtsence,use a
<br /> � storase oa the Ptopectp'af sn�ll quaiti6es uf f�dous Sabsaaces tl�at are generalty tecognized to 6e apptopriate ta norm�t
<br /> cesidtnual t�es and ta ma�a�ce of�he Pnoperry. � .
<br /> ' gamawer sii�ll p�anpdY give L,eMer written nodce of any investigation.claim,deitian4 tawsuit ar otlser action 6y any
<br /> govunrt�enta!ur iegulatocY�B�Y ar private puty involving the Pmpetty and any Hazanious Su�stance ar Fnviivnmenta!
<br /> - I.aw of wUi�ch Bartn�ver lias xtuat luawkdge. If Botiowet le�ns,ar�s notified bY�Y Soveatme�►tal,ar r�gu2atory
<br /> ' �uU�riry•tL�t any iemoval or ather temed'iation oi aay HaTardous Substance at�ecdng tlje Pmperty is nccessarq.Sorrower
<br /> -. sbsil plumpdy tahe aIl nxessary nmedi�t xtiaas in acca�ance wiM Envimrot�enW i..aw. . � .
<br /> As used in tbis par�g�anh 20."Eiazudous Substaoces"ate those substances defu�ed as toxic or t�aTardous sbbst�aces bY
<br /> Envuoamentai law wd the foitowing sa6stau�ces: gasoliae.lcerosene.other flammaWe�.toxic peh'oleurre produc[s,'taxic
<br /> --- p�ticides and het6icides.vol�d'le soive�tts.materials containing agbestos or fannaldebyde.and radioactive materials. As `
<br /> _— ; used in this puagrsph 20,"Enviranmental Law"meaas feQeral laws and laws of the jurisdiction whete the Roperty is tocated
<br /> __ s� - - d�et r�ebrte m ha�tth.s�ffety a environmental pnntectioa. - - - .. _
<br /> .� € NON-iJNIFORM COVENANTS. BaROwer and Lender furtiier covenant and agree as foltow�
<br />-�� � . � 21..AcoderaHos:Remaii�s. I,eades shaU sive aotka to Barrowar prior to accekrallow foltu+ria�Barro�ru's
<br />_- Aeeac�of a�'cova�aut or�ent ia t�is Saurity IastrarsKat(bat not�ria'-tv���*.W�P�17
<br /> ` wle�sppiica6te I�w pruvi�atLenrlse). Tbe uotice sh�U specif9c (a)Me defaaW/b)tde sct�w required to cure tYe
<br />_-:�� defa�ih(c)s dste.aat le�thas 30 d�ys ltum the di�te the aMice is given to HorroFer.by�rhkb t6e defwlt awst 6e
<br />— ew�ed:a�d(d)tl�t tsiloce to enre 1Le deGi�t o�or 6e[ors We date spc�fied ia tre eotice�aay resoit i�aeceteratioa ot
<br /> - the seas sec�reA by tLb S`ecarit'I�t ad sak a�lfae Propecit� �7e aotice sb11 llurtrerisfons Barr�ower d
<br /> tre rt�c to rei�mhte alter accetersuos w�t u�e�6e cQ�ig a coart aQios to�ere cke aaa-rxkte.oe or a ielaullt or
<br /> : : ans otber defease d Bocro+rer.!o aoaleration nod safie�It tUe def�aN is not caeed.a�ar befase.tie dste s�eei�ied i� _
<br /> -;� t6e adice.I.eader at ib optios msy require immediate{wynxot io full otall sumsse�vred by t1�Fs Searity I�t
<br />±�`• rrithort fbrtl�er dee�ed aad may iivok�e the paWer ot s�k aad any Mher remedies pernuttai 6y ppplicabk taW�
<br />. � l.ender sb�ll be mtitkd to cdlect at!�incurred i�pursutng the remedies provided'i� 16is pars�rspb 21,
<br /> ' .. inch�ding,but not limited to.reaso�aWe attorneys'tees aad costs ot titk evideaca
<br /> ' If the pawer ot sak is ia`o�,7lcusta s6aU record a notk+e ot ddaatt in e�ch eounty ie whicb su�y p�c1 of t6e
<br /> Property is la��►ted and shall a�f oopies otsuch notice in the manner presceibed by.applicabk la�v to Borrower and to
<br />-_ tlre other peraoos prescNbed bq applkabk lstw Atter the tlme required Dy appliraWe Iaw,lirustee sball g(re puWk
<br /> �� notke a�s�k to tbe persons and in tfi�ra��ner presc�ibed by applicabk law 7Yustee.Wit6o�t dem�ad oa Rorrower,
<br /> ''j • shall sdl the Prn�erty st pablk aucNon t�kie higl�e�t bidder at the time stnd place and under lbr terms desi�e�ted in
<br />��`�t�, �tie swtice of a��one or mone pArcds and tn any order 7lrustee determines. 7lrusta nwy postpvre sak otaU or any
<br /> :�:; �!,,
<br /> . „ �4 ot the Property by publk aanounoement at the time and ptace of any previously schtdulei!sala Lead�er or its
<br />- �Ce may Parchase the Pcv�perty at�ny sak. •
<br /> ' Upon recetpt ot paynr�+st�af ihe prke bid.7Uustee shall deliver to the purchs�ser 7Yusta's decd ooar•e�ipg the
<br /> ,- � Property..T4e oecitals in tbe'6"rustee's deed shall be prinw facie evidence o�the truth of the st�teiaents nwde tbereiQ.
<br />_ 'IYustee sh�ll apply the proceeds of the s�k in the toltawing order. la)to all casts and expense4 a�exercising the povrer
<br /> _:j:' „_ , . . . ' � . .
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