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<br /> � x k - . • �i
<br /> 4 gF 1,;"� �,' _ ' __ _ '_ - _. -. ,.
<br /> .T. . . . �._' `" . . . . —__ .
<br /> �L�-`'x=_�� � _ . ` , • �� . . .Y�_ . . . /� v
<br /> _�.....� , � ��� ' ' � ' . . ��/� '
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<br /> ` ` ` �������r �f��[����: •
<br /> - . ' ��Ntl'f1 all tlie�aow a .
<br /> . ��o�r a 6anliQ�a pMf t�f dEC P�P�Y- �� aod sd�tioos �dl ai�O be ��Y� �
<br /> �, .�OE 1���t 1�LD�Il(�tf��it�IG���..�...�J.� .
<br /> � � . BORROWBit OOVSNANTS�t Hoeoanx is fa�r[aUy aeisod of We est�te heRby couveyed aod ins the ri�t to g�at a�d-
<br /> eoavey tbe prnppty sed di�t the i�opetty is aoa�cwmbe�eA,exoept for�umb�anoes of roco�d.Boaowrx wanaats aod�vil�._
<br /> defead�aa�lty tBa tkte w the ProQe�ty again�t ail claim��od demmds.eubjat to anY a�umbianoes of rococd. -
<br /> THiS SSCEJRF!Y IN51RtTMENT oombiaes uaifo�m coveaants far n�tia�al use wad aon-anifo�m o�vaauts with li�nited, .
<br /> _ �nri�tino�hY�uri�o�i t°!po�e a naifaepi saauri�Y ins�cument o�►erin�ia1 p�oQeKY• � - � -
<br /> ' UNlFORM OOVPNAN't'S.Bononoa aod I�ades oovawet�nd�ae at fnllaa�:t = -
<br /> - - - — -- -�-pfq�st.f��-sk.�.•ww�t_atl Lbe-Ci�_B�ytoes_'sh�1l:p�tX�J►�°dua.,the_. :.. --- - -
<br /> pcio¢i'ipl of and inte�t on d�debt evidenoed by the Note and anY P�Y����Bes di�uirder tLe Nae. '
<br /> 2.Fa�ia fie Ta�'fi�i Lwt�oe.Sa6joct io�PP�icable la�r'ar W a writuo�vaivec'by I.ender, Horrower saaU pay ta
<br /> I,e�dQ aa ttie d�S►�Y PY��u+e du�undes tbe Nae.uad'l the Naoe Ls pyd it�full,a sum('Funds')for:(a?Y�Y�
<br /> . _ aed aaatmmts�v6icb il�y attsin pciarity ava tbis Securiry I�mmt�a Uen on the F�opeity:N}Y�Y��P�Y�s
<br /> er�d n�ts aa tb�Pivpe�ty,if�Y:tc;YadY Lt�d or pcuQerty�nrmoe Pnaniams+(�Y�Y a�����
<br /> ��►Y:`��)9�Y�E�Be insonoa praniwns,if ury;aod t�u►Y�PaYabte by Bormwa w Iro3er.in a000�d�noe with ,
<br /> t�e p�ov�of p�ag�ph 8,in lia of the payu+ant of mo�tgage insurrnce p�miums.Tl�e,se item4 ue calfed'Esaow Ita�.`
<br /> Lmdec rosy,�1 aqy t3me. collxt�d hold Fnods in an�roont nat Ln eu000d tbe muimum amount a lendec foc a foda�ily
<br /> ..� rt]�ted mortEa�e toaa�Y s�eqai�e for Bot��aer's escm�v xcoaat uader the fodetal Real Fstate�ettt�'Pmoed�urs Act of
<br /> I974 as�irom wae to timG:!2 U.S.C.Saxion 2b01 efaeq.('RESFA'),untesg�natbes la�tbat applies t+athe Funds
<br /> �ets a Ieoer�axx�nt. If so.lsa�ks maY,�a�time,ooUxt�ad MId gwds in aa uaa►nt'not m eacoed tbe I�r.�.
<br /> Imder msS►dR�te the amoant of Fands dae on tbe basis of cur�dota and nasa�abte��f eapeadiwns of fuwte ,
<br /> . F.�ctu�v Itams or al�wi�e in soeocdtoce v�tii-app�totiw. . .
<br /> 1Ue F�mds ab�ll be beld in aa i�tiartion wlwse depoaits an inwnd by a �ecteal a�.y, a�zaonjentaliry,;or akity
<br /> - . (including I,et�der,if l�ader is s�h an itutitution)or in airy Federal Hom�Loaa Baak.Lemet alnU ap�tp tbc Fwds w pay the •
<br />-�, Etcrnw Itam:L,ender may nat d�rge Borrower for 6oWing�d applyiag•tbe Funds,aanually analyaag the escmw acoount.or ` ----
<br /> -, verifying tLe Fsc.m��t�.i�ess 1�end4r.P.ays Borrower i�onFbe_Fands and applicable law pemiirs I.ender ta malie sach ��._ .
<br /> ::r for an indepeadent re�cs�3te tax cepo�tin$se�via �•° -
<br /> . . a d�arge.Haarever,Leader may nquire Bomm��rer to pay a one-timc c�aage ��;,-
<br /> usai 6y I,ender in oonnection with t6is Tma.udess applicable ]av��c+ovides athe�wise. Unless� agneea�ent is m�de or ` —_ =-
<br /> ' �pplicpbte taw teqaizes iaterest¢o be paid,�der sball nat be roquirod W pay Barrawer any inteiest or,e�mings bQ the Funds. . ______-_-
<br /> _ gorrawer aad l.ender may ag�a�writing,however.that intenest shall be paid on We Fuads.Leadec 3haU g�ve�to 8otmwer, __--
<br /> -�t withoat charge,aa annaal ac�g:af.�be�w�ds.siwwiag csedits and debits w the Fuads and tts�parpose for which each . s -_
<br />�,;y_ debit to the Fanda was made.3'6e F"unds are�Iodged a�addiaonal sxariiy for all soms secured t�,'¢fiis Sxurity Inscnunea� ---v-_
<br /> 3:. If the Funds hefd by I�exceod the amaiwts permitted to be heid by applicable law,Lender s1sa11 acoount to Bomnwer �,_
<br /> fot the exc�Ftmds in xcar�e witl►tUe naNirements of appiipblc 1aw.If the amount of d�e Funds held by I�ender�any
<br /> ticoe is not wfficieut to pay t3�E.scrow Ttems when dae.I.endec may so natify Borrower in writing,and,in sdch case Borrower __---_°
<br /> ' �PaY to l:ender the amaant�sary ta matce up the deficieney. Bocmwec shall cnalce up the deticiency in ra nwre tt�n �..-�--y
<br /> ��;'. twelve monthly�ymrnfs,at I.ender's soie discretion. ��=
<br /> tJpon paymeat in fu11 af all sums secured by this Security lnstiumenc, l,endcr shall promptly nefuad to Bornawer any , �;�y-
<br /> . ��.�• 'f�a.�
<br /> Fw�ds held by Lender.lf,�mder Fu�t�d b l.ender at the�ihne oi acqu sition or sat;�as a crod�t agai��u�tlsecured by, �r;,���;'�;,_�}
<br /> of the Pmperty.shall aPPiY�l y
<br /> -9t"• thia Sa�idty lns�umen� � _��`uti_-:
<br /> K �
<br /> 3.ApQtiaHon ot pf�yeKets.Unless applicable taw pravides otherwise.all paymzata reccived by Lender undcr paragraphs .�F`'�;s':;i�:
<br /> � 1 u�d 2 s1w116e appliod: first,to any prepayment charges dne under the Nate;second,ta anwunss paYabfe undet 2; "•;,.;�%�-'°�`
<br /> P�f� t;f.:�
<br /> thitd,to interest due:fourth,to principal due;and lase.to any late charges dua undcr th�:�ote. . _ ���'"
<br /> ,�F ti,� ,
<br />. . . r�.3d.5i«�_t-".2..:.
<br /> 4.Chtrgea;Llais.Borcawer st�all pay all taxey,assessments,charges. fines anu ampositians atm'butable tcs¢de Property 'si.,,,..:_._
<br /> • afiich ms►y atwia priority over this Security Instrument.an�leasehold payments os�:�td renu.if any. Borrow�r sfiall pay ,f„�':��:r�.�°;:
<br /> t6e�e obligations'sn the manner provided in pazagraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr,�3onowee shall pay them an time dlnctl} ';:�'J��?�_'
<br /> ��.�����,
<br /> - � - to t6e person ovv��payrtxnt.Homower shall promptly fumish to Lcnckc a!i notices of a�wats to be pa3d undcr thia pua8raph-. . __ - -
<br />' It Horrower makcs these paymenta directty, Bonower shall promptly famish tn Lender rmceigts�:7dencing the paymenta. �,'�,�.=:--
<br /> - Borrower shal!prompty d�schargc any licn which f�priority over this Securit}�r�strument untes,9 BorroWer.(a)agrees in l�i.�";��T�9
<br /> �:�.�:�.°--.-�;:
<br /> - wdting to the paymeat of tho obllgatian secured by thc lie�in a manner aoccptable to�.ender:(b)contesta in good faith the llen '� �:+^ ,::.a
<br /> _� ly, or defeads against cnforcement af the lien in, tegal praGxdin wbich in the l.cnder's inion rate to prevcnt the �b�'''����• �'�:�
<br /> Sa °p °pe ���"� •
<br /> � enfo�nt of the lien;or(c)sccures irom the holder af�he licn an asrcemtnt satisfactory to Lender subordlnaNng tt�e lien to �,j,.,.� �
<br /> ' , •�'- this Security lastrument.yf Lendcr dctcrmincs that any part of tfie Property is sa6ject to a licn wAich may attatn pdority over
<br /> --. -- — �t1ris 5ecuriry lnstiumcnt.Lender may give Bonawer a notice identifying the lica.Banowcr shall sutisfy the lien or take oae or �,��=;�;-- -
<br />. • � � ' - more of the actions sel forth above within 10 days of tE�:g�ving of notice. ;4 '
<br /> :r: Fonn 3025 91�0 ��``r' •
<br /> '`�i;J`'�� , V�tole .
<br /> . . " ' ' F.t 1'_'1.'.
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