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<br />�����1�� �i.,
<br />LTM�'��D POWER OF ATT�xtNE'i?'
<br />2011020�.2
<br />KNO'1� A�,L P�R�C�NS SY TIIE�L.I'��;��N'iS, that �ixe k�I�EItA�C, D�,PUSIT
<br />INSi:JTZ.A,NC� CQRPO�tATION a corpvr��zon orgat�yz�cl and existing uncl�r an A.ct o:F Co.ngxess,
<br />herea�:ex aa�led Yhe "FDIC" hore�by d�si�nates tlae foll�vving �en�ployee(s) of �cat Western
<br />Bantc, �et ou't bela�?r (the "Attar.n�y(s,�-in-Fact") fcir the sole purpo�e of exec;u�ing tk�e doctunents
<br />out�inad belaw:
<br />Tim I�C�isex
<br />Dean DoVos
<br />Calin. Andexso:n
<br />Bria� �`irady
<br />1V�ic�iel Go�tgh
<br />Rot�d. Ludemann :
<br />Dou�, Trzbble
<br />I�zrby �hrall
<br />K.en Kareis
<br />Jeff Ericksan
<br />Pan� Wirth
<br />Baxbaxa J�ffxe�
<br />Debbie �:o�per
<br />Lloyd �ohl
<br />E�mil,y Hanl�o
<br />W�-IERE1��, thc ua.a�.exsi�ned has �ul,l authox�ity tQ execute thi.s instrument on beh�f of tha
<br />FDIC un�ler �ppliaa&I� R�solutians of i.he FDIC's Iloard af Dixectors and rec�elegatior�s there.nf.
<br />I'�OV► THER�k�OR�, .i:he FD�C gr�nt� to th� a�ove-named. Attorn�y(s)-ua-Fact tne
<br />autliority, su6jcct to the limit,�.tib�.s herein� �s �'oliows:
<br />1. Ta ex�ct�te, acl�nawledge, seal and d�livex• on behalf of r�.e F.DIC as xeceiver af
<br />Tiert��.e Ba�, (`°R�cezver"} aIl instrum�nts uf tran,sfer and aonv�ya.n.ee, including Urzt nc�t limi�ed
<br />to ileeds, s�ss�,gnm�.nt�, satistactions, and �ira.usf�rs, apprapxiate.ly completed, with a11 ordixiary or
<br />s��cessary �n��rsements, a.�l�n,ow�ecl�.n�n,ts, aff'�d�vit� and support��a� document� as may b�
<br />n�cess�ry or appxap�at� to evxdenc� th� sale az�d transfer of aizy asset of TierOne ��nk i�ncludi.n,g
<br />a�l laans formei:ly held by TierOn� Bank to �eat Westerx� Bank, pursuani to that certain
<br />Puxchas� and Assumption Agr��rnent, dated. �:s of 7LUae 4, 2010 between Receivex,. an.d G�reat
<br />Westexn B�l.c.
<br />2. K.egarc�ir�g indeb�edness �x�viau�ly owned by th� formgr TierQne Bat�k �1ia1: had
<br />�bee�x pa�d. �f� or o�therwise satisf ed pxio�• to bazi�c fail�e, au�horaty is �r�n.ted to the At�orney(s}-
<br />in-Fact to execute, acicnowtedge, s�&1 and deriver an behal:f oF the Receiver a�1y and a11 lien
<br />� �•eleases t}xa�C m�.y be z�eeessarq fc�z the cam:plefiiorz. of �he dacumentati�n obligatxons of the fnrmer
<br />Tier.One $ank, in �onnectio� vv�tk� such p�id-off loans or athe� debt ob�igations. A111ie�i xeleases
<br />and xeiated ctoauments prepazec� in connec�on wit,h thi� Limit�d Power of Attozn�y shal� be
<br />appxapriate�y completed wifh a11 �rc�inr�y ar necessary endQxse�eiits, acknowledgmants,
<br />�idav�ts and supportin� .docurnents as rn.ay be neaessary or appropri�.te to evide�ce the rcicase
<br />.....___�. o� t�ie c�Ilat��aJ. �.nd �atxsf�ction of the debt.._�.,.�. _._...�_�......_.,..,__...___.__....,..__....�.._.._
<br />. Attoxn�;ys-in��a�t shall �nder��l�e tv comp��t� �l.l apprnpriate du� diligence n�cessary �tr
<br />x��rify the fi�l.l �nn.d fizial �aycn��at a,nd satisfa.�tiota �f atl inel�btedx�ess secured by the collataral
<br />b�ing released. '
<br />L'itnited Ppwek c�f �ttorney Page 1 of 4
<br />Q�eat Westein 8anlc �une, ZOIo
<br />Prepared Uy D.�rlene 1JVallar, �'�derat Daposlt ��suranca Corporat3dn, Dallas Rogion.al �fftce, Legal Division
<br />