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<br /> �ri'�'rM faw.:�.,...
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<br /> p�yrntntr may n�►lnngrr lx rrquirod,�t tho optian of Lender, if mortguge inxuronce coverage(in ttx umix�nt HncliG�r Ilia f►eriixl
<br /> th�t l.en�ier reyuirea�provided by an insurcr upprovad by Lcruier c►�ain baonks uvullobtt a�xl 1�obtwinal, INrr�x�w�i'14IIqI)()Ny �
<br /> the pr�miumx rcq�+irod tu maintain mcxtgage insur�r►cc in ettaK,or to�rovide�lu,s�resorve,until the rcyuircn►ent fnr mongNqo
<br /> ir�!±r^n!r�c^��+ln nm��mr evR�h rny�vritrrri r��r�nr..nt het�rreen Anen�wer ert+t�.r..it�ler or Nnnlicable In�. � .
<br /> 9. IrspKRba.l.ender or its�gent may mRke re�son�bk entri� upoi�xtid in�ecttons of the Pmpert��. l.mxirr�I�all give
<br /> Bormwer nc►tke�t�he ti�ne of or priar to an inspt�etion specifying reaso��uhic cuuee for�he in�.cpection.
<br /> 10. Condeinmtba. Z'he proccrds of any�ward or cleim for dtins���es, direct nr consequential, in cannretinn wilh any
<br /> conckm�u�ion or other taking of any pert of the Propeny.or for couvey�anec in licu af c�ndtmna�ian,ara han:hy ussi�ncd and
<br /> shall be pafd to Le�cke.
<br /> In thc r,vent nf a tM�l taking of the�Pmperty,the praceaic Fhall bc nppltMi tn thr.sums�ued by thBs Sr.curity Instn�ment,
<br /> whethzr ot nd Ihen due,with any excess paid to�orrower. In the event�aP a pnninl taking of the Properly in�vhich the fair
<br /> muket vdue of the�roperty inunedfately before thc teking is equal tv cr�gnratcr�lwn�hc anwunt of the suma e,�curcd by Ihis
<br /> Security Inuru►►xnt immediately b�fore the taking,unlc.cs Bormwer and(.a;ndar othc�wir,c agrce in wtiting,iha sums s���i by
<br /> this Security Inst�rmmnt shall be reduood by the a►nount of the prar�da mulr.iFlued by the following finetinnc (n) Ittir. total
<br /> unount of the aumc securcd irru�x�diately txfore thc talcing, divided b�(b)the f�ir uantkct valuc of thc Propc:rly immadiauly
<br /> befa�e the taicing. Any balance shall be patiA to Bocrower. In�he ev.�nc af a perti�l taking of the Pmpeny i�i wfdr.h tbc fiir
<br /> tnarkei vaiva ui ii�e Froperiy iuuiralirieiy tucioit G�c iYlciug id tc�as(fi�ut 1�1a�un►urti ui ii►c�unu�tx:utal iuluxxliUltiy EM:iuic ii�c
<br /> takin�.unkss Homow���nd I.ei�dcr othorwise agroe in writing or nnJiis�applicable law otix,�wisc providcs, thG proceods s�hall
<br /> be�pplied tc�the sums savral by this Socurity Iactrument whethen on uat tha sums sn then due.
<br /> If the Pc+operty is abux3ondd by Borrowua or if.aiter notica hy L�cndi:r to&�rnowee that the condemnor of�'ers to mnke an
<br /> awud or settle a claim for damagcs, Borrawcr f�its to nsporid tu L�cncN:r within 30 days after the date tt�n noticc le given.
<br /> I.e�der is autl�orizod to cullact and appLy tFxe proca�ls,at its optiou,•aither to nstoration ar r�cpair of the Pm�►eny or to tbe sums
<br /> sea.�urod by thic Sacurity In,utumrnt.whettier.or not then due.
<br /> Unkss Lender and Horrower otherwise agroe in writ[ng, any ttpplication of procoeds to principsd sF►n1U not cxtGnd or
<br /> postpone the due date af tho►nanthly payments refemcd tn in paragrapha l and 2 or ctiangc the amount of sucb pnymcnta.
<br /> 11.Honnw�Not Relra�ed;�orbe�rance By I�a�dtx NrM,a W91ver.Eatensaan of thc time for payment or modlfauion
<br /> of amortization of the sums secvrod by this Security Instrumen[�grantcd by J.ender to any successor in interesi nf.43ornowcr slull
<br /> �� c���c 2i�c;wv:�i�'vF2uc iii.�iiw�w.iuiV4a iSP�r'.�. �i%Ei'S otlC�iia lu�iucic�. i.ciwici xt�iH={'it{`rt�4/v�t�y`ijlicut it�
<br />� ��VL �f0 lV i -
<br /> oanmer�cc procadings a�insi any utcoessor in intensv�'rtr tufut�e to cxtend time for payment or othenvisc uxxli#�y�rt�ortizati�m
<br /> of the sums saured hy dus Securiry Inctrument by�.rxflnon of any demand madc by thc original Borrowor•�r Hnrmwer'a
<br /> sucas,wrs in irNOrest. Any forboanu►ce by Gender in'exae�ioing any right or rtmvdly sh�ll not be a wsivcr of ar pmclude tlu
<br /> exerrise of way right or rcmocly. . , ,
<br /> 12. Stirrx�cseo�a aod Ascigne Boued;Jo6t�t and Several Liubltit;y; Co-aigo�c. Tt�c corrx�ahts ar�d �n�tnm af tl�is
<br /> Security Inst�umu�t shall bind a��d benefut the'succ�sr�u�aud assigns of I.ender and Bomnwer, subJoct ta�tbo pmvisions of
<br />_ pamg�sph 17. Borrowcr's covenants and agnx�n�dta sh�ll�t�joint aixl several. �Any Borrower who casigt�s t4is Securiry ,
<br />_ Qnarument F►ut M►r_a►x�t execute tlus N�te: (n) i4 CO1S'InSi��s C{ll? G^_C!t!'?���TS'.�!:Ul�,,Qt 07tl� C?^r'=7e�'w^C. b^P.2II��t2l1 C".3:1:'C�L�:�
<br />- gorrowa's intaest in tl�e Prqxrty under the temua of U►is Security An.�mut�nt;(b)is rat perso�ially ublig�texl'tu.��ay tltie sun�;
<br /> aecurod by thas Sa�urity Instrument:and(c)agt+e�s tl�u�l.endur and aMg�o►.her liomower may agree to cxtend,rnodlijr,fofiear or
<br /> make sny soc�onu�ro�tions with ceg+u�d to tt�e temw q8 d�E�Socurity lnstrar.x�t a thc Note without that Harmwan's conacnt.
<br /> I3.Low�C6ar�ea.If the loan securat by tttin.:�cur�ty Wstrument is subject to a law wbich uts maximiutx•laen charges,
<br /> und�lwt liw is 6nalty ir,tcr,prttal so that the intaritst�ar vthan loan cliacges collocted or to be ootlax�od in twntx,�cwion with tLe •
<br />_ !om excad the pumiteed t.iniitc,then: (a)r�ny suutt•locu�cAurgu sttaU be raiuced by tt�e amount ne�essary to��niiti�11�e dur.$4
<br />� to the permittad Iimit;and(b)any suim nitx7dY callitct�d finm&�rrower which excealed permiik�a�,limits w3A'lie reN asm:.•
<br /> ; �„, .
<br /> Bornnver. I.en�kr m�►y choose to mrke thia sefund��dy rGduaing th¢ p�incipal owed undcr thti�hltxe or..by iruddng a din�C.�,� .
<br /> pay� to Borrowor. lf a cefund reduccs pr�no3�1'n1� ttia ratuction wlll be treatxl as a pattial prqwyenti�t wilhuut uny�
<br /> pnp�ya�ait chvge nnder thc Note. „ —
<br /> _ li.Natices. Any notice to Bomnwer.providcd fandn�tluc 5ccurity In�hument slwll t►e given by�clivuring�i.t;',;�:by mul,��
<br /> - ic by first claiss mHil unless appli�blc laK�PC�qIR:5 UlSd R��l14thU1`(11CtFlOd.TIIC IiO�ICC Sf1�IS�YC(IIDOCtOd t0 II1C�IQ}fY1Ly A�F�r:,qA
<br />_° or uny ot0�er•addre.ss 9orrower designates by natfca ta Lcnd'ar. Any noticc to Lcnder shell be given by firsS class ca`i:r�P'�to
<br /> ' I.ender's addnss stated herein or aay otF�r addcrss L'•,�d�r dusignntes by notice to Borrower. Any notice par�'r:i��bd for in t�is
<br />�� -�iocurity In�t�vment stw,ll be dee►necf to t�ave bcen giv��4 ta 8drrnwcr or Lenckr when givcn�rs providod in tl�s yma�:r�raph.
<br /> _ l;.Covpdn� I.��r; Severa6ility. 'Il►is Sacut�Ey:�Inst�umcnt shall bc govrmed by foderal law anil`die lnw of thc
<br /> � juaisdiction in which tt►e Property is located. In the ovent thut ony provision or clause of this Socurity Instn�{ne�it or the I�ote
<br /> � a►nflicts with applic�ble law.such conflict�hall rpt affect ot6tbr•pi�evisin��s of this 5ecurity Instrument or ttia Nbte whickt ean be
<br /> , ,�iven sffect without the cottflieting provisioa To ttdb c�ttd�thts prryviniuns Qf this Security Instturr�ent arnl tha Ncete are dccla�d
<br /> � �3o be severable. '. � :.� , ;
<br /> � 16.Borro�rer'a Cc�py.�orrower shall be givcn onc canfunnud¢apy of thc Note and of'this Security Ina�iitu�Y'�t.
<br /> K
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<br /> 1 r.o.�e�e
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