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I <br />� <br />20�101623 <br />to Beneficiaries on or before May 1 and Septemlaer 1 each year. <br />3. INSURANGE AND REPAIRS. Upon closing, Trustors shall provide <br />Beneficiaries with a Gertificate of Insurance shawing the house an the premises to be <br />insured for fire and extended coveraye in an arnount equal to at least the re�lacement <br />value. Trustors shall pay the prerni�nns for mainkaining s�.�ct7 policy and shall provide <br />Beneficiaries with evidence of insur�nce premium payinents earh year. Such insurance <br />policy shaN confiain a standard rnortgage clause in favc�r �f E3eneficiaries and shall not be <br />cancelable, terminak�le, ar rnoc�ifiable without thirty (30) days priar written notice to <br />Beneficiaries. Trustors shall proiriptly repair, r7�aintain and replace the Trust Esfiate or any <br />part thereof so that, except for ordinary wear and tear, the Trust Estate shall not <br />deteriorate. In i�o event shall the - 1�rustors r�rnmit waste on or to the Trust Estate. <br />In addition ta casualty insurance, Trustors shall provide and pay the premiums on <br />comprehensive general liability ins�.irance covering the premises and protecting the <br />Beneficiaries and TrL�stors frorn a(I clairns, der�r�ancis, lawsuits, and judgments arising out <br />of ir�jury to persnns or damage to property occurring an e�ch pro�erty. The coverage <br />shal! be in an amount of at least $300,0OO.QO single limit, $3OO,OO�.OU aggregate for <br />badily injury and property damage. Tl�e liabiliky insurance and casualty insurar�ce rnay be <br />�racured in a single policy �r rnay be obtained in separate �alicies. In any event, such <br />policy or palicies shall name Beneficiaries as an adciiticanal insurec�, and Beneficiaries <br />shall k�e provideci with a Certificate of Insurance or du��licate capy containing a thirty (30) <br />day cancellation natice to Beneficiaries, showing the insurance to be in full fc�rce and <br />effect at all tiiY�es during the term of this Deed of Trust. <br />4. AGTIOMS AFFECTING TRUST' ESTATE. Trustcars shall appear in and contest <br />any action or proceeding purpc�rting to affect il�� security hereof or the rights or powers af <br />Beneficiaries or Trustee, ar�d shall pay all cosks and ex�>ens�s, including cost of evidence <br />of iitle ar�d attorney�"s fees, in any si,icl� action or proceeding in wi�ich Beneficiaries or <br />Trustee may appear. Should Tri�stors fail to rnake any payment or to do any act as and <br />in the rr�anner provided in any oF tl�e Loar� Instruments, Beneficiaries and/or Trustee, <br />each in its awn discretion, witho�.it obligation, may make or do ttie same in such manr�er <br />and to s�ich extent as either may deem necessary to protect the security hereof. Trustors <br />shall, immediately upon dernand therefor by Beneficiaries, pay aN ccasts and expensPs <br />incurred by Beneficiaries in connection with the exercise k�y Benefiiciari�s of tlie foregoing <br />rigtits, inctuciing, without 6rTiitation, costs of evidence r�f tille, court cc�sts, appraisals, <br />surveys and attorney's fees. Any sucl� rosts and expenses r�ot �aici within ten (10) days <br />of written demand sha!! draw interesfi at the defiault rate provided in the Note. <br />5. EMINENT DOMAIN. Shnuld the Trust Estate, or any part thereof or interest <br />therein, be taken or damaged by reason of any public impravement or condemnation <br />proceeding, or in any other manner incl�.iding deed in lieu of C;ondemnatior� <br />("Conder7�nation"), or should Trustors receive any notice ar other information regarding <br />such praceeding, Trustors shall give prompt writter� notice ihereof to Qeneficiaries. <br />Beneficiaries sf�all be entitled to all comper�satian �nci conclen�natian awards and c�ther <br />paymer�ts ar relief therefor, and shall be enfiitled to niake any compromise or setfileir�ent in <br />connection with such taking or damage. All s�.ach cc�r�ipensation and condemnation, <br />awards, damages, riyhts ofi action and prac,eeds awarded to �t (fihe "Proceeds") <br />are hereby assigned to Benefiiciaries; anc� Trustors agree ta execute such further <br />assignments of fihe Proceeds as Beneficiaries �r Tr�istee may require. <br />6. APPOINTMENT OF SUCC�SS�R TRUST'EE. Beneficiaries may, from time to <br />time, k�y a written instrument executed and acknowledged by F3eneficiaries, mailed to <br />Trustors and by otherv+iise comptying with tr�e pravisions af the applicable law of the State <br />of Nebraska, suk�stitute a successar or si,ar.,cessors tc:� tt�e Trustee named herein ar acting <br />hereurlder. <br />7. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Deed of l"rust applies to, inures fio the <br />benefit of and binds all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, cievisees, personal <br />representatives, successors and assigns. �T�he term "E3eneficiaries" shall mean the owner <br />and holder of tl�e Note, whether or not narned as BeneFici�ries herein, <br />2 <br />