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<br /> - -`a�a-- `' • � � , . ' ` F` �� ��� . ,
<br /> . � • � Hi�i ir l�ro�e,+�t� iw�a■ae.,.HaitowE[s6�11�eep tUC Lmp�a�s��'�[h�r enected a111w.' �
<br /> • . �10�lIry�YW���6�►�C.�S UICYIIdl�1Yll�ln fbG iGtO1'K�didOd COYG[�C�71�MY dlllf 11i1�[dS.lAC11�dt�
<br /> ' �(�j O��pp�.(�1YbIC�I�i[0�1��5�•�IS tIIl111�'Gi S�1 bC�IIIO�;R�C ai1101q1IS i�fOf fdC QO�IOdf
<br /> - 1�T,�O�i 1p{�1l�d.�nIC 11WI!'�0�q�ifE[�Yldlll�15C 1��{��06Ca��OfldWld StIbJOCt t0�.CM�C��s i�[O�►v
<br /> w�ich�D aat.6e a�ambly aitHield.If Borm�ver fia'Is fo rtuiunin coveage descd6ed above.Lenckr may.at Eender`s .
<br /> . . . . optioa,oblsin oa+rel�re to F�atoc�1�f�s�ghts ia tise Pt�opeily in s000td�ace wiiD paug�ph 9.
<br /> All imn�moe policies�od�enewalt�haU be aooeptabk w I.�eoder aod slnit include a styndatd mo�tg�ge c[ause. isnder '
<br /> tdll have tbC dgbt to iaW tde poltcies ad�enewsis.If I.eoder toqaites.Boci�n�ver swll pcoR4�Y 8ive to ltnder atl t�eoeipts of
<br /> p�it!�aed n�vai no�o�,Ia the evat of lu�s,Hoisovdeer shtU give pmm�e ootire to the iaw�noe carrier and Lendet.
<br /> l�ader mayr m�prootof bss if aot n�de pmm�ttY 6Y Borm�w�-
<br /> Ud�Leader aod Bamwer athenirise�tec io wtitiag,i�roe Pmcads s6�11 be�PPtied to restor�tias or cepair af tbe
<br /> pmp�cty dae�ed.ff tbe trsWr�tion or�ir:is e0000mieallY feacibte and Lender's sxurity is not lasened.if the restoration or
<br /> rrep�ir is not e0000mieaUY fi�"ble or lander's sawity waild 6e lessened.d�e i�ur�na Pcaceeds s6�11!�e apptiod to the sue�s
<br /> teaned by das Saacitl►�IaatrumaM,wlahei ar not thea dae,wit6 anyr accas Paid to 8arrower. If Borrower abuidons t!x ;
<br /> _ propMy,or does not a�u wid�in 30 drys s nati�fraa L,ender that tbe iawrance curier has otTe�d to satTe a eTaim,theo
<br /> i�eoder m�Y oulba tbe imacanoe Pmoeods• L�a�da mtY use d�e p�aoeeds ta�pair a rescae t6e P�ope�ty or to pay sui� :
<br /> sec�ted by tUis Sacarity Iasttnmeot,whdher or uat tben due.'iLe 30�day period wi116eg�iA wlten tLe notioe iS givar.
<br /> Unkss icader 9ad Borm�rer othe�wise agtee in wiiting,�Y�PRli�tioa of prnoeeds to priucipai si�afl not exwd or
<br /> po�pooe tt�e�oe d�te of die moethty p�ymwts nfesred to in pas�graphs i and 2 or d�aago the`amouM af tbc payments. If
<br /> ynder pWSgr�pb 21 the P�upert�is xquiied by Leader,HoRUwer's right co a�ry insurance policies aid proceods t+esutting from-
<br /> d�ge to tde Prnpa�y Pn°r.m thc acquisitian s6a11.pacs W Lender w tbe extaN of the sums secured by this Socutity InstrumeM .
<br /> � �Y Pcior w t6e acQus!u°°- ' �.��`. . .
<br /> f�.Oac�.7,Ptaenstia�,��sd,Pe+otectiot ot tMe PmpatY�aon+�ve�s I.oau Applia�tio�;Lessd�a�ds. —
<br /> Hoem�ver sh�lt oocupy.establish,,aed use t6c Pm�paty�s Bortnwer's principal zesidaice within su�ty day�s after the execution af .
<br /> -- this SecutitY Imt�ament and sl�il ea�tinoe to occupy ihe Pc�npe�ty zs Borrowet's principW iesideooe for at last one yar after
<br /> -� the d�oi oa,up�y,ualess f.eader otlxrarise agtxs ia writing, whic�oonsent slaU not be unirason�bly withheld,or unkss .
<br />_.;'�:;�, exteau�ting cir�anez.s eadst wluch are beyoM Hotmwer's contn4{. Borrower s6a11 not desuoy, dart�age or impair the --_ -
<br />_;^�:;. �y, �y�r the prnpeKjr to detesinrtte,or canmit wa�te oa !hc_PcnpenY. Bocrawer st�ll be ia def�ult if any forfeitune g__—
<br /> '-�� actiou or pc�aeeediag, wheth�r civil or crimiaal,is begun that ia Leoder's good faith judgrt�ent caald result in fodeiturc of tl�e" �".�_-
<br /> �-��-
<br /> .pioperty or utheiwise matetially impair.the lien craRod bX this Seqirity.-insuument or Lender's security interest.Borruwer maY-� �'°°"._—
<br /> � cun snch a defantt And ntiastate.as provided in patagiaph.l8.bY sausi�►S the action or proce�ding w be dismissed with a ruling -------
<br /> ��-
<br /> th�t, in La�der's goad faitb determia�tion, Precludes:fipifeiture of tue,.Bomna+er's interest in the Prape�ty or other material �___:-
<br /> "��-s,. impwinneiR of the liea ctraced by this Sacuttity! Insaamegt ar t.ender's sxurity iatezest.Bompwer s6at1 also be in default i€. �'°`"��'�
<br /> ::":;;` gort�wer��ru�g the lom application p�nce�s.gave i't�terialiy false itcinaccunte infom�apon or�nts to l.enckr{or fa�ed
<br /> .i;,:: W pr�ride i.eider with auy m�terial infarm�iaa)ia oonne�tion with�e toan evidenced by ttit 1�,including,but not limited -.—.--�
<br /> �'� to,repissaRUions conceming Borrower's occapancy of tGe Property as a principal irsidencei.If ttiis Secnrity Instrumeat_is o�a i_�
<br /> ' le�ehold, Burrower shall oampiy with atl d�e provisions of the lease. If Be�mov��acquires fee tttle to t6e Propecty, U�t ,�,�:
<br /> :.t , �,:� �
<br /> � t�uh�d�tfle fee title shall not merge unfess Lender agrees to the mergrr in arting.
<br /> ������g gighis in the Propeety.If Borrower faits to perfolm the covenanu and agreetnents contained in ���''` y-
<br /> th�y$ecuaitp�'strument.or ihere is a legal proceeding that may significantty affect i.ender's rights in the Property (such as a ;;?��`�__
<br /> � gi+�x�eeding in bankcuptcy.probate,for condemnadon ar forfciture or to enforce laws or regulations),then i.ender may do aad ;..�.�`'`����'`__
<br /> ! �.:. ..,,_
<br /> t:,,:r•.
<br /> pay for whataver is naessuy to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lendec's actions maY , �-y;S1.=�=__
<br /> . incIude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Inst�ument, appearing i�s rourt. paYinB �-;�::.�:'-'-=_.�-
<br /> .�,; .,.
<br /> reawn�bk attomeys'fees and entering on the Property ta m�lce repairs.Although Lender may take actian under this paragr�h ;•_-��_
<br />. � 7•LCi1dCT dOCS AO{�lAVC t0 d0 50. , . . .'''�-;���-
<br /> , , �. Any amounts dtsburscd by I.ende:undeT this paragraph 7 shall become additional de�t-a€Borrower secured by i'.:zs :,:.�.;,,..� >
<br /> Sea�rity lnstniment. Unless Hortawer a.�Lender agree to other tertns af payment.these amouncs shall bear eaterest from the r:t;; «.... �
<br /> �• �e of disbursement at the iVote rate and shall be�payable.with interest, upon notice from Lender to &i�er requesting �rL:1J�.•�Y�,r�
<br /> . � 9'"ji'S.'
<br />:::l4 s.:,l�..;` �yt111�11�• :;'':_�T�
<br /> ;'"'",,,'' S.Morigsge lnsurance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition af making the loan secured by this Security -,r. :W.__--
<br /> ,�,;,.,
<br /> . .1'f��'�• +{K..,�M. ��i�
<br />:i+°f r�;��. :. I,nstrumeat,8orrower shall pay the premiums r uired ta maintain the mort a e insurance in c1'fect. If. for any reason,,the
<br /> eq g g ,r i�:=_
<br /> ';'` �.; : `uaottgage insurancc coveragc required by l.ender lapscs er ccascs to be io effect.Banawcr shal!pay thc prcmiums rcquirod to � �.r::��::
<br /> , ,, .
<br />:,;tj • ' :.�bt�in eoverage substaatlally equivalent to the mongaige'snsurance prcviously in cffect,ae a cost substantially equivalent to the .
<br /> ��'''�` cost to Botrower of the mortgage insarance previausly in effect. fcam an altemate mortgage insurer approved by l,ender. [f ,
<br /> : tif;. . .
<br />';::�;I`; substantially equlvalent martgage ins�uraacecoverage is not availaJ�Ie„�Borrower shall p�y tn Lcn�i:r cach month a sum eq�l tiv _:. �
<br /> __�_ r. __ __ __ _`� one-twelfth of.the yearly mortga�e insu'ranoe premium being paist�[3orrowcc when the insutarna:coverage lapsed or ceased to ,;_:;��?t:r; .
<br /> ' �'��' be in effect.Lender witl accep�,use and retain these pay�lents as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve �,1t;�f;'.'. �: •
<br />� � � �alll�� f� �yrj Af t '
<br /> � � .
<br /> ; .`, p�3 a�� �. . .--
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