� �::.�.�. _ � � ,� .. . . _ _
<br /> � � .
<br /> � � ��_ ..
<br /> � , . � .. � �,�,,,, ��,�
<br /> co�ntributions �o such plans j to makee "z.o11-ca'var�"�:`a� plan bene�iti�
<br /> int•o other re�ire�enC pix�ne, �nd to.. �gp1y t�x :� And receiva• amy
<br /> gavexnment, ir�0urnace �r xetirement rienetit.s t.c�� which � may be
<br /> ent�.tled. My Agsnt ie authorixed ta exercir�.a b�x�j�3:. ii�Iti: T r��.y hwv�
<br /> to renounce ar diecl�im an elective. shaxe �f ti�e �egta'Ce at any
<br /> peraon �o which I a►m now oz� may 1ate� bec.om� maY,xied, or c1a►im a —
<br /> homestead,ox exempt prap�xty allaNaxxc:c�.
<br /> . �RT�� �i2
<br /> �SVOGn�x .B '�"n.i�, T�'ti'' .
<br /> My Agent is authorized to execu�t�� a x:�vc►r��ki1:e trust a�reemeilt
<br /> with 8uch trustee or trueteee ae mcy �enC ahsll� s�lect, Nhich trust
<br /> �ha�Z p�^irlA� �,t,ar ��,], incame and pr:£:nci�al� ��ia�� be pai� to tt►�. to . ---
<br /> some p�xson for my ksenefit or aqli�rla.ed �ca:� «�;,' bene��t in such
<br /> amounta as I or my AgenC sha11 :�<��x��t ox tia the L•rustee or . _
<br /> • trustees �rhall �etez�mine, and that a�l my d�aC�lri at��r remai.ning inaane �
<br /> , � an.d princi�al shaZl be paid to my per:sonal. �c�pr�,x�enta�i�v�� aia�d that
<br /> � � � th� truet may be revoked or amend�e�•.by� m,e �r m;y Aqerit at,:,a�� �i��,. "
<br /> and from time to timei picovided, 3�a4+9r_ver, that, at�� ������ bY mY
<br /> 'Agen� mugt. be such that by law o�,�` und�e� �he��prbvieion� sb� thia
<br /> instrum�enC .guch ��ndment could 3iav�Q be�:n�a.xa�a�.id�it�.in tne.�x-igz��; ,
<br /> ,,:
<br /> '��x�t agr�em�nt; �a delivex and ccnvey any ox::'al.l:ox my ageets t�
<br /> .,�.�'`�, • Che Crustee ar truateee �.hereof; tr� add an}r ox�. al.l ot my a,aset� to
<br /> , ., '.
<br /> ��' �„ich n trust already in eacistenc�. aC the ti.m►ie af the c���►�3oa� of
<br /> . �t�:�s inrstrument or cre�ted by mn at a�xiy ti:'cne the�reaF�+���.� , :�,�;�,
<br /> � •.; �, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,;.:::.;
<br /> Txustee ma►y be my Agen� as soli�s trust.ee �7� a� �ne af�',.'��'�����.,,;, ,�
<br /> :. : ..�� �1 ..
<br /> tr.ustee��`:.`;trly Ag�snt is alao auth�r�zesu �.W :��.t�ai��aw or r�c�•�,'�e the
<br /> incaa�e or�'.�cq�rpus� c�� z►ny trueC �vex wh3.cYi I�:�`roay aav�e a'�'-�Ci�g�t ��.. .
<br /> . , .,,., .
<br /> receipt ox�°;iv�.th�ra�ral and eo reeYu��t and rr�c�iva �ha i}acacae �,��,
<br /> corpus af:���y truat wit�� xespect �CO which thi: Cruetee t����eof ha����
<br /> � � the di.�cretionary. power to n�.ke cYistzib�utiors ta ar.on �� beha7.�.,, , � .
<br /> ���L"L� IV ..
<br /> • ' �3`I.t�X$�� . . . .
<br /> My A'�ent is authorized to inaixxe my,�l�.ft!i or the lif��a�:� anyone
<br /> � 3n whan I have an inaurable int+�ft��t J to cc�ntinue life �:iiii�ura�c�;•,
<br /> palicie�a now or ,hereafter owned by me an either r�ty li.�e o�� �h}�•.�
<br /> livea of othera; to pay all in�u.ranc�� p�,��emiums; tn s�7::�ct ai�Y� .
<br /> c�ptiona under euch poliaiee; Co .increase c�overage und�x,.•:�ny six�h, �
<br /> policy; to borro�r againet any eu�h peel.�ay; .to =,��-��,� �X7- a.nsurari���:
<br /> claims oxa mx bphalf; tv puxchx7s� and,��a:e:, main.�aa.n and pa�y all .. �
<br /> ,,.�
<br /> prer.niuns�..�1��r medical ineurance Govc�ring m�i'p and/ar any perscan T am "
<br /> �obligat�d or ma�r have assumed �ii.e qbligat�.on tio �upport; tio cara�y
<br /> .,e...ean.�e �f o»nl�t 1r�nri �a1C1 i Y1 IItlCtl 811��IIII�:t� 3B 04Y AGI�IIt shall c�epm
<br /> � iuva��w.�� ..� �w�.. .�..--�. �_ __ _"'_ ' ' ._ ' _ _ . . . .
<br /> appropriate to prmtect my ageat•s agai.n�t any haxard a�nd/or to ,
<br /> praCec� me fr�m any liability; to pay t�e pxsmiums trier�far; to
<br /> pureue claimt� Chereunder and Co d�craa��i �ovexage t�nder or c�.ncel
<br /> any o� the pO11C].@H deecribed hez^e�n; aMd to receive and make suah
<br /> 2
<br /> ��.
<br /> �
<br /> _ _ _ ,_. __
<br />