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<br /> �6-� �f��1�2
<br /> 5.Hazard or Property InaurAnce. Bormwu shall lr�cp the Lnprovuner►t�now existing or ha�eafter erect�d pn iho pm�erry
<br /> Ins�utd ag�inst loss by fue.harards Inc.ludacl wiUun the term "oxtendal covuage" s�nd any otha hazards,including floods or
<br />_' floodfn�.fot r�h±ch Lcndtr rcquims ia:arnn�a.This ln..rur^«nce:��n.�JJ he r�iai�zs:.Li;.rl ic�uw�nowti�aid for¢;�e�;ads u�ae I.u�du
<br /> requirea.The insivance cacrier pmvlding�ha insurence shall be ahos�n by Bwaowu subjoct W I.endrs's epproval ahich shAU not
<br /> be unra4ona61y withhtld. If Borrower fails to maintaln cov�ge descdbed ebovo, Leridu may� at T.endrr's option, oMaln
<br /> , coverag�to protxt Ler►da's rights in Me}'xc�pGrty i�.�ccordanca w3th paraRraph 7.
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals sh�t71 ite uccep�bb to Lendar and shall includa a standaid moctgege clat�se.Luxla shall
<br /> have thn a,�ht to hold the pollcks aad rfrn�wals.If Lender requicrs,Barmwer shall pto►nptly give to Lender all receipts of p�dd
<br />-- pnmiuma aad nnewal nodoes.In the event of loss,Boaowu shaU give pmmpt natico to tha lnsun�rwe caa-ier e��d Le�xkr.Lenoa•
<br /> mny�nr1c�prt�of of 1QSS if nat made�+nnm�tly by Aerrower. -
<br /> Unlcss L�endcr at►c1 Boaowa otheswise ag�oo in wridng�insuranco procood�st�all be sq�plZod w restoratbn a rep�ir�f the
<br /> Anpatty dr�ttagod.if ttw restoration or rcpuir is eca►omically fcaaibb�nd Lenda's oectuity i�not lessenod.If tho r�eatondon or
<br /> repair 1s a4t econom�caUy faaibla a I.aidu's eocurity wouW be kasened,the lr�swxnco proceeH s�ult bo�pplled b tho owru
<br /> sxured by this Socurlty Inrwmait, whe�ha a not Uia� due� with r►y aceesr p�W to Bomnwa. IF Htarower�b�ndxu tho
<br /> Prn�ertY�or doee not+wwa wlthin 30 dAya�notica from i,endrr th�t tha lr�sunnce carria hau of�'aed to eettle�c1�im,U�en
<br /> . t.enacr may coiloct tino�nsuranco pn�ceat�.a.ender mAy use the pcocoa�e a n�olr oe«�toce uie
<br /> by�hls:�xu-ity Ins4 imait,whoUKr or not Ihen due.Tho 30-d�y petiod WW �0�'m'or b pay s�ume�acurod
<br /> UNcea Lerida and aarrower othawfso �when the notice L givai.
<br /> thn duo dato of the monthl �roo ln wrIt3n8,mY epPlkatlon of procada to principd shall nM extend a postpone
<br /> Y PiY������D�aB�ephs 1 w�d 2 ar change tho�rtw�unt of the p�yrt�rnb.If w�ar p�r�pi�
<br /> 21 tho Pm�aty is acquired by L�der.Borrowa's dght to eny fn.�uance policlea and pnocee�resultin from
<br /> • Proparty prior to the acqui9ltion shall pass to Lrnder w the exturt of the aunu seciu�ed by tl►L�Sauniry I.auument�'�immod aoel�y
<br /> prbr W tha acquisipan.
<br /> • 6.Occupaac��Praervation,Msintenance and Protection ot tie Properhi Borrower'e Lwn AppYcatiw;I.asel�oide.
<br /> BamweQ shall occuPY�establish�anrl use tha Propa�ty ag Barowa's princi�al raidence within suty daya sfta the exea�tion of
<br /> ,� thie Socurity Ins�nt end ehall continue to occupy the Propaty�Barowa's principal resideisco fix x lcasst ane ydr atia dae
<br /> duta of occupancy, unkss Lenckr otheiwlse agcas in writieg. whkh conseat shall twt be uzues�.xubiy�vlthheid�a unkae
<br /> ^= o�ia�iiSi"u��a:"ui:wi�uriix,i cxu'L wAit:7a�TL DGyOi{O�OIIOWG's oontmi.Borrowu aheu not aestro,y(1U111$0 Oi lUl�t'1�1C'•.q^'�•7.
<br /> � allow tlus PrcxxYty to daaiorate�.or aommit wasto on the Fmp�y. Barowa shall 6e in ilcfsuilt if sny forfdtuia actian a
<br /> P��B,wttettks civil or cdmir�l,is begon that in I.aWa's gaod fatth juclgmp�t caild nsuit in fasfdt�re of da l�ty a
<br /> : , cKhcYwieo mau.Kially impaic the liea erratod by tni9 Secvtity lnsuument or I.endti's aecvtity int�'eat.Ba�,vrer m�y eu[c euch a
<br /> : . defaulc and reinscate.as provi�dad in p�ag�ph i6,vy ca�,sing tha acdon or procaoding a be ditmi�sod wit� a tul�ng dut,in
<br /> L,cncier's gos�d feid�detv��nir�ation,l%ncSud�farfeisuro of tha Basrc�wa'e interest in the Pmpaty a ott�a�r�ipiial imp�iraKUt of
<br /> ' tha li�creatal by this Sxudty instnunrnt or I.enda's saluity int��st.Bc�+awa shall�iso bo in defauit if�amowa,duriag!be
<br /> � ` loan wppHc�tion pcnc�ss.gave mAta9ally fel�e or inaccutate it�foirrna6ore a statanaita to L�enda(a failad tt►pROVido I.aider wid�
<br /> . any materl�l informatiwn) ,i� connection with the loon evickr�ced by d�o Note�irrcluding, but not limitac�w. reiK�aenqtions • •
<br /> conoan3ng Bc►amn�ea'�occ��ncy of thn I'r.c��ty as a princ3pal nsidake.If t�sit Socvrity Iru�meat i�on a ksx,lwW,Borm�trtr
<br /> ? '`: stwll camply with all tha pmvision.4 of tho ka9e.If Boa+owa _
<br /> " •' aot marge unlesa La�da to thC �1�foo dtk to the Pmpaty�tl�a ka�ebold and tt�o foo titb ehW
<br /> ;:Y �gra�,a merga in aridag.
<br /> ' ;: . 7.Protectiot of Lmder'e Ri�hb in the Propert�. If Bamwa fails to pafam tho cova�ta end a
<br /> %,•,�r. titie Secotity Insmuua��or thae is a al � Br��contabwxi in
<br /> . . k8 P��B��Y��Qy a�oct I,ender e ri�htv�n the•PiegatY (ach as a
<br /> �' i��8��Y�P�bato�fa wndannatlon a fo�4biwre a to enface laare or regulations)�then I,�rxier m�y do�ad pay
<br /> fa whAtava ie nece�y to protoct the value of the Pmpe�ty and I.enc{a's righC�in the Pco�¢q.Lar�tla's acxiwu may i�lnde
<br /> . ,. Pa�Y�B any suma eoc�ued by a Ikr+ which has ptiority ova thi� Socurity Instcument,ePP��B� caurt.WY�6 resno�u�bia
<br /> ��t�� auocneys'fees and a�ta�ing on Ub Pr�npaty to malco s+cpairs.Although I.ender m�y tato actbn vador this.par�taptt 7�L�ndet
<br /> �a.` dod not dave w do so.
<br /> Any anwunts diibursed by Lender w►da this�aragraph 7 ahall bocume sdditla�l debt of Barmwrx aecur�d by thfr Sacurity
<br /> ; Liatramoat Unk,ts Btxrowa and Leae1�agrx 3m otl�a tams of payrrierit,thesa amounU'shu11. bear�int�st fmm tho date of
<br /> disbursement et tho Noto lato and sha7��a PaYabla,with inurest�upon notice from Y.enda to Btur.ower rr.qurs�nB Pe+Ym��
<br /> 8.Mort=aje I�aoe. If L�ndrs�equired tnatgage insuran�;e as s ax�dition of m�icing thc kan 9eesual by this Socurity
<br /> , Instrument, �ormwer shAll pay the premturns r�gnirai to maintain tho mortgage insura��co in cffec�T�, ;fa any t�� the
<br /> martgaga u�surana coverago n�quimd by Lender 1npsGa or cea�s w be in effect,Bocmwa shall pay the pmemiume reqnimod to
<br /> ' otHnin covez�age substandally equi�alc;�nt�ta the moragaga insurance previously in cftect,et$cost�ubstsn6ally equtvaleat W the
<br /> . c�t w Barowcr of tho mortgaga inr�wance prev3onsly in effect,from an alturiat�e rrartgago insucex aq�+nvod by I.endrr. If
<br /> subatandally oquivakat tr�o�vtg$go lnsurnnce coverage iv not availabla Barower sh;�li pay W L�61er e,ach month a eum eq�l b
<br /> : onc�twelfth of tho yeariy mortgago insurnnoc pmmium baing p�by Borrower��a�the insuroncx onvcr�ge la�ed or aaxd to -
<br /> : bo Li el�'ax. Lenda wlll accept,uso and�sain thoso pa}nnenta a9 a toss rescrvo in Iku of mortgage mssusr�ce.Loss rdave
<br /> ' � Forn�502� �!!0
<br /> � �•fR(NE)(o2tZl.ot Pa�•ool� tnA4b:
<br /> _�
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