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<br /> •k�,OYD 6 MI)EI.L8k MARxL�tN MJBLY,SR Z00535 09/l�/1996
<br /> UNI�oltM CovBN�N'i'S. Liorr�w:.r ai�p�ender cnveniuu a�xi�gree as fallaws: ��a„ �.����� Q,
<br /> f. F�y►��er�i af I��Gk�y�al c�sid I►�*.e,t3i� i�o•r+o�scr rl�alt �zrr�ntptly pay wtten tltie t �; pri�x:i�zl a��1 interest �.
<br /> i�xkbted�xss eviJe��ccd by thc Note ar�l la;e chuges as provided in t�e Ncit�. _
<br /> Z.b�for Tuta�nd I�r�. 5ubJxt to applicxble Uw or n writcen vvxiver by Le�xler, Bnnower�fudl p�y to
<br /> lx�ukr on the tl�y s►�uttlhly p�►ymrnts uf pdtx:ip�tl ana itHereat�rc p�y�►b!e ue�der the Nate,untll the NcHC i�paid in full.a
<br /> sum(bercln"Funtlit')eqwtl tu ane�lwelRh of the yeuly t�ue��nd axFe�encs(lixludi��condominlum ancl plamx�unit
<br /> devrlemment wsessments,if any)vrh�ch nuy attain pdoriry�ver thie Iked of Tni.u,Rnd Smund�cnt�on thn Property. if
<br /> tny,plus oue•tweltii af yrauly prcmi�m i�v;ts9ln�e�uy�ixr iwwell��sur.u�c.{�lu:.ar.:.•-tcfe�fth nf ye*riy�ami��m i�nt!��ln�en�9 ,
<br /> �or man��e insunn�;e. if�ny. �11 �u rexaon�bty t�tica�tal Initi�lly uxl fmm t3ax to ttme by lxader on the btuis of
<br /> �csesstn�cua u�d bi0s uwl rcssontble estimues thereuf. Borrower shall not be obU�ttaJ to mstke�uch paymenW af Funda
<br /> m Letxkr to t!x ente�k thAt&irn►wer m�kea such p�ymenta to the hulder of a pdor mart�a�e or ckeQ of m�st if such holdet
<br /> is an institutiotu�l Ic�xkr.
<br /> If Bortower p�ys Funds to l.eixkr. the Funds shtl�bo he�d in tn ia4titu¢tun the depos3ta nr accnun�e af wfilch are
<br /> iasured or Quus►ntoal by a Federal or stato�aency(includin�Lender if Ixixlee is such an iastltudon). Lender slusll�p1Y
<br /> tt�e Fu�xls to pay said tues.a.s.sessnxnts,insuance premiums�nd arcwnd rents.lxnckr a�y nat ctur�e for sa ix►Idina s�rd
<br /> applyin� the Funds, an�lydng said �ccount �r vedfyina and compiltny ssid a�,cessments uxl bills. unless Lender pirys
<br /> Borrovrer Intec+es�t on the Furn4c u�d applic�ble law pemiits Lender to m�lce such R chuge.Borro�rer ancl Le►xkr m�y Agm
<br /> in wridng�t t2�e ti:ue of exxutfon of thls I)ood of T�ust tlu►t interest on tt�e Funds sh�11 be�id to Barrowcr.nnti uniess
<br /> such a�reemera is m�ds or appticable law requires sucd icuerest to be ppid. lxtxkr stWl aot be required to P;f ct�e�Funds
<br /> w�y ir�,-r��,st or ca:nia�s on t�Fun�ls, F,sndGr s4Wl give to Bortower.withaut char�e.�a�air�tl Accountln�
<br /> showin� credlts and debits to the Funds u�d the pu�pnse for wtdch ach debit to the Fw�ds w�s m�de. '�e Funds sn
<br /> pledQed as�ddidottwl securlty for the sums secural by this Deal of Ttust. �ble rios to
<br /> If the 4a�cx►nt of the Fw�d.9 lseld by l.ander,to�sther wtth the future montbly instalimenw of Fucds psY P
<br /> the due dates of axee. issessments. 9ns�uurce pre�nivau aad gtauid rents. �h�ll exceetl tbe amou�rn9uired u►paY s�id
<br /> t�uces, assessmeats. Insur�ace pcen�tums wd �round r�ats ag they fili due. such exeGSS shsll be. u Borrower's option�
<br /> eitNer prornptly cep�id to Borrower or credltod to Borrower on monthly i�taUmrnts of F�nds. [f the amouat of tbe Funda
<br /> heW by Le�xkr stnQ aa be sufdcient to pay t�ues. �eesmeuts� insurance Pnmiums and around cents rs they fsll due.
<br /> Borcnwer shall pay ro Lender Ray unount n�rY tn m�lce up the deficiency tn one or roans payroents�s Leader msy
<br /> �equiin.
<br /> , Upon WYment la full of all su�sxured by dlis IDeod of 11n�st.Lender s�ll promptty cefuad to Bocrovrer wy Funds
<br /> . nciw oy I.e�:��.:.`�,:�"�+,�'-;s 37 k �£s��_�y ix,�n1a or the Prooetty is otLerwise acquu'td by Lendet,Lender
<br /> . stu�l! apply. no lxt�shan immodistoly prlor to tLe sak of tbe PcopenY�r ita�cquiddoa by I.�nder. aaY Fe�nda bdd bY
<br /> I.ender at tbe dme of sppGcation as a cndit�Imt the surt�s sxr�red bY this Deed of Ttvat.
<br /> 3..lA�plk�NoQ o[Paya�s. QJnlesa�pplicabla law prawides ott�vvise,�11 pymeate i+xeived by Lenckr aakt thc
<br /> Note�xl p��aphs 1�ud 2 bereof shaU be�pplied by l,endas fi�rst ia psyment of�mouAts psYabk W Lcnder by BorrKrNer
<br /> under p�ra��ph 2 hes�of,thcn to interest paYable on tbo Note.and tlkn w the pr�ncip�l of tLe Note.
<br /> �/. Prior Mo�ee �nd Dad�of Tn�t: CMWr�ai 1�ta�r. Botcower slull Perform all�f Horrnvre�'s obliptioaa
<br /> un�der any moct�sje. deed of m�st or aher sxurity �greement wit�st I[en which A�s pr�odty m+er d►is fihed of Ttwt.
<br /> includiqg Bo�mwer's covamats ta m�ice payments when due.Bomower stuill�y or cause ta 6e p�id�U wees,�mue�
<br /> and other chuges,fines aad lmposidons uaibuable w doe Property wWch way uuin a peioriry over�Lis Dood of Ttvst.
<br /> aod la�eLo�ld pa►Ymeioss or arouad rents.if any.
<br /> � S. �I��ard Lra�+�oiae. Bon�vver ahall kap the improvemente naw euisdng or 6erexfter erxted.oa d�e Prope�tY
<br /> i�aasroc!aQainst toss by'fire.lu4suda includAd wlthin the term'eateadai covGrs�e".and such ott+er hazuds aa Lende�mry
<br /> roquirG xnd ia such unounts�nd for such pereods aa Lender m�y,crqutrt. ..
<br /> 'R�itisannce curier prmlding tbe insurance sl�udl b�cDr+sen by Hocro�wer subject to xppmval by Lcnder;Proeided.
<br /> ttu�t suc���pprova{ si�all not be unrc�son�bly vr�thbeid. A11 ir�vuruice policies and ceaevrals ¢hereof sh�ll be ia a form
<br /> �oceptwbla to Lendar a�nd sb�ll include a stairdud morsg�ye clause in frvor ofi awd fu a farm acceptabk ro I.ender. Lender
<br /> ot+il!tuve the right w 3iold the policies and ronewals the�+eof. snbject to thc s�rnnt of any mort�x�e.da.d of t�uct ar other
<br /> securIty�reement with a lien whiab tus pr�odty ovar this Deed of Trust.
<br /> In the tvent of las9.Bormwer shall give prompt aotia to the ias�r�ace csrria a�d Lende�c.Lst�x msy�an�ice proe►f
<br /> of loss[f not m�dc pcomptly by B�nrrower.
<br /> If the Property is:bandoned by Borrower, or if Borrower fails to res�ond to I.eakr W1t1un 30 dAXs fnnm tUe d�oe
<br /> notice is mWod by Len�der to Bocrowcr ct�ac the insur�wce curiec offers to seulc�elaim for:inaraxe bcr�fits. L�ender is
<br /> �ut�o�iyed w collat aad apply thc inanc�cc pmceeds�t Lendcr's aptlon eitHot to resmradon or repanr of the Pinperty or
<br /> to tho sums stcural by this aeed of Tcust.
<br /> 6. I�rex�'t�tlon u�d M�utdance of Ptnpa'tyi LdiachNdtt Condotai�luoni Pl�nned U�It De�+aaipma�.
<br /> Borrower alu�ll kecp 1Ix Property iu Bood repiir and s1W1°°t c°mmit w�ste or pormit impaim�ent or deterioratiom of the
<br /> property�1 shaU wmply with the pmviston4 of ury la�se if this Deed of Tra�t is on�leisehold. If thla Deed of Tn�st is
<br />- un a u��e 1n a cundomivium or a planood unit development,Horaowar stull perform all of Bonower's obli��tions undcr th�
<br /> dectarati�a or covenxats cre�ting ms goveraing the condomintu�m or plwnod unit developr,�cnt,the by-l�►ws�ad r�guls►tion�
<br /> of the cu�fominium or plan�d�ttit development.a�od concdttunt documents.
<br />_ 7. Protect3on o[Len�fa�'a Securky. If B�Ya•avrer fiils w perform tt�e covonants anct agcremeat�caat�ined in this
<br /> Daal of Tnist,nr if any actiou ur pmceeding fs comnnenced which materiaD�y a4fects I.ender's interest in tt�rropectY. th�u
<br /> Le�xkc. u Ixndcr's optlon, upon notice to Boc�rtvar. msy �e such appear�nces. disburse such su�, includlag
<br /> _�_�
<br /> cr.�saroe�ile�tromeys' fees. aud talce such action av is uec�ssaxy 2t�pro[ecc i.enaer s i�ssi. ii ic�iuiw��u�.;�s+.
<br /> imurance as a condition of�tking the lo�secund by this Y3ee8 of Tcust. Borrower shatl pay thc pnn�iums roquired to
<br /> m�lnt�in such inturance in effest until such dme as the tequite�xient for such icu•ur�ur.s terniluAtes in accocYlince with
<br /> Borrower's s►nd Lender's written agreemcnt or�plicable Inw.
<br />.= Any amounts disburs�d by I.eucter pursuant to this parAgraph 7.wfth interest thereon.at the Nate rate,s}all becoroe
<br />- additional indebteclness of Bomowsr secured by this Dad of Trust.Tlnless 8orrower wd Lender igm to WLer tenne of
<br />- payment. such amnuuts shxil be payable upod notice from Lender to Bormwer requssdng payment thereof. Nothfng
<br />.. contained in this ptragnph 7 sUs11 require Lender to tncur any expense or take any action tiereuader.
<br />= a. Inapection. Lencier n�ay m�ke or cause to 6e made ceasonable entries upon ansl teupecdoas of th� Pn�perty.
<br /> = provided that Lender slull give Bormwer notice prior to any sucL inspection speclfy�ng cras��ble cause tiKrefur related to
<br /> � Le:�w;,r's lr.:ecest in t�e Progerty.
<br /> - Nebnstr 2aa'r6�2 sros Origin�l(1Raaord�d) Copy�ermct►) Copy(Cu�te>s�r) v.�c 2 or s
<br />`�
<br />