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<br /> S, Nasun! or Pro�nir Iwu�ana. &srrower �4►�il kap the �mprovements rww existing or hereaftcr erectai on the
<br /> Pro�x:rty insura! agalnst los�by fire, huzard�s included within the term "extended coverage" and any other haz�rds, includina
<br /> Hoods or tiooding,f'a�wnich i.ttKier t�cyuircy i��tiue��ce. Ti�is ituu�a�ice siiali iii�i�i:il{iJ;;i�t:.rl i�ti tlic amaunt�aitd for thc p=rIa�s
<br /> tFw�l.rrnkr requira. ThG incutu�c�e c�rrier prQViding ths insurence shali bt chosen by �orrower sub,joct ro I.snder's approvd
<br /> which shall not tn unrea.sunobly withheld. If�onower Cai{�to maintain wverage Cescribed above, Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> option,obtain coverage tv protect Lender's rights in the Propersy in accnrdance with paragraph 7.
<br /> All insurance pal�cies and renewals shali be acceptable to Lender a�►d shall include a standard mortgage clause. l.�nder
<br /> siudl have tix�ight to hold ihc p�licies and renewnls. Ii Letxkr requires. Borrower stwll�romptly giva to Lendes aU receipts of
<br /> paid pnmiums and renewal noticcs.(n the eve��t ot loss,Be>�rower shall give prompt noticc to the insu��unce carrier ansi Le.rxler.
<br /> Lsnd�r may make proof af loss if not mede promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unlcss Lender Arn1 Borrower otherwi:�agroe in writing,insurance procads shali be spplied to rcstoration or r�p�ir of the
<br /> Property damagexi,if thc �storation or r�epair 9s cconamically feasible and Gender's security is rtot iessened.If the restonuion ur
<br /> rep�ir is not oc�nomicsdlly feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance pmceods shalt be applied to the sums
<br /> socuced by this Securisy Jnstcumr.nt, whether or not ihen due, with any excess paid to &�rrower. If Borcower abandons the
<br /> Pr4perty,or does nat xnswa within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insuranco carcier has offecr�d to setde a claim,tl�en
<br /> Lrnder may collect the insurance pmcsads. �.ender may use the procepds to repalr.ar restore the Yroperty or to poy sums
<br /> socurcd by this Security Inat�ument.whdhcr or not tl�n due.'The 36-day poriad wifi begin wher�thG ratice is given.
<br /> Unless Lader and Borrowcr othenvise agra in wrifizig, any applica�tion of proceeds to principal shall iwt exter►d or
<br /> postpone the due date of tAe inonthly payments rcCerrcd to in parngraphs 1 and 2 or changa the acnount of thc payments. If
<br /> ander�an�grnph 21 the Proprtty is xquired by I.e►kiar,Borrower's right to any insura►xc policies und nmceods�ulting from
<br /> dwr�ge to the Property pria to tha aaquisition sf�ll pncs to Lenda to the extent of tha sumti socured by this Socurity Instrurne�K
<br /> immodiet�ly prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Occup�ncy,Pre�rr�tioa, MaintenanGe snd Pcotoctbn of the Property:Bo�+ower's I.wn Applkatioo:Le�ei�obM.
<br /> B�nrowa s1uJl c�ocupy,est�blish,and use the Pmperry a�s Borrower's principal residenoe within siuty days rfta the ea�a;ution of
<br /> this Securit�Instnunent and shali continue to occv;py the Pro��erty as E3�nower's principrl resid�nco for ad Ilrast one year after
<br /> the d�te of occupancy.unleas I.ender c+therwise agrc.�s in writing, whfch consent sliall not be unreasonwbly�withheld, or unlaa
<br /> extenuating circu�stanoes ezist whi�fi :�re beyond Borrower's controt. Borrower siwii rat de.stray, dsna,ge or impQr u�c
<br /> Property. sUuw the Prop�eny to d�teriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrowe,r shall be in deCauli if any forfeiture
<br /> s►ction or p►ro�.eoding,w�h�etHer �ivil or criminal, is 3iegun that in L.end�r's guod faith judgment uould r�ult in forfeitw�e bf the '
<br /> Property or otlKawise mnicd'ally impair the lien creatM by this Securlty Instnuncpt,or Leader's�rity interest.Bormwer may •
<br /> C1ltE SIACII A dCfAUI��11d i'�IAilBtC;us ptoYidod Io parxgraph 18,by causing the actian or proceoding w be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> th�t, in t.�nder's good faith deternuc�c}tinp, pt�oetudts farfeituro of tlu� Borrower's interest in the Pn�ecty or other material
<br /> imp�irment of tbe lien cratai by this�5ac�rity Ipstrument or Lend�r's sxurity inuerest. Eiorrower stwll also be in default if
<br /> Borrowa,during the lorn�pplication procesa,grve;materially falsa ur i�wccurate inf�rn�tion or statanents tq Leaxier(or faSled
<br /> to proyida Lt.ncier with eny ma�erial infornwlion)in�oonnoction with the lan evicknoed by the Note.incTa,i;ti[tg.,.but not limited
<br /> ta,reQrtsenutionv conarning Borrower's occu�ncy o`f the I'ropedy as a principal residence.If this Security:�t�nt is an a
<br /> leasd�oid. Sotrow�r shall con�ply with all the provisior� of the lease. If Borrowrr acquires fee tiUe to fha f4upet�ty� tlre
<br /> teaitdwld ard the fa tiQe siull ral rnerge unless L.ender agra.s to trie margcr in writing. �,. ...
<br /> '7.proicetioN ot I,eawke'9 RT�IKa in tbe Pt+o�xrty.If Dorrower fails to puform the wveiw�ts und agroeutiuts containod in �
<br /> this Seturity I»atmment,<.or tFeere ia�legAl proceeding tl►it may significantly afCect I.ender's righis in t}�Prc�atY(wch ss a
<br /> � in banlcru yrob+ce, for oondem.nation�ur forf�iwre or to atfora;;;luws or ngu�atioas),oha�l�ender m�y 30�nc1 `""`
<br /> Proceed�eE Pt�Y, ., �
<br /> pay for whatever is.nexxeuy to pernact thc vafue of the Property wx1 Luxkr's'rights in the Propaty. l.ender'a pctioa mtY .
<br /> ia�dude p�ying any surr.s secu�at b;y;,�t jlien which has priority over this Sonirity Instr+sment, a�►pa�ring y11 [+DUrt, paying
<br /> Kaantibie attorneys'fas uid entrai����n the Fro�Ry to malce tr,p�irs. Alttto�g�i��f,ender may taice a�ctioa�►ud�cr this prcagraph
<br /> 7.Lender does not have to b so. � � ' , •
<br /> Any �unounts disbunod by I,ender under't?�i4�pxragraph 7 shall t►ocome additic+nil debt �f 8atmivy���eavrod by this
<br /> Security Xr�utzum�a�. Unle.uRorrow�•�nd L�r�dcr agroe to otheer�+tenns of payment.theso araounts shall ba�r iraarst fsvnn the
<br /> d�ue of dli�buisrment at the Nae r�e�und sl�all be psyable, wiih intectistv upon notice from i.�nder to Horrowec c�xtS}iqq
<br /> WY►nem• �' ' . •
<br /> $,b9orl�a�e Liwr�ece. If Lr�xler requimd nxirtgage 6nsurance us a c�xodr{r;c��of making the loan secured by tt►is Sonuity
<br /> tnarunnent, Borrowa s'Finll pay d�e,prc.�niums nquired to miaintain the mortgaga inseraixx in efEact. If, for sny rason, the
<br /> nxMg,�ge iasurs�noe�wver�ge exquimt�by Lender Iaps�ar cease.s to be in effat, Borrower shxll p�y the premiunu roquirod to �
<br /> obdin wvecs�e subatacKially oqui��ls:ut tv tha mortgnge insuranct proviously in effect,ai a a�st substantially oquivalaat to the
<br /> tost ta Bomuwer of tht moRgage Insurance pceviausly in effect. from en ultcmau rmmgage insurGr appruvod by�Lcnder. If
<br /> ti»bst�n�ti�lly ocjuivalent rrxxtgago insurancxt cavera,ge is ccot available.Borrowet r�ll pay to I.encler each month a sum oqual to �
<br /> • • �vix�twdfth of the yw'ly mottgagn(nsuranoe premiu►u Seing pud by�orrower when the insurence ooverage lapsod or ceasod to ' '
<br /> be in effect.Leaxlrr will acce}�t;use nnd ttitain these payments as �lass riesccve in liat of•mo►tgago insuratx:e. Loss srserva
<br /> , ' wm,sois:•8ro0
<br /> v.pe a o�e
<br />