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<br /> npr?D OF TRiI9'�
<br /> Intending to create a construction secu�ity intei�ost in acc�r3TanHce with tho Nebraska �'�
<br /> Construction Lien Act,ttus DEED OF TRUST is raade as of the d�y of September, 1946 by
<br /> and emong t�e Trustor,JAMES P.MASAT aud CAROLYN A.MASAT,Husband and Wif�, C'
<br /> and STELLA I1�I.LEUE�A,a single p�rson,whose mailing address for purposes of this.�.eed of
<br /> 'I'rast is 2G21 W.High�vo��3.0.P.O.Hox 17I.7,G�rand Islaad,NE 68802-1�27(henin,"Trustor",
<br /> wi�eiher one,ar moxe),:the Tzustee,ARENI)R.BAACK,Attorae�at Law,whoso mailit�g
<br /> address is P.O.�3ox 790,(3rand Islan�I;N� 68802-0790(hereir�'Trustee")�and the Bei�eficiary,
<br /> n�iailing address is P.0:Hax 1009�(3rand Island,NE 68802�1fl09(herein"Lender").
<br /> FO�i VALUAHLI:CONSIDP.I2ATION,ineluding Lender'a oxtcnsian of credit idcntifit�l
<br /> heteln to JAN[Ea F. MASAT,CAIZ(��,YiV A.��wi�and 3'�"�i,LA ivi.L�VEf�nerein
<br /> � "Borrawe��",whether one or morz),and tho trust herein created,the nctiipt a�whic�is hercby
<br /> � ' ac�owledged,Tnistor hereby irnevocablc�wts,br�►nsfers,conveys and assigns to Trustee,IN
<br /> TI�tUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for th�benefit arxl security of tl�e I.ender,unckr aad subjcc�t
<br /> to the terms aad coaditionv hereinafter set foath,legally d�scribed as fullows:
<br /> Lot Three(3)�Commercial Industrial Park Second Subdivision in the City of
<br /> ' C3rand Islend,Hall County�Nobraske,nnd the East Fifty Fat(E SO')af Lot T'wo
<br /> (2)aYad the Notthaa.�t 62.65 Fa4 of Lot Four(4),Commen;ial IndusirIal Park
<br /> Second Subdivision,in the City of�rand Island,Hall County�Nebrasks,wgether
<br /> �with thgt tr�ct of lend described es follows: 'I'hst part of Frentage Raed'ux
<br /> Cammercial Iadustrial Park Second SubdivIsion,vacatQd�y Ordmence No.6450.
<br /> more pazticulerly described as t1�at part of Frontage Roaci aftuttuig upo��P�
<br /> 50 Fat,of 15.240 meter�,of Lot Z�nd all of Lot 3,Cnmm�rcial Iud
<br /> � Secomd Subdivieiun in the City of Grand Islaud,Hail County,Nebreska.
<br /> togcther witb all buildingA,improvemcnts,fixtures,s�treets,allvys�passageways�easGments�
<br /> ri8his,privilcges an►d appurtenances located theroon or in anywise pertaining ttaereto,and th�
<br /> nents,issues end pc+�fits,reversions and renaainders thet+eof�and such nal p�operty tiaak is
<br /> attachod to the impnovements so as to constitute a fixture,inaludiag. ut not limited to,hc�ting
<br /> and cAO13ng equipmeat and Wgeth�r with the homestesd or marital interests,if any,which
<br /> intoncsth aro hereby nleased and waived,all of which,including replaccments anci additions
<br /> them�to,,iu htmeby declared to be a paat of the rcal ostate secwed by the lion of tius Daed of Trust
<br /> and�ll�of the forcgoiag being refemed to hercin as thc"Property".
<br /> � 'Y�ci��eed of Trust shall secure(a)the payment of th�e principal sum and interest
<br /> . �vidonccd(by a Construction Line of Crodit Draw Note dattcl September_, 1946�having a.
<br /> maturiry dx�e of June 1,2011,unless the call options therein�ontaincd shall be earlier exeraised
<br /> � �y tha Lender,in the oxiginal principal amouat of T1uee lHundred Seventy-Four Thousand and
<br /> �(0/�OO�T�ollaxs($374,000.00),and any and all modi�icatians,�xtensions�nd ranewals thereof or
<br /> thereto and any and all future advances and re-advances to Borrower(or any of them if more thaa
<br /> ' ona)h0ravnder pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit agreements(herein called
<br /> , "Noto");(l�)the payment of other sums advenced by Lender to protect the security of the Note;
<br /> � (c)4ho parfurmance of all covenants and ag�coeraaents of'TivsWr set forth horcia;and(d)all
<br /> - �rescnt�t:�d futw�e ir.d�kt��ess�nA oaiEgauons df norrowcr�or any oi menn'u"mvr�inan vnc��o
<br /> Lendor wfiae�.her direet,iudirect,absoluto or contingent actd whether acising by nate,guaxanty,
<br /> � overdrnf�0z�therwise. 'Y'he Note,this Deed of Trust end any and atl other documents that secure
<br /> tho Not��r�1herwise exe�utcd i�connection therewith,in�luding without limits�tian guarantees,
<br /> stcurity�gresments and assig�nents of leases and rents,shall be referaecl to herein as the°Loan
<br /> IIastrumer�is°.
<br />_ 1. pav4nent of Indebtedness. All indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due.
<br /> � -
<br /> �
<br />