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20f1�20�? <br />'The farm which the Attorney{s)-in-Fact shall use for endorsing prnrnissory notas ox preparing <br />allan�es to promissory nates is as fo�lows; . <br />Pay to the order af <br />Witl�out Recoursa <br />FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSUR.EINCE CORPORATTON <br />as Receivex of TierOne Banlc <br />: <br />Nain�: <br />Title; Attorney-in-Fact <br />All other documents of assignment, canveyance, ar tra�sfcr shall contain 1;his sez�tence: "This <br />assignment is made without xec4urse, representation or, warranty, express or implied, by the <br />F'DIC in its corporate eapaeity or as Receiver," <br />3. FDIC �urther gr�nta to each At�orney-in-Fact ful� power and authoxity to <br />do and perform all acts necessary to carry into �f�'ect the powers granted by this Limited Power <br />of Attorney as fully as FDIC inight or could do with the same v�lidity if a11 and every such act <br />had been herein parkicularly siated, expressed and especially provided for. <br />This Litmited Power af Attorne� shall bc effective from June 4, 2U10, and sha11 continue <br />in� full farce and e�fect tburough Jwn.e 30, 2012, uz�ess oihervwise texminated by �an off cial of the <br />FDIC authorized to do so by the Baaxd af Directors ("Revocatio�"), At such time this Limited <br />Power of Attarney will be automatically revoked, Anq third party may rely upon this dacument <br />as tha named individual{s)' authorzty to continue to exercise the powers herein granted, uniess a <br />Revocation has be�n recarded in the public records of the jurisdiction where this Lirnited Power <br />of .A.ttorney has been recorded, or unless a third party has received actuaE notice a� a Revocation. <br />Limited Power of AttOrne�+ Pag� 2 of 4 <br />Great Western Bank June, 2010 <br />Prepared by Darlene Walaer, Federal Daposit Insurance Corpoxation, D�llas Regional Of�'ice, Legal Division <br />