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<br /> 'f0C3ETNBR'WITH aU thc fmprovemcnt�s now or here�ft�r eroctod on thc�pmperty. aixi all eyuments, ap�wrtenanc .arul
<br /> fixtures r.ow or hrreafter a pan af the property. All replacements and addtti�uns shnlf alsa bc eoverc�cl by this Stcuriry
<br /> Instnimcnt.All uf tha f�regoing is rcferrcd ta in this Security[rtstrument us the"Prap�rty."
<br /> Bp°�t4WER.('�V1?NANTS that&�rrower is lawfully seised�f the estntc hcrcby convcyal nnd has�h�!3a�;tu 81'Alll HtN�
<br /> conwey the Property and tt�at the Property is unencumtreral, oxce�t for encumbrunces af reco►�d. f3�rrower warrunts arx!witl
<br /> defend generally the title to the Praperty egainst all claims arid demands.subject ta eny encumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS S�CURT'fY INSTRUMGNT combines unifnrrn c�venants for national use and nan-uniform rnvenanis with liml�od
<br /> variations by jurisdiction to const(tute a uniform secarity instrument cavering real property.
<br /> UMFORM COVBNANTS.Barrowor and L,ender covennnt nnd ngrce as follows:
<br /> 1. Payment ot Principal nnd Interest; Prr�wyment and I.Ate Chargzs. Borrowcr sha11 prompt{y pay when due tF�e
<br /> principal of and intere�.t on the debt evidenced by the Note axl any prcpaym�nt and lute chazg�duc under the Notc.
<br /> 2, �;,;�for Taxes xnd Insur�►nce. Subjxt to spplicab[e law or to e written waiver by i.cnder, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> l.cnder on the day monthly payments are duc under the Note,until zhe Note is paid in full.a sur►i("Funds")for:(a)yearly taxcs
<br /> und assessments which n�ay attain prioriry over this Security instmment as a lien on the Prop�rty; (b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> ar ground rents on dvc Aroperty.if any;(c)ytarly hazatd or pmprrty insurunce premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance prcmiums,
<br /> if any;(e)yearly mortgage insurar►ce�remiums,lf any:and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordana with
<br /> tha prov:sions uf�a�ageaph o. i�tic�of thc paym;.set of�u�t��e insuranc%premt�.��ns,'�'he�items ane called"Escrow Itecns."
<br /> Leader�;ty, at any time. collect and hald Funds in an anwunt not to excecd the muimum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> reisted mortgage loan may�equire for Borrower's escrow accQUnt under the fedtral Real Estate Settlemcnt Procedutes Act af
<br /> 1974 as umended fmyn ti�ne to time. l2 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seg. ("RFSPA").unless arNOtt�er law that applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amoan�. 1�F ro, Lender nwy. at any timc. collect and hold �unds in an+unount not t�exceal the lesser aQnount.
<br /> L.ender may estimai��!th:amount of Funds due on the basis of current data ured reasonable estimatc.e of expenditures of future
<br /> Fscrow Items or othtrivise in acmr�3ance with applicable law.
<br /> 'Y1te �unds sha�l.,be held in an institution whose dcpo�.its arc insured by a fedcral agency. instrumentality. or entity
<br /> . (including Lcndei•.nY�uendee is such an institution)or in any Fcderal Homc Loan Bank.Lender shall apply thc Funds to pay the
<br /> � Bscrow Items.Lenck'r•may not charge Borrower far holding and applying tho Funds.annually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> • verifjri�g the F.scrow�Yfe►ns,unlcss Lender pays Bn�oe•or inttirest on the Funds and applicable!aw pernu�+L.ender to make such
<br /> n Gisd%3c1:;��:.::;•:..L„�.c3:,r ss�:.y r�r,ssire�rr�wer��; �n�r-!4mr rhame fi�r an indenendent real estata tax rePOrtYng serviee
<br /> used by��.ender in connection with this loan, unless apptic:nbla law provides utherwise. Unless an agr�ame�t is rnasie or
<br /> appltcahle law requnnes�nterest to.:b��paid,Lender shall not�nyuired to pay�orrowe�an}+tnterest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> Aorrower and Le�lor m�iy x+gree'sn writing. hawevcr, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give ta Bonower,
<br /> without charge, an�nini+s�l�:ca�irrdng of she F�;r�s. showing credits and debits tu the Funds su�d the purpose for whi�h each
<br /> ckbit to dk Funds was made.'The:fitnads are plodgal as additional sccuriry for all sums secured by lhis Security Ivstrument.
<br /> 1f the Funds hdd by Lender��xccad the amoun�s permitted to lx luld by applicable Aaxv,I.ender shall axount to Borrower
<br /> for the oxass Funds in accordanr.e with ttu.requiFements of applicable Iaw.If the amount nf tttie Fun�is held by I.ender at any
<br /> � t.ettc is t�o:su�c:cnt io pay the Sscro�v Ite►rs whrn due,!xn�er m�y so rx►tify&►rrower in writing,and,an such case Sorrower
<br /> • sludl pay to Lender the amount nG:cssary to make up the de�iriency. Borrower shall meke up the def�giet�y in ncw more than
<br /> twelvc a�nonthiy paym�nts,at Leoder's sole discretion. �
<br /> ,�'G+�i�n payroent in full of all sums secural by this Seci�r.ity Instrument, Lenuer sisalt promptly refund to Borti�:sver any
<br /> Funds'hcld by I,ender.If,under paragraph 21.Lendee shall acqnire or sell the Property. Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> af th�propecty� sha11 apply any Funds held by Lender at the time oE acqa�siiivn ar s�le as a cralit ag�inst the sums socurod by
<br /> this Sccurity Instsurilont. ���` • ��•`'~-
<br /> 3.Appl{atjon af'�'aymants.,.Unless applicable law providrs otherwisc,all paymapts Y�xi�od by I.eader unda paragranhs ���•V�•,.;-
<br /> 1 sm�j.2 sbdl bo appliod: first, t,�nny prepayment charges due under the Note; sccond;zc,'�t�nts payable u�xler pangrxph 2; �
<br /> 'third,to interest due;fou»h,t4{lrineipal due;and last,tv any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> � � 4. Chiurges; Liew.Bomower shall pay a11°�taxes,assessments,charges, fines and impositions attributablc to the Prnpeity
<br /> . which may attsin priority ove*this Security i�st.nwnent, ar� leasehold payments or ground rents, if•nf!y. Borrawer shall pey
<br /> � tl�se o[iligations in the mpRn!�r gra:�fdu!ifi parag3'�ph 2,or if noe paid in that manner,Borca�wtr shall�uy them on timc directly
<br /> t�►the{fttson owGd payment.Borrowrr shall promptly fum�sty to Lend�r ail notices of atnounts to be paid under this Pdrag�h.
<br /> If Born�wer makes these pxymcnts directly,Barruwer shalt�;r�omptly fumish to I.endcr reoeipts evidencing�he payments.
<br /> Horrower shall promptly dischazge any lie�v'vhich has piriority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agras in
<br /> �vt�iting to the payment of the obligation se�cunac�by the lien in a inanner aceeptable to I.ender;(b)contests'rn gcxx!fuith the lien �.
<br /> by. or defends against enforcam�nt of the lion in, legal proccedings wriidh in the L.ender's opinion operate to prevcnt the '•
<br /> - anforcement of the licn;or(c)secures from the holder of the llen an agrcement satisfactory ro Lender subordinating ti►e lien to
<br /> this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the E'roperty is subjcct to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> this Security Instrument. [.erxicr muy give 6urrawcr a noticc idtntifying tlu lien.Borrower shall Satisflj thc licn or take ane ot : .,
<br /> more of the actions s�s t'orth above within 1(i rlr.�•s of the giving of notice. �
<br /> �orm 30x8 �J90�
<br /> . � Po�o:of e
<br />