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<br /> - . ��wrlH au u�e ia�wamems no+i►or bei+aAec�reclee an tl�e pc�npat�►,yla�u,�mmts.a�. �.-
<br /> ' ��erd fixtia�es ao�v a 6aeafkr a piui of the p�+upeYt�►. AU Yepl�ce�aeots and additions shat!aiso be om�erod by this Securiiy', •
<br /> . ln�wopK, A!I o�the fa�e$ou�is rtfeRed ta m this S e c�m t y L i w l n r x e t as t d e"P m p a t y." ': �
<br /> � ; BORROWEI�QOYENANfS that Bot�uwer is tawfulfy seised ottbe atate heceby cwaveyed and ha��the right to g'taac �
<br /> � wd co�vey tl�Propaty as�thu die Pmpe�ty is anencumberea,txcept for eacam6iu�ces of recotd.Ba�wu wamanss snd
<br /> � 'wIll defeod geoenlly tl�e title to d�e pmperty agaia�t aII clvms and dem�nds�subja�t to arty a�br�nces af record.
<br /> TA[S SFiCUR1TY INS1RtiMENT ccmbines unifam cuvenants for nazional use and non-vniform covenants with
<br /> limited Yariatiats by jurisd'iction to cd�nstitute a tmifo�m secuuiry ia�rwnent covering�eal prope�ty .
<br /> ITN1PDRl4I�COVENA1�iTS, Borrower ard l.endes covenant ana agcee as foliows: - -
<br /> l. ���eqt'utPrt�e�l•sad Ltere�Prep�y�eut�id Lste Cia� Bam�rer sl�afl.�,ompthr WY w1�t due the -
<br /> ;pancipai uf ud'aueiest on�th�idebt evidenced by tbe Not�,a�sf anY Pi'�PaY�nt an�_3Rt��ohaFges�u�iaader"the Nata, .
<br /> �. E9��dsfar7iwes��ii�td;��� Sabjxttoapp1iG61elawortoawritts�;�►bi�re'r�b�Lende,�;'Bon�wc���pay�to
<br /> •:Lmkr on t6e day tnoRbi�;piymaus abe;¢ue•under the l�to�s,•uetit tlie Nate is p�:iur�i�:��_�tma(("Fimds")'Favs fs)yearlY
<br /> - t�zes and�sa9na�ts�i�h miy��iQtity over dds Savricy Inmumau as a lid►on`the�rppei�ty��b)YeadY Teasehoki
<br /> � ' �ayments a,gcau�d�eats at d►e Pt�opettg;�ff.anyr,(c)Y�Y �� °C p�'OP�Y'�atanee�pr�smitims t� Y�Y Rood
<br /> nUUnaca p�emiums.if 9ny;;(e?Y�Y��ins�e peem[mas. if�ny.ar�d tfl:ar►Y sums PaYahie by Bomnwec to
<br /> I.eader.in acoord�nce witlt�the provisions of pmgn�p6 S,in li�of the pay�ment of matgagc insurance premiums. These � .
<br /> iuen�s�e calkd"Ecerow Itemc." l,enckr may�stt smy time.eoUxt and hold Fi�nds in an amount uot to exeeed the ma�timum -
<br /> �naunt a lerder for s fededly related mo�tgage lan may�equire for Barawer's esccow xcow�t ur�der the`federrt[teal
<br /> E,ytsu Stpkn�ent ptocedut+es Act af 1974 ag ameaded fran time to time.!2 U.S.C.�26111 tl a�q.("R�SPA")..untess anaher �
<br /> - ti�w dwt applies�01he Funcls sets s lesser amoun� If st�.l�enAer may.at any time.collect and hold FLnds in an amount not to
<br /> �x�the ksxr�unoum. {.ender may esiimate the amount of Fi�M� due an the basis of.cumnt Aata ar�d reasonabk
<br /> '�stlmates of eaprnditutrs+o€tutuce Escmvw Items a e�thetwise in accad�in�e with applicaQk law. � •
<br /> '11�e�sball be he1Q in aut institution whusa dcpnsits aoc•lnsured by a'federal agency. instmmentality.at entiry —
<br /> (inctudin��.enckr.it Lender is st�h s+n institution)br io any Federaf Home Laan Banic. Lender stWt appty the Funds tb pay _
<br /> the E.+crow Items. t�ender msy not chuge Bomowe�for falding and applying the Funds.annually anaiyzing the escrovrc �
<br /> iccoun�,or verifying tha E.gcmw Itcros.untcss Lender paYs Borrower interest on the E�nds and applicablc law petmits
<br />.:�F L.eoder to malce such a�harge. However.L`tnder tnay recluirc Bocmwer to pay a one-time charge for an irtdependeot real ��_
<br /> est�te we npoiting service used by l.ender in connecdon with this loan,unless applicable law provides athenvisc. Unless an =—_
<br /> � • agKetnea[�.s made or appf icable taw requis�interest to b e p�i d.I.e n d e r s h a l t n o z t�req u i n e d t o p a y�a r r awer an y intec�est or , �.:�_._
<br /> eamings on the Funds. Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing.however,that intaes4 shatl be paid on the Funds. Lender �t.��'-_�
<br /> . shall give to Bormwer,wiitwut charge.an annual s�ccauntirg af the Au�d.s,showing crediu and debits to the Funds aad the `—��`=
<br /> i �_,.—
<br />.• '� purpose far whicfi each debit to We Fands wa.s made. '17�e I�nds are pledged as addidonal secvrity for a11 sums secured by �---_
<br /> ' this Securiry Instrumen� �rt`'
<br /> � If the Funds held hy l.ender eaceed the amounts pem�itted to be hefd by applicabte taw.Lender shall accooni to ��:.:
<br />;�-� Barower for t6e eacess Funds in accordance with the requicements of applicabte taw. If the amount of the Funds held by =_____
<br /> L.ender at any time is not s�CCient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so naafY Bosuwer in writing.and.in -._-
<br /> �- stkh case Bomnwer shalt pay to l.ender the amount necessary to make up the defiAency. Borrower shall make up the �a�ti--
<br /> �';, deficienc.y in no more than twelve monthlY PaYments.at l.ender's sote discietion. ��.i.-_
<br /> . � Upon payment in fuq of all surt�s secured 6y this Security instrument,Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any '��_'
<br /> " Funds held by l.ender. If,under paragraph 2t.Lender shaD acquire or sell the Pkapecty.L.ender,prior to tht acquisition or �lt���"
<br /> ' safe of the Pmperty.shall apply any Funds held by LxndeT at the dme of acquisipon or sale as a credit against the sums - _ _
<br /> r. .� securcd 6y thfis Security Instrumen� • =
<br /> �'�x �;:�, .�� 3. Applkntian ot Paymeets. IJntess applicable law provi,des otherw'ue,afl payments teceiveQ by I.ender under - , __
<br /> �..�: paragraphs I and 2 shalt he applied:firs1.to any prepayment charges due undes ihe Note;setond,to amounts payable under __
<br />:;r�:.r paragraph 2;third.to icEte;-zst due:fourth,to principal due:and Tas�to any late chasges due under the Note. ;.,,.,;:- _
<br /> 4. Cbarges;I.iees. Borrower sha11 pay all taaes. assessments, charges.�'mes and imposiaons attributable to the "`
<br /> r;,.. , ,.;,_
<br /> Property which may atta.i�priority over this Security lnstrument.and teasehold pavments or ground rents,if any. Barower �,-:��,- �,:.:�
<br /> ,�:
<br /> ahall pay these obligadons in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not pai�iis t�sat maiu�er.Bara4ver shall pay them on � • =
<br /> . :� time direc[i}r to the�erso;�awed payrRer�. Borrower shall pmmptly fumish to Lcr.s��r all nos:�e�of amounts to be pa�d under °.�'�� `�z _..-
<br /> this paragraph. If$orraw�makes these Dayments directly,Borrower shall promp:ty fumish'ta i.ender receipu evidencing '+`+`:'� _ �_
<br />_ �`� U�apayment�. � �� -� -;;-
<br />-• BomnR•er shall promptly discharge any lien whi�4c has priarity over this Secacrity(nstrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees �� �:,;
<br /> __ � in writing¢�s�.'�e paymem of the o6ligation secured by the lien�n a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in gaod faith the -
<br /> '�"� lien by.os d.�fends against enfacement of the Nen in,legal proceedings which in the Lcrider�opinion operate to prevent thc ;,;
<br />: • enforcemer.t of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder af the Iten an agreement satisiactory to Lender subacdinaNng the lien ==_
<br /> - - to tlfis Securlty Inswment If Lendcr determines lhat any part of thc Property is sub}ect to a lien wbich may attain ptiodty � �-���`r'�
<br /> . ,: .
<br />: ,. #. over this Security lnswment.l,ender may give Horrawer a noticc idcntifying the:��. Borrower shall satisfy the lien ar take ��`• ,� .
<br /> one or more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days af the giving of notice. {`:
<br /> S. HuarA or Praperty lnsuraaca 8oaawer shall keep the impravemcns now cxisting or hereat'ter erected an the �+�;:
<br /> * ;���,��: Property insured against foss by flre.hazards incladed within the term"extended caverage"and any other hazards,including fi•. : . •
<br /> '• � ...�.��� �,:� flaads or flooding,for which Lender requireg insurance. This insurance shat'be maintained In the amounts and for the ,
<br />. F.a�'iPf..aJ.. . ' � . _
<br /> _' _� _ "-'__ _ � - ��'. . _. _ .
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