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<br /> 2, �, Trustor is the owner af tlqo Property,has the clght and nuihartty to convcy thc
<br /> excu�t'�oya an d liv ry of��'Dc�d°f Tt,re�st d syn4t vIo!tenany con�tract oK uthcr obligatlon to a
<br /> which Tivstor ia su�joc�. °
<br /> g, Tgx .q acssam.n q, To pay before delinquent all taxes,special assessments and sll
<br /> other charges+against the Property now on c�xeafter levied.
<br /> 4. 1nsv�. To kce�tlic Property insured againsr damage by fue hazards iacluded with
<br /> the termn"extended coverage' aud such otttcr hazards as Lender maY require i�emounts and with
<br /> companies acacptablc tG Lender,nnm9n6 Lender ae an additional named insuncl vv�ith loss
<br /> payuble to thc Lender. In casc of loss under such policies,tha Lender is authoriud to adju�t.
<br /> colleot and comprvmise a11 claims thereiuide.r and shall have the uption of applying all or gart of
<br /> the insurance proceeds(i)ta any indebt�d�ae�s aecurc�i hereby and in such order as Le�=dl�r���;or
<br /> detecmi�a,(ii)to th�Trustor to bo used;for t�e npeir c,r restoration of the PropertY C�)
<br /> en�►o�her purpose ur object satiafactory w Lender without affactin8 the lien of tLi lic�n o� �
<br /> for the ful l amowrt sea u u ti d here b y b e f'o r e s L 1 c h p a y m e n t e v e Y t o c�k p f a c c y�`.ca y a gp��er QIiE
<br /> proce�ds Lo indebt�eaness shall not extend or postpone the due datc of an paym �:
<br /> Note,�r�rtre any d�;�'AUIt thereunder or hereunder. -
<br /> 5. F�.�. In the event i,cnder shallxequirc,�'.�uaWr shall pay w Len�1-�T,ius guch manner
<br /> as Lender may design�te,suffi�cient sums W enable Len�cr to Pa Further un wrltten de an�d t
<br /> to all taxes,assessr.nents and other charges�gainst the Property �
<br /> by Lender,Trustor shall pa�y to Lendec,in s»cli msaaer as 1.ender may designatc,sufficient s�uns
<br /> to en�t�le Lendcr to pay as they bcCOme due,oae or mo�e of the followuig: (i)the�ndai�i��an _
<br />, W�prop�rty insurance nquired hereundcr,�nd(ii)the premiums on any mortgnge�nsurance
<br /> �c}uirsd by Lender.
<br /> . 6. ' ' ' . TrusWr shaU keep the Pcaper�ty i� �.
<br /> good condition and eepair; sha11 promptly repair,os r�pl�ce,any i�nprovement which may bc
<br /> dainagr.�l on destroycd;shall aot commit or permit any yvaste or deterioratia�n of the PropertY��
<br /> shall not remove,d�nolfsh or substantially alur anY u£the imlm°vemext��no1�o��law,
<br /> � not commit,suffcr or pemut any act to be dono in or upon the ProPertY�
<br /> enc�u�brances� a�nd cha�r6�s�1��1�'od,l p'imposed or asse�ssodtagainst the ProPertY��P�lthereof.
<br /> �, Fmi ��t no 'n. Y.endcr is henby assigned sll cou�pei�tion,awards,dameSes and
<br /> n
<br /> other payments or nlief(tsaeinaft,er"Proceeds")in co'v�cuon with�°ndemnstioa or other
<br /> tsking of the PrupertY or P�t therwf,or for conyeysnce in lieu of co�on. La�des'ehe11
<br /> bo en�tled�t its option to co��aPPear iu and pmsecute in ib own name any�ction or
<br /> proceodings,and�hall also be entitled to makt�any compromise or s�ttlemcnt in connxtion with
<br /> = s�h taking ar cl�m�go. In thc event eny portion of the PropertY is ao talceu or damag0d,L�ndn
<br /> n W apply all such Proc�eed�,�ft�r
<br /> �hall}�sve the opqan,it its sole and absolute discretion,
<br /> deducting there�'rom all casts and expenses incurnd by it In connection with such Proci ed�,�h
<br /> any indebtednes,4 secund hereby and'�n such order ss Lender ma�►�h conditio�n.s as Lendec
<br /> . pmceeds,aft,er such deductions�t+o the restoration of the PropectY upo
<br /> may determino. Any apPlication of Procceds to indebtedness ahall not extend or pastpoi�e the
<br /> � due date�f aay payinents twder the Note,or cure any default therewnder or htceunder• AnY
<br /> una��plied funds s1�a11 be paid to Trustar.
<br /> 8. Ferformsac�.lty I•�• Upoa the u�currence o��'Event of lkfault henunder,ar if
<br /> any act is taken ox legal prec�:t;din�connmenced,wluah materially affects Lendei's interest iut the �
<br /> prope�t�r,Lender nsay w its own discretion,but without obllgation tq do so,aad withouri n�oticz to
<br /> nr demand ugon TrusWr e�ci without roleasing'Trustar from any abligation,do any sct wli�ch
<br /> Trustor hes agreed but foils to do and muy also do any other act it deems necsssary Lem����
<br /> secur,it3►ho�of. Trustor shal:l,immediataly upon de�nund thcrefor by Len�e�,pAy
<br /> custs and cxpcnses incurred and sums�xpended by Lender in connectioa wi�the exercise by
<br /> Lender of tht foregoing rights,togtther with interGSt thereon at the default rate provided in the
<br /> Nute,which�ha11 be added t�the mdebtedness secured heroby. Lender shall nat incu�r any
<br /> , liabiliry because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> • .��f"___aL_f� - --�iM MMfnI�YtV�/!{iJtZh 9\l
<br /> O� nr�nn� rit!lIfl19. lIU.SLOT 9llalt Ic4'�(l tuo x ivpva.� .,,�.......1..•.---- -•----
<br /> applian�l�laws,ordinances and regulations relating to indusbnal hygieae or et�vic�nme�atal
<br /> protection(collectively�c+tfernd to here�n as"Environmental Laws"). Trustor sball keep the
<br /> property free frum a11 su6stances deamed to be ha��rdous or toacic uuder nuy Environr,aental
<br /> - - Lavu�(collcctively r�ferred t4 hcrein as"Hauu��rrdous Meterials"). Truston c�reby wan�ts and
<br /> repr,4sents to Lender that the;re are uo Hazardous Mateaials on or under the�roperty. Tn�stor
<br />-- hereby agrees tto nndemnsfy�nd hold harmless I.ender,its directors,officers,employcee and
<br /> agents,and any s�uc�csscArs to Lender'S�nterest,from and agait�s��ay and all cla�ms,dnmag�s,
<br /> losses and uabi�ti�ics arising iat co�ection wi►th the presence,use dis�pc��al or�treinsport uf any
<br /> AND
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