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<br /> Oa-09-199li IJ�EI,) OF 'TRU�T Pane 2 _
<br /> �.oar���►��a�s� lGontlnuedD ��a— �Q"��.°�►� �-
<br /> �.�-,�_:�-_...._--..�.�--...�.___ __...._ - —
<br /> P�r�onM�rop�rly. Th�word�"F'erau�+�Prop�rty'rn��n eIl�qulpm�nl, fixlurw�,nnd olh�r uticbs of p�ntonal prop�rty now oe hwarier -
<br /> own�d by Yrutl�x,�nd now tt MrMMSr���Md a RN1x�d to ih�Ral Propwty; Ip��lh�r wNh�II�easslans,p�M, �nd�dditlonf to,aN
<br /> nptACemrnh of. ufr� aN iubttKuNOM�or,�ny of �uch prop�rfy;�nd topNhK wilh�II prx�d�(Includiny wfthaul!imlution�N Inxur�tncs
<br /> p�ooMd�and rn:und�of pn�mlum��horrs�rt/s�N or olMr dbp�Nllon of IIN prc�paty.
<br /> rtoyMii�►. Th�wad"Prop�rty'mil�m�oMctiwN IM Rsal Prop�rty and ll�P�rsonal Prop�rfy.
<br /> IWN p'rppKly, -rIN wprd�'fi�1 prq�tym�an tha Prop�rly,inior�ah tnd riphb d�aaiiHW�bow tn liw"Canwyanca and Cx�nN cc:.;ion. �
<br /> lIMMMt Dpcl�nb. 7tw wad�'4idwNE Qaum�nb"mun�nd Includo wifhoul YrnitaNOn�N promluary nda, cradil�pr�nls,lan
<br /> �pn�rtNMS,pnvkonm�nlU�prMm�nb. 9urar�NS.e�curity�prNm�nla,mortpaQn,dlod�ollrusl,l�nd ill oth�r Inshurt»nh,apnwrrwnls�nd
<br /> dxunMnls,wh�tMr now a Mn�fl«ixiaMp. �cc�cuNd In aonn�ctlon wHh lM fndrbtsdn�p.
<br /> FNnts. TM word"R�nh'mnna�N pr�s�n!snd luta�renl�,r�wntws,lncoma,Issua,►oy�Hiel,proflls,nnd other b�neflM derivad hom lhs
<br /> Pro�»rty.
<br /> Ttuf!!e. TM word"Trustee"rMans UN�"IED tVEBRASKA BANK�nd any aubslliule a succasa Uust�.
<br /> Tn�aM►. Th�word"TruslOr"m�ans�ny anE all pwsons and entilias execulin9 thil Daod o1 Trust,Includlnp withoul Itmilatlon QN Trustors n�m�d
<br /> abow.
<br /> ON T11E I�OLL01NNiQ TERM=:
<br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Exc�pt ats o7�wh�provid�d in Ihl�Desd of Tnnt,7rustor sh�N pay to Lender a11 q�mrun�+•e�cur+�d�bq thM UNd '
<br /> of TruN 1►t 11wy WCOrr�dui1,�nd sh�N sfrlCtty uid in�tim�ly manrwr�»rfam�N of Tnn4a'e ob�aUor�9 uncidr ihe Cw,+Z�i,t1�is Deod ot Tru�,and ttso -
<br /> RMaMd DoCUrn�nb. '
<br /> POSSESSI�N ANb MMMTENAMCE OF TFIE PNOPERTY. Trustor�nees that Trustor's possessfon and uss of the Propsrty sh�N tra gaver►Nd by.
<br /> tne td�o�wlnp P�ovbiorn: •
<br /> Pw�Nrlon�UN. UnNI tM occurr�naaf�n Ewnl of Catautt,Trusta may (�)rem�in In poss�ssion and contrd o(tM Wop�rly. (b)u�, .�
<br /> OpK�M Or nWna�11►�PropsRy,!nd (C�Cdlec�tny Rents Irom t�9 PtopYAY• _ .
<br /> D�My 16 MYlntaln.Trusta it►�A mafn4ln IM Property In tenanlahle contlillon and promptly peAam elt rQpairs,rap7naamsnh,and matnbr►ana •
<br /> nw�s�ry to pr�s�rw Ih va�ue.
<br /> H�do�ie 81�bafMle��.TM I�rms'rianrdo�a wuto""hazardout subst9nCe;"disposal;'Y�4eqse.'end"Ihn4tarMd rMo�s�,"11u ltaW In thb
<br /> pMd of Trtnf,sfMN haw Ihe urr»rr�aMrps u ssf lorth in tM Compreh�rtsl+»EnvironrrNnt�l R�tpqn�,Com�»nsakon,�nd tlakilllty Act d
<br /> t90f1,q a�mind�d,42 U.S.C.S�cdon 9601, �I toq.(''CERCLA'�,lh�Sup�ttund Am�ndmYnb and ReaulhorlxaMun Act o119B6,ANb.I..NC.
<br /> pn-�49p(`SAFik'},th�FNurdoua M�MrirbTraroFcxt�HOn Act,49 U.9.C.S�Ction 1�01,N sp.,ihs RsaOUrGw Cd�owwilon�nd R�covMy AGI,
<br /> 42 U.$.C.� ibn B901,M ssq.,ar a1hK�ppticebi�stat�or Fed�nl laws,ruies,u rspulaflor�s Itdopled pixauflnt to any of th�forpoNp. 7h�
<br /> IM►+na'ff�Z�rdOtli wNM'�nd"If�2�rtl01l�W0s11nC�Mal1�ISO tnCiuOr�wiiitout�mitaiiort,Ptfiowum�no pair4iwin o�i-prod�ibw i�i�i��w�.=.iri�
<br /> t1+�eo1 end nb�tae. Tnnta npr�nls u�w�rranis to l�nd�r fhnt: (a)Ourinp Ih�p�lod W Trustore avn�r�hlp o lM�ap�rJy,tMn hu
<br /> bwn no us��p�rnr�Yon�manulactun�starq+��Irs�tm�M�GkDoa�f,retw�or lhreaNrnd rN�es�of any hwrdous wasN a w4linnce.bY��Y
<br /> p�on on.tx��ibad a from tlw P�opxt�: @)Trusta haa no xnow�ed�ot.a rMSOn to beN�vs that Ihen h+te bMn.�xo�Ptps rp r�vfoinhi .
<br /> dfsctoead to�nd�ClcnawNtlp�d by UndMrh wAUnp, (I)any us�,genendon.manu(adurs,stonps,trotlment,�o�tl,�MS�,a tf�Mn�d :.
<br /> ntws�of any Iwz�rdan wuM a substana on,u�der,aboul a trom tM Proporty by�ny prta owners u occup�an�i�6t th�Prop�rty a (II)any
<br /> �Ctwl or lhn�M�rwd Mtlp�tlon a dalms d tny klnd by any p�rson re�atirg(o such mntten;and (c)Excapl a�prw�ousN dNdos�cl�o�►r1
<br /> acknowl�dp�d by LK►d�r In wrMlnQ, (Ij rrilha T�ustor na eny tsnanf,contr�cltx,epant a olher authaia�d usu of tM Pro�1y sh�N uN,
<br /> qnonM,m�nu�acfur�,ston,trepf,dhpoe�ot.a releese�ny hazardous waste or subsUnce an,under,about o�kom th�Pira(�rty and (N)uy
<br /> wdh�ctivlty ehaM b�conducted In oum p4nce vMh�M applicoble ib�al,stat�,�nd local t�vn,�spulaUaro and orAMno�,M�c*i0irtp wNffo�A
<br /> �mil�lbn thos�tavn,rp�AaNORS,snd ardKr�cvs d�serfWd abow►. Tnntor sulhorlm L�nder and Hs ayenln!o�nMr upon Ih�Prapay b
<br /> mek�ruch I�p�CYOM1�rtd Nsb��9 Tranbrs 1xpa��as l�ndK mly dNm�pproprtaN to dN�rmlrN com�i{eneo W IM Prap�Ay wMh Mi1
<br /> �Cilpn M the D�f of 7rtq1. Any Insp�etlqis or 1sF�is madi by Len�6r sh:q bC tor 4end�'a pttrposd enly�nd Eh+!N ncM bs co�Mku�d b awM
<br /> any n�pamblrly a If�b�My on th�put pl un�r to TnKta a to any otAK pKSOn. Ths repra�nkHons and w�unMNs conhfrod h�rok+�nr '
<br /> �sed on Tn�stor't du�r dNlpena(n(nv�tlp�8�p It�PropeAy tor fienrdous waaN and h��rdous subst�nc�s.7rwlor h�nby (�1 rMMa�s and '
<br /> w�lves u►y lulurr d�irt�s qalrat l�nd�ta Irsd�mnfly a confri4uMOn In tM w�nl Ttusta b�com�a ItabN(or cN�enup a alh�r cotFS undw�mr
<br /> such taws.md (�)�pws lo Ind�mnity�nd hotd harmles9 L�nd�r�palrai any pnd aN cfiJms,b6sN, NdMNM�s,d�rt�.p«�INN.�nd �
<br /> ' �e�.sl+� wMch Lund�r mey dfr�cMy or Y�di�+clfY 6ustatn or suffir nsutHnq hom �bruch of ihts sectian of th�Ds�d of Tn1tt a et�
<br /> ��a af any us�,Q�nnHa+,rrs�wh�c�uns,sloap�,diepos�b rels�s�a thrMUrwd rN�aat accurt9np pia to Trutlory own�hlp or ,
<br /> k�+od In th�Praperly,wh�tMr a nd fM ars+r we�s a shoutd h�w b�on krawn ta Trusta. TM o a n+�s seoao�a�n.a..d a�r►wi,
<br /> � Myh�drq ttN obllp�don b Ind�mnKy,stwl wrvh�a.th�paymcnt d tM Ind�bMdn�ss anii ttw sa hiobar►and nnCamvty�na of 1h�li�n of IMt
<br /> Daed ot 7nsf�nd al+sq not!�RMec1�d byUnd�r'a kqWslllon ol.�ny Int�rssi In tM Property,whet or8,y foreclosuro or ott�wis�.
<br /> Nulswki.W�b.Tn,sta shan not uusa,canduct a permfl ahy nWsar�ca na commtt,permfl,of eufter any sMpphq o4 or wrsM on or lo IM
<br /> �pr�pMiy or�try pOrqpn of Iho Proporiy. Wilhout Nmlllrp thi g�nirilFty of 1►►�forpdnp,7rullor wiM nol nmow,�x pr�M to�ny Wh�r p�rly IM .
<br /> � tiQM to nmow�sny Umba.min�rrts pn.-:I�dr►p ol ond pas),sail�Gnv+ol or rock prodtkb wNhout ths priar wriltnn co�nont M L�ndK.
<br /> �� . RNnOVM ol IMprOYenNMR Trustor shaal no!demalsh a removs�ny Improverrhnts hom Ih�RNl PiropO�tjhwilh0ul thY prbr wAtNn caMM�t
<br /> . . • pf l,*nd�r. As a condiqon to 1h���mpval ot any improv�emsnb,LendK msy require Truslor to m�ks an•anQQn�enls sstishclory lo I.�r�b
<br /> �,taa wcA tmprosnr�Nnfa wNh Improv�nnts ol at Las1 pwl v�tu�. •
<br /> I.en;Nu's Ri�t b EnNr. l�n��nd tb�Q�nB Rnd r�pr�nt�tives maY�nlw uPon ths Rwl flruparly tt all rMSOnabN tlrt�1`to tlMt�d b
<br /> L�r�t�ft kflMrsb��Id l0 MS(HC!QA�PrO�pYt/tor purpOS�s Of YtUS1nt't CO.mplUtnC�YYN11 th�Urrtri Ilnd COnclitf Wt6 Of 1Mf DNd M Truti.
<br /> � � CotMpMlMtq w1�1 ti4Y�nMrMn{M R�quirN�N1u, YNStor�haq promptly COmply wlth�A I�VVl�Otdln�nq0�i�nd ntqu�aYorq��aw Or MtM1fNt In
<br /> ' NMcf,M�N yov�mmrnUd aulh�xltla appkabM to tA�ta�or occupl�nCy ot tM Prop�rtY. Tru�Ux meY.canldet in good h11H my wCB Nw,
<br /> , ordlnlno�.or rpWMon uid wfthhold compl�nc�tlurlM��ny pracMdinp�fnCtudfnq ap�XOprl�t��Npia16�tc�Wn�Us Trustor t4s ndiMd LM�t1M
<br /> fe nrliYnp prior to dolnp eo nnd so IonQ a�,h �enaier'6 sots opinlon,ton�r'm Interesb In tls�Propeciy w nat Nlapardtzed. Lexia mny nquin
<br /> 7rus4ai fo p�st ed�qutts secudry or a surery bon0,reesuneby sa11�1nclary lo Lender,to protect Lsne�as's Inttlrnst.
<br /> Duty 90 ProNet. 7nrstu�flr�neilner to ebaMon nor leaw unditpndad tM Propwty. Tnntof s?�oll:�o atl ntlu�r acb,In additFOn io�tws��cfs
<br /> , eN fodb abow In Ihls seCllon,whlch frosr u�e cheracter and use Of Ih9 Property ere reasonably n�cesst�ry tn�pn:tuCt�nd preservs the Frop�tly. ,
<br /> GUE ON 3ALE-CCNSENT BY LENDER. LeMer may,at iis optton,declaro Immedialnly due and payablo eIl sumo Rocured by lhis Oeed of Yrusl
<br /> upon IBS sala or tnnshr,wilhout Ihe Lendea-'e qtor writlen consent,ot eil or any part of thp Real F'roperty,or any Inta�st In lhe RaI Wopwty. A
<br /> '�i�p frrntkr"mn�ne II»COnvsy�na o(ReY Praperly a any�ight,litlu pr InlArest tAereln;whelher 1ega1,hunoflCW or ptrVbM;whMhK vdur�IMy
<br /> � a kwduntery;wAelh�by otArlphl saM,deed,Nstatmenl seb controCf,land contnct,coNraC1 tor dceJ�,leasehuld Intayst wkh�Nrm�ra�11r tMn
<br /> Itxw(3)yMrs.1NSr-oryHon conlnct,or by siN. esslpnm�nt,or tt�nsfK of any benMct111ntensl In or to lny Wrtd hust hoklk�p 1iw lo tM R�I
<br /> �____—_ ..`..�....JA.. -'iJ Mnuur�a�w iJ O�l Wivurlu IrJer�J U a��v 7n�aMv 1�a rHfw�l4vf.nnfi�tanhh M yOnWd YOhrIN lmltl�Mf.
<br /> _ :..rwq�w���..��..�.. ..�...���.�...���.. —...��..��..�...�.� ..�.� ..�._..__�"�_'__"•r�_._"'� ' ."" _' • -- �- ..
<br /> �:�w;,;r�f`o inWudes my ah�rp�In ownersfiq of mon ihan[vwnty-fiw p�ri��d(25%)c!lts9 vcSin,:lcck.pschier_h!�Rn!!�!b Q!!m4led w±!�
<br /> . �comp��I�b��th�ca�m�y b�,of T�uslor. Howevsr,tMS o�tion stuq no;b��xe�cls�d by Lander It suah ex�Fs prohfbMed by NdK�
<br /> TAXE9 AND LIQiB. 'I'M idlow(rq provfslorts r�tinq to thi toxe3 and ticns on tha Propstty u��part ol thts DeQd of 7rust.
<br /> Pry�MML Trusta thaN pay whsn dua tNd in�q ewnta piior to deNnqwncy)olt texes.spoctal faxes.assessmonts.charpas(I�x�udnp w�br
<br /> �nd=ww�),An�s tnd Impoaltlons Nvlad Ipafnsl or on�CCOUnt o!t�s Prop�ty,and shaM pay whan duu aN tl�lms for wak dorN on ur lor
<br /> suvicu{rrnd�r�d or nwl�risl NxnfsMd toUis Pro9edy. Trustor shall melntafn Ihe Property hee of�II Oprta havinq priority owr or�qwl to ftw
<br /> Inbnst M L�rs�nr under lhty Derd of Tr an4�xcopt ta Ilw lian d texes end essessrtronts no1 duo,except for lta ex�tinp Indebtednes�rete�red
<br /> l0 be�IOw,and�xcKA�olherwlse provtdad Ir�IA!S�ead of Trusl.
<br /> plphl To Conttit Trusla mey wilMOid poyment of any Inx,essessmenl,a Clalm In connectlon wllli a pood fafth tNspute over lhe oblfp�Uon
<br /> to pay,sA lonn ns Lsndu's Inlersslln Il�Prc�paty fs not�eopartlizod. It a Iten edses or Is Gled as e rosuH o�nonp�ymenl,Trustor sMll wfthln
<br /> ffflNn(16)d�ys U�+t1H Il�n�ris�s a, II�ilen b nkd,wlthln fifleen(15)days alter Trustor has noUce ol the Nlnp,s9CUr�tM disc�Mrp�ol lhc
<br /> N�n.a M nqual�d by Ltnder, doposlt r!n lMder cash or�sufflclenl corponte�urery bond a other sacurity eatfshctqy lo le�►d�r U�n
<br /> �mouM�uMlcl�nt lo dfseMr�p�ttN Il�n plu�tny costa and nUan�ys'las or otMr ctwrQes tRet could accru�u�resulf of�fohdosun a s�N �
<br />