<br />���.102��3;
<br />Ce� e�s _� r�liTlt�.t�s �0 se��IlGS 3IIdrnnnin� Souf�:,�i�', 8 QiSL.371C� O* 2,�.��.8� Iv�i
<br />tL � po:nt on fne S 1in� af said SE t2uarte�, `�hence deflecti�� �ian; 9� de�e°s 1''
<br />m�nut�c_ �5 se�onas and �nr,�ug westerly, aian� as�d upou t�e S�ne of saiL S=
<br />`•µ�rt�r, a dis�anee o� 957.70 ieet to th� �.� corner �+i sai�+ S��a.rter; t�e�ce
<br />�eu�;, ;ag �gh� 00 d��ees O�J m;nutes 02 se�onds and n�na3in� wes��r_y, �iorg an�
<br />�V����. �1.� J�� �t �`dl7 J VY ��at�v� � C:: ��".� �I L �.�`.' F°A! Z� LLiV ���= {)w
<br />� �• Q't"u�lIl�,
<br />� �'.1`:�i.�1� �: � .�i$CL �3f i'clI1Q C�I�IPI3S3I1� a .t�� Qt T�2��! '�. �ZI3;.`�vT c2.�1tc � �}3I' {:! 1`��
<br />S� ��art�, aL bein� in Sectior 29, Towgship 11 ?vor Ra..��e 1u �%ss� �� ti�e 6��
<br />r?vr., �aL Counr�, ?�e�r��, a�d a vart of th� ?��, Qua:-i°_ �� 5e: tio�� 30,
<br />'� ��snip 1 i Nar`�, E�.ang� 1Q ��est ai the 6� p.I��., H�jv Cot..���, N�t�ras�a s�i�
<br />u-a�t �e�g �ore pa�cu�iv describeri zs iolla�Ts: �P��g �� a �soi�t �n �tz� �
<br />i��e �i �� ?NE �?uart.;� o= said Se�ufla 19, said poin: o�iu� `' ;.�.1�. f�°: S oi t�e'•_�i
<br />L;�:n�� of the h�, ��tie- �? said Sectit+n ��; t�.ence,: �� i�� s�u'i�er;g•, a.ion, ar�c
<br />-L��4�}:��LfLv �i�: �.�i �l L:1�+:�`L' �t1LilEvT fl�S �u�+lf�}� � �� �. �+aS�Ls�i.Pi l�� ��4�Q.J'_� lvv�
<br />�v L21�'�� �OIZ1Bi OT ti:28 �^ �7idrt°� ot said Se�.tio� IS � ttleIICe �ei�°^.�LT?a ngP: �v
<br />�e�"ee� GO �inuie� 45 seco�ds an� nn;n�nL sQUf��:ly, �ion� anL ��po�'�e �"�� e_
<br />�� 5� Qua.�e_ oi saia Section i9, a�iisiance o� �;66C{,�8 f v.' s .E LC'i �e. �� v�r�:�- oi
<br />�e �� �uarter af saiti Seciiar� 30; t:�.ence cierlecun� ri�'t7i S� de�eDs .� ���si�s
<br />�� S�CO�fl 3IIC� i"UT�IIla W�SLvI��', B��L+p 3:1� 1I�OTi f^"'\ �.�2° G'T tL� �i Q1Ic'�.I't�= �J=
<br />s:�a� S°��ian 3C�, a dis�.anc� of I,SIs.�� f�et to a�oint e� cu:-�a��ti� ��n�� _:;r��
<br />S�`S�WE52°Sl�%, 21�_Tl� 2IlC Il�'fOIl �1� 2IC 4i ^c CT1iV� L4 j ��S° 1.%i? Vr'�Q5° �3CiI1S s5 ; f '".=-11
<br />i° :, S C;;S:3T1Cv Oi ��.� % Z�Bt ��gIlo C}ldi{1 t12SLSE1Cv =.:,l.�'J �°�i - 20�� C�20i:
<br />�°�i�c�� 1°$ 16 de�ees 17 �nui�s �t� secogds �om tne previo ciescrib°�
<br />co io s paint o� tan�:.�cy '�18ItC� de�e�tsn� iei� � b�v�'°es i'; r~�-�u�6s �0
<br />_ec�nds �om tlie cnord of tiie previously describe� cu.��� an� -t,r,ni� a
<br />s��u�iwest�� �y, a aistance oi 2�3.1? zeef to a v�int oi cu�'aLsre.; tri�nce n���
<br />SOiI��W�S'C�1�', B�OTla 3TIL� I2p0� 'til� 3TC O% 2 Ct�St'� Cfl T �Il� Tl�� �'110S� i3�i1S �S
<br />f9z.7� r�e�, � ais�anc� oi 283.�+4 feet �Io�g c�ior� c�.c�znc� 280.�J5 - ian� ��aru
<br />d�ri�cung ri�ht �o de� 26 minutes 3€� seconds �am �ti� previ�t:s:�- des:,��ie�d
<br />.,��li� s:.; iL ^a ?3vi7ii; u:�ZiC� t7.EiEvCti�:s� il�i ��� R.' ��'�BS . �� iui3liZ�°,S i{ S..CvuC� au�
<br />r�� �orth°:i��, a eii5tan�e af 3,62I.G7 feet; �,°nce de���ti�� ie� �9 cie�re�s ?8
<br />rn.�i�.ut�s �3 se�on�.s an� r�n_n;n? westeriy, a ai.��ance �f I4 }.3a f��t the�v�
<br />ne�ev�� ai�h� 89 de�es �7 minuies �6 second.s a.nd r�u�n?n� �ar`�her�y, a
<br />^�siance o� 1,94219 ieet to a point on the N line o� t�e �= Q'�.a�-t:.s oi said 5e�uan
<br />:9; �nence defiectinj ri�t 9Q degrees Q8 minutes OC� s°con�s au� r:�.'�ni�.g �asterr��,
<br />ai�a� aud u�an the nartn iine oi the 2�E Quarte� af said S°c�.on I9 a�ista�zce a�
<br />1,"��.68 fe�t to a poi:xt being 4Q920 feet VvT oi tile N�' co:ner of �he �� Q'�art°z of
<br />s�iu Section 19; {�ence defl�c+±i�ng r_¢ht 89 aegxe�s �4 �inu��s 2� src,c�ads ani
<br />=_n:�ir�g scuineri��. parall�l wi� tae E ii-�e a= th� h� Quarte: ef s�i� SeuT.ion' 9, a
<br />u^ Qi 71�.�.G I8°I� t}1E�1C:. t1��eC:?71$ ��IT �'� C�@flZ°�5 -�+�rr _^'.1L€I'3t°fi �� S°.COII�!S
<br />�a �:�in; �astL_;z', p�alle3 u-it�i tn� 1� Iine o`,the rti R. Q�ar:°_� a; sai� S�c�ion ��?,
<br />?:�.iJ{�L..'Zvi� Qr Y � �� 111. .�. O�f 01 �4�IiLT1L
<br />��_ ��: r: A�act o= iaud co�.pr sia� a part oi the Z�.� Q:�arte: and all �� �Le S�
<br />, i�
<br />.�-'�'
<br />