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<br /> lative�shall b�In addition to�very other reinedy given hereunder,��r Ndt�or now or hereaiter
<br /> exi�ting aX law or�n equity or by etaZute.aad may be exerefsed cctn�uc.t�.s�tly�independently ar
<br /> succcssively. . r
<br /> 13. T17L9tC�. Tt►e Trustee may rsslgn at any time withaut eAU�s, and L,�nder may at any
<br /> time and without causesppoint a successor ur sub�titute'�'ruetr,e. Tntut�a ahall not be liable to
<br /> �y purty,�cluding,without limitationy Lender,Borrower,Tru�tar oa��n�y���r og�c
<br /> Property,for any loss or damage unless due to reokless at willf.ral mi:�rnnduct,end st�a11 not be
<br /> requirod to take anY acdon in connecuon with the enfor4:ement a��in Uecd of Tnist unless
<br /> i� wntu�g,:for all casts,compensation or axpen:u;:�w1n9�t�.mny be associ udieiaY or
<br /> therewith. In eddition.Tn�stee may becoms a pric tY���al of all'8nr aty l�ortion of�tho Properiy,as
<br /> under thc powcr of sale gran.tcd hareia)t P� �
<br /> pmvided by law;or ssll the Property ss a whole,or in sepAr�tr:par�cd:i c�r lots at Trustce's
<br /> discredon.
<br /> 14. F�a�d��• ��event Trustea sclla th.c Fib��rty bY exercise of power of
<br /> sale,Trustcc shall be entiU�ed to epply any sale prucr„�s�-�t t�s�g�;nn�a.t a�£all e�s�s ancl
<br /> e�penses of exercising�ower of sale,including a11 I'n►st�ee�s f��f��c I�w���even�t Aorrower
<br /> att�+�ey's feas s�atually uacurred to the extent permitcted by a� . .
<br /> or`X'rustor oxer�cises any right pmvi�le�l by law to ct�re an F.���.9 in�D�faulC�Lender sk�a�D be
<br /> �til�ed to recaver fram Tn,�star a�l�cAS'ts and expe�ses ac1�d.F}r.1u��w�reci a�a restdt a��'a�stvr's
<br /> dafault,including,withowrt�tatiox�,a�l Trusteo's��ut�attu�rr,�y'n fcr.s,��'h�extent per,�a�tt�ed�b'� �
<br /> APplficable law.
<br /> 15. F�W:A�tva-c�es. Uponrequest of�orrnwer,Leud�tr msty,at its option,ariake
<br /> addidonal and future advanccs and nedveaces to�3orrow�r. S�tch adve�nces and readvaaces,with
<br /> interest tharoon,shall be securod by thisrD�ed o��',r��st. At an�Wn,e shall the�rn uro� tDie secu T
<br /> the indebtcdness securod dy this i�e�ca o, a:u�.,,���,x:,lu�:�.,s..g�.�---.
<br /> rity of tlria Decd of Trust,excced the original pt'incipal amo�ut stated h�ercin,or�374,000.04,
<br /> wtuchavtr is great,er.
<br /> 16.
<br /> ���jp��pL,$�(�j�p�. Butonsiarc o£�I�ia tim�e fa peyma�t or modiflc�tion of
<br /> anwrtix�►don of sume ecc.:.vd wy thu�of Tru�t p���d b�+Lender to�uny aticce�sor in
<br /> i�nj�Uerest of Botrowar s1u�11 not opes�te W}�elarsa,In an� matij�:r�tawe liabilifiy of tha Ari�iwl
<br /> AvY'fOWCT�[1�lSSO[I�iVYiTS St�iCiVLw�+1iJ�L�Il1W"I'Vw• T C:��:�9�1!�l��i f�A��1L'[�]111rOd LO COA�1uCnCC
<br /> praxedinge ag,afnst auch successor or r�fws�w extead tima,for paym�t or otherwise modify
<br /> �unortiz�tton of the swn�xctnrod by this De,�d of Tcuat 6�r neaso�of Auy dem�nds mede bY tLe
<br /> originnl Borrower and Borrower's successa�s in intec�est.
<br /> (b) Id��.Peweis. Witl�nut a�ecting th��f abilety of any other pexson liable for
<br /> th�e psyment of any obGgahon herein mentioned aiu3 wi�ti�aut a�'ectin6 tlyc llen or charge of thi�
<br /> Deed of Tn�st upon any portion of the Pro�erty noot}�er�tofooe ralesu�od as a�curit�'f°r
<br /> tbe full amount of al�napaid oblig�ations,�cr►dcr mny,fzr�ax time to time arrd withouR ti::otice,
<br /> (i)telease any.�erson so liable;(u)extend thc maturity a�alter aa.y of th�e terma of any s�rch
<br /> abligations;(xu)grant otlser indul�ences,(av)relcasa ar rseoavey�a to bc releaYed or
<br /> acconveyed at any tim�e at Lender's option any parcct;po��e�a or all of tha Propat�►;(v)take or
<br /> � relc�se eay other or addl ents wi'th d tybtors inry��sc+¢s� i�n�eationed;or(v�)make com�o-
<br /> • sitions or other arran6
<br /> (c) '""��.+/.'�'��Not e Wsi±Trer..,t�,ny forbearan�c�e by Lender in
<br /> ucablC law shaU not bo a
<br /> exercis�ng any right or remedy hereunder ar o�herw�se a�i:�mdcd by app� urement of insurance
<br /> waiver of,or preclude the cxc�cise of�8]3}►bUCI1 tA�lti 6L'11Lll3�dY. Tt�Pr°C
<br /> to accrlcr�ateethe maturity f th�uidebtednt�se uncd b�tlu.�Deed of Trust.'ver of Lendtr's right
<br /> �d� Sa�nnna4AI9�it� aignc AnLd� _r,.;»r nd S�veral ' h Iitv Cantinns. Thc
<br /> covenants end agreements heroin containcd shAlt biud,rutd�ke nghts hemeunaer siiaii�nure to,the
<br /> xespective successors and asslBns of Lender and Tru�to�r. A.dl covent�nts and agreements vf
<br /> Trustor shall b�juui4 aad several. The captiaiLs and�l�aadi�f�,,s��tho��e�mcnv'i.�uo�creo¢f.
<br /> - Trust are tbr convenience o�uy anu n�v.�.•,�:,..�:....^......�.r----- ---- - •
<br /> �g� ��ueat for Noticpa. The�EUties hvi+eb� s�queat that a cop of any notice of
<br /> �� to tltis Deed
<br /> dcfault h�reunder and�copy of any notice ot Sa1e he�ea��:a'bc m�iled t°c�c Pu�Y
<br /> of Trust at thc ucidr�ss set forth above in the t�arttxcr pn•,s�rfi�eci Uy apFl�cable l�w. Exc�pt for
<br /> " any other notice cec�u�Ted under applicaUle lamv to be giv����auuther mzanner,any n�tice
<br />_.::: provided for in th�s�D�a;d of Tnist shall be p,aNOn by mn�Ei.isg auch�r„r�,��;,�by certified mai►1
<br />_= addressed to the at3�ea parcies,a+t the address�es gmrSh��.�rvc:. t+bny nw�ice provided for in this
<br />-v'� tl�n one}person,notbce s�enttio thE addresslse fnrrh abc�vtit shall t�e�non�'ce to all I ch persons 1���
<br /> ;�
<br /> 4
<br />_q
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