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<br /> 5. HAZS�rd or Property Insurwnce. Borrower shall k�:p thc improvcments aow existir���iereafter crected on thc
<br /> Propeny insured ogainst loss by fire, hazards i�x:luded within the term "extendai coverage"and eny other huzards, including
<br /> Qooils or Qloodin�, for which l.ender requires insuranee.'fi�is insurunce shull be maintainecl in th�nmaunxs nnd for the periods
<br /> that l..crxkr requires.'I'he insura�xe c�arcler providing the insurance shull bc cboscn by 13nnower subject to Lender's appxoral
<br /> which shall not be unreASOnably withheld. ]If Borrawer fails to n�a6ntatn coverage descrtbed atsov�, Lencier may. at [.es�der's
<br /> option,abtuin coveragc to protec;t l,ender's rights in thc Property in accordancc with p�smgraph 7.
<br /> All insurunca policie�nnd rcnewa[s shall be accept�ble to L�ender and shall include a star�dnrd mortga&e clause. L,endor
<br /> shall have the right tu hald the policies and renewals. If Lender requires,Borrower shall pmmptly give to l.ender all receipts of
<br /> paid premiwns and renewal notices. In the event of tuss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurnnce carricr a►xi Lender.
<br /> l.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender anc!Borrowcr otherwise agrec in wri:ing,insurancc proceeds shall be applicxl to restamtion or rcpair of the
<br /> Propeny da�nag�d,if the restoration ur repair is c:conomically feasiblc and Lende�'s serurity is nut lusscn�d.If tho restoration or
<br /> repuir is not econornicaliy feasible or Lender's security woutd be lessened. thc insurance proccs�ds�l�nll be applied ro thc sums
<br /> secural by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any eacess pflid to Borrower. If'Borrawer abandons the
<br /> Prope�ty, or ducs�wt answer within 30 days a notice from L.enaier that the insurance carrier has offcred to settle a clafm. then
<br /> , l��xfer ruiS�callui thc insur:.nce proxais. Lesr�cr muy use th�prnc�xcLs to rcpair or restore thc Property or to pay sums _
<br /> secured by tt�is Security Instrument.whether or not thr.n due.'ft�e 3Q-clay period wi11 begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless L.ender end Borruwer otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall nut eat�nd ar
<br /> postpone tt�due dato of the monthly payments refera�ed to in paragraphs I aixl 2 or changc thc mnount of the payments,If
<br /> � under paragraph 21 the Property is acyuired by i.ender;Burrower's right to any insura��ce policia und procceds resulting from
<br /> ' damage to the Property prior to the acquisiti�n shall ps►ss to Lender to the extent of the sums se�ured by this Security Instrunxnt
<br /> immedixtely Qrior tu the a�quisition.
<br />� 6.Occup�ney,P�+eservation,Maintenance and Protcctlon of the Property;Horrower's Luwn Applicxtion;I�ease�oWs.
<br /> &�rrower shall cxcupy,establish,m�d use the Property as Hurrowe.r's principal residence within sixty days after the execution u1F
<br /> ' this Seeurity Instrument and shall continue to occupy thc Property ss Borrow�er's pm�cipal r�idence for at least on�year after
<br /> � tho date of occupancy. unless I.encter otherwise agrecs in writin��which cunsent sha111 aot be unreasonably withheld, ar unlacs
<br /> : =�s�.,=�;};;a ��;��s..,� �,,,��s �.,�;rh �m hrynnd Borrower's control. Borrower shall not dcstroy, damage or impais t�e
<br /> Nropeny, allow the Propecty to deteriorate. or commic waste on the Property.Hnmower shal! M: in default if any forfeitur+e
<br /> action or procceding, whether civil or criminal. is bcgun tlwt in Ltnder's good faith judgment oould result in forfeiture of Ihe
<br /> ; Property or otherwise matarially impair thc lien creutc;d by this Security Iastniment or L.ender's security interesi.$orrower muy
<br /> cum siuh a default and reinstate,as provided in paragc�ph 18,by causing the action or procading to be dismisse�t.with a nrling
<br /> � that, in I.endev's ga►d faith detcrmination, precludes farfeiture of thc Borm��er's interest in ehc Yroperty or other ma�terial
<br /> � impairm�nt of the lien creatod by this Seci�rity Instruinent or Lender's security interest. Bormwec shall alsn ba in default��f
<br /> � BorroN�er.during the loan application pro�ess,gave mntcria.11y false or inac:curate information or�a'tutsmentu to I.ender(ar failecl' • �
<br /> to pmvide Lender witb any material infom�ation)in connection with the loan evidenced by the l�ote. including,but nut limitod
<br /> � ta,rcprcstntations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residtncc.[f this Se;carity In.trunx�tt is on a
<br /> teasdwld. Horrower shalt comply with all the provisions of thc lease. If Borrowcr acquires foe title to t}�e Property,thG
<br /> � I�aselwld wid tht foe titic stwll not n�ergc u�less I,ender agrees ta the mergcr in writing.
<br /> � �,p4nseetiun ot I,m�er•s Wghty iii@S�e Property.If Borrower fails to ptrform the covenants and agreements contai�ed in
<br /> r tih3s Securiiy,instrumcr�t,or thcre is a lbgnl procecdin�t•thut may significantly affecc L.ender's righte in the Pcoperty(soch�c n
<br /> Pxucadin�in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnntion ec farfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender msy da uid
<br /> � �puy for w ey,er is necA.ssary to pmtect�Ehe valua of thr, !'roperty and Lender's rights in the Propcety. Lender's artions may
<br /> ;� irk�ude �a�•ing.�ny sums scxured by �t F.i�n which has priority over this Security Insmment, appearing in court, paying
<br /> � reasonable nft+arneys'fees end entering on the Property to malce repairs.AlthougM Lender may taka nction ur�det this paragnph,
<br /> � 7,Lec►dcc doas not have to do so.
<br /> � r'.ny e►nounlo disbi+rseii by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall beccnne additional debt of �orrower socural by this
<br /> � Secu�iRy Instrument. Unlcss Bi�rrower and Lender agrce to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from 1he
<br /> ., date of disburscment at the Note rate nnd shnll be payable, with interest, upon notice Erom A�nder to Barrower requestin�
<br /> �f. PaYment. �
<br /> '� S.Matg�e Inwrance. If Lender required ma+ai3age insurancc;tts a condition of roal�.ing'ti�e loan secured by this Security
<br /> In�trumcnt, $orrowcr shal( pay the premiun�s requi�•:a'S'to maintain tho mortgage insurancc in effex:t. If. for any reason,the
<br /> � mortgage insurance cavcrage required by Lender lupses or ccascs ta be in effect. Borrowea shall pay the premiums reyuirod to
<br /> " obtaen coverage substantially equlvalent to the mungage insurunce g�reviously in effxt,at a oost substantially.equivalent to the
<br /> � cost to Borrower of th�mortgage insur,►nce p�+eviounly in effr,ct, from an altemate mortgagc in�suter approvod by [.enefer. if
<br /> ' substantially equivalent mortgage insurance eovecaga�s not av:iilable,Borrower shall pay to Lencler each month a sum eyu�l to
<br /> onc-twclfth of the yearly marr,gage insuranec p►�euuwit L�::ang pnid by 13orrotiver w�cn�eho insuraa�cc coveragc Inpsed or�eased to
<br /> be in effect.Lender wiit.r,�dt;n4,use and retain these pu�;nent�as a loss r�ervo in lia:�i of mortgago insurance. Loss resenre
<br /> . Fwm 3028 81EFt1•
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