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<br /> �_ :` '��I'rl 11�C ir�peo�iDw At I�QeJi��nCred Cs fie p�cpOt9s t�d all;�app�tl�oei.�d -
<br /> Aa�rres �ow ot Ue�ec s pet ot drc p+o�atY. /111 ��a�fi s�ditio� �il at�o 6e co�erect bS►'t6�Secstit�►
<br /> i�tewNe�t.AU oElit to�oie�isvekrred.to in tiis Secu�ity imnuine�t as tbe'Prope�tY•� .
<br /> ApRRa�M1ER OOY�NA��t 8orrowec.a!au►[Ytiy iei�od of t6c i�tate l�erebY oonYeSrod�d hat d�e d�t w Essnt�ed
<br /> for�a�dr�of�ao�d. Bol�vMx wamats aod�n'II
<br /> � hqavey,ti�Prope�aad t1�t Wc p'inpeity is uneonue6ened,��p tu maambranoes af.trcbr+a. .
<br /> -� de[ead�r+lt�►tLe titk to ttfe F�opeay agaimt�il d�ims�d d�k.�� �uY .
<br /> ` THIS SEClTR1TY 1NSIRiJMENT combina uaiform aweemts for aotion�l ase�d nan-�ifoem oovanats vrith Gmiood
<br /> va�i�tio�s by jatHdi�tion W crostidue a unitatn iearity imtrumee�oo+►ai�nai PmP�Y. � •
<br /> UNffORM COVENAN'IS.Hoaovrecsad laWer oovaont�d a6cee is idlo�rs:
<br /> 1�lhj�e�t�[lti�ei�il a�l IMerert:Tt�MY�aY �� ��'ail promptty PQY a�tias duc tbc
<br /> , priocip�i of�ed intettst on the debt evideaoed bY 8�e Alate and anY P�Y����.duc under thc rbte.
<br /> . 2.�L�is tot Tases atl(npiea�ca Subjat w�pplica4k la�r or to a writua waiver by Isndec. Batt►wex shall py to
<br /> •' t�ender ao tbe d�y at�lY P�Y�s�due w�der tLe Nnte.uoti)the Note is Q�d ia full.a sum('Funds'7 fo�:(a)Year1Y t�xGs
<br /> ' �and a�anests•iv6icb n�y stnia pcioriry ara t6is Savrity Ia�umaN as q tiea on tAe Piopetty:(is1 Y�Y�P�Y�.
<br /> or�i�cwd Rats'oe tbe Fiopaty,if aay:tc)��Y��PW�Y insuemoe P�miwiu�t�Y�Y flaod inwr�oe pmosiums.
<br /> if say:(e)Y�Y�f��°0e Pm��•if any:�ad(fl�}'�.P�Y�bk bY Bonower to Ltnder. in aoduad�ooc witb
<br /> , ��y�o[p�caph 8,in lieo of Ne p�ymmt•of mo�ge inwranoe pRmiug�.'Tl�ese itam u+e c�ited'Fscmw Ita�.'
<br /> I.eader anY.at aay tiwae,aollect�+d boid Funds in an amauR not to ex000d tbe�xu�att armuat a krda fos a fodaoUy
<br /> �ela�ed mo�taage laan may requi�c fer EamNei s escrow aocount under t6e faded Rat�te Seu�Pcrx�aduces� -
<br /> i97�as maded fmm time to time,12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('RFSPA°).unlesa aaother I�r d�t app�es ,
<br /> sets a ksses amouat- If so, i.ader mry,�t anyr time.rdk�x and hold Fwids in sn amoant aot to exceed tbe ksser amoua�
<br /> ��ury�re the�nourt of Fand4 due oa the baais of cumnt d�ta aad neasonabk admates of arpe�dit�ues of futare t
<br /> Fiao�r tan�or alLawise in�acotd�oce witlt applipble iaw. . , ---
<br /> < The Ftu�ds shsU be held ia aa i�tinuion wLose deposits a� insaced by a federai asency, in�lity. or eati�Y
<br /> (inclading l.ender,if l.ender is soch An imtiauiaa)or in any Feder�l Home I.aan&nk.Leadcr shal!spply the Funds to pay tbe -
<br /> - - F.icmw Ite�.LeMcc rosy nat clua�e BorroMer for laiding aad applying the Funds.a�uw�aUy amly=itt5 the asctnw aooa�ent.or �- -
<br /> _ verifying tbe Escmw itans,uWess ieoder pays Borrower interest on the`Funds and applicabk 1aw permits Leader to ma�e soch �;.;;�`",�;
<br /> eo
<br /> -- . �¢Large,How�+res,itadtr maY roqaire Bor�wa to p�y a one-time_ct�arge fot an fndependent teal estate tax neporting setvice ��:�'°--
<br /> i_�r�k�'���"- �
<br /> tS,Tl1�dC Qt
<br /> osod by L,ender in connection with this lo�n, untess applipbie law pmvides otlxrwise. Untess an �gnceraeot . y�-i-.-�_
<br /> ��...�1
<br />-- spplicable law cequires iaurest to be paid,Laide�s1wU not be r�equiced w pay Borrower any interest or eaiuings on the Fwids. �-�_=F
<br /> '".,,� - Borrowec and l+rnder may agnee in writing,haR�ever,that intere�shali be paid oa the Fimds. Leoder sball glve w Bormwer. _-_ _
<br /> '= withaut cl�atge,an anm�l acca�nting of the Fwids.showin8 crodits and dcbits w the Fands and the pa�pose for ahich eacb =__—
<br />':. ;� -
<br /> debit to the Fuedc wag made.The Funds a�e pt�dg�d ac addidoaal seearity foc all wms secaced by t6fis Sewrity Ibstmment- _
<br />"-�`j �,` If tbe Fands held by La�der eacx�ed thc unou�ts perrtuaat W 6e held by applicabte iaW,L�endec sbaU aa�unt w Bormwer
<br /> for the escess Fuads in accordu�e witb t1x�quirements of.applipble law.If the amaant of the Funds held by lender at any ��-_
<br /> ,�';�;`;; thae is nat sufficieat m pay tbe Fscraw ItaRa arfirn due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,aad,In such c�se Sormwer =-- _
<br /> ;-,,;; sh�ll Qay to i�ec�der ttia amount nece.csary to make up the defieieney. Hormaer shall malce up the defieiency ia no matx ti� ���—�:-
<br /> .. �"` � twelve monthly p�yuiznts.at Lende�'s sole discret�on. �`' =
<br /> U tn full of all sums secured by this Securlty IaStromeet, leader shall Pt�ompflY ref�nd to Borrawer a�r ''`'4=�':"�'
<br /> - f:'3� P�PaYment � , . . . . ;
<br /> ,..��;�F•
<br /> - Funds hetd by l.ender.If,under paragraph 21,Lendet shall acquire or sell the Property,l,eMer,pcior to the acquisition or sale _ •;.;�„•. >
<br /> ,�'M= of the pmpecty,shall apply any Funds held hy Lender at the time of acqulsition or sale as a credit against the sums sccuad bY -
<br />- � tbis Socurity Instrument. ' `�=-���r'.
<br /> 3.Appliaitloo n[P�n7ma�.Unless applicable law provides otherw�se.all payments received by l.ender under paragmp6s ` ,:�n._
<br /> ° ' l and 2 shalf be�slicd:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;seeand.to amounts payable under paragraph Z; - -
<br /> .� :: -_-_��`
<br /> • ,,., thi�;r��nterest due;foartf�,to pssnclpal due:and last.'fo any late chargcs due under the Note. ;�•;:�;.n, .
<br /> *- 'i,�a;Lien�.Borravrer shall,PaY all taxes,a.s.sessmenu, charSes.fines and impositions attn'butabte to the ProQa.'�y ..
<br /> '� which may attaia{�=1.�>= ovcr this Security Instrument.and teasehold payments or ground rents.if atry. Borrowtr shatE�up ,
<br /> • {'•- tlKSe obljgations i��r m�nner piovided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower s6a11 p�y ihem on time dite� , ``
<br /> ' '� � t Hoir�wer shall rom 1 fumish�o i.ender al!notices of amounts to C+�pe�nnder this paragraph. �
<br /> to the person owod paymen • P W Y � .�•-
<br /> ' I!Barrower malces these paymeaes directly,Borrowcr shall promptly fumish to l.endcr saafipcs evidencing the paYmeats. !:-. .:`.�''�"`'
<br />_ �•-�- Borrower sh�ll promptly dis�l�arge any lien which has priority over this Security Ins�renent unless Borrower:(a)agRes in ���
<br /> , � �
<br /> � . , �r• writing to the payment of thc obligation secured by tha lien in a manner acaptable w txnder;(b)cuntects in good faith the litn � ':�; r'`r�"
<br /> � ' by, or defends ap,ainst enforcement o f t h e lz"�a in, te g a l pr o c e e dings w hic h i n t h e l.e n d e r's o p i'n i o�c p e r a t e to pcevent tbe '
<br />�- ! � � enfer^,.«axnt of'the lieo:or(c>se�tr�s frnm t�u:L�.dcr of the 1'ren an agreemcnt satisfacca�ry to l.endcr s,zbordin�ting tde lien W �
<br /> . {� ' this.5a�rity lnsuument. If Len::�d�'e�rmines t;�at any pact of ihe Property is snb;�x r�a a lien which m�y attain peioaity 4�or ' � .
<br /> ' _ — —_ - this Sacurity lnstniment.l.ender may give Borrowcr a naucx idcntifying thc licn.Bmtmcvcr shalt satisfy the lien or taice ane ar _
<br /> ;�.�', _ iaore oY the acNons set farth abave within 10 days of Ihe giving of notice_ k
<br /> ,�,�.: .
<br /> . Fann 302a 9/!0 � .
<br /> _ ' . . Ppe2otB ( .. .
<br /> -,•� IYIC,96?9.HElt f � ,
<br /> �, �,
<br /> . . - :r,� � �
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