�'- :� .�.`�, a' . - = r:° -
<br /> _ .i-`:`�c _ f` . . - _ . _ - ` -
<br /> `S: �."��•`�:� . ,�....�..._ __ . . � . . _- ___.
<br /> _�����-�. ` , _ ` _ ` C ;: . . _ . i . " .` . . _ ' " _ " . "_ �. - -
<br /> - ._ ••��� L�•
<br /> �� .• . � �.. . ' ' ' �L� . � - � � ��� ' - ti ��_ � -- �
<br /> �.( � . ..t. . � . . �� r - . ' � . r-.
<br /> � ,pe�iode tMt I�esdet toquiKS. `!be�noe csridt pravidi�d�e�e ihill`be cLoK�b�r 8araw�es s�bj�e�tb Leatleri� -
<br /> � appe�o+�at which alaU aot 6e un�+atao�nbiy wiWield. tf Bamwer fu'is a m�iiM�in cova�e dercn'6ei3 ibwe:�ader�►.`at. .
<br /> � _. �S optia,q,diwn oo�reia�to pralect Lxyeder�xi�ts.ia tlie ptop�e�ty in acca�dmoe�pirrajc+pii'i
<br /> � A1i ias,�r,noe pai;cies.ea�enewah�i�lt 6e.aept�bk w l.eade�ana�L.n incWde:sana.r�a mo�rs�e clw.e. Lada _
<br /> �Gail hve t6C ri�ht to IaW the poli�ccies�ed t�enew}ts..If i+rndef t�uiies.Bamwe[ah�lt p�ampty�in►e w Lsnder all reoeip�
<br /> •, oE�id Peem�ms aad�+�sl mtices. In the ovrnt of bss.Bortower'ahall�ive pt�ampt notioe to the insunsioe ca�iei a�d, .
<br /> �Lxoder. l.arder may m�lce proot ot loas if tat msde prompttY bY Ban�Owa ' � � �
<br /> � < lfnlas I.eoder aad Baerower ahecwise agroe ia aniang.insurance poceedc slnll ix applied to�eswratioo er�ep�ir oE
<br /> ` dre pt�ipetty dunt�ed,if Qie Ksta�tia�or tepa�s is eca�anicaUy ftasibk�d I,eoder's secu�iry is not les�eaed. if the .
<br /> � -�RS�otxicio br�epdr is nat e�a�icatiY faaibta ax�ender�secu�ty woaW be:kaseaed.tLe�ct p�'eceeds alall�e-- - `----
<br /> — -- =a�-to t�e ssm�s se�xuc�QY this Sec�i�y��nmt�whetties a mt thm,�ue.with!i►Y��P���'""� '�f -- -
<br /> � BaRmwrr abe�da�os the Prope�ty.a does�nt�mwer within 30 da}s s.aoticti fmm Lao3�er tTi�t�i6e i�urance c.�r�r� __ , _
<br /> offe�ed to senle s c1aQn.then Le�r'lec may colkct the insurancc pmceeds. Lrender may use the pracoeds to rep�ir or testo�+e
<br /> • �p�,����y���y�s�ity�n�e�,w6etlkr a aot thea due. The-30�daYpei�oA w�11x$ia'wha�
<br /> . .the mtice is Eivea. .
<br /> ,_— —--� — __�-�- _ �'�taks�Lendev�!!��xr�nwer�ti�a�vrise z�te '�s��.of Proca�w princ�3a�_sTall mt exta�d_� _ _ _- --
<br /> — pastpon�dre due d�tc of the moaBdY P�ym�ts nfertod to m-pua�Z� or c $���tt-��� -
<br /> wx�parigwph 21 the PtnpertY is a�equined by!Lender.Bortoweics aght to�ay�inwr�nce pulicies atd re�1t�
<br /> fran�w the Pcqxrty prior w the scq4isnxin st�ll pus w Lender to the exunt of tt�e s�s secuned by tbis Savriry
<br /> ' L�n�t inunodiKeiy prux ta the a�aquisitiQn. ,
<br /> f. O�oap�cy: Pnaecvatia�. Msi�h�ce aed Prate4tioo�a� the PropertYi �n's Lo�a Appliaitlo�:
<br /> i,esul�oli�. Bormwer sh�l!occupy,est�iblish.and use the Propetty as Barovuer's principal tesidence within sixty dsys afttr
<br /> the exocwiaa of t6is Securiry Insuument s+nd shaQ continue w occupy thc Pt�opeccy aa Bamower�s principal residence for st
<br /> ` �p �e year ARer the date of occupaoc.y, unkss I.ender atl�erw�se a8t�ees �1 writing. wdich cunsent shall aot be
<br /> - �on�biy with6eld,or unless e�tenuadng c�ncumstances eaist w6ich a�e beyond Borrower's ca�wl. Bexrowec sh�l[not
<br /> �y,dunage or miptir tbe Pmpercy.ailow the Piope�ty to deteriorata.or cornmit waste oa the P�operty. Baaower sh�ll
<br /> be in defaWt if aay forfeiture sction os pocadinE.wbetiKt civil'aa crimuwl,is begun tt�at in Lendec�s good f�ith�udgntau
<br /> ' rauld�esuh in forfeitune of the.Avperty or otlKavvlse mateiially imp�ir the tien c�eaud by this Socuriry L�cumrnt or
<br /> l.endec's sxurity interes� Bormwer may cam such a defauh and n'u�state.as provided in para�giaph 18,bY causing the xtion
<br /> - o�p�acoeding w be dismissod with a mling thu.in Lender�s good faith detem�inuion,Prsciudes foirfeiAm of the Bamower�s
<br />- imenest in tl�e Ptnpe�rcy or othec mattrial impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or l.ender's stcurity
<br /> intec�est. Boirower shaU atso be in default if BoROwer, dming tlie loan application process,g?ve materialty fatse or
<br />= inaccurate info�matian or stateme�ts to Lender(oc fai1M to provide Lender with any maurial infortnaqonl in corukcGon witb
<br /> ` the lo�n evidenced 6y the Note.,including,6ut not timitod m,r�ep�estnWtions canCerpinS Barower's accupancy o€the .
<br />-_� p�petty as a princ�pal resideacG If this Security ins�nt is on a leasehold Bormwer shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> - of the lrase. If Sozmwei xg��ee tide co the Pc�aperty,�e teasehald and the fee title shaU not merge unlass Lender ag�ees .
<br /> - w tho ma8er'vrwritfig. ,. • : �
<br /> 7. Prateetioa d i.enties�Rigiits io the P�ropeEt*.s:. �:If Borravra faits to perform tIx covenants and agreernents•
<br /> �- cauained in this Secarity Instrumen�vr tf�ce,is a k,��;:�uceedg'-€t�at may significandy affect LendePs rights in the
<br /> }- PcopertY(such as a procading in banktuptcs�:p�ti�e.fcs��a�3ernnatia�a�-forFeim�flr to enfarce ia�cs o��tgWations),chen .
<br />_- l.ender may do and pay for what�ver is naoe.s.�ary to p�te�[A�e value oftt�e Property and Lender's%,ghs i�d's�Propesy.
<br /> ��_ ' I.ender'�actions may include payring any sums secured bya lien which has priority over ttas Seeurity instrat���nS
<br />- in court,paying reasonabte attar�teys'fees and entering on the Property to make mpairs.Although Lender ma}��Ye acqon
<br /> � under this paragraph?,l.ender dces rtot have to do so.
<br /> Any amaaMs disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Sorrower serund by this _
<br /> Security lnsdumrnl. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms af paymen�these amounts shaU bear interest from the
<br /> `;¢ date of dislwrsement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower rrquesting
<br />�:�_�� � _
<br />::;.�._ �� Mort�ge Insuraoe� If l.ender mquired mor�age insuraace as a condition of making the toan s�by this
<br /> �,,:-, Se�vdty 1�t�me�it,Borrawer shal!pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. �'for any .
<br />-��.F� masen. the �age insurance coverage at�quired by Lxnder lapses ar ceases to be in effect. Barrower sha11 pay the
<br />_.�+��� prtr�iums m,qii;red ta obtain coverage substa.�z�alty eqvivatent ta the ceortgage insurance greviow.-�Y in effect.at a cost
<br /> . s�c�r,�ttNaUy equivalent to the cast to Horrower of the cc�.,e��age insurance previously i:e e�fecs.fe^�an altemaze�ortgage
<br /> .=`. �,�<�approved by l.ettder. If substantially equivalenc c:��'.�age insurance coverage a�ci31 available.Borrower s�:�pay to .
<br /> i;, 't,r�-,��er each month a sum equal eo one•cwelfth of the y�,�Cy mortgage insurance premi�.^�being paid by Borrower when the
<br />- ' insi�anoe coverage tapsed or ceased to be in etfect. LenAer wiU accep�use and retaln these payments as a loss re.cen+e in lieu
<br />__;a ff�� a�r tiswrtgage insurance. Lass reserve payrttz::r.�.may no longer bc required,at the oplion of Lem+�er._if mortgage lnsurance
<br /> r`�' oc�:e►age(in tfte amount and far the perIod tFtzz i,ender requires)pravided by an insurer appraved��d.ender again becomes
<br /> . ; a•�itabie and is oMained.Borrawer shall pay the premi�rr�reyuired ta maintain mongage inturzn.�.:�n effect,or ta provick a �
<br />_.;. ,:. Ii��ceserve,until the reqnimacent for mortgage insurartce �c�sds in accordance with any written agreernent betc�e�Iti3srower �
<br /> au�9.endes or applicAble law. r ,.
<br /> 9 Inspectbn. l.ender or its agent may make reas�:�able entries upon and inspections of ttLe Property. I.er:der sh:[!
<br /> �:'� give Horrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonabfe cauxe for the insyea�ion.
<br /> -- - 10. Candemnation. The procecds af any award or claim far damages,ditect c�r c�n.cequential.5sa camiection with any _ . _
<br /> . 5inglc Famity-•Fannk:NadFrtddir Hae U`I}()R�f 1�5TR1��1�`'7'-Uniform Covenantc �'9S �pa:r 3 r.f 6 yngr�►
<br /> rieat Iatm&ulx�r:rt�r,io:.i
<br /> To Oedn[a1F t$06;r30+9�93:r+,t L'S79b1131
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