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<br /> - �o�ed�a wich'alt ei�1►ts(In�nding tne,�►`rs.�e.�8 P�oduct�,�eb o�.�c,-c�al oc oc�iarmiaaals)'iautuau.a�emeaa. �:;��-r�-, -
<br /> eua ac she ana.i�wes.au��a d�ereof aad re+e�ucsand iscane tbe�s- �' ,�:F
<br /> hecedia�n ad ap�uctcnaica tha. t �a•� �;"; �'•�-,'�"
<br />_ . froa�,aII improre�eoaesand personsl�pr��g,,.,�:�r a lstes attaehed thaeta os nawnably naesra�y�eo the use t6ereof� x:4_;"' '=��;
<br /> � . =`€ i �qc1 ud'mg,but aot�itied to,sanga,refriga'atdir`s.cbches washa�,c�othadcyeis,or carp�t�'s Purchased or fiaanad ia "�""��'''=---
<br /> • ,' wbok or in put�rItL Ioan funds.atl.wam,water dgj�ts.aad wster stock Pertain�g theato.and all paymeno at any e�e :-
<br /> . �. .
<br /> " , "� owing to Eaerower iry fktne of a��atk,ka�e,�ransFa,�on�ey�nce,ar eoaderAnat�on of any part tIseceof or intera�t thea- 6 � - --
<br /> : . in-a11 of whieh are herein ealled"tk�geopucy"; - � k:}�,�•
<br /> :'�� .• Tp y�jVE AND TO HOLp the prapertq unto the Gwernrrtent and its assi�s foreves in fee simpte. + • •.�
<br /> � ,_��L � � BORROWER fnr Hoaower"�sel[, BacmmesTs�eirs.executors.administrators.w�ceuon and auigns WARMNi'15'i'i�ffi • ; ..,"�-,•
<br /> �- '�•� TITI.E to tlie property to the G4P�ment a "� "aU lawful ciaims and demands wbaaoever esaps su► liens,encambranes�. . �{' � .,��'�
<br /> ` . �: . •.'�'���,'ii4 .
<br /> . ;�r. ea�ement�.raecvadons.or come�::::�s}�e�c�einabov��a:-�COYENMi'F5 AND AGREES as fol ows: , . •:. ;..,r..,,,_��;—
<br /> (f) To PiY:P���Y��-any indet:�c.'nas to t�:e�avsrnment hereby aecured,aad to indemnify and save harm- � . . '�:.�,,�if;�$�
<br /> �._rc�4.,
<br /> - . lss the Governmezs_s�u�st lou under iu msura�:r of paymeac of the note by reawn of�any default by Harower.At aU 3 ,.;. - ,:;,;�.,. _
<br />� � ��rhen tLen�tc ac3setd by an insured holder.B.nrower shall continue co make payruenu on the aote to the Government, : .. , , . -
<br /> - as collution a g l+d t T�'r'i he ho l da. � E`'?'��
<br /> � �' j•"�- .� (2j To pa to the Government suc6 fees and other chuges u may now or heaaftee be sequired by tegulatIona of the { . ��•�;
<br /> y � Farmers Home�inistration � .' �
<br /> `:'F..,,:.;:�:;.;�_ . '
<br /> � :,t�!!;�-�,:a��.� � (3) If requicod by thc Government.to make addidonal mont�ly pa�rttenu of!/�2 of the e�tlmated annual tua. , -.�
<br /> � .�.'�;-=_;�;;�•.;;� •, asseasments.insurance premroma and othm charges upon the mortg�ged pceroixs._ ( `
<br /> •-- - . (�) Whether or not the note is insured by the Govemment.the Gorremment may at any dme pay,anY,other amounts -;,_� .
<br /> � `i���`�,;,,,;u,�4,, _ eequired herein to be p�id by Borrow�er artd not�aid by Borrower when da:as well as any eosts andezprnses foo the pre- ,, .
<br />• — ,,� `�':�-�='�_� senatian.proteetion,or enforcemont of this lien. as adv�nee�foe the accavnt of Boaower.Ail wch advances a6a11 beu , __
<br /> •::, �:�'� � intcrest at che rau bome by the noce which hu che highest�nserest nte. �•�;-._
<br /> . ;? �`�'r •.5y IW advanca by the Govemment as descrihed in this instrument.Wi:h interest�:sE�ll be immediately due and p�y- ';'' =::,-
<br /> i)` : . �,��� -�"'�
<br />� , ,u,af�: aWe•6p"Hocrowes ta�she Gavemment wlthout demu�d at the ptace de�gnazed�n t!u tasest nute snd slull be secured hrse'6y `,' .•.,,:.., - , s,;;_
<br /> � �:;'}�"'kf�- ���`� -. '" No sv:cT�advanco 6:?the Govemment s h a l l re l ieve Borrower f com bs a e�o��Bonower's covcaant to pay.Such adva.-sces. . -.,°_
<br /> :���•� y,,;�'- witl�ustecest,sT�aL�a repaid from the Fini availa6le collecdon�reaived fro,.�8oaoates.Othenvise,any payment mada by �j . ._ .'
<br /> �ry- �., �.; . � , �., - � ... .
<br /> . ; �: -��,,��.���� Barr;:Ner mgy be s�+plie8 on the note or any indebtedness to,t!se Govetnment aecured hexeby fin any orda the Govere.^�ms ;:. ,. ,' ,�
<br /> ,'�`� ,�,1•^ deter.nines. . • � ; _
<br /> ' " (6) To uu the foan evideneed by the note aole1y for p�spoxs aathorized bq the Gwernment. ' . � 4' `�m£
<br />, . ` �r;#;::�:. _• • . . :�+•, ,,
<br /> (7j To pay when due a11 tsuces,liens,judgmms�,cncumbrances.and aaseumenu lawfuny attacl►ing to or as3esud �. �.�:.�-
<br /> '! ��:.� ay�inst th�propersy.ineluding a11 ehargei and asuumena ia wnnecrion with water.water rlghti.�nd waser�tock pertaining �"�•' • •. ' ��''''�"'_
<br />. '.`. �-.. .;a r� . ��„ . �.�i,:tr;�,_
<br />' ,,..�-F�,;_.w;..... ' eo or ra:anablq necas�try to the nsc of thc real properry descri6ed abovc,and all taues and asussment�lcvied upon thls - ,. ., __.,
<br /> ';�i?�**_�:�.' � martgage br ehe note or any indebtedneu hereby saeured'oe against any legal holdct 1:°-eof or of thc note oc of said in- •� •,�,c;,�
<br /> ' f-#��£°'�.::'T
<br /> . •.�.rr���1? dabtedneu under the lawi of Nebraska,and promptly deti�er to the Govcrn�nent vrithou�c:mand receipts evtdencing such ,`.,``,;,:,:�'
<br /> ":.(i: psyment�. ' . ,:�;.- -;',::,;;�.
<br /> ;.., , • , ;..
<br /> ' ' � (8) To kecp the property ineured a�requind by and wtdec insurante poHeioa approved by the Govemmem�nd,at ;,t�; ,
<br /> _ _-___ _ __—__ _ its requese.to deliver aucb policlee to ehe GovrrL..^-ent. '�}' �
<br /> �r r
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