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<br /> � .? paioits d�c ixackr�qai�es. 'It�c m����*P��n�oe s1�11 ba cho9en bY�oROwer subject io l.en�ct�s
<br /> . app�ova!wbich s1�U not be�uezsamblY witl�betd: [f$anawtr fa�s to maintain caverage descn'bed above.t.ander mry.at
<br /> • I,eqder�optan.dxain coven�ge so P�o�ax Lender§rights m the•PropenY in ac°�sd�'�'��P�7_
<br /> Alt�ut�a�e poliCies ond reoew9ls shall bc acceptabk to I:en�er and shalt include a st�u�dard mortgage cfavse. Lender
<br /> sBaU bave tbe right to h�ld the Folicies aeQ cenewats. if Leoder rcquiies.Bwrower sl�all presmPtlY Bive to i.ender all aceipts .
<br /> ' ��id p�emi�ms and t�enewal natices.•t n t h a even t o f l o s s.B o r r o w e r s�a l i g i v e p r o m p t n o t i c e t o t h e i n s u r a n ce carricr and � .
<br /> L�e� Lendermay maice p�r�ofaf loss if mt m�de promP�Y�Y�Ower.
<br /> [7c�le�s Lender._and Boc[tiwer otherwise agroc in writing.insnrance p ro a e e d s shait be applied co�estorauoa or repair of
<br /> - - - the p�apatp damag�d,if.the.rtsto�ation or�is eoonomicaUy feas�'bIo and Lender's seconty is not taseaed. If thc
<br /> Shalt bc
<br /> � resloa�ion nr np�it is nc�t eca�tomically feacibk or I.rnder's security waild be iessened.the insuram'e pra^ee� .
<br /> a
<br /> ��yo��a�cyred by this Security i�nt.whether or not then due.wiih any eacess paid to Bor�wer. I
<br /> Bomawer sb�ndo��s the Properry.a does no[answer within 30�ays a notice from L�ender tl�ac thc insurartce c�ier 6as .
<br /> offaed to seule a claim.tixn Lender may colicct the insurance pmceeds. Lendcr may use the proceeds to repair or restoce
<br /> • dre pmperty ot w pay sum.c secured by this SecuritY Insuumen�whetlkr or not then due. '1'he 3tWay pe�iod wili begin v�f�cn
<br /> ' th�notice�s given. , � - •
<br /> ' " U���and B�rower dhcrwise sgroe in vrrciting.any application af pro.eedc to{xincipat sb�ll not eMcnd or . � 4,
<br /> ������hC mo�yehlY p�Yments tefrnsd to in paragEaphs 1 and 2 or chat�ge thc�unuunt af thc paYments. Ii .
<br /> under p�rx�nph 2t thc Ftoprrty ys s+cqu'ited by Lcrdcr.8ormwer's rigTrt to any inrurancc poficics"ond p�ecdr resutting
<br /> f��to tht Aropeny prior ta ibe ocquisitian shall pa.cs ta t.�nder ko ihe.extent of the.ums�ecu�ed by thi�Security .
<br /> � � . tnswrtknt immediauty to�he xyuis�liat. � �
<br /> md p�ior
<br /> f. pca�pMCy�.!'r�ervatios. Mai�teasnce aa� PrateMion ot the Propeefy: Hoeraaer'x I.wn Application;.
<br /> , , T��� g�w��i a�py.�iti�lish.ancf use thc Riuperty ac Eiarrower s pnncip�l rc�idenre within sixt}1 days atier .
<br /> tlxe�ecutiop.of tdis Security{nmument and shall continua to occupy the Pmpeny as&►auwer's prinripal residence for a►
<br /> � kau onc year after tlie date of occupancy, unless Ixnder atLenvise agrees m wrting. which cunsene shalt nat be
<br /> ur�reasonaMy y�itAheld,or unkss extrnuating c�rcumstanres exist which arc ixy�$o�W�'s conUrol. Boitawer shal!not
<br /> destroy,damaga or impair the P►vpeR9•ailow lhe�'roperty to deteriorate.or commit w�cte ort�he Property.-Bormwer shall
<br /> tie in default if any forfeiture action ar prucading.tvheth�r civil oreciminal,is bcgun that in f.endec's good faith jadgment
<br /> � � cald n�suh in forfeitute of the Pmperty a�ii�s� materially impair thc lien created by this Security lnstrument or
<br /> L.ender's security intensG Borrower may cure sucR a default and reinstate,as provide�ia paragaph 18.by cawing the action
<br /> orproceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that,in L.ender's•gaod faith determination.precludes forfciture of the Borrawer's• —
<br />- - --- '�uti�tecest in ttr�Pfo�esty or other material impairmeat of the•liea created 6X tbis Securit}r lasuument ar Lx�rders security -
<br /> interesE. Bormwer shali also be in default if Barrawer. during the toan applir�tion process. gave materiatly fatse ar
<br /> inaccurate infomfation or statemenu to t.ender(or failed to provide Lender with any material information)in cannection with _ �
<br /> the toan evidenced by th�Note. inctud"ing. b�t not liinited to,representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> - ptnpeny as a grincipal residence. If this Secwity Instrument is�n a leas:hold.Horrower shaU camply witb all the provisions
<br /> •�,irhe tease. If Borrower acyuires fee tiite to the Propecty��:�:-teasehoid and the fee titte shall nat merge untess C.ender agrees _
<br /> - �atise merger in writing.
<br /> �, pr,pbect(on of Lendee's Rlghts in the Propertv If Ba.recver fails to pedortn the covenanu and a�reements
<br /> - �p���ed�.�s�.�;is Security inswment,�or there is a tegal praceedi�.c.T�at maY signiticantly affect L.ender:s rishts in the
<br /> = pmpeRy(sucyb as a proceeding in 6ankn�ptcy.probate.for condemnatioa nr forfeiture or ta enfar�e laws or regulations).then _
<br /> Lrnder may da and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value af the Property and l.ender's rigltts in the Praperry.
<br /> F.ender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Securiry instrument,appear�ng _—
<br /> - in caurt.paying reawnable attomcy.s fees and entering on the Propercy to make repairs.Atthough Lender may take action �__
<br /> '.•'` uader ihis pasadraph 7,Lender daes not ha�e to do so. �`-
<br />;'*;,. .�.�._
<br /> Any amiaunts disbursed by Lender icr:d:r this paragrapb 7 sha�L I�erame additional dabt of Borrower secured by this
<br />° Securiry Instsument. Unless Borrower and Y.ender agree[a other tertns uf payment,these amounts shaQ bear intemst from the �'�<
<br />-rLL� -- date of disbursement at[he Nate rate and shall be payabtc.with incerest,upon notice from l.ender tn Borrower requesting �+���
<br />- Paymen� �.y_
<br /> 8, Mortg�►ge Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan xecured bv this ___
<br /> ,- ' Security inssrument.Borrower shali pay the premiums required to maimain Ihe mort�+ge insurance in effect. I�for any' _- _
<br /> •;j reacon, the anortg�ge insurance cavcrage required by l.ender iap.tes or cea.�es ta 6e in effect. �c�rrawer �hall pay the __
<br /> ptamiums required to obtuin coveragc subst�ntially equivalent iu thr mortgage insurnnce previously in ciPect, at a co�t �
<br />=���` substantially equivalcnt to the c�st ta Hoaower o1'the moMgag�,insurancc prcviousty in effect.froin an altemate mnngage �;�..
<br />-�;'y insurer apptaved by Lender. li'sub.rtantially cquivatcnt mortgage rncurancc rovera�e is n�st availablc.Bcrrrnwer shall pay ta _
<br />- 1.ender each monih u sum equal to one-twelfth af'the ycarly mort_age inrumnce premium being paid by Bozrower when the �;'-i
<br />,;��, incurance covBtAge lupsed or Ccased to be in effect. I.h:ndcr wili arce�s.usc and retsun thc�c p�yments nc�lokc rescrvc in tieu s
<br /> �f mortgage insurance. l.cris reserve pa}�nents may no langrr be teqaired.ut the uptinn of LenrTer,iP morlgage insurance
<br />'::~a wverage f�n thc amount anJ far the perind that l.cnder requireti►prQCidcd by tm in+urcr uppraved by Lender a�Ain become� _
<br /> -- � availabte and is obtaincd.Banawcr shall pay the premium�sequircd to mainla�in mangagr in�urancc in effec�.ar ta pravide a _
<br /> - toss reserve.until thc requircrrrcnt for monguge insurance ends in accvrdance wi�b�ny writtcn agreemcnt betw�en BorraK�cr -
<br />- and l.endea at sipplicable law. �
<br /> -' 9 lns,peeNon. Lcndcr ar itti�gent may mal:e rca+onablr cntric.upun smd intipertian�of thr I'wpeny. l.enAer tihalt
<br /> �; gi�•e Barrower natice at the time ai ar prinr to an int�ertion specifyin�rca�na�hle cau.c fur Ihc intipc:cti�m.
<br /> - `y,. � �0. Condemnation. 'i7tc prexeeds aC any au:�rd ar claim far damage+.direct�+c c��ntieyucntial.in cvnnection with an} .
<br /> Singlc Family--F'anNe�1ue�ireRQ�r ttac Cti1FURt11�5'1'Rl��1f.�T•-I'niturm Cuccnanl� 9i9R Ip�!¢P?r�l�>l,�r.c�.*� �s
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