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<br /> 1'Oti�sTHER W i"I`H all tha jmprovomcnts now or hueafter erectod on thc properry,and�ull easements. �ppunenutx�es.and
<br /> fizturcs iaw or fxreafter a p�rt of the proprity. All ceplacements �r►d udditians shal! ulso be coveral by thia Sr,curity
<br /> Instrument.All uf the foregoing ia referrod to�n this Sor+�rity Inatn+ment Rs tho"Property."
<br /> y�p��)�FR CnV�?NANTS thAt f3oti��wcr is lawfully stised of thc cstate rtreby cunvcycd Anc!has the��ght to grant aix!
<br /> comey the P�eperty a�d thxt the Property is u�xncumtxrcc�, exeept for etxumbrances of record. Bonower wvrrants and will
<br /> defend gentrxity the di.k to the Pro�aerty agaimt xll cla�ms nnd dr.nutids,subJect to any encumbrances of rceard.
<br /> TI�TS SECUItiTY IN5TR(3MENT combi��es unjform covenants for national use ancf nun-uniform cavenants witt� limited
<br /> vpriations by jurisdictiots ta ctmAti4ute e uniform sa:urity instn�mcnt a�vzting real property.
<br /> Uh�IFORM CaVENAN7'9.Horrower an�l C.ender coverunt and agra as follows:
<br /> �, �ymernt�t Ft�lnclpai antl Ynts�t� �'reWyment and Late Chwr�es. Bo�rowor shall promptly pay whcn du� the
<br /> psincipQ of�uial7.rAcnst on the clebt evidencc;tt�h�the Note and any prepayment end latc cherges due under the Nate.
<br /> 2. �od�c[or Taua and Imunm�x• SubJoct to applicable law ar to a written walver by Lender,Bocrower shail pay tn
<br /> Lender on ihc day monihly�uyms�ts are due under the Note.until�he Note is paid in fuli,a sum("Funds")for.(a)yearly taaes :
<br /> snc!ac�tsrn�na;i w��iic}�sr.ay attuln priority aver thls Security Instrument es a lien on the Prope�ty; (b)yearly leace.tiold payments
<br /> or ground rpnt5�cni t)ro I"roperty.iP Any;(c)yearly hazard or propeay insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance premiuuu,
<br /> ig uiy;(e)Yeuly rrwrtgage lnsunuice premaums.if sny:end(� any sums payRblc by Horrower to L,erxkr, in acoa�nce with •
<br /> fne provisio��oe pa�-.��`��, in tfa:cf it:e pay�n:of r.�rig��ins•rran�-p�miums. Tlr��i!_ms�7 ca!!!^�"F�Crow itr_.mr�."
<br /> r„�i���y� �t any time. �Ila:t und hold Funds iri an anwunt not to excad the maximum amount a lendcr for u fedcrslly
<br /> relAted mortgaga lonn may require for Borrower's escrow acoount under the federnl Re�l Esta.ta Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as ncnendod from time to time. 12 U.,S.C. Setdon 2601 rt srq. ("RFSPA"). unless another law ahat appties to thc Funds
<br /> secs a i�sser amo�unt. If so. I�ender may. nt.any tfine. col[act Ard hold Funds in an airiount not ro axceed the lesser��unt.
<br /> L.ender may estinnate the amount uf Fueuls duc on the b�,sis of current data and reasonable estinwtes of cxlxnditures of futu�.
<br /> Esc�now Itmts or oth�wiae in acoordance with applic�le 1�w. �
<br /> The Funds s}Wl be t�eld in�u► institution whoso�ideposits ue insurod by a fodsral agency, instrumentality� or endty
<br /> (inciuding L.�ader.if I.ender is such an institution)ar in any Fodee�l Nonee T.aan�3w�k.Ltncier shall apply ttye Funds to pay 1ti:;
<br /> F.scrow Itcros.Lender may not chuBe Borrower for i�olding and applying the�unds.atuutally st�lyzing the escrow�cooum;;o��:�
<br /> verifying the�scmw Itans,unless Le�r pay�Borrower inV:rest on the Funds x�ui�pplica�ble law permits I.endler to ro�ke su.;h '
<br /> p C.vi�c.°:,i.�:.%.,:..-�:°SS�."SL�"`-�=i'=—�itrn'w�tn n�Y 3 cUr firr_r_.ch�ra�fi�r An itu_41r+_r��nt rral r_ctate ta�t[tOntYll�SE1Vics ,
<br /> usai by Lende� in oonnect��n with this loan. unless �pplicablo law provides otixrwise. Unless un �gree,ment is made or
<br /> applicable lAw nequirts intarest to be raid��L.endcr sl►�1l�at be re�ui�+ed to pay Botrower any interest or drnings on the Fwpl�,,
<br /> Borrower�uu!�.rtr�der mA.Y agtGe in wriYin��:however. Q�at interat st�all be peid on tile Fulxis. Lci�dcr�f!giva w Botrowex.;,�
<br /> without charge;'an annuwl a�cour.ring of ttu Funds. showing crodits arrd debits to thc Funcls�.qd tY�4;p�rposc for which a�c�i``S; `
<br /> debit to the Funds was msdt.The Funds au plqdgod u.v zdditional security for all sums sceured by this Sxuriry TnstrumGnt. '��:`' .
<br /> If ti�e Funds beld by i.a�der exoea!thC amounts pelmitted tu be held by applicable law,[.ender stWl accout►t to Aoniovya
<br /> fi�r the exoe.vv Funds in accord�x�wit1�ttie requirernents�f applicable law..0 the unount qf the�und�held by l.ender at.priy . .
<br /> �ime is not sutficient to pay tlie Escrow atcaYis when due,I.en�ler m�y sd°rwGfy Borrowar in w►�iting,�nd,in sucfi cau Boiro�i�i:���
<br /> sh�l�pay W l.p�det the a�nount neeeaea4r,�,�tu u�ice up Uje de:iciency. Ba�rrower shall raalce up the defiriency in nn mart t1�t�ii;,�. •
<br /> tw�clve monthlY P*Y�s,at I.ender'9 salo disc�4ian. •: `` .
<br /> L'pon pymeat in full of alf sums saaurod by this Security Instwnent. Lcei�3�r atull Prornpt[Y nivad to Borrower ury •.
<br /> Funds heid by Lender.If.under p�rag�pl►.,21, L,e�der shaN aoquia or sell the Prn�xrty,l.�nder,. rior ta the�cquiaitiun or We
<br /> of the Property. sfWl apply�ny Funds h�Cl��y Lendar u the time of acquisition or sale�s a crafi�'�;againu the surt►�sa:�red.b,�*.
<br /> thi:Security Imuument. � . : : :`':"�•
<br /> 3.Appi{ntioa ot 1°l�ytrea�ts.Unlesa spplisable law provides otherwi�e.all pxyrne+�s�+eoelved�by LaKier�v�der p�sgrsphfi�
<br /> t a,d 2 ahalQ 6e app�ied: fint. to anY P�Y�����uMer thG NMe:sornnd.a amounes pa�y�bf�u,�ier paussr�ph 2;
<br /> tpird,w interat c3�e;farrth,to principsl due:ard layt,to any iate chuges due unckr the Nota
<br /> �.G�;13e�.Bornower slWl pay all tues,�ssessments, c�her$es, fi�s and irnpoaitions.ettributaWc to the PrQptvt�� -
<br /> w�dict��y adiei�priairy ovrr this Socurity I�s!rument, and Ieasd�oW paymaNa or ground rr,nt�. if sny. Honrower sbal�•�,h�:
<br /> thdte ubligationi an the m�nner providod in parug�aph 2,or if rwe peid in tfu�i m�nner. Borinwer shtll qy t�n►on time d'ua�tp
<br /> to the per6on owed p�ymant.Borruwec shall promptly tumish to I.ender all notioaa of amamts w be paid u�da�thic p�ra�r�ph. .
<br /> If Borro�er maices these payments diroctiy,Horrower stull prompdy fumish to l.�ader roaipl�evidp�cing the pa�yman�:
<br /> Bornwver s1Wl prorrmtly discharge any lien which h�s priority over thi�Socmrity I,nsttumer�t unkss Bnrrower:(a)agraes in
<br /> writing to the p�yment of the oblig�tioa secwod by the 11rn in A m�nner aooept�ble to L�er;(b)oontss�a in gaod fiilh the litn
<br /> by. oc +fefe,4�ds against enfor� of the lien in. tega! proeardings which in the I.e�ecfer'� c►pinInn opei�ta to prevent d�
<br /> � en�'ottr,ma�t of the lien:or(c)savres from tha holder of ti�e lien an agreement satisf�ctory to I.enckr suboidis�ating the lien tcy
<br /> this Securicx Instn�ment• if I.erxier determines tl�at any parc of the Hroperty is sv�bjat to a lirn which may aitain priority ovcr
<br /> thjs Security Iratryment.L,efder may give Borrower a notice identifying the lian. Borcr�war sF�all s�tisfy the lie�or takc onc ur
<br /> mune of the actions set forch above within 10 days�f the giving of notice.
<br /> Form�02N 81Y0
<br /> � f`p��016 .
<br />