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<br /> :. • . . .. ..-, _ _ . .
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<br /> _---.,� ..,.:.�t=�, .. _ ` � . '��� iv�a� 7G+ ����: _
<br /> � < ` S.�s�ei�r M�l� Lwes�c�7'��4�xp d�e impmreme�ra aaw e�ustiag ot tr�fta�esated aa the
<br /> � ,lmpaty.my�qd+�t loas bg 6ze,l�aards.it�udeQ�riWin We tnm'eatcaded ctivense.'snd my atha h�.i�udiei -
<br /> doods or tlao�iuE,for wLich 7�der coquiKS i,•tl,•,�: 'Ibis imaraooe ah�ll be m�ant�imd in tho�ts�d far th�paiodt
<br /> ddit Leeckr seq�iiRS.The ins�uaooe curier pcnvidlnE the ia�e ab�116c chosa�by Borcowec subjxt m Leoder's appcaval
<br /> �rhidt s6all not 6G�n�iy�+ith�d.�f Bom�er faiLs ta m�intaia aove,rage descn't�ed abave,isader.may.ac I.ender'a .
<br /> op�t�,obtain mvera�to pnrted t�ender's ri�ts ia the P�apaty in aoo�noe with p�ragreph 7.
<br /> All insu�nx policks and noeMats sbsU be aaceptable to L.eaAer aod shall i�iucle a staadard moctgsge ctause. Leadex
<br /> �atl 6�t6a agfit ta Loid t6e potisies aad�enewais.-tf i.a�der�uines.Burmwrr shsll P�Y 8►vc to f�ender a11 acapts uf . -
<br /> — ��'�IE�YY�DOIIt���CBiFCbtB��-$titii3P:C=Sf1�Z$t•1C�1IOII�l�IQt�.!!l5�31�IIOGCdftIQ90���_--_-.. -- - - —
<br /> I,mder msy m�icc prnof of bss if dx mtde piompHy by Bormwa-
<br /> [Jnlw Ieoder and Bomower othecwise agcee ia arriting,Inwru�oe pcooeeds sha116e appliod to re.au�atian or npair of the
<br /> p�p�ttY d�d.if the iestaation or t+ep�ir is ec000micaliSt fe�"bk aad I.eodct s sacurity is noe lessene�.tf the rawr�tion ot
<br /> - repir is mt cooaomicalty fasible or l+a�du's secarity woold be kss�efled.the insur�noe pmorods s6:R be appliad to the wms
<br /> nowred bY tbi�Saurity Insavment,whether vr.aa tbd�dne,a+ith any ea�cess paid ta Barmwer. if Banower ab�dons tbc
<br /> p�vpe�ty,oyc does mt aaswet within 30 days a notice fmm Leader tbat the iacatoace prrier has offend to saUe s claim.il�en
<br />— Lender m�y coikct the insusaaoe prococds. I�ndu may ase the ptuceods w repair or testorc tbe Property or w psy sums
<br /> =P — �ecviced by t6is Sa�►rity Ihsuumeat,wh�ar nnc tbeo dne.1]�e 30�day periad Will begin v�fien tl�e satica is givea.
<br /> Unless Leader aad Haa+owa-ut6ecwise agiee is writing, anY aFPtication of pteoetRs w principa!s1�U not ea�tmd ar
<br /> po�pane d�e due date of t[t�moathlY p�ymcnts refetnd to in paragr�phs 1 aod 2 ar ct�ag�tde amount of t6e payments. If
<br /> - - under pa�gnpb 21 tbe PtnpertY Lc acqaitod bY Lender,Horro�s s right to aay insutance pi�licies and praoeeds resnIung fmm
<br />. -- dnt�ge W tbe PmP�Y Priar to the xquisition s6a11 pu�to Lende�ti�the extent of We atms secund:by this Saa�rity Ia�tumeM �
<br /> - u�ediat�ty prior to t6r acquisition. ' - , . ': • .�
<br /> f.�oe�p�y,P�rvatio�,Msiotm�oce aod R+otectian ot tbe R�opa�ty3 Bon+uwa's I.ow Appflt��tbo;l.�„�.
<br /> _ . Borro�ves s7�i1 oocapy.e.stablisb,$od use tfie P�apeny as Borrower's principal residenoe within siaty days aRer the eae�of
<br /> - this Sxarity Insaument and shall co�tinae to occupy the Property ag Bomnwer's principal iesidence for at teact one yeu aRer ,
<br /> tbe date of aocup�ney,unlcss Lender otherwise agroes in writing.which cansent shal!nat bt uareasonably with}ield,or uatesq � _
<br /> - extenuating ai�noes exist wl�icb are t�eyoad Bor�+nwer's cantrn}. Bo�wet shali aot destroy ci�mage or imptir the ---
<br /> pt�e�ty,a11ow the Paaperty to deterioiate,or commit waste on.the Propeary. Borrower shaU be in default if any forfeitoie -
<br /> • action or prooeeding,a+frdhet civil or ctiminal,ts began that in 1.ender's gaod faith judgrt�ens coWd r�►ilt in farfe[tur+e of tbe _--
<br /> �Y propenj,or ot}�erarise materially lmpais ttie liea created 6y this Security Instrument or i.ender's securIty inurest.Borrower maY - —
<br /> - •cune such a defa�ilt a�sd reiauate,as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action or praceeding to be dismissed with a ruting _- --_
<br /> th�t, ;n Lendec's goocf faitb determinatlon. preei�nd�ts forfeimre of tbe Ba�sower's intenest in the Propeny or od�er material =
<br /> impairnxnt of the ls'srs created by this Security In�trument or L�ier's s�ty interest.Bomnwer shaU�lso be in default if --_- .
<br /> � Somnwer,during the 1o�n application pmcess,gave materialiy fa�se ar ir�ti.cair�ue infocmatioa or statemeats to Lender(or failod __
<br /> to provida Lender wiW any mataiaZ idfom�atton)in conaectia:�arith tt'tz loaa evideaced hy tlse Note,inclading,but nat l'united -�,�--
<br /> � to,re�tations coacerning Bosraues's aacupancy of the Prapztt�°aa a priIICfipal resid�ez..If this Securiry Instrunseist is trn a �:;�:---
<br /> leasehold ��wer sha11 comply with aIl the provisions of tFs� tease. ,If Borrawer acq�aires fee ti�e to the Pra�erty, the .. ,. . `•;�`�'"
<br /> �t leasettold and We fce titte si�at}nat merge untess Lender agrees to the me:�ec in writing. . ,:�'����--
<br /> � % 7.Peatection of l.ender's Wghts ln tbe Ptoperty.lf Borro�rec fails t�perform the cuvenants and agramenta contaiaed in . .�� -
<br /> this Socurity Instrument, or ther�e is a legal praceeding that ma� signifccantty at�ect Lendcr's rights in the Pmperty(such as a � _� =
<br /> pmceoding in banlwptcy.probace,for condemnaGon or forfe'�or.ta enforce Iaws or nguiations),then LeMfer may do an�! '�� ' �°
<br /> i` pay far wlsatever is necessary to protcct the value of the Proptrty and I.ender's dghts in the Prope�ty. Lender's actions may ;r.;:'. .'�'.
<br /> ;nclude �raying� sytms secu[ed by a lien which has priority aver this 9ecurity tnstrument, appearing in caurt. pstying : .
<br /> reasonab:e attarney5'�res and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lendcr may take action under this puagraph '• • -_-
<br /> . .' . .�'.. 1. 7,I.e�.�r does not 6ave to da so. ;, . _ '
<br /> • � �t��� A�agr amonnts disbursed by IIender under thls paragraph 7 shall became addifional debt of Barrower secured by this . ;�.°' ���.� .. —
<br /> .� . _.`;;:.
<br /> :i'. Securiry II�sstrument.Unless Barrss�cer and Lender agree tp other temis of payment,these amounts shall bear interest from ihe . �-'',�.�:;:fi��.:
<br /> date of dast�rser.t�s�'ti�e Note tate and shall be payable.with interest. upan notice from I.ender to Borcower rryuesting • • . •�� -
<br /> • •��•,�r9=
<br /> ' W►Y�- ' - •
<br /> � l{,!1�o�t�e 1�uronce.It Lender requircd mortgage insurance as a condition of making thc loan secured by this Soct�riry , '• �-:�:�:: _R
<br />- � Instrumx�c.Borrower shall pay tho prcmiums required ta maintain the mortgagt insurance ln effect. lf, for any rea5nn. thc ...: . -
<br /> ''. �h- mortg�insurance coveragc rcquircd by Lendcr lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrowcr shall pay the premiums t�oirrd to. .
<br /> �. obtain wverage substantialty equivatem to the mortgagc insurance previousty in effec�.at a cost substantially equivatent fv tP�e . '
<br /> '�., '�:;..,a� ., cost to Borrowcr of the mortgage insurancc prcviously in eifcct, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. Ig" . . •
<br /> - :��r�� _���-,� .substantialty equivalent mottgage insursu►ce caverage is not available.Bonower shalE pay to L.ender each month a sum equal to _______ _
<br /> ,� :; one-tW��th of theyearty mortgage insurance yremium bcing pald by Borrower when the insurance coverage IapsrA or ceased to _
<br /> `•� be in e*rFect.Lender will acccpt.use and retain thesc payrt�en.*s as a loss reservc in lieu a4 mnrtgnge insurance. l.ass reserve :;, �;
<br /> '1%. '� S. F�S02� sll0 � `,`='i>��:t
<br /> � , ��v" 9aM3of6 ' „ • .. , .rr..-
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