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� ., _ _. _ <br /> � ___�1lF`T�iL`� _ . . . _ . <br /> --'t'r,�'=.�"};, , +' - < <• _. . , - _ --- <br /> �-��'� �- - ` -- <br /> � •,. - .s <br /> �, • � •. ,. _ <br /> � - , <br /> .. <br /> - - - -� <br /> . _ <br /> • , <br /> �� -� : , : . , ._. _ _ _ . <br /> „�,_ . . . . ` _------,--- f--- <br /> -- -y`-v�� � . <br /> ---- — - . _ , . . � -- - — -- ---T°"--= --- --- --- - -_---_-- - <br /> _ ' . _, _ � f= ; �' < < � . � - .r. _.-��� : . <br /> .�L, . : ,� � , � :t _- 92` 10�3 .- . . ` <br /> a N�.,hd►t�«�iwd to«�faai nts rru�t owo�na an�r���1►now ar nir�aro.r�i«a b�r BsnMklry a TnuMS in eua►ard�r�na n�Nr � <br /> r 1My a�i1Mr ot 1hNn tnh►in tl+�ir�oh�d�sa�tian d�termin�-No nrn�dl�Mn(n conNasd apon a n�wwd b TruW�a BmNkia[y b k�Mnd�d <br /> aa.�ct■+rsa�r+roa�n�»arn.�w►ao�r�v►o�a.�s«w��.nuc..en,nan w a�v.a�a.n.a a i�aoanron eo.w�y oa�w�«n.a�r ' <br /> .. �hr�nh�rM�edr,crnawall�rMhrresWYgathwarin�quityaby�.CveqtD�►d�YP�o�und�rthbTrint�MdnTniflMa9�ficisyr <br /> ar to w1Yeh iNINr d tlwm rt�l/b�dMrwi�e sntilNd.maY De�xercis�d.oa�anrntl!►a indeper+d�nttli.irom 6ms to tims and as o(1M�mty b�dNm�d ' <br /> �bY fi+N�a;8�r�d�l�Y at��her ot tl�em ahy Puaus N�t remldies.No1h1e9 herein shW ba�ttu�d aa P�1��Y <br /> ���a d�c�rwY jw1D!��tfw TnwOOr b th�exi�nt aud►adion Es pe�mitt�d Dy law. . , <br /> �. _ ._ ,._ = - . _ . <br /> -, - :11.ZlI�INlQ10F TiE PRQPB�7Y:ASSIN�TION.B all or sny P�rt of tt�PtapatY or intlrsst ttwnin IS sd0.Oranstarsdor GlMrwfs�tonwy6d <br /> tqr Trwlor wilho�R 8wwl s caqen4�xcludiny(a)ths araGa►of a i�n ar ancu�rar�ce�ad'uiats tc this Trusc OMd.(b)a trarofK <br /> by s T�v�AO is a�Oint ronant a(c)the 9�a�!1�ahald lnterast at thwe(9)Y�aa tas wtach do�s nat <br /> ' is a 6reac!►of tl�is a�see�ern.�nd Beneficiary►rt� 8enefirWY's aP+[on.dec�ars aq ttfs sums s��d by <br /> fhia �M�d pay+hls.P��,��sr.tAie Truet QNd m�f►.at BuNficiary's op6on,bs dedand irrKrNdiably due a�d <br /> �1MMiP�nQany fM�net)n 1hsP�Pissotdatawk,�ed b9►anqme�nswtwsoaver.a(�if tth�Tn�6ta is aearpowtlon <br /> anda d tht myarihl amdc ownerahi0 iMenat in ths oorpo�atlor►oeci+s.a thr Tru�w car�tiar m�ia arryform witA��altrer corParafian <br /> ot�neily.B�ry styq havs waivad auch ePtfon to aeeais�ais it.Pria to Me s�te.transter ur r.onveyar�cs.6en�iciary�e+d ths D��to v�tam ths <br /> �Pmp�ct�►b W Ee aold or tnnsFerrsd r�ach a�errtient in wrilin9 mat tde ixe�it ol auch per�ts s�N to BM�eficWy and itat 1M IatenaR P�Y� <br /> on tlw wans at�CUred bf►lhts Ttust Oeed ahaN bs at etkh n�ts as Bsneficlary shaN request• <br /> 12.M�CEl9tA110M 1l�ONOEFAdLT;l�;SALE:Tbetaihirtby theTcusmr.tomatce anf►WY��a�P���Y d th�tertnaandtaondi�0ans <br /> - ot pi�'fnAt th�terms and ca�Uau o!ua nny renerals.i?+odfiptions a exteroloru tl�ereof.a the faituro to m�tcs paynenc ot�ury <br /> Wher i�eEtsdna�a.Pr1c►u►stR�9�to thii Tnat Deed,and aecured b1►this propsrty.o�the depth ol one or rtwre Trustars stwll be a treactr and <br /> ddault af ih}s T�wt Deed and ihe BenNicluy may declare a defautt and may Qectare all sums aeeured hereby iminediatdSl eue ano pay�e i�d ths <br /> safnR fhd4 thMeupol b�Can1�dur and ptytaCN�vitftiaut PnienCnen�d�m#nd.P��or iwtiCe of�n1/kind.prOvidad.Trtc�ar.stqlt hdvd enY�a�fLtorY <br /> .�htTo ars tM dMsuR befa�anY noNee a4'+�fyF3�1t and demand fa sals may bs deliaered to th�Truatse.TAereafter.Benefi�cymaY deliveirm Tt�utes <br /> . a rYrltta�dechration af drfwR and dee�7�r�ats.Truata egrse�and herebY 9�ts tha4 ths Trustes sha11 have the porrer et aate of ths Fr!c�p�rty and <br /> � N Brneficiiuy decl0�s t!w Prapert�;iitsi�esa��ahaa dsposi!witf►Trw�es th(s Tntst Oeed�d thM Note a rnotes anA s�ny aRl+e�dacuments evids�cing <br /> �expendihiras r�cured��`ialt debtiAr to Trtutee a weeuen natice at default and elece�n to cause ths property roo he add.anA Trwtee.�in tum. . <br /> ,� sNall prepare a�imHer notice ci'Ytir,ir�m required by law,i�i�i shall Ea doty fileQ foa reecs:��j/Trustae. � � <br /> .r� <br /> • (a� After thA tapse ot suctt tiing as may be required tiy�taw Raa'.awirtg the recar.�da.�a�on Natice of Oefanit,and Notice a`.Refault and NaticO of , <br /> ' gate haNng been giNen as re�ired by law T�e wi�t Aeir.a�r,n Trissoc.-snail�Il tlie Proporty.if nat ane ar m9re <br />- � parcNs and in sucfi ader as Trustee may detartnine vn�e d�an4 i3ietuns aitd ptace designated in said Notice af Sale,at pubLc a�:5on <br /> ' aCCOrding to law. . _ , _ � <br />-_ �b) When Trustea sel(s pursuant to the powers hereln.4cvstae shall appty the praceeds of the sate to payment ol tAe c�3:sS aspenses of <br /> = exe�cising the power af sale and o}tAe sate,tnGudfng,without limitatien,auamey's fees and the payment o1 T►ustee"s�ees s:sr.urred.which <br /> Tnutes's Fees shall nat in the aggregata exceed the foltowing amounts b�ed uporE the amount secured hereby an�remaining+i!�.pa,id a! <br /> the hme scttsdulea for sab:5 pereentum on the batance theraof and then to the items in aubparagraph(c)in the CrQe�th�a sta�3 <br /> (c) Aher pa�ing the items spac�ed in subparagraph(b),it the sala is by 7rustee.a if the sate Is pursuant to judicial fareclosure,tfie prxeeds <br /> W sate aha11 be applieA in the follawing order: , . . <br /> (1)Cost ot any evidence of title procured in conrteci�on with such sate and of a-�y ravenue transter tee requlred rp ba paid; <br />':.,�_ (2�All oCligatlons secured by this Trust qeed: . . _ <br />- (�JUNOr trust deeds,mortgages,or other 8enhotders: <br />:�f, (4)TAe retnalnder,if a� the person Iegally entitled thereto. , <br /> 13,Appplt�R�AEH'f OF SUCCESSORTFiUSTEE.BenetiClary may,trom time to time,by a wrtiften instrument executed and eCkttawtedged by Beneflciary, <br /> - mai1M to trustor and recorded in the County a counties in which the Property is tocated and by otherwise complying with the provisions o}the applicable <br /> — laws of the Stata of Nebraska substitute a successor or sucyessots to the Truatee named here}n or acting hereunder. <br /> t�.NiSPECTI0N8.BenefiClary.or its agents,representatives or employees,are authorized to enter at any reasonabte time upon a in any paA of the � <br /> __ � Piropsrtytorthepurposeolinspectingthesameandtalhepurpaseofperforminganyoftheactsitisauthorize0toperformunderlhatxmeoftheTrustOeed. <br /> � 15.OPTIOR TO FORECLOSUFIE.Upon the cecurrence af any breach and upon thedeclaiafion Ot detault hereunder.Beneti�iary►sfiall hava the option - <br />- + � . to foreclose thls Trust Deed irr�e mannet provlded by la�x k�?the toreclosure o1 mortgages��real praperty. �'` <br />_f.� � <br /> '�'` 18.FOHE9EARANCE BY�1EFICMAY OR?RU9TEE liO�A WAIVER.Any torebea�ance�y Beneficiary or Trustee in exe�cs�ng any right a remedy = <br /> �*; _ <br /> - hereunCer,or ottierwise attortled by appNCabte Iaw,shatl not be a waiver oi or preclude the exerCise ot any such�ight or rerrt2�y.Likewlse,the w�Uver _ <br /> .�-� ' by B�ntNciary w Trustee of any defautt ot Trostor unQer thls T�ust Deed ahaU�ot be deemed to be a waiver ot any olher a simi(at defaults subsequently . _ <br />',�'`• ' OCCUrring. � <br /> , , -- <br /> :ji�,.�� 17,OElIEiIC1ARY'S PQMfERS.Without aHect�ng a reteasir.g the liability ol ihe Trustor or any other p0rson tiabla for the:.�ymeM of any obligaUOn = <br />_.:;._, herein mentioned,and war.o�.attecting the Ilen or charge or U^�:y Trust Oeed upon any portion o1 the Property,Bene}itiary'n��.from time to Ilms and <br />;���:` without not�Ce at the request bf one or mae Trustas,(i)refe2�n arty person liable.(ii)extend or renew tha maiurity or alter acrg ot the terma of any auch _ <br /> obllgatlons.(iii)�ant other indufgences,(iv)ralease w reconvey,or cause to t»reteased or reconveyed at any time at Be�es:Gary's optlon any parcel <br /> ' or eIl 01 the Property.(v�tak9 or release any other or addifional security for any obligaUon hereln memioned,(vi)make semement9 or other anangements _ <br /> � with Trustor In relation thereto.All Trustors shau be jolntly and sevaratty obugated and bound by the actions ot the Benetic�anj or any orte a more 7rustor ° <br /> �� -- :. <br />° -- es atated in thls peragraph. ` <br /> f8.AITONNE1f FEES,C09TS ANO EXPENSES.The Ber.E°;ciary ot thfs Truat Deed is entdted to the payment ot atiorr.ey s tees.costs and expenses ° <br /> �� ,� a�provided in this TruslOeed,except as otherwise prohibtted Cy taw. � E <br />;..,� ,, 19.RECONVEYANCB BY TpU9TEE.Uport written roquest ol BoneliCiaty and upon payment by Trustar o+Trustee's fees.ttustee shall reconvey to ' � <br /> .:� ,' Trusta.or fhe person or persons tegauy entitted thereto,without warranty.any Rodion ot the p�operty lhen hEitl tteteUnder.ROCitals In such recanveyance <br /> of eny mattere or facts shali bs conclusive proof of the truthlutnoss thereo�.ti�e granlee m arp reconveyance may be descnbed as tho person ar persans 4 <br /> � ;w legalty entitled thereto". ` � <br /> 20.NdTICE9.Except tor notices,demanAS.requests or othe�_cammunications required under applicable taw to be given in another manner,whenever <br /> . Benet�ctary,Trustor ar 1'rustee gives or serves any notice(includ��g,v,qhout��mitat+on,notice of detault ana notice of sate),deman0s.requests or ofher F <br /> communication wiM respect to ihis Trust Oeed,each such notice.demand.requesf or other commumcation shaU be in wriHng and shall he eHeCtive anly !_ <br />- il the same is del►vered hy personal servlce or is mai►ed by certit�ed ma0,postago propIIld.addressed to the address as set forth at ihe heg�nning ot thls - <br /> Trust Oeed.Any party may at any time change its address for such nohces by delivenng or ma0ing to ino otna►party atoresaid.a nobce ol <br /> - such change.Any notice hereunder shall be deemed!o have beed gwen to Trustar or Beneticlary,when given in fhe mannor d9signated horeln. _ <br /> ' � 21.iiEDUEST FOR N071Ce.Trustot 8nd BenefiCiary hereby requesf a Copy 6t 5r1y nbliCe 6f detaU�l,and a copy af any nanca of sate thereunder,be ' <br /> -' mauled to each person who is a party hereto at the address tor such person set forin in the tirst paragraph of this trust Deed. � <br /> 22,f30YER!llNp LAW.This T�ust Oeed shall6e govemed by the iaws o1 tha 5tate of NehrasNa. - <br />' 23.SUCCESSORS ANC ASStGNS.Thls t�us10ee0.and all terms,Condidons ttnA obhgat�ons herem.apply to and mure t0 the heneht o18nd bind9 <br /> ' ��, alApattie9 hereto.thelr hevs,tagatees.devl5ees.personal representaUves.Successors and assigns.The term Beneficiary"Shall mean the owner arrd ` <br /> , • hdder ot the Note.whether ar not nafned m9 Bc�neliti8ry herein i <br />