<br />20�.102�.3�
<br />��rter of S�ction 2�, :au�nship s � No�:n, Rang: 1 ��Tes* of'�.h�: b*� P.Tu., �aL
<br />�oun��, �ebras�c,a, and ciesc�ibed as iollokrs: ��ei�n� at a aoiz�_ on �e �. i?n� �;
<br />sa.ic h,� �uar�er said poin.t �eing 277.86 ieet saui� oi {�e ?� co��,r oT said ?��;
<br />�? ttz�u:,e;�:�nin� southerly, aten� anC u;�€�n ftae +�: iine c�= said I'vT� ��a:�e_. a
<br />c:stance o��2,-�b; .S2 feet tc the hIE cosaer oi saiti SE Q�.��r; t'tien:.° defi��y-�` ief'
<br />t�^ d�g:ees �6 �inutes 46 secands aa� rurz�ng s�TUr�eri�-, aiong �d un�� i, e�
<br />, _:__^e of sa.ia �£ �narter, a ciistan.:.e af 2,C��.o� ieet to t��� SE .:arivr �= saic SE
<br />�u� ier; t�.en�e defiectiug ri�rtt 90 de�re�s I; �r :nutes 3� se^c�n�,s a�� run.:��
<br />w��:�r�y, �Io�� an� nponthe S� ine o.� s�id S� Qu�a a ci:sta�ce of?,6�.��� f e�
<br />ic� t�^e. ��' comer af saici SE �t�a� (S�l/�j; thence ci�fi°:,tin` ri�t �S cie�e�s �?
<br />L:11'2�..LivS �� :]vCiQ�.C�S 27IG� l�IIIj 11�i1.LLu���r., �LIOPr� �E:G� �i�_��L �:iv �tr �:.fv �_ 5 '21Q •�:ii
<br />�L�-tar an� the t1v� iine of said �'vTE Q�iart� a disianc� or {,OGS.?3 fp�t t� a naiai,
<br />sai�_ �o:�ri_ beinQ 291.94 fe�t S oi t�e I�,' co�er ai said ?�T� �ua��:e-; t�enc°
<br />ciefiei�g �iant e° de4rees �8 �7�.tes 06 secan�s and��rr;�� e�;�eri}�, a �.is�a:lc�
<br />v� l,� ��.�� I�w? Ls� LIl� �tOIIlf O� �°�iT�mo
<br />����' �: t"i t'a:^t o2 i�d comnrising apart oi t:ne?�'�` z�uari�- and 3I? o� tnp S�
<br />t;���.-:sr of Sectioy 3C�. Tov��s�ip 11 ?vorth, fia-�ae IO �%�st Q: tbe 6� �.M_, =�ai�
<br />�..;.,,,,,.��,, ?�eb�,:skz.� and aescrib as folioi�.rs:
<br />�': �r:�ng a� tu° ?� co�er �; saic I��E �}tiarte=, fn�ce. n�g urA��e�iY �a�g ��
<br />lii0Z1 �SY� T\ 11I2� Oi 5$IC� ��BFL�.°•�Z� 8 C�.LS�3IIi.° D'`< �.3� �.:)3 I�v: t0 .`"�. i1^v'Ll': Cti
<br />c�.���a�re; tii°n�e n.��irg souf:n�asteriy, alflng �d u�san �:�� arc. �f a c:�: �c tue
<br />l�� w�ose rac'u�s is IC2.61 f �i; o� v�%�ic�:, th° ir�izial tan��: v� saic c���e
<br />caia;,ides u�irl� the p;e��ic�u�iy des �ib� course, a ciista.*�cv �� 58.3� Teet �io�� �hord
<br />c�:sta.nce = �?.59 f st, lon� c,��rd dP�ectir� left ? 6 d��ees ? 7 a �G' secar�cs
<br />from *�.� pr�vionsly tiescnbeci cau.rse) tc� a poin� oi ;a?��envF ; �n�:=e r-�~
<br />sot�tbu=esteriy, �tong and u�an the soutnvsresieriS' ar�±a��ati�n �f `�e fx�.al t�6�n?
<br />Q= ;.3° IIISV10ll5�V ��SC�b�� CIIIY�, 5�1� L�FOi0Il�t10Il QSIi�.^.T_7S?Q i�i: !� t'1'°V'Z°�J i
<br />�t�'tit�S ?L� S°COIIG $OTSl'�.hi C�IOrG OZ fi1L� �lI�V1E?32S1� Cf.�S^.il�Bt.`�.'_ Cw°S'i 3(115�3'1:,° C�I
<br />�h�.l ] TB� io a poinf c� curvature; �'t28IlC� i'tmnt7ij 50E3.�.1�'°SL8,1�', �l�L�� ?Sl: i1�C10u
<br />t:� arc a` a �u:.� ta the ri�� whose radius is �94.?4 ���t, o: ���iih, tne �x;.?~�ai
<br />�an�eni of sai;� ct�.Tve coinci�es v��it� the pr°vio�s�y ci°scriQea �ou-�e, ��sY,�;,� ��
<br />��,`'.3.�4� :iBI ��OSIc C!]OI'C' Q1S�3?1C° Zg�..�h I.°.°'�, 1OI2� C�10:'Ci E�.°.� �'C�� T1�i`li � C t7��'°�5
<br />2t� r�i�ut�s 30 secon�s �om fne �reviottsl3� �°scriee� c�urs°; �a a p��� �=
<br />�ui ��.IICSr'; i c.'.tl,°�nCv FI�T11Tt� w.°.S�'irLy, 3�.QIl�T �TiG 1I�30� �I:'.°. VT�si�i{�' �i�1rJP_�3i.IOTi Oi�'t�tp
<br />�2' ��e oi the previousiy d escnbea c�.� saic prolori�atio� cief_ct�g r 4nt
<br />i�°��'30 norr� ti�e cn�r� a� ti�° pr°viausiy des:.��be� curv�, a�i�ance ol �7�.8�-=
<br />�e�� tc- a poin: on the Vv Iine o� said I� �u��er s�idpa��.*. o�i�g �43.?4 ie4: S: f
<br />ti�e �' cornw- �i saie NE C�uarte�; ��ao� a�fle�IIn� 1e�t 9C+ ci°�ees ' rt m:��Zi�s ��
<br />S��O:1t3S <'_II� I+�II� SOZ1�O.�2��', 210IiD 3I1�. Iil?OIl ��t� �I�° Oi S31�! _"��. �LidLt°S 3IlQ
<br />��� '�' ine• o� said SE �ua: �stanee of S,Oyi,�� feet ta r"n� S V�T co�ne= oz saia
<br />�� �7t�rt„�; thence deLtec�g Ieft 89 aegrees 4'' secon�..= �� �i�.uies anc n;.-�n;n�
<br />�eSre=lz-. 3'10Il� 3Il� ltp€)II L1 S�lltI1 IIi1B d_ SHif� J � �IIa��=, 2 C.ISL3IlC° �r?,�=Q.C?�
<br />Z�°.�;. tc the u� CQSIl.°S Qi S21LZ �`� Qllff.'"Iv°F� F�I�.^,� (1�i�SC�T :°� gL� ?'7u
<br />��.'��t�� Z�OT'.li�:iV, 330I2ff c1Tlt� t2DOI1'�2� ��3It� 0� �= QtI3TCe?', 3 Q:St�'I�� fli :.,C3�'.��
<br />ieeT tc �.�-ie SF corn�r of said NNr.. Q::�t�; then�e ae�ec:ia; le� DO Q�gre..,. ± ci
<br />i
<br />�
<br />