_.. _r _ _ ._ .
<br /> _;�, : . . - .. . ' . .. i ' , i —. ..�.:__ - Q
<br /> — ���. ..� . . _ . . .. - y. - � . ._ - - - c. . , - . : . �- - .
<br /> ' � ' :{° . . " . - • ` ; .�,�Z- , ���. • ` ` � � , _� .
<br /> , - _ �od�nwo�ac od�er taica�of aQy p�et of t6ePr�opc�ty.a fa�onvrym�in'lieu of cadaamrim,see�b�+e�!Y a�ed a�d � ,
<br /> s1�U be p�id�L.erl�� . , �� shail be applied to the sums sa.'uROd by this Socrity `
<br /> . In d�e eveat-cf a tohl taking of d�e Rtoperty,
<br /> ; Inmwna�t.whe�l�er.or not�Len due.witU any eacess paid to Bdrawer. In tbe eveet of a p�ctiat akin�.d�6e•P�paty iu ,
<br /> • . whicb•t6e fiirpsarlc�yalue of the Ptopeity�mediaoety.befae tl�ee taldmg is equal to or gtieuec dnn the amount of tbe suens
<br /> . , axu�d hyr this Secudty.Insavma�t i�ediaiety before'she talcing,tiu�kss Bwrower aad Lrender ad�envi.se ag�ee in.writ�s. . .
<br /> � the suats s�u�ed 6y this Secutitg Ins�nt shalt be ceduired.by the amount of tbe�p�ooetds muhipl�by tht folbwing
<br /> ftact'�on: (s)t1�e tonl am�mt of the soms s�immodiatety 6efone ti�e Wcing.dirided by(b)thc tair mari�et value of the
<br /> . ` pco�eity immediate�y isefn�e tt�wging. .AnY balanoe shall be paid to Boirower. In ttre event of a partial,wtiing of tAe
<br /> - - - Ptoperty in which�e�air ms►fet witoa of tBt}rtoperty immediately 6efare the taking is kss thait ehe s�of We sue�s �---
<br /> :�__ n__i�rR :■r�w-6efac tUe talrinl�.unir�s Haauwsr and Iandersrther+�t�se�g�ee ut-wriaag�uakss applk�bie_�aw , _.__
<br /> a�,�se p�ovides,the pcoaedssl�aU be applieQ t4 tl�e sums sxured by is- unty w r or �T— � —
<br /> � then due.
<br /> ; ff the Fmperty is a6wndaaed bY Borruarer,or if,after aotice by Lesder to Barower tbat the condemna offe�s to tnalce
<br /> m award a seule a ct�im for da�n�ges,BoRawer fails to respoad to Lender within 3(!days after thc date the nadca is givea, _
<br /> _-----=- ------�� _.-- - �e�-is�n�+�e�:t�±c.�►[le«and�}ca ihe.arocxeds.u its opnat,eittxr to nseoration or repa'v of the P,+ope�cy or w uu
<br /> saum sau�rd byt tAis Security Inst�ament,wheAkr or not theu due. licatian of to st�all not oxuM ur .
<br /> ' Onless Lender and Botsowet ad�ccoviso ag�ee in writia&�Y aPP P�� P�
<br /> postpone tt�e due d�te of ihe trwrithlX PaYments cefernd Ln ia paragratphs!and 2 or c(wnge the arnount of such payaknts. .
<br /> 11. Bareo�ra Na�,Yeit�ed# Fur6ear�aee By I.ender�.'4!e�t_� Wa[ver: Eaansian'of the time for payment a : _
<br /> — � modifieetion of a�ati�af thc sunnis securtd by this Sa�urityt�����bY Lender to any successor u►murrst
<br /> of Bormwer shall not t�a't�to reiesse the li�biliry of the arigi�at Boiru��:a Bartawer's successors in intenest.Le�der
<br /> . : sball nat be.requind to�e Froceed'aBs ���Y successvr in isn..��t or ie�use to extend time for payme�u ac
<br /> : a�herwise modify�nar�af di�'��ns seciued by this Securiaz�.�stroment�by reasonot any demand made.try the origir.�.;,
<br /> ; � Bocmwer a Bocrowa�"su;ctss�ss'�r�ten�. Any for6earanee6;-�..ender in exe�ising any right or remedy shaA not[ie�i-;'
<br /> waiver of.a piecclade"�e;�cc��e?o,�'aa�rightor r��y. :::`';.:�
<br /> ! � , ;..
<br /> Several Li�biHty;Co-sisoers. 71�e covenants_ancf agreententsaf'y,�-.,�..s�'.
<br /> € • 12. S�aeaeonaiifi%#�g��'J��riiE .,
<br /> # Security Instrument shafi�,�aad�ixnefit tlress�es�ais and assigns of I.ender aM1 Bormwer,subjeet to thc provisicxis'ef`
<br /> j paragraph 17. Bormwers:�av�tts,�ad agraisierit�si�all 6�joint and several. My,Botrower who co-signs ttus See��j:�
<br /> i Insqiumeqt but does not execate t�e�r�:. ,(a?is co-signing this Securiry Inswment only to mortgage.grant and convey tE�t
<br /> • $arrowa's interes�in the RupettY c�;�z Ate tertns of this Security Ins�.rutnenr, (b9 is not petsonally oblig�ted to pay the spms
<br /> • stcwted by this Sec�irity f�trameafi��{c)agrce�}hat Lender and any other Boirower may agree fo e�ctend.fiadify,fo�ear'
<br /> i or m�lce any aceanmodauions wiW regard�t9 tt►e terms of this Security lnsm�ment or the Note without that Borrower's ,
<br /> caisent.
<br />- i 13. Loa�n Ciarges. If the laa�secumd hy�s Security:�.-�smjment is subject to a!aw which sets maximum loan
<br /> � aharges.and that law is finalty in:eags:!��1,so ihat the�terest�'�c:1er laan charges collected ar to be collected in can�ctton
<br /> with the loan exceed tfte pem�itted ll:�*then: (a>aayr such tc�c.�argC sha116e reduced by thc amaant necessary to reduce
<br /> � the charge to the pemtitted Timifi azs��a�l any su�sts alrzadX coII�from Borrower wl�ich exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> tefundeA to Borrower.'k.ender may c;�oose to make thi"s refund by reducing the principal owed under the Not�or by making a
<br /> � dinect payment ta Bar�c;�er. If a refimd reduces principab the reduction will be treated as a partial pnPaYment without any
<br /> ptepayrr�cF�arge un3er thc Note.
<br />-- - 14. 1�atic�s: Any notice to Bcxrowec provided for in this Security ln.�trumenc shal!be,given by delivering it or by
<br /> - muiling it by first class mai!unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Property
<br />-° Address or any other address Barrower designare§by notice to l.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fir�t class
<br /> - mail to LenQer's address stated herein or any aher address l.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> � in this Security Instrument shall 6e deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this —
<br /> - • �15 Coverning Law; Severability. 7his Security Instrument shall 6e govemed 6y federal taw and the law of the �
<br /> - jprisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause at this Security lnstrument or the?�Ic�
<br /> - conflicts wit3�applica�1aw,such conflict stial!not affect other provisions of this Security Instrumeni or the Note wi�ic[n�
<br /> _- be given.cffect witho:�:rye conflicting prov�sion. To this end the pmvisions of this Security Instrumenc�cd the Note ara '
<br /> i declared zo be�everaw.'�:. ,
<br /> � �f. Eairrower's Copy. Sorrawer shall be�iven ane confom�ed copy of the Note and af this 5ecurity Instrument. �
<br /> j7. Traaster of tbe Property a'a Beneficial loterest l0 8arrower. lf all or any part of the Prapeny oe any interesi in
<br />_-= , it is sold'or transferred(or if s+beneficial intcrest in Borrawer is sold or trantiferted ssnd Borrowcr is not a natural person) �
<br />- without 1.ender's paaa uritten cansent.Lender may.at its option.eequirc immediate paymenl in full of all sums secured by `
<br /> this Securlty Instrum��. ltawever.this aption shall not be excrcised by Lender if exQrci�se is prohibitcd by fedcral law a.s of _
<br />_ -- — the date of ihis Sccuriry 9nstrument _
<br />:� — Tf Lender exerctises this option.l.endee shall give B�rrawer notice oP acccleratian. The notice�.haii pravjde a period af
<br /> Fv not less ihan 3b days from the date dr�:rrotice is defivered or mailed within which Borrower ntu�s pay all�ums secttred by this =
<br />=:-� . Security Msttument. If Borrowec f�ii'3 to pay these xumv prior to the,expiration oi�hir per"ad, l.ender may invoke Any —
<br /> ' remedles pennitted by thic Security�r;irument ni�uut funher nolice or demand on Bonower. _
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Har.'ower meetvi cerlain cvnditians. Bortowcr�hall hAVe the dgl►t to have e
<br /> - enforcernent of this Sece:siry lntitrument discontinued at asty time pric�r to the eariier ot:. (a)5 days(or such other periexl ns _
<br /> ,� ' SingtcFsn:+y--Faenk�fae/i'rcddk!Nxt;�IF(1R111�5TiU;t1w�T--l1ni(ormCovcnantw 9l9� ipn.ee4�,J6puGe�► _
<br /> P
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