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<br /> � � rondennatian ar ad�er aicing of aay p�'of the P�operty.or for canveyaooe in 1iet�of condannatian.ue hereby assi�ed�nd
<br /> siail6e pid w Lenckr. . . , t , .
<br /> , ` - in the event of a �tai tating of the Ptapeay.tbe pmcebds sh�lt E�c appliod to tAc sums aecuted by dtiis Se�cu�ity ,
<br /> L�.w6e.the�or not tha►3�e,with any eacess piid to Bortowe` L►tlfe aveat of a putial tnking oi'tfie Ptopaty in. .
<br /> ' wl�ich tbe fair'mai�et value of d�c Propetty immediyelX befae the taking is aryai to o�8natrr shu�tlie arnqwtt of the sums .
<br /> secwed bY this Secutiry instnuneq�t immediatNy 6efae t1�e talcing,unkss Bamwer and Leader otherwise aga in writing.
<br /> � t1�C sums stc�ued ay this Socuary Lutrument shall 6e Rducod 6y the amount of the piuceeds inultiplied by the faltowiag,.. . , ,
<br /> fraetiou: (s)t6e total uno�u�t of thq siuns seeurcd immediateiy 6eforc the tatcing.divided by tb)the fair marlcet vaiue of the
<br /> -- ptopeity iau�ly 6eface ffx ta(�ing. Any baiaoce st�atl b+e ptid to Sort�wer. tn dre tvent ofa p�rtiaf tatcing ef ihe - .
<br /> � pmpaty in wtiich the fair m�tica v�tuc of�the Ptap�Cty immediately befoR dK t�lcing is kss than tAe amo�ent of tlie sums
<br /> ' securod immediatelg 6efae th�talcing.unkss Bo�mwer and Lender aiierwise agr�ce ia vvsiting or aekss appticabk 1�►w
<br /> ott�e+wise provides.the p�ocaYls shall be applied to�he sums secured by tAis Securiry Insuument whcther ar not the sums�e
<br /> � t�endue. '
<br /> ff the ptoperty is ab�edoned bg Bortowe�a if,aRer notice by l.endes to Barower thac the cardemnor offers to make _
<br /> an awa�d ar seak s ctum for dunages.Barruwer fa�s to respond to Lender witbin 3d days after the dut the notice is g'rven, -
<br /> • f,eoder is wthocized m edtect�applY.lhe pcacads.at its aqion.eiti�er to nstaation ar sep�ir oi the Pnoperty flr to the
<br /> scrtnc secuced by this Secuuity[asuument,whettier or rwt�hen due. .
<br /> Unfess l.ende�ard.HoRnwer ott�erwise agrce in writing.any�pplicatian of Proceeds to principal shali not e�ctend ar
<br /> postpone the due d�t�of�he monthiY paYments nfernd to in Qaragraphs t and 2 or change the ana�t of such payaxnts.
<br /> v, goerow��r NoE Rdpised;Farbransce By l.eader.Not s Wsiva. Exunsion of the time for payment or
<br /> aadification of a�nortization of the sums secund by this Security Tnsuument g�anted by Lenciet to any sucreswr in interest � �
<br /> of go�ruwer si�a11 not operate to cekase the lia6ility of the original Borrower or Bom�wer's succes.wrs in interes�Lender "
<br /> sh�lt not be tequined to canmenc.�e proceed�n&s aStinst smY�ca�sor in�te�t°�nfuse to extend time far paymeat or
<br /> . cNhecwi.se modify artwRization ai the sums secured 6y this Secvriry Instrument by crason of any demand made by thc original
<br /> �Aaerowcr ar Bonnwu's successors in interest. MY forbrarance Dy i.ender in exercising m�y nght or remedy.shall not he a
<br /> waiver of or p�eclude the e.�e�ise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 12, Saooe�ors�nd A�s Bo�nd;Joiet and Several 1dA6ifitq;Co-signers. 7Ue cavenants and ag�eemenu of this � .
<br />_ Sxurity instrunxnt shall bud and benefit the succeysors aod assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the prov�sions of
<br />-_ 'paragraph 17.Barower�s covenanu and agrecments shall be joint and several.Any Bortower who co-signs this Security
<br /> insdument but das not execute tt�e Note: �a)is co-signing this Securiry Inspumet�t c�nly to mort8age.Srant and convey that .
<br />-�. — Bomnwer�s interest as the P►vpecey wider the trnns of this Security lnstn�menl: (b)is not personalty obiigated to pay the sums
<br /> -- secured by this Secarity Itutcumcnt and(c)agrees that l.ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.modify.farbGZr
<br /> =- or mafce any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security lnsuumene or the Note without Wat$omnwer's
<br /> _ cansen� �
<br /> 13 l.aaa Cdsuaea If the toan seeured by this Secnrity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> _= _ charges.and that law is finally inteipreted so that the interest ar other lann.charges caUected or to be caUected in coanection .
<br /> - with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: la)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> _ - the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums alt+eady collected from Borcawer whieh exceeded pe�mitted limits wi11 be
<br />-=-- refunded to Bornnwer. Lender ma�chaose to make this refund by:reducing the principal awed under the l�iote or by making a
<br />-:�f-' direct payment to Bartower. If a rzfund reduces prineipal.the cedaetian will be ar�ted ac a partial p�epayznant withoat any
<br /> ; pnpay�rnent charge urxkr the Not� � _
<br />, 14. NoNees. Any notice to 9orrower provided for in this Security Instrument shal! be given b�•'d�2ivering it.or by _
<br /> � • . mailing it by 6rst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shal}be���d to the Proporty
<br /> � ' Addr�ess or any other addcess Barrower designates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice to Lender shalb 6e�.ven by frst ci� _
<br /> � ' mail to Lender's address stated herein or az►y other address Lender designates by noflce to Bomower. Any notice provided for _
<br /> in this Security Insttument shall be deemed to have been given ta Borrower or Lender�f;�►�iven ac provided in this -
<br /> __�`�, �S�Governing Law;Secerability: This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the _
<br /> � - judsdicticm in which the Property is located. In the event ihat any provisionor clause of this Security lnstrument or the Note . _
<br />- . conflicts with apptica6le law.s,nh conflict shaA not affect other provisions of this Security lnstrument or the Note which can =
<br /> • �, be��n efPect without the�co:��:�tins pravisian. To this er.d the provisions of this Sec�rity I�strument and the I�Ias aze `
<br /> •�- " declac�3 to be severa6to. •.'.� �'. ='
<br />: '' y� 16. BorroRa'sCapy.�Bcmcawer xhall be given one con���:+ned eopy of the Note andaf this5ecurity Instrume�. �'
<br /> 17. 7lranster+n�the I'roperty or a Beneflctal Interest in Eorrower. lf all ar any pan af the PropeRy or any ic�:2r�st in '
<br /> it is satd or tra�sf�€red(ar if a bencficial interest in Borr�wer is soW or tran.sferred and Borrawer io�eot a naturat person) • �_
<br /> withaut Lender s prior written cansent.I.ender may,ut i�s option,require immediate payment in full oF:c::�sums secure,d by `
<br /> ` thts�Security Instrument. Hnwever,this option shail not bc+exercised by l.ender if cxerci.se as prahibited by federal tav��.s of � �
<br /> tlte d�ate of th�.v Security In.Sirumeat. �
<br /> • Sf 1.ender exercises this optidn.Lender xhall give Barrawer notice af acceleration. r"�.�.^::^once aha{d�rovide a peii•�d of -_
<br /> � na tess than 30 dayc from thc date the notice i.r•delivered or maiied within whicfi Bormwer mu+e pay iR:.uras secured hy this
<br /> Security Instnament. If Borrower faiis ta pay these cumti prior tn the exp"uation of this period. S.e-.�::�:, may invoke any �
<br /> • --- remcdies permined by this Security Insuument without iurlher notice ar demand on Borrower. •
<br /> ' t 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. li'Burrower meet� cenain conditions, Boaoa•er sFz:'G t.�ve fhe right to have �
<br /> enfascement of thic Security instrument discominued at any time prinr tU the eurlier af, (ak 5 day�;ccrr such other period av
<br /> Singlc Family..�annk 1ixlFtMdk;ix t;:�lil)k�11�ti'fRt;HY.ti1'•-Unifnnn Cavrr,a,:t: 9�90 Ipu,c�4 ajb pa�e�► � :
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