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,��x �: . � _ __ <br /> . : . . <br /> : �S.: . .. : .'�: . _= � .. . � _ .. :'. _ 4_ <br /> .. ..� � � - .'� ,^ - � _,.- _.,....._,>...`:.:Lr�...-� � <br /> -,�ti1��..�;TA�. __�� _ _ . . . - . .. _ � � � � .�. -' -_----- <br /> — _-�;r:.".FE.'vY[ _.,_� . .'� � . . � . � � ' - - � , " . . . <br /> . . . .. • ' , . � ' , '. . . . . �. . ` . .. ; . . . .. _ j _ . . . <br /> ��SI{�1[ �f�ORr![Of S11C O�Od id t�1�S <br /> � .ippli�bie bM msy apecdy fat�eatl 6efae s�k ot tlic � - , <br /> SecuritY 6attumao�cr(bj eatrY of�ludpna�t eot'°i'��nE dns Iasonmw�t. 7Lo�e conditio�s aoe th�t Bartowa: (s) < <br /> pays l�eoder�ll saes+vhicb d�s�rauld Ue due andesr tbis Secatity In�nmsm�aod tAe Ncte u if no aoaek�aKwn tad , <br /> accu�re�(b2�s a�y dbfaWt otaiy oti�er coven�ots or s�roe�ne�ts.(c)WYs alt eapeases inc�u�ed in enfoocing thLs Socuriry. <br /> Imtrumeet,iacit�dina,6ut not ti�itad to.�eawtable attarrrys'fee�wd(d}t�es sudr�action as Lendet may[e�onablY . <br /> . loqui�e w�w�e ti�t the lirn ai Ods Sxurity Ias�unKa�L.ender's riglus in the Propetty and Bonower'�obtigation w psy the <br /> �se�curod!'rSc tbi�Seauity Iastnuna�t sball caodnue unetan�god. Upai.reinstaumeat by.Barower� this SecuRty <br /> ' ' iasuwma�t aad t6e obii�atiooi secuied haeby shaU�fully effxdve�if ao acoclersria�had cecumb H�wever.Uds <br /> . - ris6t b toeu�c slult aot oppty iatheps+e af aa�Ca�u�da p�gaph IZ ._ . � ... <br /> ` U. S�ie d IYMe:C�s�t af t'a�Senieea 'ILe Nate or a.pntiat i�terest in.the Nate(taSethcr with this Secuiity <br /> - - Ina�ment}msg be sdd oae ar mone tirtKS without pcioc aatice to Botmwer. A sale may resuh in a change in ti�e entity <br /> � � (kmwn�the"Larn Saviar")th�t colkcts monthlY PaYm�ts due ur�der t6e Note and this Security tnsuumeM. 'iUere aiso- <br /> msy 6t a�ae a mo�e ch�oges of the I.�an Savicer w�related to a sale of tbe Not� If t6e�e is a chaoge of tlu Loan Servicer. <br /> Bamwa w�l b�g"tvat wriuen notice of Me chmge ttt acco�daooe with pa�r�g�aph l4.above•aed applicabk 1sw. 1Le n�olioe . <br /> - w�l st�ie the��e and add[ess of tde ne�v Lom Savioa snd dit add�ess to which gayments sbouW be msde. The naice w�71 <br /> �U�o cant�m aay otba infann�tim nquaed by sppiic�ble taw. <br /> ' �!. Hs�ar�ie�s SaMh�. Bonower shall•aot cause or pennitide p�eseace,use.disposal staaSe,a t�ele�e of any <br /> H�+dous Substa�rxs on or in the Property. Bo�rower shall not do,,nrnr allouc aayoae,etse to do,anything affxting the <br /> F�m�pnty thst is in vioWian af�y Envimnmaital Law. 7lie p�ecedin8 two smtences shall not apply�athe pcesence,�� . <br /> atn«ge q�tbe property uf sm�!gaantities af Hazandous Su6stances that are generaUY rxognized PP�� <br /> residentiai uses�rd to maintei�nce of the P�perty. <br /> Bamwa shaU P�P�Y B�Ye Le�Wer written naace of any inves6gation.cLaim,demud,lawsuit ar ather action by any <br /> govm�ual or nB��Y aB�Y�P�'�P�Y u►voiving t6e P�opaty aad any Hazatdo�is Su6stance or Fnvironrt�entat <br /> Lsw of whicb Bamowa has�ctuai imowkdga If Barnnwer karns,or is outified 6y any govenuneatal or�tegulataY <br /> - wthoriry.that acryiemoval acotLer nemodiation of aay ttazardais Suhstance�ff�ii�the PmpatY is necessa�.Harawer <br /> 'si�aU p�amptly t�lce a11 nxessa�y iemedial actions in�cuniance with Envit+aunen�;�i-w. ; <br /> � As nsed ia this pusgrapT�20."Ha•r�dous Substat�ces"at�e those substtikes de��e+d as toxic�hazacdous svbstanoes by .' <br /> Fnvimmneanl Law and the follawing sabstances: gasoTine.keruser�amer fiammable or tmcic petrnleom pralucts,toxic' , <br /> � pestirtQes aod hec6icides,volap'le solvents,maurials containing as6estos.or fo�dehyde,and..:�r�u?oactive materials. As <br /> :. - used in this paragaph 20."F.nvironmeatal l.�w"means federal laws and laas of the jurisdipian wbr�the Property is lorated <br /> - that relau to health,safety qcerivironmentai ptotecuon_,., :.� , ._ :,�, . . . <br />-- NON-UNIFORM CO�tAi�'1'S- Bormwer and�ender further covenant and agree as foUows: , <br /> = M. AcceleraHo�i Ra�. I:�s�=ive notice to Borrawer prwr to 9ccderatim fdlmriag Borro�rer's , <br />- 6resc6 d aay oovwant or�:���is Security Iastniment{but nat prior to Aocekr�tio�under parn�raP61? � . <br /> - detees spplics6ie law pruvides atber��vrl.'1'Le aalice silall specifF (a)the Aefault;N?tl�e action ireqaired to care tUr <br /> defsWi;(c)s date,nat kss�n 30 dsvs�rom tire d�tbe aotke is�iven to BorroWer:by wdicb tl�e defanit mast 6� . <br /> - cand;�d td)tb�t taihre io cure the defaait as vr 3efa�e the date specitkd ie t�e notke iasy resak fs acNn�stba of <br /> - tLe sN�seared by tb�a 5ccurity Iastrameat asi saye ot the 1'raperty. 7'he saKice sbaU turther intornt Boir+�o�rer o� <br /> = t6e rigMt W reiasbte aRer socekrntloa aed tUe ribUE to brin�a coa�t�ction to i'ssert tiie aa�n-esisteea dg detwk or <br />" any otber defeaae d Borro�ver to accsteratbn aad sAla'It the e�efautt is nat cured on or before the dste spedtied in <br /> tiK notioe,i�ender at ils optbn mAy require immediate psymeet ia iW1 otall sums secured dy U�ts Securlty lastrumeet <br /> �rit6wt tarther demaad and nwy invoke the power af sate and any other remedies permitted by applicabk law. <br /> - Lender s1�116e entitkd to colkct all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided 1n this parageapb Z1. <br /> includiag,but not limited ta reasonable attorneys'tees and cosfs of titk evideno�� - <br /> � If tbe power of sak is invdced,Trustee shall�ecord a rtotice oP defaWt in each county in whicN aay pstrt of the _ <br />--- , Prop�rty b bpted and shall rtwU copies a�sucb notice in the nwnner prescrtbed by applic�bie Inw to Borrower And to <br />- the otrer persoe.s prescrf6ed by applica6k is��v. Atter the time requi�ed b�ppplicabk I�w,Tn�ta shall give pubik <br /> �wNoe dssk to tbe ptisoas and in t6e maoner pre.scribed by applkabk is�w 1lrustee,vrilhoat dea�aed on Borrower, <br /> • sraY sell t6e Property at publk nnctlon to the hi�hes�t bidder at tiie time aed piace and under the terms design�ted ie <br /> t6e sotice d sAk in one a'aare parcels and ia any order 7lrustee dKermines. 7lrustee may postpone snk o[att or sny <br /> psrai d tie Property Oy pubUc aneouncement at the time aad piace ot any peevi�asly sche�doled sal� �eNder or its <br /> desigace��yurch�tse the Praperty at anv sak. . <br /> - • Upa�rweipt of psyment ot the prke bW,7lrustee siwil deUver to the purchaser'li�ee's deed conveying the . . <br /> Property. The rccitals in the 7lrusta's deed shAll be p�lma fack evldence ot the truth ot the statemeats made therein. <br /> . 'ilrastce shsU�pply the proceeds ot the sak in the toibwing order: (a)to WI casts and expenses o�exerdsing the power <br /> " . <br /> s�osc��_Z�� . , <br /> ' ' y. <br /> ' Fae13�1s !!� rps'�e S aI h P�.4ea1 . <br /> . . - <br /> . • . _ <br /> � -� - . -e^j�it-; - - -�- - _ ':1��r1, . ` ._ _.......!-. _�.�_ ..!- -�—Y�Sir��s�*a'�:�:.,{�ve,.�:�, ` . ,- .-_........, '_... .. <br /> .. r. . ... . •. . . ' . . ' . . _ ' ' �, '_ • . . . <br /> . �=i r'.. . . ' ' ' . . . �' . , , . . <br /> - _. - .-...� �. ._ .. :r.. , . . . . • . . - � ' . <br /> .n. ' � ' '.. -• . . ' . <br /> ..�i..�-g . . • <br /> , . .. . �, . <br /> " _ ' _ 'Y �_ _ ._. ' .. .�"'_ .' ..... .... . .. -_" _' " ' ' _ " ' ' " . _ _ ". .. . . ... . . . ... . . . . . <br /> .. 'f• ' ..✓ . . • . . <br />. � .'� . � � , � . ' . . . <br /> �.` ' • .. ' . , ' ' . ' . .!. , . " ' ' ' <br /> ' , " =-l._ ' -.�1� . . , � � . ' . , ' � . , ' ' <br /> � ._�—`,.�.`._ — . '_ _ _ __-- __ _ .-- _._ — —______— . .-- _. —'. "_ '_ _". 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