___ _.- : �
<br /> ' � �`.�,� �� _.: —
<br /> ..t * s _
<br /> _ _ _-��� �.��.,`-� - - - — _- -
<br /> -- - . - _ , -�- �-=z.-.•� . - . -� . -
<br /> - - ` _ __i,i:r: - � - -- • �, -
<br /> r - �--� - ;.=_ ,�'�r-�'a.- .� r — � .-- —
<br /> �. ,. c - u..u-�:
<br /> z- . , ' ' . 's _ 4�.��-_ - - - - . � ---a- -_ - — -_
<br /> ' - � , • . ' � '.� ,
<br /> — , . _ - ; � g2- ;so��s � , � ��p'` -
<br /> — • � . I.t4`!`
<br /> 9 To maiapie io sats in�ood sspair and malrs sepies required i�ebe Garas�neot:apa�te d+�?�opetc'1 1�
<br /> = is a�ood sed hu�6wdnualil�e�iaaana:campt�witi�acb.�farm coa�a�atiaa paai�ea aad fnm md 6ame maaa�emeat plsos ��:
<br /> - - _.______ --= a�tLe Govermaeat£ram ome tstLne may pcesrn'be:aa�sot to sb�do�e dee pragertg,or eawe os pem�it tues.la�eaiag ae _ !�•. _
<br /> _ - �wpa�armes�.af d�t�eauig cctued'6arcbY.os.without t4e wiitten conaentof cbe Go�emmect.eut.amore,or Ia�e ao� :'�
<br /> -- tim6er,gieel.a�.P�+aai.or ottier mioaali ezcept a�auT be nsau�for ordiear�domestie purQose�. ��i
<br /> , ' (10) To coapi�with a111aws.ordtaanas.and reauladons sffectia�.th�propa�l•- 1��--':.
<br /> -_- (il j To pa�or reimi�ine tye Go�ernment for a�peasa:a�acrabL�r neca�rf a incidenaE to the pcutectton of tUe liea . -
<br />-==�'' °v _ aad psIoritp 6eaof�d to t6e eafaeemmt of a the;co�p4awce�ith s�e pro*idons flec�eof aad of the aou aad anX sapptN �
<br /> I' _ ';.; .- .. �neatsrf aasa"K*t(wTut�befae or sfta drfiatzj;,n��6nt A ffinioed to cosrs of e�idenee of t�tie taa��ier- R
<br /> `� , _ ere prope ary.caa of moe+�in�t6is and ocber iamumeats.aaane�s'�tc�scee�fees,eaue costr��ad a�pemes ad�r =_
<br /> ape -'
<br /> • • �n�.xlU�►�,asdcm�ne�tie properq. , • .. -� .
<br /> ..;g' e A�mannuaL�on�e�ilarions.aei�ier�t��PraFert� .aoe�ans: . `LL�.�
<br /> F H�om
<br /> _ • b the arma� ..
<br /> . d _
<br /> u a6erwlu a�ide . -
<br /> - !Z gs T _
<br /> _ . E I � � so tsaas.� aseaasmbered volvnsai�'1g oc otbesns+�suJsau . �-
<br /> �
<br /> a tLereof«tnurs:t tbaein sball br kased,assigµed. 1�. -
<br /> .
<br /> . . �'`` th�e�wzIccen coment of t6e,Gavecnmen�The Goverrunwc�bave itez sok aad ezalwiver�h tt as taortg�ee ttarean�. ".,:,
<br /> �;::.� iocl�t ' but nat limiud to the pow�er to grar�t con�pa�rdaac�,sa6ocd�ationa.aad sawfaafaa.aa�aa �r �,��>;-_,
<br /> �.�^`� hol3er�sli fu�e a�ri�ts�tltk ar iataesc in or to the Txa atsap bmefia heceo� , ' ct':--_
<br /> �r�,'�. , (13j At atl r � '� "ns�i" �iad its agent�may mspect the y to asce;aia vsbetGer the tev � _
<br /> ' „•� eAanu and�eema��-. ' Y�:�° i� . . �gr'eemeat are bemg p�ed -
<br /> ' �t. (t�} The `' �ti���te�t�.P�7�ent,tattts os bsf,at�ce due ea the loau,(by 6�cra�the
<br /> r ,.a�:'.=,• -
<br /> =.:i :�:,,�.z{� .. .
<br /> �1 �r, _ • - m 6 an am ar'ir�toiEs��►'sastan�' gpsiacipa3lsa�t�r.Qe.(c)actead or defer tde matadry of. • _
<br /> �„�` sad�e�,ew�yi.nd re�thedak tbcqw�mma oa,t be d e b c c�c e d b�t h e notc or asF�6adaas to the Govaameas seeared
<br /> . j� -.A, yy th»iratru�aeai, (d}tei�e anY Pa*ty�rho is Iiab�:_�::::i�es tho note os for sTic`.3cbt fsom liu6itity to the Gaeesnment, � -
<br /> , '.ay��.';.f%-: '":fi.,+/�ti;".Y.�. ( ' . � _
<br /> ,� . (e)celase porcions of the.EnopertY and subordtnau iss_'.fi,,:�e,iad f}waive aap osl�as oFia righrs under chis insuamea�Any
<br /> . , +�c i :, •
<br /> ,';' , ' ) and,all this an ind,w�11 be done without afFecting tI�e�n ar etie�riadty of t4is iaswmeni oc Bocrower'a or any other t _
<br /> '":,��" •'"-'-=`=""''°' `��'�. parcy's liab�ity to tlie Govemraent for payment af s1�e rrote or debt�eeur�d by th�in:nument antw t6e Govern�eat saps L.. :_;._._. , _ ^:
<br /> z ��•`• o�����v v r i d n g, HpWEVE R, an y for6earance b y the Government-wliethec once os ofun--in e:es d s i n g ang rigbt or .
<br /> � i=. � �emedy oada tbi�iastrument,or otherwiK nfforded by.appliesbte law,shall aot be a waiver of os p�r e�l u d e:h eesertise o f . � . - x�`�
<br /> __ .... . .. � sny such right or remedq. .. ` ' f - .. . . :=_„
<br /> :.;.,;� ' �`• , �;�.:,+;�,_� (l5) I€at any tirqe it shall appear to the Govema:nt that Banowa may be able to obtaia a toan from a psoduction ` : ,
<br /> - r ���.;;' aedit asso�:a Federal laad bank,ac cther sesponnbte coopaa�is�a:prIvate eredit source,at reasonable taus and terms � , � -�_Y
<br /> f.;;;'�, :..% •,. �,.::-•` '' B �.... 4 %$Ply for and accept auch � �-—�
<br />, J, .:. , ` 4; •.,N=.-r:;' for loans far svr.;:sr purgoses and geriac�fs af�time, arowe�vvs�.a am ihe Governmmt's re ues`..� ...
<br /> �::tin�t�'..`r: ° -�•:'• '� ' .
<br /> �`� loan in anffiC,�et amoaat.so.Qay tna rro�e and any ir�debteda.ess ae�-e3 heteby and to pap fd;assp scack necessuy to be . ; � �°
<br /> -.,.,... :,_�:,.
<br /> :�;;�a:...�. °._` •.'}'•.;;;:;. Purcha�ed in i caoperati�ft�du�g agency in connect�on witb such Iouf. . . : . s., a
<br /> , - _ - - , �.;�.� � (16j Default hereuriclu ahall censtitute default under anq otha real estate.or on3�aag pe�sonal propeccy or other. �. . r-
<br /> °." ";��;� securlty inmument hdd os insured by the Governmeat and esecuted or auumed bq Bocro�er�and defiutt ander anq�eh -
<br /> n �
<br /> - •:`,r•" other xcu�tty inaaumenrshaU constituto defau}c herwnder. �.= '
<br /> . � ,�� (37} gorrower furtherag ees that the loaa(s)securec�by this instn�ment�n'll 6e in default ahonW any loan ptoeeeds I • ,
<br /> ' be used for a�utp osc tbat will contributc to excessive erorion of highly erodible 1and oc to the convaaioa of wetlands ta ; � �
<br /> ` • produee an agncultnral commodity.as funher ezplaintd in 7 CFR 1'art l940,Subpart G,Exhibis M. . - ° - ,
<br /> . (l8) SHOULD DEFAULT occur�n the perfarmuice or dischatge of any obligation in this ln�trument o�acu�ed by � , „ � �
<br /> • t h i s i n m u r r t e n t,o r s h o u l d t h e p a r t i e s n a me d as Borrower die os be declsued an ineom p e tent.or should any one ot the pudes � . _
<br /> -� � .. � " . named as Bonower be dlschargod in bankn►ptcy ar declared an insalvent or make an�ssignment for the benefis of aeditoa, , •
<br /> �� the Govees��t,at its opdon.with or without notice.may: (a)decSare t}�e entire amount unpaid under the noce and any � '��
<br /> ;;- `�• - : .- � indebtedr�ess ta the Goverr.aneat hereby secured immediately due ar.d�+ayable,{b)for the account a£Borrower ineut and pay f " . ._
<br /> � ' � z�aonable es�enxs far a�air or maintenartca of and taice poasession of.operau os ant t6e FcoFerty.(e)upon applieadon 4 •
<br /> ' �� ic�ad �:.a,�wecion ef c.rsmstrument.without otti�-es.:dei:ce a.d wIthout nocice of heanng of aaid appHoatian,have a � . �
<br /> ' ' • � :�ceiver ag�u..--�:ed fos tFte-pzoperry,with the usual pe�+rs ei rec�-�s in like casea.(d)foreclose this inatrument as provided ��"
<br /> ,� • � iierein or�g-";�a:and(e)cnforce any and a!1 othcr rigsu a_^_3 temeai�.r.revided hercin or by preserit or futurc law, f
<br /> ,��;7 � (18) '�`''.�°procecds of forcclosure scle€.ka:]be a�r'wd in the i"c?(�ing order to the paymenz of:(a)cosu and expenses � . . -
<br /> • �� . � lneident ca ex_arcing at eamptying witfi�d:r�-a��cr.s�preof.(b)ur�y pder lt_n9 required by law ar a competent court to be ; �
<br /> ��S�;h:;�.. , ,• so paid, (c� t�°c de�t evidenced by the nate and a;=:s��ebtedness to the Government secured hereby.(d�infirior tim�of ;�:: ' � • , ��
<br /> ,.�t;y;..,;r�� - • , �:prd reg�::rd�y jar�v ar a competent couet to bc sc��:d, (c)at the Government's option,any other indebtednes�of Bor- � ,.1.,,!� x•. ,.
<br /> ��„�` , c�;wcr owi��ta ot tnsurrdr sg the Government,and(F�any 6alancc to Bonower.At fareclo9ure or other salr of all or any .
<br /> , -:: �, ','�,r 1 '�` ' , ; ;� past o�t�r.e�'aperty. thc Govcrnment and ita�gents may bid and�.trc!�ase as a strangcr and mav pay iltc Gavcrnment's share ,
<br /> ' '�• :`..�s��,'�::r`�'' � ,.�+������• of the pucs%a�. Qrice by ctedldng such..^taunt on any c�✓:fxts es fs.ce<ower owing to or insare�i�:.p the Government.in the � .
<br /> '��'� `': :';,-f;1�4`�•. . �. crderpres�T�da6ove. . ,
<br /> si•. . .. ':i,� ' � � •
<br /> ' �"'%'���;>>:••' �� • (20}�;8onowes agreea that the Gavemment w14�s.;.�c�a��� by any pre��.ecr fu�lre SYate law.(a)p�oviding for � ' i�;
<br /> �.,, . , ,
<br /> ' _ __r.-, _ • ' valuaitbn,a�Qiw�l, homcstcad or exem ption of LIt:RcLerzy-: •at prohibiang tv;::.:E:ance oi.an action for a dcf�dency �
<br /> . • . ` judg�neAt a'�mit�ng the amount thereof ar che tir.rc�z,:,.:3 W:S:CJ.:SttCll zG�IOR F71L'SL bC.E1FOUg}t1.{tj presvibing any other
<br /> ' ' statutc aFi::a_:adons. (d)�llowing any right of rcdcr.�F�.�n ar pas.s:anon faUowiag ar.v.ic:e�ic�ure sale.or(e)limiting the
<br /> � eondiuc�is:�f ich ehe Covernmer,t may by rrgulation:-ap�se,:nc?:ia�ng the intcrese r.�Yu st r,:ap charge.as a eondltion of ,
<br /> ' , � appsovia� ..a uansfes of tho property to a new Borra�ver. �orraa:�er expressly u:,i�es che-�es::Y`rt of any such State laan.
<br />. . . , , , • , , 1 .
<br /> • � . i;
<br /> • � � . .
<br /> c, ' ." . , �
<br /> + � . . . . . .
<br /> ,. I , ` .. , • . ., ' . � � ,
<br /> . _ . . - - . ' , . " . � . 4 .
<br /> �
<br /> . : . . . . . , . , '
<br /> - ,. . . • . . . .
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<br /> F� � � � . . ' . . � � _ � .. .
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