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• .- .�.i "� _ <br /> `k . . - f� " _ �,.—. _. �_� _ __ .. ____ ___ <br /> _ ' _ <br /> ...--_...�_... - <br /> .,)1.'_:_ _.-.:t-! '_� .—_ __ -_ _ - _' _ _•.. - : . . .. � . . . <br /> r..� �.,: .y -. .. .� . . . , _ _ _ _ _'_ . .- _ __. _ ' . . ... __ , . _ _ . . _ - . <br /> 's � <br /> -P`].�:i t�., .,,� ' ' ` .. . � ' ' _ . . � _ . <br /> , __v.i�g:.-3 ._ ' . ' , . - ._. . . ,- . ..- _ ' . ' . - _ .. . _ c` . <br /> _ . . ...� . . . ; � ( . .. - . = c .. - . . `�r.��Yi�_ c � - ' : . . _ ,- . <br /> : : � � _ ; _ - , - gt - - _ <br /> ( < � f TO PROTECT�liE�RIT�OF TtNS 3FM19T OEED.Ti�15tCR HEAEBY CAVENANTS AH�AGitEES AS FOl,LOYY& � ` . <br /> t:►AYIIlIIT af�II�ICI�A�-A!O MT�IES?:Tr�ior shyf O��b P=Y�^dus the t�P�at a�iMersW an tne indebf�dn�as evid�nad bY — <br /> thi Na1f:r�Q�ofh�e�eturD�s an0!NS aa prar�dd in the`NOte.snd ths Principat ot and Interost an ar�y►.Futurs Adranaes seeurad bl/Ws Tivat'�eQ•. , <br /> � ���AMAIfiY OF TlT1.E.Tnaia[s tte�Muh►i�iz�0 and P?���9���ndeteas�bte atle and est�te to the PrapertY hM+sbY conwYed and <br /> , fNS Ih�riptlR 10 qrMM and Co^wY�/���'!hs RoperlY is tres'and cbar,of alf fiens and encumbrtnces exeeP!Ibns aow of reeotd:and Trustot wiN <br /> _ w�rarN and dd�nd tKs3f�ia tht Pmpe�f�ne�aN-sf�kns and den� _ ,_ � <br /> , �IIAMIiENAML�AipC01lEtAlfCEi�1TNtAwS.TrustorShaNkseptheRopertyinyoodrepa�rartdca�d'i6onandahallnotcommitwrstsapermit <br /> imp�itm�nt a d�Mria�lion of the P►op�H and�hdl comP�Y with the pravisions at a�f lease it tfiis Trust Deed is on a teasehold.No improvement now <br /> a h�rMibr�ncted upon Ms PropstY shall Ae alt�red,rarnoved a dernotished without the prior written consent ot BeneTiciary.Trusta shalt oomOhl� <br /> al�Lws.adinaneN.�sy�Yatia�s•oo�+���0^s and rastrlctions atfpCtirg the PrapertY and not commit.suffer ar permit a:►y act U1 be tlana in or <br /> . upon pN PtapKry tn violaoon af anY lair.ardnance rs�tia�.,covenant.eondition a res0icaon.Trustor sha11 comP�s a resmre P�Pp!►and in good <br /> worlunti�mYlr�syimPo�Nn�„antltsProPertY�hmaybedaiea9edordesKOyeder�dPaY•wdsndue.allciatmstalabar0adarmeaandmatetiats . <br /> furfw�twd tMrNo►and for aay alteratians.thKeOt. . . <br /> 4.Nl6t1llAll��.�ru� itse:penas•wYt maNUain witA insuras approved Clf���ff.inwranc�with rosPact w the improvements and per�o^+� <br /> �ry,p�q�qthe prop�rty,agairtat taas hl►fire.ligfilning.tamado.and atl�er Perils and hazards caveced bll��a extended coreea9e Indasert�enR <br /> M�ur arnourn eq��al to at teast ans IwnQteO percant(100%}ot the fuN repacement vatue tl�ereoi and insurance agalrtst sutt�Wtier haz8rds anA in such <br /> amounts as Is ais�maray cartbd bF awners and operatas ot s(mila►Pf4Perties a as 8eneficiary may sequire for its protectian.Trusto�will oomPh yi�ith <br /> �ho�r�e�i�emsnaas 8NSaliciary may Trom timetotime requesttatheprotectia►bIt insoranoaof theinterest�attherespec6vep�rNes-IUllns�xanca <br /> poNcies maintained purauant ta tAis Trust Oeed sAall name Trusta and Benafleiarfl as the!►tespeeNve(nterests may�ppear.and prwide that <br /> fMn6s n�canwMaha►ar�withoutat least 1$daysP4ior wnKa►�odfiea4onto7rusteeand BeneficiarY ma7l p�Pp+�esuch inswancs3naccarduke <br /> � �wiM ths ptovisbns of paragar�:�i8 hefeaf.Trusta Ehall delive[to Benefieiery lhe arlginal Paicies ot insurenCe and�enewals thateot ot merrto capiss o1 <br /> Ouch Policf�s ar�tr renewals thareot.tailure w fumish such insurance by Trustor.a re�ewals as required heteunder the option ot Beneficiary. <br /> constiWt�a dafaufl. - . : . . <br /> � 5.TA](ES./1���s.Tn�1a►shaN PaY alI ta�ces.assess�r�eMSand ott�cr char9es.indudr�9.vriq�out I'imita�don.fines and"ar�paei�ions <br /> -- attn'butabte to the Rqxrty and teaseAald paymenb or ground rents.if any.beime the same becort�e delinquent Trtistar ah�ll prompUy fumish to bs�eficiarY <br /> -° aI1 noticesotamountsdue underthis paragraph,and in theeventTrustashall make paymenLdaectry,Tnucasha��P��P�hl�misbto BenefiGary receipts <br />--_ ,__��h�y��,t�shatl pay�It mxes and assessments whlch may be levied upon Beneficiary's interest hereln or upan this Tnut Dead <br /> wryhout regare to arty law that may be enactad imposirtg payment of the whole or any part thereot upon the Berteficf�y. <br /> = 8:AppITIpNAL tl@!S ANO PHORECTlON OF BENEFIC�Ai1Y�s SECUplTY'Ttustor shall make aIl payments ot interest and principal and payments <br /> PHO <br /> of any aher charges,fees anc7�cPenses connacted t°be Paid to any existing or suDSequent Qenhotder or tienefioiary,under any extsting or subsequant <br /> ��pr tr�st deed beta.�a`�date thay are delinquent or iz default,and promptly pay and discharge any and all other liens,ctaims ot charges whieh <br /> --_ �y j�pp�ane�he securiy graated herein.H 7rustor�ails ta rcr�Fe any such payment or taits to perform any of the cavenanu and agreements coMaineA <br /> in this Trost�xd.ot the[�Jote refe�*ed to h�er�.a�°��Y Prtor or subse4�ar.i�ust deed,or it any action a proceeding is commenced which materlalry �� <br /> `,'r aqects geneY��i�.y's inter�st i1 tte PrapeRy.inaluding.6ut nbt timked ta.emir�8'�t'Comain proceedings.proceedings immtving a decedent,notice of sab � <br />- byTrustes.��iCe ot defautt 4ryTn�siee.mar'�ga�e taectos�r8 actio�,or if Tr,�stot4aitsto pag�rustor'sdebtsgene+atlyasthey becomedua,then 8eneficiary,. . <br />��N-, et8eneficiaiyraoptiona�d�itt�noticefi ordemand upan Tn�tar and witho�itreleasingTa:st6rnom any obligatian hereurtdeit may make such a�ranCes <br /> d�sburs9 such sums and tak�such acti0n as Is neaessary to Oro*-ect Beneficiaty's Interest,inGud:�g,but not Iimited to,disbursement o}�e�g�mey's. <br /> tees,paymem,purchase,corttest or comP�Q�n�se of any encumbrance,charge or lien.eni:y:.ipon the Property ro make repaRS,a deCta.ra'.�an ct defauft <br /> under thts Trust Oeed.In the event that Tnistor shall tail to pracure insurance or to pay taxes.assessments,or any other charg��rto make arry payments _ <br /> - to any exlsting a subsequent lienhdders or ezisting w subsequent beneficiaries.8eneflciary may procure such insuranCe and make sue!�pa}tR+ent,but <br /> - - �Ifap npt be obligated to Qo so.MY amounts drsbursed by BenefiGary pursuant to this Paragraph 8 shall beCOme additional indebte�ness of Trustor secured <br /> by thls T,rus!Deed.Such amounts shall be payable upon rtotice trom 88neficiary to Trustor requesting payment thereol,and Shall dear interest hom the <br /> date ot disbursement at the ra2s payabte hom time to time on outstanding principal under the tVOie un�ess payment of Interest at sJCh tate wou10 Oe contrary <br /> -•'�- toepplicebb whlcb eventsuch amounts shall bear inisrest at the highest ratapermissibPeunCer appltcable taw.Nothing contained in this Paregraph <br />-- 8 ahail requirg Beneficiary to incur any expense or take arry ac[ion hereunder. <br />'„�.�.� �,ASSI�;I�ENT pFqENT8.Beneficiary shall havethe ng�G power ard anhority during:he cannnaa^ce a`.this Truat DeeA tocollectthe rerrts,issues <br /> and Qrafits at L`re PropeK!�and ot any personal properry loc�`°_A lhereon witF�or without tak+ng passession oi the property aftected hereby.and T�ustor <br /> � hereby ebsolutety and une4��itionally assigns aIl such renis•s�sues and profits to 8eneficr�,y.Beneficiary.nowever,hereby consents to the T�ustor's <br /> wllectian a^t�ratenUon a`•s,:�:+rents,issuas and profits as th�yaccrue and hecome payabta sa tong as Trustor is not,at sua++:� default wilh respect <br /> to payme'#�!any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the pE�formance ot any agreement hereunder.Upon any such detau".Benefici8ry may at any time. <br /> � elther in pa:�n,by egent,or by a reCelver to be appointed by a couA,wnhou[notice and withoul regard to the adequacy ot any securlty for the indebtednass <br /> hereby setured,(a)enter upon and take possession ot the P►operty or any part thereof.and in its own name sus}o►or otherwise Coltect such rent9,issues <br /> .".i F� and prolits,includingthase pastdue and unpaid.and apD�Y the same,tess costs and expenses oi operatiort an��llectian,inCluding reasonable attorney's <br /> tee�,upon any indebtedness secured hereby.and in suc�*��der as Beneficiary may Qetermine:(D)perfor^s s;,:h acts o1 repalr or proteetlon as may be <br />-`' necessary pt proper to conserve tne vatue ot the Property:i:���ease the same or any part thereot}or such fental,term.a^�upon such condiQOns a�its <br />�� �_•. t ma dictate,or terminate or adjust thaterms an�:a�U�ions ot exist:ng leases.UntessTrustor and BsRetieiary L+8°'a agree otherwise in writing, <br /> ,:�� � eny�8pplica'�of rents.issues o�profits to any indebtedness sacured r�'a9y sha�l not extend or postpo�a�''��due date a�i�se instalrfient paymants as <br /> provlde0�^said promissory note or Change the amount oi such installm,^.:s•The entering upon and taic.r-�possess�on ot the Ptoperty_t`a coltECtlon <br /> o}suCh ter.'.3,�ssues and pratils,and ihe apphCation thereot as afore�ar0.sAall not waive or cure any defauit or notice ot defaul!hereunC�^��invalidate <br /> --_ `� any act done pursuant to Such notica.Trustor atso assigns to 8eneliciary,as further security for the performance o1 tAe ob8gations secured hereby.aIi <br /> ' prepaiA rents en0 all morre3 whicb may have been m may hereafter be depasited with sa:�Trustar by arry iessee of the secure She paymertt = <br />' of any renf a upon default in the perfamance of any of the provisiona hereof.Tr;;stor agress to deliver such rents and deposits to Benefic�ary. <br /> '' pelivery ot wntten nOtice ot Beneticiary's exercise of tho rlghts granted here�n,to any tenant occupying said premises shall be suNicient to require said <br /> ' tenant to yay rent to the 8eneliciary unt�►turther notice. <br /> Utfe to any aart oi the Property shall be tgke^��condemnation procaedings.�Y��ght ot emmeM domaln or similar action,or -. <br /> sha110e sotd under threat ot eortdemnalion,all av�ards.Ca�:�ages pnd proceeds are hereCy ass�gned and shall be paiA to 9eneficiary who shalt apply • <br /> such award9,damages anC proceeds to the sum secure�by thia Tiust OeeO,with the ex.n>s.i1�4 to Trusto�.►f trustor recelue9 any notice ot <br /> ' other infotmation rega[ding suCh eCUOns or proceedmgs.�'rustor shaU e�:ve p►ompt wntt?rs hatice thereol to Beneficiark B�ieficiary shall be <br /> it�optian,to cammence.appea►in and prosecute In its own name any sach achon or procaadings and shatt be e�Atted to ma;ce any tOmpromise or settlemenf <br /> in connectlon with any such action or proceedings. <br />- 9.FIITUNE AOVANCES.Upon request of 7rusfor,Benetiaary at Beaeficiary's opt�on.prior to re�onveyance of the Property to�r�;r:nr,may make <br /> future advance9 to TruStar.SuCh tuture advances,vlith interest therean,shail ba secured by this 7rus10eed when evidenced Dy promissory notes staUng • <br /> ` :y�,�.V_:�:z; that said notes ere secured herehy:provided that at no time sfia11 the secured pnncipal and tulure advancos,not�ncluding sums adv8ncetl to prOtect <br /> -� - .- ,_� =z-.�,:_z��. - - the security,@xceed two hunAred percent(200gb►ot thb ori�+nal Orinc�pal amounts seCUred�erCby. <br /> � �°` " tp,pEA1Ep1ES NOT EXCLUSIVE.Trustee and Beneliciary,and each ot them,shall be entdted to entorco payment and perlormance o1 any indebtedness <br /> • I .; or obligatians setured hereby end to exerCise all rights and powers unQe�this Trus!Oeed or undar any othar agreement execute0�n connecuon herewitt► <br /> '' : ,.,,� o►any Iaws no�x or hereattei in force,notwithstand�ng same or all of 1he such indebtedness and obtigat�ons secured hereby may�now ar hereafter be <br /> '��'�"' ottferwise secured.whether bymortgage,trust deed.pledge.hen,ass�gnment or othorwlse.Nedhei tho acceptance ot this Trust Deed nor its enforcemeM <br /> � - _;�i� wh8therEyeauMacronorpu►suanttathepowerolsalearathe►pmxersheremcontatrted.shaltpre�udceeormanymanneraffeetTrustee'9biBenehciary's <br /> • ''�`'' right to ieal�29 upon ar enlnrce any ather security naw nr hereatter hetd by Trustee or 8enefictary.d bemg agreed that Trustee artd.8enellclary.and eaCh <br /> .. <br /> - •�.,. , <br />- `— —--��-.. __._.��,r-L'3�, <br /> .n�:�.:�r . � - ' - - '. . . . ' - ` - ' ' c- . . <br />. ��. ��r' <br />- � .. '':���,-: - . ' . <br /> . :i�".�ti.r J�� • . <br /> . er . <br /> .. � :. . <br /> .l. ' ..' ___'.._.. ... .... . . .... ... .... _ _. . .'_ "_ _' ' '' _ ' " _ ' '' '' ' _' _ ' _. . . . .._ _. . . .. _ ' '' ' __' ___ ' <br /> � � ,�Sd�-'3xit ' ' • _. <br /> " �.3=r�eP' -- �- - - <br /> ' � _;.`'�-i� .. . . � . . <br />