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<br /> (� �Cti�1. Lender may enAlce,or r,awo ta bo mada,reuean�bla antries upon
<br /> and ins��octlane of the Propaty�pravfdad tt�at Lendcc el�ll�vo'Crustor notice prior to�ny auch
<br /> in�pocUor►speclf�in�nea�onable causc therefar rel�xed to�d�r's ieterest in the Property.
<br /> (Q) $p��yyy�. Uponpayment of e�l aums aecured by this Dad of Trust,
<br /> Lendcr slull requea�Tcuatee to recanvey tho Property and shell surrend�r thls Dood of Tnist ancl
<br /> �11 not�s evidec�cing iadebtedcusa xcuKd b�y this Ueed of'�niat W Tnistoe. Trustee shell
<br /> t+econvey the Prope�►without wrrrenty e�nd without charge to the person or passons legaliy
<br /> endued thereto. �nutor shall pey�11 cost.r of rocordetion�if any.
<br /> (h) • ' As additionsl se�urity:for the
<br /> paymexzt of the I�fote,TnuWx bereby grants I.e�x3er,undes the Nebraslca Uniform Comiuen;ial
<br /> Code,a socurity intcre�t in aU fixtures,bqm��m►�o�t and oth�personal proputy usod In connecHon
<br /> with t}ae na!est�Le or•imprfiva�xnts located thtreon aad not ott�rwise declarod or doemul to be
<br /> a pact of the ral estato socured hatiby. This ins�ume�t st�ll be cocutn�od as a Security .
<br /> ,4„aroeenent umder said Codc,and the Lender st�sll have all the rights and t+emodies of a sxarod _.
<br /> party wntkr said Cade ia addition to thz reghts and rettr�clie9 creatod utxl�r�d aacorded the
<br /> I.er�der ptuauant ta tbis Deed of 7IYwt,prov�dod that Lenda's rights and ren�edies under this
<br /> paragr�,ph s�all be�unu�ativ�,c�h,and in,��way a limitution�on,A��der's rightis and r�afeclios
<br /> , � ur►dar�ay other sr�:�ubk}►agr�,�nt ugatd.�b�:aarrowrr or Truscor.� ' . -
<br /> . (i) Y+1�i1�.�1GLmb„",�:4. Trutstcrr 11!�rsby vvat�t►nts$ad repraents that�is
<br /> no dofsult under th�provisiaa9�uf any n�ortgaga,deai�f'�vst,lease or purcha�e contract descxib-
<br /> ing atl or any p�ct af tbe Property,or other contrect,�nstnimeat ox�g¢�an►eat con�rtutia�g a lien
<br /> or encumbru�c�age�n,�t ail or auy pmt of the Property(colloctively,"Lia�s")e�xisting�s of the
<br /> d a t t of tbis Deed of T c u s t,and tt�at an y end all c x i s t i n�Liens ratwn unmodified e��t a�
<br /> di�clo�ed to I.�s�dar in TruaW�'s writtet�disclosuc+s af luqs uid encumbr�nces provi for
<br /> }�rein. TnuRor ahaYl timely perfonn all of Tcusto�s obli cova�s,t�a�ht�oa�act
<br /> Ih
<br /> wur�ntia w�der any u�ell existing�►d future Liens,aad�not witwout L�nd�'s prlor writ- �
<br /> ten ooasait iu any muuu�er modify t3�e provisioaa of or ell.osv�ay Rrture�ctv�ncxa under amy
<br /> existin�or future Lie�.
<br /> (j) B,p�f paym�p�. Unless otherwise roq�drr,x�by kw,au��id tu
<br /> Lender�mder,�ac uding,vrntxwut liaitatlon,PeY�ts ofp�p��od ida+e.st,imucenoe
<br /> proceoc�.,�condannativn procoeda eu�d nnts end profita��haii be appiiod by La�da to tbo -
<br /> �dne and owing fm Truawr aod Bornow�er m such oider as Lender in ita solo discx+ction
<br /> doems dairablc. .
<br /> (k) ��it�c. If auy praviaion of this Uad of Tn�st conflict�with app19
<br /> l�w ar�s cbelarod'anv�lid or otl�erwise unei�fomeable,such co�flict or inv+�lidity ab�ll nrM a ax
<br /> the otbe�t p�+ovisiam�of this Doed af T'rust ar:tt►t Note wh�cl►caa be�i�i►eu e�eat witl�ou�t tk�: .
<br /> voa�iciu� a�i,�d to this en�d,the ps+oviaicx�s a�ti�is Deed o :�'n�aad�tlio Note at+t
<br /> daclu,ed w�erable. , �:�:. .
<br /> . :�
<br /> , ,
<br /> . (1� ?,��. The tercns"Ti�.����c"and"Bomowa"si��I�iaclude both ' �s'��nd
<br /> � � plw�t, aad vvha�t1�Tnutor an,d Borrt�wrr`are tLe a�atn�,�op(v�;,'�ax tatns as�m�is
<br /> Deed of Trust s�hell be interc?knn�eabla. , . .
<br /> (m) (�o_,v���,L�c. This Ueed of Tnut sh�il 6e govemod by�tl�e laws of tho
<br /> . St�tc af Nebr�Ca. �. ,.
<br /> Tn�.stor has exocutcd this Dcal of Tcust as of the dato writtc�abova. ��� ��
<br /> � �
<br /> J �s P.Masat
<br /> � .
<br /> �: L (//
<br /> �/�i� !����_
<br /> te a M�.�e`vea
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