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<br /> S. H�rd or Property lnsurance. Borrowc� ehall kec� tPm In;provcmcnh� �tow �xisting or hem.cftcr crec:tal on the
<br /> Property insure�9 against la,s by �re, hacards Includal witiiin the term "sxtended cc�vernp,o`�n11 nny otlu:r I�azards, lncluding
<br /> iloocls or floaling, for which l.erxler requires insurance.'Chis jnsurance c►hall bo�ini�tained in•tho�nwunts and for the pc:riods
<br />. tl�xt Lcixler re�uires. The ir.sar�!nce cerrier prnvfdfim thr. in�urnnrr. shnll he r,��R�tr.rt hy F1nrm�t�Tr tut►jer.i M i.�rtd�r's nhprnvnl �
<br /> which shall not be ria�renaonably w(thheld. If Anrrawer fails to muintuin cover�Ae described atx�ve. I.ender may, at L.ender's
<br /> . optlon,obtain covorage to protect Lender's rlghts in the Property in ucconlance w.ith par,graph:7,
<br /> - All insuraike policles ai�d renewals shsll be Acceptnble to Lendur and shai9 includo a�tnmlerd ufos�tguge cl�use. l.ender
<br /> shall have the right tu hold the policies and renewals. If Lcnder requires,Borrorusr sltall promptly give to �ender nll rcceipts of
<br /> paid premiutrs and renewal notices.In ilic event of losq,Hnrrnwer shall give pnampt notice to thr+inse�mnc�c carrier m�d[.ender.
<br /> . Getxler may trwlce pfuuf uf tusy if not made promptly hy Anrrower,
<br /> Unles�Gender s�xl Horrower otherw�ls�;ugrce ln writing,insu►�unce procee�l�i shntl be��plte�l to resta,:ltion o�repuir of the
<br /> Property damaged, if the restoration or repair is oconamlcally feasibl�:nnQ[.crtdisr's security is n�nt Iessened.If the restorntion or
<br /> r�pair is not a:onoanically feasible or Lende�r's sxurity would be lessened� tfu: iaisurance proor�cis sh�ll tlr.applied to the sums
<br /> . secured by this Security Instrumant, whethtr or not then duc. with any exr,ess pni�l to Sorrower. If F3nsrower nbandons the
<br /> Property,or does not answer within 30 ds►ys a notice from I.ender thnt t}te iitr,ttcance carrier tlas offeretl ta settle a clalm,then
<br /> L.ender n�ay tt►floct the fisurance procecds. Lcnder may usa tha praceeds sij nepuir or rc�sturra the Propr.rty or to pxy sums
<br /> � s:.ru:c,d by i�ris Secur3ty 1ns��arteii.,wtiezl�ei oe not then�uc�.Ti�c:3(D-itay�i�iinl wili begin�vli�n�l�c natiec is Z�iven. —
<br /> Unless Lv�xfer nnd Bonower otherwJso agree in writing. any applicsi�r�n of proceeds ta principal shall nnt cxtend or
<br /> postpor,e the duc datc of the mo�thly paymcnta refnrred to in paragraphs 1 nnd 2 ar chan�o ttic an�ount.of the payments. If
<br /> u�der paragraph 2f the Proprny is ncquirecl by Lendor, Borrower's right to ruiy insLerance�nllaies arxl pnnc•,ecds resiilting from
<br /> damage to tIN Proporty prior ro the acyuisition shall pass to Lcndur to the exFent of thz sums sceumd by thie Scxurity Instrunknt
<br /> imnxdlat�ly priur to the acyuisltion.
<br /> ' 6.Occ�up�ncy,Pt+e�ervation, Mah�tenanoe and Yn►tection a[the Propnrty;Borrower's:d��an Applicritton; LcASeholds.
<br />'� Borrower shell occupy,establish,and us�tha Property as Aorrawer's principid residencc withiii,sixty c�ays;r�r the cxxution of
<br /> ti this Sccurity Instrunxnt and shall continue to occupy the Property as BorrQwar's principal racidence for r�t least one yeac after
<br /> r the dAte of accupancy,�nless Lendor otherwiso agras in writing, which com�nt shatl not tw��nreasonabl.y�wldihzld,or unless
<br /> .�• extenunting circumstances exist which are boyond Boreawer's control. Bar�c�wer sha11 �ot destroy, drunaRe or impair r.he
<br /> ��g�"is,.°.11'v'l�St PSIIY..lS•� SO��Ci::,T:i:II� aT�Ritiiii:t'oSiG�S1 iSi:, .^[i5"'En.'taj. auiivLti'ci S�ifit{ uo ii uc�auii ii aur iv �i citiiic
<br /> s action or proceeding,whether civil or criminxl, is began that in I.ender's gned Faith judgment could result tn forfeeture af thie
<br /> � Property or otherwise materer�lly impair the lien cr�stscl by this Security[nst��ment or Lendor's.security iuJCerc�st. Bnrrowtr may
<br /> curc such a defAUit and r�inatate,as p�+nv3dc3 in parasrAp9ti 18,by causing the action or proee�odhig to he dismissH!���i�h�ruling
<br /> that, in Lender's�ood faith determi��ation, precludes Forfciture of tha Bor�,wer's interest•iti ilic Propciity or other materiel
<br /> impaiirnr,rd of the lien created by this 5�curity Instrument or [.endar's secui7ty Interest. �icu�ver shall elso be in default if
<br /> 8orrower,during the loan ap�lication pmeess,gavo mRterially fuls�or inaccuc:�tL iEifornwdon o:i�swtemeats to I.ender(or f�iled
<br /> to provide I.ender with any material infomwtion)in connection with tt�o loan evidensed by the Note, incltiding,bur,not limited
<br /> to,reprtsentations conceming Bonrower's occupaney of tho Pinperty as Q prinai���nt residence.Jf il�ie Securaty Instntment is on a
<br /> leuefwld, Born;�wer ahaii comply wiih.all �ita provisions oi [ho tease. if�anrrower acquir�es fce tiQe ao the Pmoerty, rit.�
<br /> �audiols�snd the fec titic shall not merge unitss Lender agc�ees to the merger in�v�itinl3. �� �
<br /> 7.PrMectiqp o[I.e��der'R Rfight,g in the Pro�erty.If Borrawer fails to perfi��m ttx co�a�ants and ege�een�e�a�:,���::nod in
<br /> this Securiry Instrumtnt.or thero is a tegal proceedinA,that may significuntly af�ect I.���dcr''s ri�hts in�hie Property(such es e
<br /> procoodinQ 6n b�nkruptcy,�robate. for epndemnntioq or forfcitnrc or to ettforcc Iinvs or regulul}aus), thc��Lender may do u�d
<br /> p�y for whatevtr is necas.�uy to protcc?tha vnlue of the Property and I.ender's rights M•ths�operty.:.',C.cndcr's actions ma)
<br /> inslude paying any sums secureci by a l�en which has prioritgr avcr this Security Instruin�.e:it, ap�ring in cotitt. paying �
<br /> reason�ble sttomeys'fas and entering on thc Property to make repairs.Atfhaugh�,ender maq;take actiou under this paragrtqrh
<br /> 7.I,ender doa rxx have to d�so.
<br /> Any arnounta disbursod by Lender under this pungraph 7 shall becume additional dobt of 13�irower securecl by thie
<br /> Savrity inshvment. Unless Borrowee and L.ender agrx to ather tcrsns of payment,tl�esc amo�mts shall bear interest fiom the
<br /> .� date of dialwrsement xt tha Note ratc and shail be payable, with ir�terest, upoii�nvucc from�I.,endcr to BormwCr requesHhg
<br /> p�ymrnt. ' : "
<br /> �� ffi.RSoctrKe Ip�urawce.If Lender requlrod mortgu�e insurance as a condiinon of making tho loan�ccured by th[s Securiry
<br /> � Irutruma�t, Borrower sh�ll pay the prcmiums reyuirorl to maintain the mortg48c irisurancci ii� effect. If. for any rca.son, the
<br /> ' mortYyte inwcAnce cuverage rcquirtd by I.ender lapses or ceases ro be in eftbcf, 8orrower st!�11 puy tlle premiums r�quired ta
<br /> . obuin ooverage substantially cquivalcnt ta the mortgage insurancc pi�eviously it�effxt,at a ct�:yt�subseuntially equivalent to the
<br /> cat w Aorn�wer of the mortg�ge iiuurazxe previously in effoct, from an ulternnu �ongago insurcr upproved by J.emler. If
<br /> ' suMt�nti�lly equivAlent mortgage insuranoc covcragc is not avnitablc� Horrower qhal't pay to Lctxler�:uh month a sum equ�l to
<br /> n�x-twclRh of tfx:ytarl y mortgage insuranoe prcmium bcfng paid by Borrower.�yhcr�¢hc insurt�ice oo4�erage lepssd or c.easod to
<br /> � bc in Cffect. Lcndcr wfll accept,use and retain thosu paymenta As a Inss rescrv�s in licu of n►hr�gage insurancc. Loss reserve
<br /> � � Fo.�,aozs elso
<br /> � Pp�3 e16 - -
<br />