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<br /> S, Krzard or Property Insuran+ce. Btirrower Alti!II ISCC� III� If11�1T11VCi11Ci115 IlAW CXISIIItb ur IicreaRcr crc:�c�l nn ti�c
<br /> Propeny insur�d against I�ss by fire, hazards iEUludod within the tcrm "extr.rxle4 coverage" und iu�y c�ther ha��+rds, includi�ig
<br /> t��xxtti or tlaKling, far which Lrndcr reyuircs insurencc.'Ch►s insuru�kr.xhu�t t►e�nulntai�xd in�he umounts:u►d for the pedc�s
<br /> tllAl I..l11(ICi ft1�UI(Cti.'Tht insuw.uK�r�rrier pruviding the insur�uxc�hull he chu�n by i3orruwrr subJct:t tu I.Cixler's uj�nrovul
<br /> which shutl ixit be unreusonably wlthhcld. If Dormwer fuils tc� nwintuin covewrgc descrlhed utmv�:. I.cncltr nuiy. at I.ender'�
<br /> u�Nlu���d�iwiu�a�v��ago tu pruiecl I..c�K1er's r�g�is iii ti�u Pr.��;,;�ly hi:uc�ss�.l,�st�:.;t.it{��iaragr«pIt?. _
<br /> All insurunce policies arxl rctxwrls shxll be ucctptwble to I.erxler u�xl shyll include u sta��da��i nx�n�e clause. L.erKler
<br /> shall i�ave the right t�txild thc pc�licics nrxl ocnewals. If l.tndcr rc�ouircr,&ircuwrr+l�ull promptly give to l.crwler uU rc�cCipts of
<br /> paid pnmiuuis encl rt�ew�l noticcs.ln thc event of luss�Borrawer shall givc prosript nutice tn ti►e insuruixc carrler unct i.ender.
<br /> Ixixie�may�tiwke proof af loss If nat n�to promptly by Borrawer.
<br /> Unkss l,cnder and Bc�rrowcr cuherwiu ugree in writing, insuru�xc pnxccds shall t►c�pplled to r�,�turxtion or repuir of the
<br /> F�v��ity�i�uuagc�,if the r�storat+un or reNair is economically fraslble a�xf I.ender's Ferurity is nat le.s�:ei�d.If thc rcstorntinn��r
<br /> ropn3r is�x�t ec�nomically feacibie ur L.ender's stcurity wcwld be lesse��ed,thc in�urance prc�ceals �hall be applipd to�Gn su►n3
<br /> sscut•Kd by this S�.�curity l��strumenl, whcther or not thcn due. with any exce�s p•rid to Bormwer. If Bottowcr uba►�d�mg the
<br /> Propeny, or daes rwt answer within 3q days a notico from L.ender thxt the inxurnixe carrier hag offered to s�ttle u cluim, then
<br /> [.cnder muy collect the insurance procec�ds. l.cnder nu►y use ttie proceods to rcpuir or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secuned by this Sr.curity Instrurncnt,whe�txr or not then due.Thc 30-day period will bcgin when the noticc is given.
<br /> �lnlrss I.a:nder and Borrower otherwiee ngree in writing, uny application of prarcc�is to priixi�l shall not extcnd or
<br /> postpone the due dato of the monthly payments rcferreJ to in puragraphs 1 and 'l or change the atnount of�he paymcul�. if
<br /> unde�puagraph 2l the Propeny is acquired by Lender,Borcower's dght to any insurance policies and p►viceals c�esul�ing Erom
<br /> damage to thu Properry Qrior to the acyuisition shall pass t�Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Securiry in�tcument
<br /> immeciiuety prior to the acqutsition.
<br /> 6.(lecupRncy, Preservption,Matute�ance siM P�wtectioe�ot the Property;Borrower's Lown Appl{catic►n;I�ewseboldR.
<br /> BomaW�es�twll occupy.estxblish.and use the Property as Bo�rowrr's principal reside�x:e with'sn sixty ciays�1tor the exeeution of
<br /> this Sr��urity Inswment a�xi shal!rn,ntinue to occupy the Property as Borrower's princi�l rcsidenee for at least ono year atter
<br /> the date of occupancy,unless I.enc�er othcrwise agroes!n wdting, which consent shall rat be unnasonably withl�eld,or unless
<br /> exte�nuating circumsranccs eaist wliich are beyond Borrower's a►ntrol. Borrower shail not destroy. citunage ar impue the
<br /> Propcey, allow the Property to daeriorate. or commit wnste on the Property. Borrowu shsll be in dcfivlt if any forfeiture
<br /> xtion or proceeding,wlxthec civil or criminal,is begun that in Leixier's gaod faith jodgment could result in forfeiwt�e of the
<br /> , Pro�rty ar ottkrwlse�wtsr�a�iy impair ttN:tien created by this aecurity instrumcn[or iendsr`s securiry i��si.��n:T:vc�����
<br /> cuce such a default and reinstatt,as provided in�paragraph 18, by causing the acction ar proceoding to bt dismissdd with�iuling
<br /> tl�t. in L.auler's gaod faith determinatton, p�sludes forfeitun of the Bormwcr's intecest in the Property or other material
<br /> impasmient ot thc lien created by this Socurity Instrument or Lender's secu�ity inter�st. Borrowcr shall also be in dc�wlt if
<br /> Bomc�wer.during the toan application process.gave materially false or inaccurate infortr►3tian or statc+nents to Lender(qr Q'�ilal
<br /> ;a p.r•pvide l��der with any materinl i�fo.rmation)ia conr�ection with the Ic�an evidencod by the Noto,including,but nrmrt•iimitad
<br /> to;rcpttsentations concerning Borrower's occupaix:y of the Pcoperty as a princ3pal residcnce.If this Securiry Inatrwncs�lt is on z
<br /> (euetwld. Borrc►wer sfulf comply v�ith all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower xquiros fCC title to the Property. the
<br /> - IqSUIOb AiIU li�C ftz iiuc:i�'w�i id'iL ii'w.igC i3Li�.:.H�Ca�CC.:iyavw:0 t��°.{t`«.:�j�.0 IA:::1IlC.$.
<br /> '�,Proteetion of I.endtr's R�hts in tht iM►perty.if Hor�nwer feils tu perfarm the aovenants arad agrccmcnts�r.tairx�.'.n
<br /> this �ec►}riry Instnunent.or thcr•e as n legal procading that may significantly affect Lcn�lr.7'�righu in the Property�(�such as a
<br /> proc�eoding in bmikiuptcy,probaic;for condemnation or forfciturt or to enforce laws or tsegufationg),then[,�der m�y do a�d
<br /> pAy fa whatevor is��cessary to protect the value of the Property ar►ci Letxier's rights in the Property..IreRder's actitins may
<br /> include paying arry sums secw�d by a lien which Iws prioriry over this �ecurity lnstrumcnt. ap}�ear��g in cqurt, Faying
<br /> � reason�ble attomeys'fas and cntering an the Property to make repairs. Althou,�h[.ender may talcz aciion iinder thjs pnt�graph
<br /> 7,Lencicr does rat Inve to do so. • . ' .
<br /> ' My +unounts disbursal Uy Ler►der under this paragraph 7 shall t►eeome actd�tlo��al debt of Borrower securtx� by this
<br /> Security Ins!nament.iJnless Borrower and I,cnder agnt to o8�er tem�s o�'g�nyr.ient, these arcaunts shalf bear interest from tt►e
<br /> date of disbuncement at tt� Nose rate and shall bc payable, w9th intes+e�t, upon natl�x from I.e�dtr to Borrowcr roquesting
<br /> . PaYcennt.
<br /> �,Mortgage�nsu�nce.If Lender ra�uired mortgage insurance as a condition of nuldng the toan socural by this Sec:urity
<br /> ;Y Instnirtient,BoProwcr shall puy tl�c pnmiums roquirod to m:�in�a�n thc c�rtgage insu�ucxe in effax. If, for any reason, tl�e _
<br /> mortgage insurance.00verage rcquired by Lendet larses or ce.��:s to be in effect.Borrower shatl pa�tt�e premiunu rcquicrcP k1•.'
<br /> :�� obtann coversge sti�stentialiy equivalent to th�mortgage insura�ce previqi7sSy in effect,at a cost subsquutially oquiva�ent to ti�� ;�
<br /> c�ost to Borrower ttf�lhe rr.�artgage insurarice prevlously in e�fect, from ari altornat� mortgago insurer approvad by Lenckr. If � '
<br /> ; subst�nti,ally equivalent mortgage insurance ooverege is not n�vsiilable,Borrower shal!pay to Le►tder e:�ch month a sum equal to
<br /> one-twclfih of tbe�early mortgagc insuranoe premium bcing paid by Borrowcr wlkn the insurancc coverago lapsed or s�eescd tv
<br /> ;,,, . be in cffcct.i.end�r'wifl ac�pt.use and recain these paymcnts as u loss resarvc in lieu of mmrtgage insurance. Los� reserve
<br /> ,.?. � Fo.n,3oze sr�o
<br /> -�`� Pye 3 cf 0
<br /> :` .
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<br />