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<br /> � -- _ - �y.�yr ZOOS35 09/14/1�96
<br /> ..t.o�p E MURLLBR MAF�YY,YN MUBLLSR �6"' �V/��
<br /> � 9.C���emru�tlun�.77ie prcicee�ls of any�wxrd or cl�Iau for dAnuyes.direct or ca►ueyuential,in snnnection wid�any ��
<br /> candcputada�� ue utticv tt�cii��txlerCSUbJ1ec:t to�tlxe tm�.5�of any r�wyi�geodcetl�f tn:::tlue oti c�r�u�sity�o3pcczarett`1l�n �---
<br /> a.ssigtx�!�r�tl si�all be paid to _
<br /> lien which tus prlorlry avar this Deed of Tnut. Na � W�rer. 8xte»slnu af the Ri�ne for pAym�nt or
<br /> la. �rcrowcr Nd Rde�edi F'arbd�r�urce By 1�
<br /> m�dlfic�ion of amorti�uion o�th�'in secute��Yrd��iD�ility af�thc adQiru�l Borro'wtrtnnd Borrowser�'s suc�sson in
<br /> gormwcr shtil not oper�te tc�
<br /> int�rest. l.�ender st�all uat i;�:rc�ule�:d ta eumm^�x:e procealinA9 a8aiust such succreawn af Y�t�u►u1 r ti:�°,h�f thcpo�i��1 -
<br /> ar othenvise modify amoniradaa of the sums secum.d by thig Deed c�Leade in eaeceisin�any ri�ht or reroedy hereuixter.
<br /> g�rre�wer u►cl gorruwer's succes.wrs ln interest. Any forbe�nwct Y
<br /> a�����p fu��sy�licable Ixw,sh�ll not t►e a w�iver of or preclude che exerci�covenaas •d�ceecnen�yhenin —
<br /> il.Sucaasors�und A�IPb Ba�s]dd Rnd S�wa�al Wbil{tyi Caeip�ti.
<br /> cona�ined sh�ll bind.a�che rights txrewader shall inure to.the cespecdve succ�s�wrs a n d issigns of Lender tnd Hcirmwer�
<br /> 16 hercof. All covetunts u�d atgtaaYqts of Botxower ahnll be jaiut ami sev�rtl.
<br /> sub,ject to tbe provisioas of paragraph -
<br /> Any Bormwer who co-sign9 this Deed of'ihut.but does�o Tn►sca uoder the,ternB o�f this Qeed o�f Truct, (b) isynot
<br /> grmc�wd convey that Borrower's intecesc in the Pcopertl► �t�t Le�ier Rncl u�y other dorrowet hereuncfor _
<br /> person�lly liable on the Nflte or under this Desd of Tnut.uxl(c)a8 to the tcrn�af tWs Dced of Ttust or
<br /> �y�ree ta extend.modifY.focbauc,c►r m�ke any other accommodatians with n8uY1
<br /> tho Note.witho�t that Borrower's coasent and without releasing that Borrowr,r or u3odifYinB tlils Deed of�euu as to tl�t
<br /> Hc�rrn�ver's interest in tUe Prope�►Y• licable law to t�Sivtn in anolhei�r. (x) �Y ���0
<br /> u. Notioe. Extept for auy aottcc rulwra!r�r�b detiverin i� or by wailing such notice by ce�ficat a�il _.
<br /> Bc►rrower providod for in this�°Ad�lress�or1�h ottier�sklress as Barcower may designea by aotjce w Lewit�c u
<br /> wddressed to Borrower at the PropertY
<br /> providod hecein,Ancl(b)anY uodce to Le�x1er sbsil be given by c�rtifial mnil to Lender's oddnss st�t�d h�rein or W suc
<br /> other address as Lender au�y desi8nate bY notfce to Borruwer as provided hexein.Any aodce p�avidal�iu. �s�d of
<br /> T�s1�a11 be deemed to hsve b�n givea t���1�°iws�ppli�c�ble w this Deed of T�111x thc laws of thc
<br /> 13.Go�ee�diK I.ir�,Se�era3silHy. �nce sb�ll aot limit the s�+lic�btlitY of Feder�l law W this
<br /> jurlsdictioa in wldsh the Pcopcst9 3'S tocated. 'I�a fon�oinS
<br /> ika!of Trust. [n tbe eveat th�►t anY P►nvicion or cl�use of tliis Dad of Trust or the N�1e coofiicts wit4 spPltc�+le bw.
<br /> svch conflict shill ��t tLis ewl the pmvlsians of�ttu's�Dad of"Cc�w��xi the Note u� dtclared to be sevcrt�bk. As
<br /> caatlkceng provisi�n, . � � •. ..,��A� f�• i�lade all sums to the exte�x not Prohibited by applicxble law a
<br /> Used I�Stin. �c�s�. "cA�o�:� ..�• -�.�,-
<br /> limited herein_ ' of t6e Note 1nd of tt�s I)ood of Tn�st at tl�e
<br /> 14.Barrowe�''s�op�Y. Borcowar sludl be fitmished a c�nformed cop9
<br /> dme of execution or a£ttr rocardatiou dcccof. ���r � ��1 all af Bor�+ower's �blipdioas undcr anY b�°°�
<br /> � IS. RdyWl�ation Lo�a Ap�enna�l• �nt which Homower eders Int4 widi Lender. l.entkr.�t I.e��s
<br /> rebabiliWlon•�D�lIOYf:�1C�t..(C�1AtT OT dtl1:[IO3I11BIC� la ta �.�nder,sa s�i�at of any
<br /> opeion. m*Y ral�Bormwox ta executo�nd dcliver to Ler�kc, iu a form �'�si�lc ar�avices in connxaon
<br /> � ri�ts. cW�or defsa�s which Horrower muy 6sve�aimt put�ea who s�PP Y
<br /> with iwprovea�eats mmde to tbe PropeKY• Ideewt in 1lo�rraw+�'.�If all ar wiy p� mf ihe Froperty or anY interest
<br /> lf.Tratifer ot tMe F�»�ri9�a Heatlki��1
<br /> in it i�sold or aranaferad (or if a beneficial tnterest in Bnrm��r.�i� sold or aamm���`""�io'��f all.�
<br /> p��son)without Lender's prior written eoa�.uO�r�y..st ttc option. eoquire� ��by feclo,ss�l
<br /> sxured by t�s Deed of Tnut. However.this opcion ahaU rat,be e�cccrcised by Lender if execcise is pc+uhi � .
<br /> law�s uf t6e due of this Dad of Tn�t. ve Bocrnwer notjca of Aucekradon.7'tbe ootict r,�11 Provide a periud
<br /> if Lender exc�cixs this option.i.ender slull�t �11�wns sa.'urod .
<br /> ix
<br /> of uot kss th�n 30 ckYs�'°�'���°0t1cc is doliverod or�milal wlihin wldch Borrowa�t�a►y ,
<br /> by thi:Deed of Tcust. If Hotrov►Kr fills to psy tf�se sua�Pnor to the expir�don of t�hi.s:pedod.I.Gndar mty imoke wY
<br /> nmaties Pecmiued bY this Deed��f Tiust wittMwt further nocta or dem�nd on HorrnvVe�follows:
<br /> NON•UN[FORM COVBNAN'1'S. Borrower�ad IretKkr fucther ooveauit he[�eot. upoo Bo�mwa'�� bre�ch of aqy
<br /> x7. Acoe�aRloai R�. �«�e .� �o.�a � �a+� . �.r.u..ti eo p.y. er��a�r�� �
<br /> co�anRr�ae�ea�n��B0n'0'�' in tt�{s Beal ot'Y'rurt• tadadin���' to aoodenitfon�1�'Te `
<br /> p�Ur dsys aRa tbey sre due•w�'n�s��by thi�Deed ot TraM► I.c�etier p�c'for to�
<br /> na�oe a Horrower�s pro.tdat In par�o�apU 12 bare��apedt�ios:ei) the bra�ch;t2)ehe.ctioe��
<br /> � eucb bnacb:(�� a d�te+nd IeM tbw?�ds�a ti�n t6e dwte the nntice b maikd to Borro�+er',by KNc6 suc�brnch
<br /> in the notkre ma,y� in
<br /> � mwt be cwredi and(4)th�r[dlure to cuxe such�ch on or txtor.e t�e d�te spe�nottee�II ['+rtl�a'1ol'a�►
<br /> �tbn a�t6e s�e secuc�d by thh'L►eed ot��t����lonto swert tLe nooa�hteace d
<br /> 13onrawer ot tNe rijht to rdeet�te aNta aocderallou
<br /> ��le[auk a�r ac,Y othec deieine oP Borrower to acoelerRtlbn��x.I�tbe bmarch.4��r,a�t�Deed ot�nM to bee
<br /> ecp��itkd in the tlotla,I�eader,�t Lande��s op��'�3'��'''°RIl o[t1�e suns secured b�
<br /> immedfatd7 cluae wod WYs9►k wishout ttut3Kr demaed Nad ma7 ia�dco the pmsrar o!e��nd aqY aha�r�nedla
<br /> -- p�rmkted t►y t��►�iltwbk lxw. Leader sha11 be akttied to collec!a�l rea�sau�Dto c� and upe�aes�f��'� �
<br /> ° pursui�f the c�e�dtes Prorided la thb p��7�indwliM�b�not t�mited to►rewoo�bk�tEOraeps
<br />� If tbe power ot wle Is invoked�Truet�s1sa11 rectanr3�nattCO d'dd'auit la e�ch eouotYbiu��6k��uc b�i�w to .
<br /> thereot f� loated snd eh�ll m�l copfes oP auch aotla in t6e�nne'W� � ►red by
<br /> � 60°K� .._ �.� - --°-...,...,*�M�be enolltabk IAw.ARer tAe lap�e ot s�D time as may �
<br /> ..��_�....�.�..,t�..tA.
<br /> = ��pp�ka�b{e law, Trustee styll �ive publlc uotise ot s�{e to t6e persons � in cne n�a�er p�sa����� -r�---^--- �
<br /> law.Tn�ta�willwut dmtsed on Bonnwer,sha11 s�l the Pro(x�tY�P�k�ucNon to��it���d���7'ru�tee
<br /> �n�l place and ue�der tl�e tx�ns deai�n�ted in tde nuttce of s�le in one or mae P�� �t the time
<br /> � ma�r determ�lne.Trwtee maY Patpc�e eak ot aU or aqlr pu'�04 the Prop�KY b7 P���xn�t y sale.
<br /> �_ �plf�oe ot any prerlot�{y schedWtd sa1�.LenAar vr Lendt+r e dexiPxe Y P��a�s deed o��e�i�tbe
<br /> � Upoo rtce6pt ot l�ymc+ti ot the pirke Wdr 7Yvetee el�il ddiver to tl�p�
<br /> _- prape�ty sR►Id. 'i'he recitab In the'I'nntee's deed�tnll be pr�[�erlcknce ot the t�th ot the statanenti made
<br /> = therdn.Tru�ta sh$II apply the procee�s of the sale in the fdlm►iu�order:(�)to dl�wmtble cata�nd acpemes ot
<br /> T� the ee7e, includi�W,but nat Umited to�Tnbtee'�fea actually Incaured of not more���ott T��im�d(c��
<br />--- x-.�s;,.�s�l�eSi_^�s� t�a And cosfe ot ti�k e�ldeooe� (b) to dl eum.+iccured b1
<br /> wcear.lt�ny.to the pereou a'Pa's�e�KVIy�itkd t!►a�eto.
<br /> `� r,�3 nrs
<br /> •'� Nebm�a Zbs76•2 3195 Oriqinal�R�aordad) CopY(8r�nclh) Copy(Cus�o��r)
<br />