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<br /> pnyments may �aa longer bn r�uird,at thc:,ption nf Lcnder, if mortgage insurnnce coverage(in the amount and for t6c�eriad
<br /> thut Lc►xler rc��uir�c) pmv��lod by an insur�r spproved by Lcnder again ixcames aveilable and is obtainecl. �rrower shall pay
<br /> tha prtmium�n:quir�ta mRimuin mortguge insurance in ettxt,or to provide n loss reserve,undl the rcquir�ment For mongagc
<br /> in�urancc cnds in;�c�rd:,.1,�r�ith u�y wiittcii uKr�:;;�n�nt i�twcen iio;�ower a��d I.en�ier ur applicuble luw.
<br /> 9. Inspc�+MMion. Le��ctc'r ar its agent may make reasarubfe entries upon and inspcctions of tho Prop�rty. Lender shall give
<br /> Bonower notit�nt tf►�tirr►�af c�r prior ta an inspection specifying rcasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> 10. Condamnation. �'ho proceeds of any award or cleirn far dam�ges, direce or consequentiul, in connection with any
<br /> candcmnation nr otfit+.r�siking af any part of the Propcny.or for cdnveynncc in lieu of c�.^.d�mnation.are her�by assigned and
<br /> shall bc paid tv LeixleT.
<br /> In t�tc event of a tnttd.U�Ring af the Froperty,the proc�d�shsil be applied to efie sums sec��^�d by this Security Instrument,
<br /> whether or not thcn duo, wbth nny excess paid to Bonower.In the event of u paztla! talcing of the PropPrty in which the fatr
<br /> market valua af tfk Prnpe�ty immediately before tt�o taking is caual to or greater than thc amount of the sums secus�d by this •
<br /> Sexurity Insta+rnciu irnm,,�iqtaly beforc thr,taking, unless Borrawer anci Lender osteerwise agrec in writing.ttie sums secura!by
<br /> ttiis Security lnst�um�ent s�t,all be reduced by the amount of the procceds mult��;;�1 by the following fra�.:eion: (a) the total
<br /> amount of tha sums sc�:�u�rs� invnaliately before the taic�ng,divided by (b) the�Fauc market value of thc Property immodi�tely
<br /> before the taking. An��balrmce shall be paid to Bcrrawer.In the e�•ent of a p�rtial taki�g of the Yroperty in which the fair
<br /> mark�t vatvc of ttk P�npext;r immediately beforo the takireg is less than the nnsa►nt of Q�e sums sceured imrnedietcly before the ,
<br /> taking, unlcss Hano�z�r a��f I.endcr otherwise ugree in writing or unless upplir,�b]e law othcrwise pravides, the proceMs shall
<br /> Ix:appliod to che sums sc�r:u�by this Securlty Instrument whether or not tl�e sums.a�re then du�.
<br /> If Nie Pivpeny i�wbAndanod by Borrower,Qr if,after notice by Lender to&�rtower that the condemnur offers to make:.n
<br /> award or set�1� a clairn far damages, Borrower Fails to respond to Lender within 3Q Auys a.�3er the da:e tl�e notice is given,
<br /> Lcixlcr is auihorized to oalltict and epply the proaeds.at its option, either to restoration ar repair•of thc Property or to the sums
<br /> secural by this Secudty Insh�tnent, wluthsr or not then due,
<br /> Un1Gcs L;cndet sind Bnrrowcr otherwise agrec it��.ittitin�,r, any a}�plication of pracceds to principal sh�ll not extend or
<br /> poatpone thc dun dato af tP�fl monthly payrtxnts referred 10 anp�ngtaphs 1 and 2 ot change the nmount�f such paymonts.
<br /> 11.Barrtsk•er Nat Rccl�need;Forbe�rnnce By Lender it<t�t a�4Yn�ver.Extcnsion of the time for paymcnt or modification �
<br /> of amottiz�ttion d�f tha sums secur�xl by this Security Instniment grArrted by I.ender to a��y succes�r In fnterest af BprraEVer shall
<br /> �N��w�a�cip rcieaso ino tii�biiiry or che origirtai Horrawer a Bumiwer's successors in intertst. Lender shall not be nquirod to
<br /> comr►x►ue prececdings agAlnst any succossor in interest or rcfuse to extand timc�for payment or otherw9se modiPj amortiu�on
<br /> of the sums t.ecurrxf b,µ�.4��A �uriry Instrument by rcx,son of any demand mado by the original IIorr�sver or Aorrower's
<br /> SIICCCSSOia li1 iiYiEiCSt, A:�iy �orbearance by I.�nder in exercisin�any right or remedy shall not be e wa3ver af or prxlude the
<br /> excrci.se of ady right or rcrnndy. . . .
<br /> 1Z. Sa:c�som and �gns Bound;Jo(nt And Sevcrn7 I,9�b�lity; Castgnero. The cov�nants end agreetnents of 2his
<br /> Sxurity Insbvmcro sh�ll bind and beneGt the successpr� ana .�ss9gns of I.encler and 8orrower. subjat ta.rthe•pmvisions of
<br /> SxiraRrauh 1 i, Anrrow�r's covenants and agrcenxnis shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument Mit dcxs�tnt ex.xute the Note: (a) is casigning this Secur3ty Instrument only to mortgege,gcaM and convey th�t
<br /> Borrower's•intarest in tIM�'�ron�rty �!�er the tcrms of this Security In�trurnent;(b)is not personally obligated to pay ttfe•sums
<br /> sxured by thi�4 Security 1nsr,�u�1t;and(c)agrces that Lend�r and riny other Bonow�r may agnee to extcnd,modify,forbt�r or
<br /> meke any aixommodetions wjth regard to the tern�s of this Saurity Inst�nt or t6e Natc without that Borrower's oonsent. �
<br /> 13.Laon Ch�ig�s.Ii1�he lowi secured by this Security Instruinent is subject to a law which sets maxtmum loan charges,
<br /> and that law•.is finatly� int�r.}preted su th�►t the interest or ntlxr loan charges collocted or to lx wlloctod in connection with the
<br /> loan eaceod�l�e pcnnittczl litnits,then:(a)any sueh loan ehuge st�all be reduced by the amount nocessary to raluce the chaigq•
<br /> to the permistod li►nit: anci:�(b)any sums already collec�ed from Borrower which eaceadad perniltted limits wiU be refuTxfial;o
<br /> Borrower. Yraender may� c3ihoae to maka this [efund by reducing the princlpal owed undcr tfit'Note or by making s dira.Y
<br /> psyment to aoi�uN•er. It';a�refund reduces prinr.ip�.1, ihe roduction will be treatal as a pertial PrepxY�ne yvjt}au¢ +u�y
<br /> prepayment chargo mKl�rt}to Notc.
<br /> 14.NoliYxa,Any rwtiro to Bormwer providal for in this Suurity Insmunent shall be given by dellvering it or by mri9ing
<br /> it by first c.hss mail unlG�s�:applicabte!�w requires uss of another mothod.The notice shail bo directect m tht Property Addreas
<br /> or any othci acTdr�s Hnmtwcr desiginates by notice to Lendes. Any notice to Ler�der shall be given by first cla�.s mail to
<br /> Cxnder's addcrss sEatcri hirr�in or any other address i.ender d�signates by nottce ro�orrqwer. My notice providod for in this
<br /> Security Instra►nent sh�l1 bb damod to have becn given to Horrowa or I.erxler wheri given as providod in this pamgraph.
<br /> 15.Gavrprnin8 Law•; Severabllity. This Security Instrt�mcnt shali be governe� by faieral lnw at� the law of the
<br /> jurisclictiatl;iEi whtch thn Property is located. In the event that any pmvisibn or cluuse of this�ecurity Instrument or rhe Notc
<br /> conflicts with�upplicabl��la�v,such conflict shafl rx�t affect other pcovisions of this Security Instrurnent or the Nott which can Fi�
<br /> •_ .given effect wlthout tho amiflicting provision. 'Co this r.nd the p�ovisions of this Security Instrumont and r.he�1ote are declarod
<br /> to be sevcrablU.
<br /> 16.Borrd►�•er's Cap��,Bomowu shall be given on�c+ronforu�ai onpy of the Note and of s7�is�Security instrument. .
<br /> ' Form 3028 9/Y0
<br />' . � Pp�4 otQ, .
<br />