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<br /> ., . ,•. ' . Qsww �il.V``/l7/ . .
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<br /> alispc��it�.�.�i,;,�� thg aa�h valu� u�nn Germi�a�tion o� any r�ur.� pa].irlr -
<br /> � �ae my Ag�n,� :�ha►l�. deem ap��opriat�.
<br /> . � rc .'� 1) .
<br /> ��
<br /> ' � ly�. AgRr�►t ie authnrized to repre�Ant me in all tax matter�j f.:o
<br /> prep�xe�, �:�grx, arid fa.l� ��de�al, etate, and/or �ocal incom�, g�i.f.t
<br /> bnd c+t�h�r•�'Gaac returne c�f all kir►d�, including j oint returns, FT�A
<br /> returx�.s� ?,�ayroll tax returne, claim�a for r�funde, requeeta ��r
<br /> exCens�c��;� of time; petiti.ons to the tax eaurt or o�her cau�+�e �
<br /> rega�xd:ltt�3 t.ax mma�t�er.s, and �ny and al.l other tax related documenxs� �
<br /> i.n.r.,lur�:�tr,g but not limited to can�ents and agreeme��s.�a.uzder Sect�nn
<br /> 2032A.��: th�s internax Revenue Code ar any suq��aeor ���at3on the��to
<br /> � an.d� c�a�een�.s to epiit �ii�g, e].o,�:iray agr����'�a and any p�:asr..��f.
<br /> � at�tc�r.ap+�y tarm rec�uized bY the rnte�ial Rev�nue Serv�ae and/or a,��ty
<br /> � stat� and/ar local eaxa.ng authority with respect t� �axx�+ tax �re�ylr•
<br /> b�:t�a,�'�an th� y�mrs 1990 and 2a7d; Ca pay taxeQ due� collect ar�d`tna;€�P .
<br /> � su.�.h;:`°dispoa�ti.on o� refunds as my mgene sha��, deem� appxapriat�.
<br /> ' p�att� bands, rec�ive canf��entia]. 3.nformation anci conte,�t
<br /> . dle����r;f,enciee detexmined by the Internal Re�vgnue Serv�.ce and/or at�y
<br /> � . �r.�r..k, and/or lncal tax�.na auChAxityj to exercise ar.�y electi+�n��� �
<br /> mn�*;h:�,v� under feder�l, state or lacal tax law; anr� gener�lly:�:4.a
<br /> � ����i�nt me or obt�►a.n profeasional representation �:Ear me in �t;Z.1:
<br /> Ca.ac. my.�ters and proceedings o! all kinds..��and �or alll periild�
<br /> la���c�3a�the years '1990 and 2020 before al1 officers of the int��a7.
<br /> �v�n.u�t, Service and state and loaal authori�t�es; to encj�ige:,
<br /> cca�xizo!�te and discharg� attorneys, �►ccountants and other t,d�x. and
<br /> fz�.c�.`i�1 adv�.ae�s and coneultants to represent and/or aesi�'+�: mca ir� �
<br /> cr,v��.�cC�ion xith any� au�d all tauc ma�tere involving or ia ;�n�r. xmy,
<br /> ..�e�lated to rne or anX prope�ty in which T have or mmy ,t.i�va any
<br /> .` �interes�, or reaponsibil itY• ;��;:., . ,
<br /> ' � 88T�r.L����*,a ' .
<br /> � � ' ., ��� �
<br /> ' My Agent ie authorized to do all. act� nec��seaxy �or
<br /> � maintairxa.ng r►ty cuetomary etandard of living, ta prc��crzda xivi�� '
<br /> quar�er� by purchas�, leag� ar othe•r arrangement, or by paym�t o� �
<br /> the opera�3�ng co��e of my ex�.s�ing living quart�rs, i�xc�u.c�3.ng
<br /> interest, .�mar�i.zatian paymenta, repairs and taxs�; to. pxozride
<br /> noxma.l ddmeetic 12e3:�•��x the operat�.a�n oi- my hou�eb:a3.d, �o provid�
<br /> c�.athing, tranepor�a�ion, msdi�ine;�: faod �nd inca�iental.s, and if
<br /> necesaa�y L-o mak� a7.1 necessaryr �,rranger�nts, contraotual or
<br /> ' otherWi�e, �or me at any hospita�., hoapice, nursing hcymo,
<br /> cox�valeecent hume ar similar eatabliehment; and tio supQ�rt or
<br /> continua to aupport any perean �nom a nave undercaisezr zv HupPo� or
<br /> to wkzan I may owe an obl�.gatior� nf eu�por�, in the same mannar and
<br /> in accordance wiGh the same standard og living as 1 ma�r have
<br /> 3
<br /> J���.
<br />