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<br /> 4 , �C�i7�iA�Y f�lOCtfy iCf�}�lfQC Si�C OE tbC�kOpQiy QW3Y�[K�O�y QQ�O�S�G COIM�IIILd iD itrlS . .
<br /> f . �CIN�y1�lflrll!'llt:OI"(b)C�ty QE S�i�l�l[�����1�t. Zll06C COf�d(Aif i�IC'ih#1 BOROW!!: (�).
<br /> � p{y!LHl�tt iu i�MI�C�1�LQ'M�OYb 6E� 11�@l 1�.4$lC�lty�tllldl!;S11d t�It��Ip�E f5�lf DO i0CQ1l7ulOQ�d
<br /> {. oavned:tb)ciaes�ny default of any ad�ar covee�nts or a�net�ts:(c)WYS all expenses inciirrod in cnfacing this Security
<br /> r Ip�wr�t.includiat.but not limited ta teas�on�ble attatneYs�fas:md ld);tates suc6 actiun as Leode:msq se+so�blY
<br /> `• � ' trqui�e b assut�e th�t the�en of t15is Savrity Ihstrue�Lendec�s rights itt thc Propetty smd Bocmwerk obtigatioa to pi►y the:_ . .
<br /> ` wms aesu�ed by this Sa�r1tY Iawume�t sha11 santieue unch�ged. `Up�an.t�einstatement by Boauwer: this Secunry
<br /> � la�u�and tbe obligaaoas sauced haeDg sb�U amain fW{y cft'aKive as if ao accdentioa had Qccamd.However.tbis ,
<br /> . ` rlahi fo tei�e s!�►il�ot app[y ia sbe r�se of aectkracioo ueder p�rsgt#pl►!7_
<br /> I!. Sate af Nale:Ci�e d La�Servioa'. 'R�e Note a a putiat interest in the Natc(together with t6is Security .
<br /> �Spy�nt}mry de wid ane a mone tunes without prior mtia to_Bomower. A sate may cesutt in a change in t1�e er�titY
<br /> . (km�n►at the"l.aan Savicer"!that collocts monthtY W►Ymeets due w�d��the Note and this Sec�uity insaument- 'Ihece aisa
<br /> �y��Q���g��f t1�e(.a�a Senricu uonetated to a sak of the Nae. (f the�s is a change of thc Loan Servicer.
<br /> Boaower vrilt be given wriam iatice of tbe change ia aocoMu�ce.with pvragr+ph 14 above aM applicable faw: 'i'6e taaa
<br /> wiB st�e t8e t�ete and actd�rss ogthe trew luaa Se�vioer and the address to w6icL�rymrnts shouid 6e madG The natice w�l
<br /> aLso caotatn ang otber infa�rnuia�caNired bY�PP�ica6le Gtw. .
<br /> 2R Hsrar��. Barower shall not cawse ar patrrie ehe preseace.use.dispos�l.storage.a tetsase of any
<br /> � Haza�dou4 Subst�nces aQ ar in the Btope�ty. Bonower shall nat da,�nor,nUow anyone else to do.anything affecting the
<br /> . P�perty thu is in violatian o�ney Eavirunment�l Law. The p�ceding two sentences shall aot appiy to tbe preseoce.use.ur
<br /> . i storage on the Ptope�tY of smaD quarwties oE Hazudous Substances that�re genetalty nerngniud m be appropriate to normat
<br /> ' residential uxs and to maincenartce of die�toperty.
<br /> goriowet shatl pc�amp8y give l.end�er writtrn notice of any investigation.claim,dem�nd.lawsuit or other actian by anY
<br />-- . gmemnkntat or regulatary agenc.y or Qrivate patty imroIviag the Prnperty and any Nazazdoiss Substaace or Environmental
<br /> — Law of which Bo�mwrer ttas accual lawv►'ledga If Barower te�ms. ar is notified by any govemtnrnrai ot tegulacQrY-
<br />--- swthority.th�t any removal or oWer t�►�ediuion of any Hazardous Substance affocting the Property is nece�sary,Barrawer
<br />-- _ �si�il piomptty take ali�ssuY�dfa!xtions in actiordancc with Environaxntal law. -
<br /> — - As t�sed in this parag�apl►7A."Ha�.ardous Substances"are ttwse subst�ices defined as taaic or hazardaas sabstances by
<br />- - Fnvimnmeatal Law and the fopowing substances: gasofine.kerosene.ather tlammable or t+oaic petroleum products.toxic !�
<br /> pesticides and ixrbicides.volatile soicenu.materials containiug acbestos or focmaldehyde.and radioactive materials. As • �_
<br />` ,used in this paragraph 20,"Emironmentall-aw"mcans federal laws and laws oP the jur�sdiction where the Property is tocated �;;�=�`
<br />- - that telatc to iKalth,safery or enviranmentai protection. ' -._-�^�°4�-
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVINANi'S.Bortawer and i�ender further cavenant and agrce as foltows: `-�'�
<br /> � Y::_.
<br />� '„ Zl. A�tbn:Reio�rdies. l.eoder sball give aotkx to BorroRer prlor to acoderatiou tdbwteg BorroRer's =-- --_ -
<br /> braicb ot asy coyenant or a�eem�mt in this 5aurity tas�r�oent(bat not prior to aaeieratbo uade�PAra�raP61T �:��_. --
<br /> uniss�bk Ia�r provides otbenrise).Tbe a�ice si�specdg: (A)tbe detault;tb)tbe aetion nqaired to care tLe -`a_�_
<br />;,r��;,`: def�dTh fc)s date,nat le�tMan 30 dqs fran the d9te tiie i�orioe�given to BorroWe4 by�iicb the defwpit must be --
<br />=:;`•,.:; 'cared;and(d)that fa7�re to care tbe default oa oe bet'ore tire�e speciried is tbe�wtkc wy e+esntt b aooderatk�oF --�
<br />_-,.,. t6e sun�secured by tids Secarity Instrua�ent aed sale ot the Prapertp. TAe Mntia s6a11 fartber Wons Borrower ot
<br /> x=�;:'° tbe right W reias�te aft�aeceleratiao a�d the r�irt to 6r�a�A court actio�t�rr asseR the aoa-existeeoe ot A de{ault or �`�'_ -
<br />_=;:� any other detense ot Borrower to accekr�tion saKl sak. It the defaWl is nM cured o0 or betore the dnte spa3tied in ��
<br /> :.. ' tl�e aatke,[.ender at itv option mav�equlre immediate payment m tntl of ari sums secured by t6k Securlt9 Z�rnmeet �.��, -'t�:�
<br /> witliout further demand and may invoke tde po�ver ot sale at[d any other renxdies permitted by applicabk law. `-.'-,�3"_, r:�
<br /> . . Lender sdali be eetitled to cdket ail eapeases incarred in pursuing tl�e remedies provWed in this parag�pb 21. . :• ,,�_
<br /> inch�ding,but nat IimitM to,reasona6le attornefs'fe�es and costs of titk evidence. ��t� _ _
<br /> Ii the puwer of sale is invoked,7lrustee shal�record a noNce af defauN in each couaty in whkh any pa • . '''��
<br />: '� property is IocAted aad shall matl copies ot such notke in the mAnner presc�ibed by applicable law to Borrovrer and to • ' � ��,..�
<br />- - - the otAer�ersues prescribea by applkable law Ane�the time required by applkabk faw.7�usta�haU Sive puDlk �
<br /> natiee.of ss�e to the persons and ia ibe manne�prescribed'bp applicaWe law. 7Yustce,wit6out demand an Bocrovver. -`��,.:
<br /> s6aE sd�'t'l�e Property at public aQCtio»to the li�est bidder at the time and ptace and ander the tlrms desigoated tn v
<br /> � ths notke ot sak in oae c�r more parcels and in aa�osder 7Yustce determines. 7tustce may postpone safe ot n11 or anq -. , .• _
<br /> � -� parcel ot ihe Properti°bf poblk aanouncement ut the time and place of any previously se6edutee!sAle. Lender or itg . '-:-
<br /> � .,- designee mAy purchase tbe Propect��t any sale. . , i,;�`.�---
<br /> <;... - '' 1Jpon reaipt of payment of t6e Qrlce bid,7Yu�tee shall deUver to the pu�chaser'�1r¢�.stee's deed conveytng t�e, . '•�-=_
<br /> ' property. The recitals i�the 7Yustee's dced shall be prlma facie evidence of tbe truth c�f c&e statements made therei�' �°"_:`_-
<br />_ . 7lrustee shap apply the pvoceeds af thc sale in the tollowtn�ordee: (a)to aL�a�stv and ezpenses of execa�ing the powes
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