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<br /> 96- �,F9�,�. ki `
<br /> (i)Atl nr pant af the Pr�pOrty�a�benet'�ciai i��ltrest in n tcust oMning dl a ptat of the Proputy�is eaW or
<br /> othtswl�e tranaft�rod(Whei tlun by doviee ar deecent).and
<br /> (fi) The PraQaty 1� not occupiod 6y the purshaser a q[antoo as hie ar hu prine�pal rtsldafce,a ►he
<br /> purct�asu or gsan�ee doea em c+�c�gy the pmperiy 6ut his or her crndit Iws not bom appmved in acconiance
<br /> with th�e te�quirc�ments of thts Sa,�e*;tny. �
<br /> (c)IVo W�Iver.if ebc�metmca ocxur eft+�woukl pe�it l.aida w roquiro immodi�o pya�eat in full,6ut
<br /> I.encY�r dcx,y noc roqu;re auch ppymat�e.ix�.*r dues not wnive ite riRhts wlih re,4pecc tp aubsequont evaua.
<br /> (dj Rqdatioa�t aP�iGD Sccretary.Icr, mtuap ciccwnaqeacea regulntlt►ne It�vuod by tire Sxrwry �vAl iimit
<br /> I.rnder's righ�a�in tho civc:nf P�YmmSae d,efau�a.lu coquire ioor►xdiata payment in fult md faecbee 1f not poi�.
<br /> Thia Socurity Instctiunau does nut autGur3�e�cee]aation a faroc3oAUm if not pamitted by r�uLtiau o!d�
<br /> Soct'wcY• � ...
<br /> (e)lY7orf��e Nu�F�wred.Forct:w�r agc+�ea�+wt;��Se�;�:i:�+Y��ui�c�t s��d�he r�:.a r,:,t�..--�c3 us -
<br /> be e�ig�le fa in�uraoce under.the PiHdnnnl Fiou�in�A�ct widdn 60 daya from the d�te heroof.I.eneia a�y.at
<br /> its uption. ro9airo imrt�odi�tc payatct�c in fvlt of all �ums securad lfy Ihis Socutity It�suumea� A �mit0en
<br /> anor�na►t oP�ny wthori��ed�auG af.dia Se�tary dnood iwbsequcnt tu GO daya from�be da0e ha'oof,declinin�
<br /> w ias�u�o thi� Secnrity Insxumeae u�i tbc Nooe. ah�ll ba deaned�ecmciueive prcmf af wch iacli�ibty.
<br /> Notwlth�anding th� forr,�oie�� tair� optaor� a�y aot be c.�orcisod Riy L�endex � Wo �uu�vailability af
<br /> iaa�arrnoe u akiy due ta I�pKia's fai4rre ta ranit a moRsage L�aixaaca lmmivaz to the Socr�ry. �
<br /> 10.Re�.Bor�n�vex hw t r3�dt ta ife reinepioed if L�eodc+t has roqtwnd immedie�e pay�aent ia fu11 beca�ee
<br /> of Hacm�ar'�failiue b pRy w�bt+hte nades d�e Nooe ar dii�Sccarity Iusuunn�at'I1ii�rl�ht�pplie�avea Wa
<br /> faectoeure pe�adings�re iaqiwlod. T�nCbneta0e 1be Security Inetrument,Ilu�mwat ehail laKler in a 4unp a�u�w�
<br /> �ouna nquired�o brieg B�«mwer's�ocauie cuereoe mcLidi�.ro tbe exte�tt tuay are abligaMions of Hamwa nndar
<br /> w" ' t_'_'�_�. 4 ..��L J • d vY""
<br /> �.W'r7� aot�'�ii� �wt�ii�i�iai, auat;�t�wtV �e'� �ts a�rw+Za iRS 'L�"�'...�'���ii�'jo f'v:,. �w vwl^^'O`^' Y i
<br /> '���cialed �rid� tbe faocioa�uta p'n�tg. Upoa rein�nlanan by Boaowar, 1f�ie Sxurity Ins4vmeat �rrl dic
<br /> pi�igationt th�t it socuro=ah�ll ipawirt�6t af.ftcc�a it L+ender h�d nut roquinxt imrtl�diata PRYane�t ia fuLL How�evu.
<br /> 1.�swla it not requ�red b pe�miC�ant if: (i) I.ender hat acoeprod rait�temaic�the�af -
<br /> ',�fbxec�oaiure pooeodic�a wlttt&e rxa yr.or� imrnodiMe,�y preooding dia cam�a�ap�c af a cumeat fpra�e � �: .
<br /> .. '1��8. (�)reio�len6e�lt'di3I1 ptroclu�i►: bo�clo4wro ya�differwt groundy f�u S�t��uture.or(iii)re�t2;;yvid �' ..�.
<br /> . ,.,. ,
<br /> ad�erse�y alPfax tba p�iacity`ot die Iirot��+eAb�d by tfua Secii�ity Jnu�eAt. . , .
<br /> " 11. sorro�er Tlot Rele�i �'�aK6t�,ra� By I.eader 1�iaA:e:W�trn. Fsxoau�iou of d�e time o[paynknt or ' . �
<br /> modiCc�tina of�nadsatioa pf tbe an�q x�cirrdd bY Wi�Saeurity 1n,auiia�oat F��1 bY I.dwkx to�aY�'ia
<br /> hilaat M'Ba�tnvar�lau na qxraee ia�r.k�ae d�:Ii�biL'cr ut me ar;gia�1 Barawa a&xrowa's�uooeuor ia inta�at.
<br /> Lander shW na be nquirod a oomr�eiM1Ce pirocoedin�s�aay�ooeseor !n inLa�at a refu�e b racodfd tiae tor
<br /> payo�a�t ar dhawi�e awdifq��tiqi�aN�c eim�u aecured b�r tini�Soa�t�y L�cwwait by raran d wp daRwed
<br /> ta�de by tbe aci$inal Hor�o�vet or Be�xsx'y euc.cts�ors in inoar,st My f�by La�dcr in eacercis�+�►Y ri�he
<br /> ar ranedy sh�ll rot be a waivSr af ar�+ecLxks tBe exariu of aay ri�ht a z+eraacly.
<br /> 11 Sr�cat�o�s�wl A��tind;.�ai�l a�d S�reral L�tyi Co,4tq�'If�o covau�nq�ad�raemaus ot
<br /> dw 5acu�ty Ia�aenc�iiii bind�k barel5c t6e a}�c�ara�od a�lgnu nf�ennQ�r ead Boaa�rer. �,.ta d�e
<br /> P�'�� P�►�ph 94�).�x�'+'s�r'�coveaant�a�id�rc�phall bo,�bio�c�t�nd uvenl. Aay Bacntri�t'�vb
<br /> co-si�ns tbu��5q.urity Iuatru;na�i 1w0 riue�aok execu6o the Nooe:,i,x�is Co�g ihis Sa�aaity Jn,�rumeni i�atY o� .
<br /> n�o�t�e,;�itirE inct coavay tl�t HatR7au�'Y�mm�at ia ibe A+opaty'u�dpr t6a tam�t Of ttw Secuarityr lnrtrmnea�(b}i�
<br /> . .s��qt pa�on�Cty a'�btypled�o piy dfe wane 1qcu�t+od byF dti�5ocuritY Iap��t;�tnd(c)agraa dwt L�nda�wd any ad�er
<br /> '�'�anwrar aa�y�ee w eacta�d,n+odiCy,fmrhrar or maice w►y aocoanaoodn�iona wJlh ueg�M oo the 1am�nE t�asr SACmity
<br /> Enanuma�t a tha Nde without d�at B4me�v�rr's conae�t ' ;:r
<br /> �1i1(NE�lY1ot) pap�e m• InqiaM�:,•„�,,,_ �, •
<br /> ,�•� '�,` .� ;
<br />