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<br /> TOCi�TfiE�t 'WTPH a11 Iho impcovemcr�t�now or hercaftu erectcd on the propaty�an��e�ascmaits.appurter�ancw,aod
<br /> fuchue.no���or h�c�ficr a p:tt of the:grogrrCy.All repl?cements and addidons shall also be covercd by thi.s Secucity Insbrumen� L-
<br /> All of tho fotegoing Lt refeand W in th19 Security Instcume»t a9 the"Propaty." �
<br /> SORROWHR COVHN.'�NTS�hst Borrowa is lawfuily selaed of�he estate haeby conveycd and ha9 the right to grant and
<br /> eomoy tt�e Propesty and that the Propatty L� onencumbececl,eacept for eacumbrences of record.Bamwrs ws�rants and wll1
<br /> defand gcncrally Wa title to tha Propaty a�a:nst all claims and demands�sub,�oct to any encumbrances of recocd
<br /> `THIS SECLiRYTY 1NSTRUNiHNT camt�ines uaifo�n vavenar►ts for national�se and non-uniform covuu►r�zs arith limital
<br /> vurIadtmS t�y jurisclic�oa W constitute a unifotxn sxiuity mSirl�merit covaing real p�opeatY• _
<br /> �(���.tpVPNANfS,Bocrowu and Lenda cawennnt and agree as f�ilaws:
<br /> . 1.Pa�ent ot Principal and Interest4 PrepAymeat;und X.ate CLarges. Borcowu ahall promP�Y I�Y when duo tl�o
<br /> �m�pal of a��Intaest on the debt evidenced�y the Nora a�nd any prepaymei�t and lau charges duo unda tbe N�te.
<br /> 2.Ftind9 for Taxes nnc�Inaurance. Subject to applicable !aw or to a wriuen wnivu by J�,enda.Bouowa shaU pay to
<br /> Lenda on the day monthlY PAYment�aro dua undcr tho Noto.until tho Nota is paid i�n fuil,a sum("Fur�")for:(a)yarly tvcw
<br /> and asseatments which may�ttain prlasi!y ovu th1�Securiry Instrumrnt n+a lis�on the PcopatY:N)Y�Y k����Y�b
<br /> ar gawnd rente on tiw Pcopat.y�if aiy�(c)Ye+�ly haza:d�r p:o�ty in..-u.xna�neml�!!!t�t(�)Y�!!*�Y Mnd Luunnca premiwu.if
<br /> �Yc(o)Y�ly martga�e in�tu�nco PQemiumt.'sf any,end(fj any aum�PAY�bb by Borrowa ta I.ciukr�in�ccord�u�ce with�he
<br /> provlaio�w of pu�ra�h S� in lieu of tho p�yma�s oF mortg�Be ln�urmice pcemiuma.'tl�eao Itani aca catled "�aow Itan�."
<br /> i.ender rruy�k any tuno�colk�et�nd twW Fundi in�n amount nat to raccoed tha mucimum Wr�ount a taidar fa a feder�Uy rel�tocl
<br /> moctgy�e lo�n nuiy r+oquira[ar Bcxrowa'e eecmw�ccount unda the foderW Ra1 Bit�le 9enlanent Proceducea Act o[1974 ar
<br /> ema�dad from Wno w tlrtro. 12 U.S.C.Soction 2601 et aeq. („RESPA"),unleas moth�r 4w tlu�t apPlka to�he Funds ee�a lauer
<br /> ernoun� If eo.Latid�t nay.�t any Wna. coUact and hakf Funda in an�rr�ount nox a oxcead thc ka�a amoun� L.a�da n�uy
<br /> estim�ta Iho rnount of BUnd�due on�he bt+is of current d�ar�d re�eonsbb estlm�tes of oapa►diaue�o[fuaua Bacmw Itane a
<br /> otherwlse in�ccc�cdanco with�ppllcebb law.
<br /> 'tt�e Futtd�eh�U bo he3d in�n institution whose de�osits aro in�ual by A fedual sBencY.inat�urrr..ntality.a enhtY(includL�B
<br /> Irenda�If L,a�der H auch�r►instttution) a in any Fa1a�a1 Home Loan Banlc.Lender shall apply tho Punda W pay Iho Baarow
<br /> 1�e1I19.ia�da.�m.y noi ci,�o�_���s���•.'�g�•�aYjf;J�.s!1`�F,!�.a�on'mull snalyzing the exrow acca�nt,a vaifYlnB ,
<br /> the BvcmN Itans.unleaa I.aider�ya Bamwa int�st on tho Fond4 aad epplicable 1s�w�ta L�der�����Y
<br /> Ha�+eves.Lpider may roquira Borcowa w pay a on�tune ct�argo for an indepaiden
<br /> L�ender in oo�u►action wi�fi this ban,unLzss applicabk law piovides otherwisa.Unless an agreanent u made flr applicabie Lw
<br /> n�quic�,s intaat W be paid,L�et�ber st�all not be tequic�ed w pay Bacrower ony inurest a eaminBe on the Funds.�lamwa r�d
<br /> L�cadir may xgreo in wrioing�however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lc,nda elutU giva W Bamwa.without c*arge.ia►
<br /> aiu►ual acwunqng of tbo Funds.showing crcdits a�xl debits to the Fwnds and the putpose foc which exh debit W!tt�t Punda wse
<br /> m�de.The Funds ue pledged as additiaial se�ucity fa all aums sxnc+ed by this SeCUity Insnvma�e
<br /> If tha Fur�ds hdd by i�u1er accoed the arnounts.peaniaed w bc hc3d by app3icable law.L,a�da�shall acconnt W Baro�va for
<br /> the exc�Funds in axordm�ce with dta rr,�:urcments af�plicab2e Ia�v.I�'Ghe amot�nt nf Ih�n Fw�d9�►elti by I�k=at eny time it
<br /> Tot aufficient to paY tho Sac�ow Itema wfnm due.Lender�r�ay so notit'y Boaower in wxiting,and.in such case Baa�wa stalt paY
<br /> 40 I.encler the amount noceasacS► to m9ke up iha de�ciency. Sorrowu st�all m�ice up the deficlaicY in ne�mpte tiun tadve .
<br /> monthlY PeYments�ae L�der's sob discretion. �
<br /> UP�n�aYmrnc in full of sil s�uns socucai by thls Stxurity Inslrument,La�der s1�a11 PromP�Y refimd b Barnwet�ny Pmotiis
<br /> hekl by Lerda. If,u�xla perngr�ph 21,I.uida sba.0 acquir�or seli tho Propaty,I�nder,Piior zm it�e acyui9idc�n.or n1e Qf�►c
<br /> pmpeity.st�all apply my Funds held by La�der at the time of acquisition a sab as a credit ageinst th��i ae�uced by this
<br /> Seauity Insmunar� �
<br /> 3.Appbicatioa ot Paymeat�. U�ilCSS applicabte lsw provides dt�rrwix.all pa►yrnacts reaivr.��by I.ender undar paeagtapfu ,
<br /> t en�i 2 etiait be applied:firet.to enY Pr�cpayma�t charBes due unda tt�Note:second,w a�r�a�unie puyabb unda p�ph 2:
<br /> third,to intaest due:faurth.to princ3�al duc�and 1avt.to any late charges due unda tho Not�e. �
<br /> 4.Cl�ases:Lka�. Boaowcr shall pay �11 taxes,assessments.charg�s� fines and impaaitions sUributahle to the Fmperty
<br /> which may attain priadity over thi�SecurFry Ynstrwnent,nnd kavehold payrna�ts or ground nats,if any.Bolmwer ehall pay tl�e
<br /> obligatioas in tha mswKr prov�ded in paragraph 2.ar if not paid in that maaner.Sou�wu shall pay th�m on ticn�dinct�y w die
<br /> pas�n owed payrt�t�oaorova shaSt��omptly Nmisli to i.endu all notices of anwurtts m be pticl unda this par�raph.ff
<br /> Bonrowa malcea duse paycnmts dfrecdy.Baixowp shail promptly fumish to Lender receipt�evidencing tha payma�ts.
<br /> Borrowa ahall�promptly discha�ge t�ny 13en ahic�ha9 prioriry ova this Sxurity Tnativmeat nnless Barowa:(a)�gras in
<br /> wii5ng to the paymsnt of tl�o oblig�lia� secured by tho lien in a maruxr occeptabb to Lendar;@)contests ia Sood falth the liai
<br />- by, or defends againct enfarcement of the llcn in� kgal procoalings whict► in tha Lendar's opia�em opanta w prcvent tha
<br /> enforcenunt of the lien�or(c)secures fmm the hokkr of the lia�an agroement satisfectory W L�.ndar subord9xzating the lien to
<br /> tlds Secyrlty U�strwnent If Lander detrtmincs that any put of the Propaty is subjoci to s lia�which may aitain p�iority ovcr thia
<br /> Seeurity Insttument,Leada may glva Barcowa a notke idtntifyi�►S tho lien.l�nnower shall satisfy tho lien or tatcs one a more
<br /> af the actbns set fortt�above within 10 days of tha gtving of nndcc.
<br /> - Form 30��Y/DO
<br /> �•6R(NE�p���►,ot P�p�2 c!O InH{�M:
<br /> 5�yu . . � .. .. . . , � —
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