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<br /> _ ..- _ ."�..".�-r-�r�+.w�-.-..,..-+v�+�.�n N'�.'..�,.. ...;r..-��n�vr+s�.MiY�� .�,,�4:�f+*�4tOw/n�f'�"�W�'.�+;�+E�ti r--sl...M�,. .� �-• . .
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<br /> Barowu�.�U�L�o bo i�default if Barrowar,during the 1an�pplicaUo�n pocaW�H�vo rnauxially fdse or in�ccurata
<br /> intamuion or�unts to Lender(or fiiled a pr�vldc Laider with any mNe:iil lnfarmation)in connacti�wid�tho
<br /> W�ai evldencaf by tha Nut�e. inciuding,but not lImitad w,apc�esenutfua�oot►tunin8 Sarrower'a occupancy of the
<br /> propaty a� � princlp�l resWer�ce. If thls Securit}► Instrument �t an a k�eiwld. Bcxnower shall ctxr�ply wllh tho -
<br /> provLsiona oi the laue.If Barowcr AcquIres foo titk a the Pro�erty,cl�c kaselald�nd fa titk shall na be merged
<br /> unbss I.et�der a�s to thc merger in writing.
<br /> 6.Condema�tioa.11�e pcocads of eny�.ward or clalm fa darnwges.Qlrect or c�n.seguentLl.in connection wlth
<br /> any condem�u,tion or othcr taking of u►y pact of the Propaty,a for convoynce in pLce of ccxder�uution.ane traGby
<br /> agsigaed wxt shaU be pei6 w L,rnckr a Ihe extene of►h�fuU�nc of che ind�btodr�ti th�t rem�ins unpdd uada the
<br /> Nde and lhis Sxurity Inmumtn�J.ender elull�ply such procood�oo the toduction of tha indebtodneas mtder tbe Ndo
<br /> aod thi:�.;.,�uiry I�t,fir�tn eny QeLnq�.�►3 a.ma!�ts s;K►Iied in tt�e arder providod in pwr�graoh 3.m�d th�n W
<br /> P�Y�t of princip�l.My 9ppiic�ttan of tha procads to tho princip�l s2s�ll nat ea�tend ar postgone the due d�te of tba
<br /> moathlY P�Y���which m refeaed to in p�agra�h 2�or ch�nge dio vaowt of euch paymeats. My eaca�pooceods .
<br /> uva aa�xwnt eoqulred w pay all atstanding indrbtr.�ness undcr tho Nota nd this Securiry Insuumart ah�ll bo paid to
<br /> the a�tiry kgailY entitiod thaeb.
<br /> 7. ChRr�a to 8orrower Nad Ptotectiaa at L+eader'e Ri�6ts i�N�e P►�opert�. Borcowu ahsll pay all
<br /> �overnmer�tal or mwiicip�l charges.fines and impositiow tl�at are aot ioclud�d in p�cggn�h 2.Barrowa ahall pRy d�we
<br /> obli�tions on time dirocdy W Iho endty which ia owed the p►yment Tf f�re W pay wawW adveruly affax I,ajder'a
<br />. ialaest in the Propaty.upon I.enda`s aequ�e�t Borrowa ehall prompdy fumish tti I,axla rxtipq evidr�cln8 theee
<br /> . �Y��• 2,a f�ils w pafa�aa�ay od�
<br /> If Bamwa fail�to�n�ice�hese pay�nents a tlie pryma�ts roquired 6y P�ra�th
<br />: �y.�..�k wn�l a�rr.mrnta cnnuined ia ihis Set:urity IattrumCnt,o[IhcrG b It 1t�t D�oCeOdu►g dUlt mtY�nlfiqndY ,
<br />; s�ifect I�a�dei'a cighq in d�e IPropr.rty.(s�ich as a pmceeclinB in boniaup/cY�fa co�idannWon a b eafarce hwa ar
<br />: ngui�fona)�dk+�I.,a�der msy do r�d.pay wtwwva is noceasary to grotoct tbe vaWa of the Prnpaty�ad La�da's rigbts
<br />� in d►e propaty�iacluding payrrxnt af.te,xc.4�t�urard ia�uunr�oe and otl�es itemsme�tio��od in p�r�g►�2.
<br /> �. My wnow�ditburs�d..bY��nder dus pan�gr�h shat bx«oe an�Id;doNl debt of BcxroMa�.�od be
<br />� '�secuc�e�by d�is Security X�i�Urtiment'+!'�C�se ut�ot�nu shbl!beac int�arst fro�n IhG dato t�'dis}iutnean�nt,at the NQ�e rne,
<br />:� ° aad At tbe c�pticx�of L�der�etir�!bo i�nMedix�elY due and payable.
<br />��,. Borro�+ver tb�W prarnptly dixlurgc�ny liea which ha�pniairy m�er t6u Security I�tnuneat ue�dGt Ban�oMa:(a)
<br />.�,� a�grcres io wlibn8 w the p�yma►t af the ob7lgatbn sxured by the lkn ie a mnnec acce�abie b Lr.�dK;(b)can►�in
<br />'; goai f�the lien by�a defaKls against enfflc�ceme+;t of ti�c iiw jn.k.�.l�v�ic�wnicir ui�;�c La,�:�':vyrL'u
<br /> = a�ale�o prarent�he enforcetna�t of tha liea�or(c)svcures from the holdx of d�a lien�a agroement�f'ac�ory o0
<br />'� I.a�der atbo[ditatio�tho liea W this Securiiy Inauuma��If I�ender ddamiae tWt�ny p�ct of the Prflpaiy it subject lo
<br /> � a lian which m�y att�n priarity ova this Securicy Ins�uma►t,l�mda rawY 6ive Bocro�ver a aotke ida�dfying die iiea. ,.
<br /> Barowa�wll sat�aty the Ila►or tako o�or mooe of tho�cdau aet fonh:$1wv�wmhin 10 daye of t6e givin�of notioe. �
<br /> � s.F�a.I�dtitkt roRy colbct foes aad ch�rges�ttbotGsod by the$CCtataty.
<br /> � 9.Grorad�!or Aacela�Ko�of De6f. �� , ._ �<�,
<br /> (�)De!lwlt.I.et�der may.razcepc+►s lunitad by rtguWionr lesured by d�e Sect+enry.in the csoe af P.AS'�
<br /> �. defwi��*a9uizo immodiate p�ymcat in full of�ll sww sxured by th�Socuriry Lupnsma►t if.
<br />':.�: (i)Bottorvtt detaiilts by i�itiFlg W p�y in full�nY��Y PiY��9uiced bY dds Sa�vity Iasuunneat
<br /> "�' prbr o0 or a�tt�e�w due iaf:ti�a noxt monthlY P�Y��•ot
<br /> .� �u)Borrowa defaulis by failing,fcr A palod of tttiriy days. �o perfortn my od�a oblig�aon�contaLted in
<br /> ; thia Security Insnutr�a�G
<br /> { (k+�S,�A1e WiN�out Credit Appruval.Lraider shatl,if Permltted by�licable Is�w(includ�ng Seaion 341(d)of
<br /> ti. itae+Gam-S�Gamain Dsposi�oey_InstiWtions Act of 1982,42 U.S.C,1701 j•3(d))aod with d�e prior appcaval of
<br /> r?ie�tcretary�ral����P�Y�t in i'iill of aU swns•st�uredby tlut Socurity Instnunent if: ,
<br /> F .
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