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. . _ <br /> . ._ : , , . <br /> .. . _ . .:. ; „ <br /> - :- , ,- _ <br /> : .�._ _ — --�. _. . -- -- <br /> _,.�"i L^ ,; '. - . * .:�....' 4 _ ' . .. ' --.. <br /> -�. .r ' _,_. <br /> _ _ ���'- � . - <br /> - - . - - ., .: _... <br /> ,-._---- ._.�.. -. __ -_ - <br /> --c:_ .:.._ ,.Y.. - ��.-� . - ' . . - -u�__...� � .. _ .._" ' . - -_.-. - .. <br /> - '�-�:.�:.:��' � . - ' .. . . . .. .. - � ` . .. ' � . <br /> - -- -- ._�= � . -� , . . . � � - .. . _ � 9Z--, iaSt�i. � _ . <br /> � � � t' <br /> . - ` - � � f . i- ' . . . _ -... .. . _ . , <br /> cbndemn�tipn ac otha tafcing af�ny paR of tht RoQetty.or fa canveyaace i►�lieu of caidemnatiar,aR he�eby a�cignod and. ` „ , <br /> ' �fnil6e pnd w Lender. . �' � � � <br /> ,I n t h e e v e n t o f a t a a i t a l�n g of the P�o p e r c y, tl�e p c o c a d s shalt be a p plied co tl�e sums secure�f by this Security <br /> � IastnrtnerM,whether or na ti�rn due.witli u�y excess ptid co Borrower. In the event af a�utial t�kirig af t6e Pnoperry.�• , <br /> which the f�ir markrt vatae of the Propercy immedi�tciy befoR tbc taking is equa!to or�eater thatt the am�wac of the sums <br /> secwod tfy this Secutiry Ins�ument immcdiattiy befate the talciag.untess Borrowet and Lende�otherwise agree in writing, � <br /> tbe swns secured by this Sacuriry Insaument shaU be Rd�d by tt�e amount of the p[oceeds multiplied by the follawing <br /> - - ftacuoa: (�?tha cda!�mouin of 1he sums savred immediatety 6efocr the i�lcing.divided bY lb?the fair madcec value of the _ <br /> . Ftupetty irt4nedi�tely befae the taiting. My b�lance.s8a11 be paid to Barower. iA thc evcnt of a paitial.taking of the <br /> properry in which the fair ma�i�et value of tite P�opeEty immediat�ly-ixfixe ti�e taking is lgss than the amcwnc of the samc`� , <br /> �secu�ed immediateIy befae We taicing.unkss Barrower and i.ender othen�ise agcee in writing or uniess�pplicable taw <br /> ° , - athe�wise pmceods shall 6e apptied to the siuns sccured by this 5ecurity Instrument whether oc not the sums arc <br /> ' then due. • - <br /> - lf the P�npaty is abonda�Kd•6y Sariower.ur i�atter aotice by Leader to Bornnwer that d�e coodemnar offecs to make <br /> ao awu�i or seWe a claim for damag,ex,Bamwer fails to�pand to Lrnder within 30 days aftes tbe datc the notice is given, <br /> L,eoder is authorizcd to eoliect and appty tAe iu apcian,eitiier to rtstoration or npair of.t6e Prnpe�cy or co:the <br /> sums secuted by this Security Instrwixnb whet6er oc rwt th+en due. . . <br /> Unkss l,e�der and gorrowa otherwise agnr iA rvriting.any applicatian of.praceeds to principal sfiall not ea�ud or <br /> postpoae the due date of th�monthlY PaY�ts refemed w in paragiapbs 1 and 2 nr change d�c amount of such paynnents. <br /> ll. Borrowe� NoE Reiessed; Forbtsraoce BY l.ender Not a Waiver. Eatens'son of thc time for paymenc_oc <br /> mo�,ific,�tion of�moetization of the sums secuKd by this Security lnstnunent grrnted by l,ender to any successor in intenest <br /> of Barnwer sNall nal operate to nle�u tt�e liability of[he original Bocrower or Bompwsr's succe.ssors in interest.�Lender <br /> - shalt not 6e nqaired to commence praceedings agaiit�t any successor in inte�st or t�fuse tu extend dme far paynient or � <br /> � .od�erwise t�adify amoitizapio�af tha swns�d by t6is Security Instrument by re�wn of any demand made by the a:'agiriai . . <br /> Fomnwer ar Barowut�ars in iatetnst.:.�ny forbearance by I.ender i�exercising any right or remedy shatt no�be a <br /> �waiva qf or pRClnde the e�cencise af any rigdc�ts�me�dY• � .` �. ` <br /> 12, SYOees�ors wl As�as BoM�d;IaT"it aad S�verAl Liability;Casig�oer�. The covenants and agie�nentse���this <br />- Saurity I�strument sha[I bind and�enefrt ttie successas and assigns of l.ender and Borrower,subject to ttee pm4?s?�cs of <br /> _ parag►aph 1�.Borrower's covenants and agc�ements shall6e join[and sevecal.Any Banower who eo-signa thi���?:.�ty ��_ <br /> .,� <br /> �`_ _ Tnsuarnent 6ut doesnoE execate tfte Note: tal.c�;cR-signirtg this Seeurity lnstrumerrt on{y to mottgage.gcani and cuii�sii�t , -- - v_�__-�.-.-- <br /> - Borrower's intecest i�the Plroperty under the te�s of this Security Instrumen� {b)is not personaliy obli�to pay the sums ' �3�: <br /> - , secured by this Seaaity Instrumen�and(c)agees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to e�ai�.modify,forbear = -- ___ <br /> ot make any accammodations with cegard to the terms of this Security (nstrument or the Note widTaut that Borrower� - __ __ _ <br /> consent. . ` . . -__°-°_ <br /> = 13. Lo�n Ch�rRes. if the loan secured by this Secucity lnstrumEnt is subject tca a taw which sets maximum toan ` - ---_ <br />-r charges.and that!aw is fi�ally interpreted so that the interest oc othes toan churges copecred or to be a�'.tected in connection <br />�' with the loan eaceed the permitted limitx,ther�. �Fa)any such laan charge shall be reduced by the amouncnecessary tu reduce . � <br /> ''��` the chacge to the permitted limi�and(b)any siuns already coltected fram Bonower whicb exceeded peimitted limits will be — <br /> -;�,:, <br /> ;�.. refunded to Borrower. Lender may chaose to matce this refund by reducing thc principal owed under t�Yote or by making a <br /> J" ` di�ect payment to Bo�rower. If a cefund reduces.principal,the reduction will be treuted as a pa�tial prepayment without any ----- - <br />-"" � pnpay,�sent charge under the 1�a:e. .. <br /> 1� liotices, Any notice to Borrov�•er.pcovided far in this Secudty Instrument shal!be given hy•delivering it or by � ' �_ <br /> � mailing it by first class mail unless appticaBl�lAw requires use af another method.The notice shall be dirteted to the Propetty � � <br /> Addmss or any o�►er address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shaU be given by first ciacti =�;���'�:, <br /> �_ mai{to I.ender's actdress stated herein or any ather address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for -"_-.�.";_ •- <br /> �•_•�.-� <br /> u�,�r= in this Security lnsuument shail bc deemed to have been given ta Barrower ar l.ender when given as prov�ded in this �Y��1_.h;_. <br /> ` � -R=��= -- <br />�.�,� r .�r s.:- <br /> . •�:7:iRfiC=�=- <br />--_ p��1.S. GOS'fPllf'�g I.AW; SeYera6ility. This Security Instnimcnt �hall be govemed by fedemt law and the law of the , �- <br /> jurisdiction in wi�rc6 thc Property is tocated in the event that uny provisian or clause ai�his Security Iaswment ar the Note =`"�= <br />-- - conftic.ts with applicable taw.such conflict s.'h�nat Affcct other prov isions af�his Security Instrument arthe Note which can �;�y�;;;�.__ <br />_- be�,iren effect without the conf"iccing gro���.:itsn. To this end the provisions af this 5ecuriiy Instrument and the No�e are ,��._���:, <br /> � d�Gutd to be severable. � � .� 1s;;.`�,T=:. <br />��� �� lb. $orrower's Copy. Bor:ower�halt'wr given one canfarmed copy of shc Nnte and of this Security Instnime�t. '".'`1�:-; <br /> �::�,.��� 17. 7�ansfer otihe Property or a Be�Y'�ci�l lnterest in Borrower. li All ar uny part of the Pra�xrcy or any ir..r:est in ' �`"''_'° <br /> it ic sotd or trans£;rred(or if a beneficial ir.-3�si in Borrawcr is sold or trnnsferred and Banowe�s>�Y.`t a natural person) ��'`�"� <br /> �.,---- <br />. . q.,r: y . . '}-°�"_. <br /> without Lenders rwior written con.cent,Lcnd;;.:r.� its optinn,require immediate payment in faI!ut..:l sumq sccureQ by � t�_:;�w_� <br /> .•:;.��- <br /> . _ ' this 5ecurity instrument. Hou•eti•er.thiw aption.rhall not be exercised by Lender if exerc�se ir prvhibi:eQ by federal law as oi � ,;,�,- �,- <br /> _ the date of this Securiry Instrai�r:r. ', ' ' �=��-��-- <br /> - - Ii Lender exercises thi�v;�.:dn,l.ender�all give Barrowcr noticc vf urceleration. The no�ice�.'ral!provide a pee'rod of ' �_�Y;'. <br /> :• -��. <br /> � not less than 30�7�ps from the date ihe noticc i.CeJivcrcJ or mailed wi�hin which Borcower must pa}ail sums sccuredby this • � '.;;,<<,;"' <br /> Security lnstn�:ct. If Borrawer iails ta�� ihe�e sam�pri��r tn thc expiratinn of thiti periud. II.•:r•.tcr may invukc :uiy • '. � , .;�,,��,; <br /> ; , remedies pern�i::rQ by this ScCUrity Instn�mer.t without furthcr notice or demattd on Bartowcr. � , ' � <br /> —;.--;.�{�. - _---_ tg. 8orrower's RigM to Reinstate. If Burrc�wer tiueets certain c�,n�iitiuns. ti�fr�c�wer,hatE tta�c tl�e right to have �_-.�' ;:_:,`.:',': ` _ <br />_ � �'��eemene of t$�s Security 3n�trument discantinutd at any time pri��r tu�he earlier��t: �a►S Jay�(c►r�ncU olhet pcticxi a� :�:,•��.• <br /> . , <<•„ <br /> ' _ 5iogiePemily-�FnnnbMdelFYtddbllacl%�IFOR�II�ti'tR1:�tE�T--I'o�tomtiCntien:r.t3 9;40 ipuy��t:�.pu:�s� ' �. �' <br /> �.;ir! <br />, . .: ,,`,. <br /> ' ; , � <br /> I <br /> . ..�_._,.._.... .._.._ . ... . . . , . .. . <br /> �:• .��`..-,tia• ' . • . . . , . <br /> :��' , . <br />. .. ,,�/, . , � . . � . . ' • � . • ' ' , � � ' .. <br /> �� . <br />_,.-..i*�i... - ' � ....._.:. ,.,., � . • . • . . . . . _ . � . . . . . _ . � . . <br /> . ..,. . :.+�t�.yi..�n'.r ' . . . . . . - . . <br /> L=' ..�� 'Y�G . . � - . . . . . , . . <br />. -. -.- Y_s: ' ' . _• . 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