t(G--a�..�+r�i.�'�. . :�. . `Ss�iS'S-:fF9�A�,'t.�t,-:;_su�B�1w+)« '• - -
<br /> .�__ — --_ __.1: .: __
<br /> •�• . �..�. ,n �- - . • r.:�.�•:� B!Y.�.W�`IL°� . r' .
<br /> : i
<br /> �i
<br /> - �...J ��. . -_._.. ..-
<br /> �� -� . . �p . . �.. •i -�.�___�_�. _ _ . '.�-- �- . .__ -.___ .
<br /> �'_ _ . .... .�
<br /> ��f� ' _ '_. _.' r___ . .-.�.-�.-
<br /> ��n�+ . 1���
<br /> �_ • _,._L.a:� '�ra�'�='����'11MI�11�� _ �ah�9oiif�b���i�G_ . ..-
<br /> ... ��f�lli'10kVl1�{1!1 . _ ra�.w�.w�.v�r�
<br /> � � [Srk�ck��OF 1'HU�'aT ��� Pnae 3
<br /> � , os.�9-�sg� �,0'�1��
<br /> �.�+�n No 3t�inf� (Nr�catl�,ued) _.. ... .._.....__._���
<br /> --�- - �.__.__
<br /> ..�.___,__:�:.::..:::.:::_:_:_-.�.��._.:::-:_.::.::-.-...::: ..:....::�:--:.� ----,,.
<br /> undM IM INn. In�ny conlKl,Truslor cAUll deiend lise►f�Onc�Lendnr and ehstll sa4�sty Any Advor:fl��+dprnenl tss�tc�c��:'.:�f":^sfi!�:=�rtst Ihn
<br /> PropKty. Trustu sh�ll n�lrrN Land�r�s en addllionai oplivan undnr sny sunly bond 11H��6�tOd in lhe Contlel proC�dinql.
<br /> EvW�nc�of PhimM��t�r ovKnmteialnMicl�lo�dei�ver�ta L�Aur�t pny t�ma w wr�n��i i emi 1 o11n� 1��s �d ass�is�r�'wnb ag�lrnl M
<br /> wthotl�tM aPP oP G
<br /> Prq�arty.
<br /> 11oHC�of Core�ttucllon. 'irusior�h�n nolBy lond:r al loaal f11z�n(13)da+�b�fnm �1ny wark b commgnced,�ny suvlas�trn furnish�b,a�ny _
<br /> �,�{�y�wpp Iwd lo II►�Prap�rtY�k�ny moo►�nb'�Il�.n,materi�tltrwn'a INn. tx oll»r INn Could bw �uw�l�d on�cr,rtuM of 1h�v+ai�,
<br /> N,y�,a rn�lpiti� Yruttor wiN upon rpu�sl of L�n�pr�urnish to L.�ndw edvtr�ce assur�no�e er+lfitictory to L�ndof 111N Ttublor C�f1��d w1M
<br /> p�y ti�o e�t cf such Improwmu+le.
<br /> pqppEpT�►pAMAQE INSURANCE. Ttu foMOwin(�F�a�rtfl�nna relnlin�to Inaurinp lhe Prc.�qiy are s A�ri ol Ihb O�Q af Trust.
<br /> M�Mt�nx►Ce of InsNnnc�. 7rustor sh�fl gmnutra nnA mnlntnln pollcles ol Aro InsuQ�n�w v�ilh stand�rd extnnded covereq�nndtxt*rtNnts on�
<br /> �eplaqmonl b�ais lu t�tuN InsurabN vallln o�voring a�l Improvements on ihe Ron1 Art�srty In en emounl sulecient to avold appllcallon of my
<br /> �o(n�Ur�nc�ctaua�,and wlth�standerd marlQeQae cluu�o In(nvor of Lender,lopofl�a w�1h auoh olher hazard a�d Il�huity Inaurtnce ee Lencle+
<br /> may rslisombly nquiro. PoYcks shnll be wrilli�n In fnrm,amount6,coverages anA hnid4 rnaeoMbly ecc�pltbl�to L�ndet and btuYd foy a
<br /> comp�ny a compan►�n rusorwbly accepiuhlu f�t Lardor. Trustor,upon requesl 01 lflntlnr,will Aeilv�r l0 1.�ndt+r hom llme la���P��
<br /> pr catlfic�tes of insurar�In larm satlstnnhm�li�I.ondar,Inciudiny sliputatlona Ihpl cnvarnpes wili nol bp a�d a dlminlsMd IwN���
<br /> Nast un(90)days'prla wrlHm not�e tn I.endnr. Eaah Insurance pdicy also cheU ipciude an endnraomoN provld�np 1ha1 r.owraq�
<br /> l,��d�r wfN nol W(mpakttl ln any w�j��hy any eol,omlrslon or detaulY ol U�nla �nr�BOy�U�pr peraon, Shoutd IM FiM1 Prop�r�Y����ll tl�
<br /> 6seorrN loatsd In Rn�ror d�s�pnal c!b?�tho Dirr�r,t�x.ot lhe Fedard Emerper�y l�tnDn(tornnnt Ayency�s �opreLl f14od h+u�trd rrw,Trutlor
<br /> ���o ptaWn�nd m�intaln Fad«dl�Fp�ad Inaur�rico tu Ihe�xlant such Insureirs4 i1 requksd by L�nd�r�nd ie a baCOmoa ivtHabM,k+r Ih�
<br /> 1rm of fM loan�nd(or Ih�tuM unpAGf prinaf�nl Gqlenca of th�loen,or IF►�«�xlmu rn funfi M cawn0�ttut is�vai46N,wt�t�wr N Ma.
<br /> ApplkMbn of Proc�is. T�7¢litt 8ht7A Rrrtmpfly rt0111y L�ndsr ot any Io63 a demago 1v�1hr Pr��tty. Le�.�:r....i rrako�caot a!leee N TiE+k+r _ .
<br /> fWs to do sa wNr�in 11MKO f 1GIi¢(11��1h0 CG3UflII�. Whetiwx or nol Lond�s sectrrily.N itnpelrsd,I.endx m�y�at its�kcY'on,
<br /> r�c�iw ind nttk�
<br /> ti�pvCe�ds M any Insuh►nC9 al�d•Upply the prr,�c�dn ta Ihe nducBon oI the Inda+IdeAt�ess,PtYmyr►1 ot any q�n�Ifiicting�th4 P►opMtY.a!ha
<br /> r�to�don snc3 ropak ot 1he Prop9dV� IF Lender eHxt�lo appty lho praeada ta�rostor�Hon end repair,Truala shex rep�M or rplac�tb�
<br /> d�rtrpM 6r zlYShoyrd Imprquama���hp rennnnnbte cosl ol�ropek or realaAtQ�►n NATruapor I6not In d°liult un�d�G+ti 1��� �'�Y
<br /> reim6urs�Trunta trom!he p oCbe
<br /> proceods whfcA havs not beei�dfshumo4 wNldn 130 days ofter thvir rec�ipt�nd w?�blil�undor hes nol commNtnd to tls�eopak a rrsfor�Non —
<br />, lhs Propwty sfial be,useh p���al b�innae ottlt I niciebtudness�.rl!Lendoh�idd�ny,ptocee�ds arioppeym�M in fuN�th►InQ�tt�dn�ss�iuc.h
<br /> �ny.shaN be applled
<br /> qrpCeeds s►b11 b9 puld l0 7rustor efl��uel�+r's Inlnrnsts may appear.
<br /> Uns�piead Inwr�nc�at Sile. Ah)'Unexpired hi9urr�nce shall Inure lo the ba:Hfil 01;end pnss�o,1he purcluser of lt�e Propnty cownd hy Ihb
<br /> Wed of Trust at any trusltq's aatY��p�her salu hoi�un�ar Ihe provislons ot thls Dt�ed ot Trus1,or at any lorodosur�sat�ol such PropwlY•
<br /> rqhpNl�cp wifh ptitllnp Ittdbbfedi�!�Q�plr#flQ�nj n�Anncina such Exist nDI InAnbttiA�nes�hal�consii�lula�co pNanr��h�l�uunno�h
<br /> llli 111iURn47 ptu'r'aa��'vi�'a CL�I�i:�ii�"v�: ;
<br /> prqvhlons under thls tHOd'�t TrUSt�.�Q:Ihe ixl�nt�complinnCe wfih Ihe IermE oi lhi6 D�d al Tntst woNO umsiiiiio�a o�P�iwna�N��"�"�
<br /> nquk�r»nt: It.any procreds ho�n ths InsuranGa 6ocom�payabla on 16�s,cM proYtitans In lhls fle�d o1 U•�,ut lor d�vlston ol prooMCf�fhM
<br /> �ppy c�r�ly to 1hqt,palioh otlhi�prqopeds not�aynbla ta lhe hdder ol tha Exist�rg lndot�tadrnas. ;
<br /> apENWTUql��►Y 4ElN�f�.� If�•TPustC�faiF,to compry wlih nny provFsipn op iNs �e�d o}T�uat,Ins�udM�Y,i.eny ab1F�9tlAn M m�IrM�in Exisllnp
<br /> Inc�pNd�s��appd tLt�dlA{�'p�c��tirri4 Moto�+4 b��M�ny acllon or prxaedinp(!comnwnaod INaI woutd Mi�laNy�ft�IAr+d��k��b`��
<br /> proprrty,l.�ndK on TruaSOrs b�hpfli�nay�buf�shatl�at bo roq��lred to,lake Shg ecllan Ihni-Londer deenn kt�,+poOrh I►nY
<br /> •xp�nds In so dotnp VY1N bar InNsn6t,aGlhn miu gr�oulded la in Ino Noto trOm fh�ctato InCUrred or peid bK Und�'lo ttM daN W np�yrn��l bY
<br /> T�u�or. AN su0h;a�rf�s��t Und4r'A Rp��trrt,wiN (u)be pnyabfe on demand, (b)bd addod lo lh�balana�,.ti1 tht NoM�nd b��Dpa'Ma�1�^�0
<br /> ���p�y�bU�irlfh arty irrltaNment puymonit�t�a @ocame due dtxinq eilher (p tt»lerm of arry appflcabb IM�rnnc�pdfcY e► (il3 f�rw�1�N�M+9 M�►
<br /> a��.pr (Q)p�tre�l�d�s a b»Ilttan.gayment whfch will be due and paY�bk+al�ifw Nalo'a maludty. ihhs Osed ot 7nn1�Mo wIM s�curr
<br /> �}qpd pn�pU�t OI lM d�fau 1.�AA�'�Rfl fl�10 by`LORdB��al�l not b9 COnShWd1690 tltlg�h8 d81SU11880raf 10�Ynt�NOM Rtry�N��
<br /> it ptfwrwha wotdd haw 1wid.
<br /> yy�pR�yTyi pEFrtNSE OF TlTLE:tnrt f�lla�vU�g provklone rolstinp to own�rship of i ho Prop�rfy ere a pari�f tNS OMd o1 Trust.
<br /> Ylti�. 7turitqr,y�rnnld thldi�(a�:7rr�atur ho1Cl�Qnod and marketa6(e title dt recard�lo the ProrMty In i�s sbnpU�hw�nd dMr of i I�x a�d
<br /> w�Nnptan�g�oMiw Marl�tilni�e�t�furtl�ir�1ho F3enl Propa�ty d�scdption nr�q iho�df�llnn IndaUlpdnlu�LecUvn bMor►o►in a►1T�I�i��
<br /> PpNCy.ql�:t'eDat�or�nR1iflAH,ap4iian•lasufd(n hwor of,ind ecc�D�bY�Lendsr iACPnM�tl6n wilh IN6'.t�d dTrust,�nd (b)
<br /> (ul!rqM,cppcurK,�nd tuNt�dt���lu��cutx and d+dlver Ihh Dwd of tnnt lo LsndK_ • i �, • :
<br /> p�,Np�'tMN. Sub}�c11�ptn�a�ptltin in th�panpr�ph�bow,Truslor wotEinli Hi��d"4'i�l�p�wir tlel�nd tM tl!M fo the+�iop�1Y�0��
<br /> ywf�l Clnuyp of�II pKSUns. In:d�rt avont�ny aatlan a proc�edinp k comm�nold:th��qti!6Monr Td�Jsl�'t tllw a 1h�M+M��st af T a .
<br /> �M�d�+Un�1►�pMd of 7rulR;•Tr�alitr.shall dnf�nd Ihe action nl Tnlsla's expanse�Y�usta mny b�ik�imonifrw padY in s+�ch #�
<br /> ��y�r�►�N b��nqtNd lo parllt�ysnla In the prc�ceed�o4 and to b� rolxs:�nied In tt�n prowedln�by•cowfsNl of L�nd�t�own d�oior,•Wid
<br /> T�a�q�yK.pr esu�s Itt.{te deHuered,tn L,�ndor such Insiruttwnb as l.end+�+r may�ceqtlosl hom tlirw io Nrnr lo pKr+iM such Pr�pi�'llo�
<br /> �� yyMh�,aws. TYrmhtr w�urxnix thal the Prayorly and Tru�loPs us�t of�.t,la�.ryrhperty cort�plNt v�Nh �M�Ynq rPD��
<br /> ad�n�nps.and nyuiatlons ot�avr�mmanlnl aulNcdlios. . ,� �
<br /> EXisl'NKi!ilD�TEON�fSS. Th�foNlt+M���O provkslans concerning sxisling Indebigdnesa i,l6i�'�xtsUrp Int1nbNdnKS"1 w�P�r!a lf�s��
<br /> 7rust. , . ,
<br /> pcl�a LNn. 7h�N�n pf thb D�ed tf,Tn�st sacudnq Ihs Indebtednass rruy b o soUilntl�r/cnd tnti�iqi'b�n udslinp M�n. Tn.ator�A�!
<br /> �v�anfs��d�pr�ey tp p�y,or s�p;m tl�o Fayment af,the ExisUnp Indobledness enr�tn�reuer�t�Iny deehWl on such Mdrbladn�ss�sny dM�uR
<br /> urM�tM Irutrurnenls�vidMncfng auch tnRubinQneSS,ar any detault undw eny�e+Otuifp,d��urnnn�fa such Indebt�dMSS.
<br /> p�yWl. H N�payrtwM ql any MattUlmant af pdna�rat or nny InUresl on the C•x�etlnp�it�d�ty4nCSS b ttot mad��1�t����Dy Ilt�
<br /> ��vi�itxlnp such(nd�blednesa,cr ahnuld s dolauH ocCUr und�r ttw Irtslmtrtonl socs►d�0 xulslslnd��hhdms�and nol b�c�x�d Our�nD a�Y
<br /> �prwt p�ipd Ihr�;n,tharr,.nl tha a¢11un Of Londer.lhe Indebtodness ca�lttod by tt+hs A�ed atTrttsl sMN Mcort�Imm�dl�N1y diM
<br /> a�payebk,and IhM pwd qt TrueUsnntl @o Irc dufuull. t whkh _
<br /> MO MOd111cMIQe►• T�uSitb'sh�p nOhGnlHr Iniu eny eQ�ement with 1he�hdder oi tmy mu�tgpyL,d�d o!trusl,a olher securtly aOrNnMn
<br /> h�pt{ority pvot thfs R�d of Tru6f b��wMk;h tNat aqreemont Is modfN�d,amendBCl;ox�ondaQ,'a rinaw�d without t!N pA0►w�l[qn C0�d
<br /> L�r�det. Trusior S�►�M Mfil►�r�Ruw��'nu�acaept any Niure advances uncier e�ny c�tnh seeurily ngroemenl wilhout th+p�ior wrNbn eo�w��!oF
<br /> LM�der.
<br />— ���TIpN,7M fpNpwfrp provfLtann�r�lullnfl tu cdndemnation proCeedinys Aro e pArt a1 ihls Deed of Trust.
<br /> � ..��......,..r...r u,e a.,v.�u t:cnndomramd.bv nmineM domrin proc.�s�dinp�a by�ny procMdkK10►
<br /> AppiiC�iia�vi iiii n`v�.wo.. ...��... o.., �.----_._ .._�_ .
<br /> purCh�s�in Mu d con�iirtiniflon,Lertc:ar m8y at 115 elxtlon ren,ulre lhat pN a nny�Eiatlnn o11he nei praa�tls o�fts nward aa�{�o�v a�
<br /> C�.����a d�tptarNri�e�s Inaurmd�y Tr�u�e or e nderpn connec0or�tY�1 i/s�condem�•Qlbne�ward e�'wr��y��w��i oi:�r.w;ost:,b�
<br /> ����, �}��y��rp Imca��RamnxUUn F�nbd,Trusta shaN prorr�tty no�lty LondM In wAllrw,�nd Trusta F�aM promplry 1�1c�aucn
<br /> aWps�e may q�r�assery to de�tn�Uin uallun and ablaln the award.Trustur in�y ba 1he nominal�rty In such procs�d�rp�bul L�nder sA�N
<br /> M�nNN�d lo Wrlk'�p�M In tha procMtidO n�td tu bu rettrosenNC�n�hs pro"twtllnn by CounsN ot Hs own etioic�,«nd Ttwtor wlq d�ltwr a
<br /> aus�lo i�d�N+»rod lo L�ndK such Insln�merslu aa may bo ra�u�stad by illiosn Pma 1011me tu permlt such pMlcipalion.
<br /> — �UAQpgITIQN OF TAItES,FEBS AND CHARt�.4 @Pf O�IYE'RNMENTAL AUTHONITIf:6. Tlw tol!owinp proNsion��st�tinp to powmrtN�y�lax�s�
<br /> 1�1�nd ch�rp�a�a�p�rf of Ihh Oeed ot 7i•utf:
<br /> C�rt�r11 TI�c��,FN�M1d Cfel�pe�. Upan roquas�by L�tndar,Trustnr shah exocu'.e such docurt►ents in 1ddiHOn to lrb Deed ol Tnnl tnc!Wa
<br /> wM1evM o1Mt�cllon is r�qursled by Lender fu Go�tact and canlln�e Lander's Ilen on Iho Resl Properly,T�uslor sMll rMmburs�Lend�r/or�N
<br /> yxq��s d�xyiped bNpw, lopelM�wftA�N R�:uanses �rtcurcod In recording. perleCUrq or conllnulnp Ihis OMd of Trusl,InNudlnp wMhoul
<br /> MmNalbn�N tuas,���docu�'w►nlary slamps,and all+ar charqea for rceadir�q or�s�isl�rin9lhis Q�ed otTrusl.
<br /> Tw*s. TM toMOwlny sh�N ConeNlulY laxes la wltlah tIUli saclion�pRl'�es: (e)a spectNC taM upon lNs typ�Ot����il,tl o�uPdn u��ny
<br />_'w __ _
<br />